The number of unique accounts that were seen. What are impressions and coverage on Instagram: what does it depend on, why does it drop, how to increase it

We've released a new book, Social Media Content Marketing: How to Get Inside Your Followers' Heads and Make Them Fall in Love with Your Brand.


Instagram reach is a statistic that indicates the number of users who have seen certain community information.

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This could be a post, home page, contact information, or advertisement. It only counts unique visitors, so repeated actions by the same person will not be counted.

Instagram reach: what is it?

To answer this question, let's look at an example, taking as an example a sign of a bank about a loan. There are three coverage indicators different types: complete, simple and viral.

  • The first denotes the total number of all people who noticed such an advertisement.
  • The second is only those who are bank clients.
  • The third is all those who saw the sign but have not yet become a partner.

Why is this indicator so important?

If a person wants to advertise on a page, he requests general statistics. It is necessary to determine whether it makes sense to use such a resource for promotion. The number of likes, comments, reposts and much more is viewed, but primary attention is paid to coverage data. Information such as views can be easily increased, so it is the coverage that determines the success of the resource. It displays any number of user actions as +1.

If you view the same one a dozen times, the analytics system will still count these actions as one. But, for example, the statistics will show as +10. When determining the uniqueness of a visitor, the following criteria are used:

  • Geographical position.
  • Browser.
  • IP address.
  • Registration information.
  • The device used to log in.

Agree, it is possible to falsify such a number of indicators, but this is too labor-intensive a process. Therefore, the success of a page is usually assessed mainly by its coverage.

How to increase reach on Instagram

The number of clients and the amount that can be required for placement depend on the value of this indicator advertisement and much more. Therefore, the issue of increasing coverage on Instagram is vitally important for any resource owner. Depending on the purpose of the page, you can use white-label promotion methods or promotion. Let's look at each option in detail.


By using the methods described below, you will be able to get interested clients. They will fulfill various actions on the resource: leave comments, like, place orders or comment. Of course, white promotion options require great effort and take a lot of time. Here are some of them.

  1. Correct placement time. Each category of people accesses social networks at a specific time interval. Agree that those who work until the evening have no time to surf the Internet in the morning or at lunch. Determine your active periods target audience and post when they are online.
  2. Video. This social network is built on impressions various images, but no one forbids using the video. Such content is perceived by readers with much more enthusiasm.
  3. Competition, gifts, quizzes. Every person likes when they can get something for free. Create various tasks, and people will be interested in visiting the page regularly. Draws must be conducted fairly. If you try to cheat, you can lose most of your subscribers.
  4. Stories. Write first-person stories on any topic. People like this kind of content; they feel like they are in the center of events.
  5. Advertising. This method will require you to invest money, but if you correctly specify the criteria for your audience, the results will appear almost instantly. You can use targeted advertising or post your post on other people's pages.
  6. New items. Keep track of what's happening in the world and keep up with the times. If an event happens, be sure to post your take on it.

Since social networks use a feed with a specific algorithm for displaying posts, it is very important that the information you provide is interesting. It should collect as many likes, comments and views as possible. In this case, you will definitely rise in its ranking.

Boost your reach on Instagram

If your reach on Instagram has dropped, there is quick way return everything to normal. By using promotion, you can very quickly increase any statistic point, but the purchased users will not have the potential you need. You can forget that they will be interested in your page. If you still decide to take this step, use proven services.

  1. On this resource you can purchase any action. This can be likes, comments, reposts and much more. The price varies from 3 to several thousand rubles.
  2. Socgain. The service operates on the principle of exchange. First, you fulfill someone's orders and earn internal currency. Then you have the opportunity to place an order for the actions you need on your page.

Use similar methods extremely dangerous. No social network likes cheating, so if you are caught doing this, you will most likely be denied access to your account.

How to see reach on Instagram

It is necessary to regularly monitor whether this or that method brings the necessary results. There are statistics for this. Let's look at how you can get an analytical summary of a page or posts.

  1. Log in to your business profile.
  2. Click on the statistics icon in top corner on right.

Now you can view traffic data for the page, as well as for each individual post.

You can open the statistics menu in another way:

  1. Select the required post.
  2. At the bottom of the picture, click on the “View statistics” link.

It's more convenient way when you need to know the success of a specific placement, and not all publications as a whole.

In this article, we explained what reach means on Instagram and how you can increase this indicator. When choosing a particular promotion method, be guided not only by speed, but also by what result you would like to see. If you need satisfied customers and an interested audience, you should not use promotion.

We've released a new book, Social Media Content Marketing: How to Get Inside Your Followers' Heads and Make Them Fall in Love with Your Brand.


Impressions on Instagram – the number of times a post is displayed on users’ screens.

The total amount of impressions for each person is taken into account, that is, the same user can view a publication several times, and each view will be counted.

To understand the meaning of this term, let's look at an example advertising banner In the underground. The poster is seen by thousands of people every day, and the cost of its placement depends on the flow that occurs at a particular station. But no one takes into account the situation when the same passengers go to work and then return from it.

Social media impressions work on the same principle. Regardless of how many times a user sees a post, it will always be counted as +1. That is, if he looked at the publication 6 times, it counts as +6.

What determines impressions on Instagram?

One of latest innovations social networks has become. This add-on tracks the popularity indicators of a particular post and, depending on this, raises or lowers the ad in the search results. Therefore, it is extremely important to increase the impression rate, if no one sees your publication, you may not expect sales and orders. Popularity depends on factors such as likes, comments, reposts.

How to increase impressions

Depending on the goals pursued by a particular community, you can choose honest methods of promotion or increase impressions for yourself. Let's look at each method in detail.


On the Internet you can find sites that specialize in boosting Instagram impressions. Unfortunately, social networks do not approve of this promotion method, so you should use such resources carefully and choose only well-proven projects. We will look at several services to roughly understand what offers are available and evaluate pricing policy. Remember, no matter what actions the user performs, likes, watches a video or reposts, in any case, this will also be counted as a view.

This site provides the client with a choice of dozens of different offers. Here you can buy likes, video views, subscribers, comments and even live streaming services. Depending on the choice of position, the price can vary from 10 rubles to 2000 rubles.


This service differs from the previous version by the ability to order promotion without investment own funds. It operates on the principle of exchange. You perform some action, for example liking a page, and points are awarded for this. They can later be spent on promoting your account. This site also has a well-developed referral program. If you invite friends who also need similar services, you will be paid bonus points for each person brought. In addition, there is always the opportunity to order one or another offer for money.

Honest Methods

No matter how often you use promotion, it is impossible to achieve high-quality project growth only in this way. People who come to your page should be interested in the topic, and not just receive compensation for it. Many project owners are wondering how to increase impressions on Instagram and attract potential clients. For such people, we have selected the most relevant methods.

  1. Determine the most best time for publication. If you analyze who your main audience is, you can choose the hours when they are most active. Teenagers usually sit in the evenings or at night, mothers on maternity leave during lunchtime, when the baby is sleeping, etc.
  2. Post videos. Statistics show that people view short videos with much more interest than regular photos.
  3. Publish surveys and competition tasks. Pages that regularly host discussions rank higher in search results, and their posts attract more attention.
  4. Communicate with readers. Every comment written must be followed by a reaction, and subscribers must receive answers to all questions. This will give a good picture of your campaign.
  5. Write in first person. One of the most popular types of content are life stories. By writing an interesting and colorful story, you can collect thousands of likes and hundreds of comments.
  6. Create advertisements. Using targeted advertising when correctly identifying the target audience gives great results.

The combined use of all these methods is guaranteed to help promote your profile to the top of the rankings. And these are tens and hundreds of potential clients.

How to view statistics

There are several ways you can use to view the popularity of a particular placement. But only if you have created a business account. For simple purposes, this function is not available.

This can be done from the business dashboard, history and the post itself. The simplest option is the last one. It is carried out in just a few steps.

  1. Open your business profile.
  2. Select the required publication.
  3. At the bottom of the image, find the “View Statistics” button.

Here you can see information about views, engagement and reach. If you are using paid promotion post, you can see statistics about it separately.

What posts are popular?

According to statistics, content has been identified that enjoys increased attention from users. Let's look at a few examples.

  1. Inside view. Many readers are interested in how exactly work processes are carried out in your project. Show them something that usually only employees can see.
  2. Popular news. Staying informed latest events comment on them, show your attitude to various situations.
  3. Useful tips. Write short asides that can simplify or improve the service you offer.
  4. Interview. Give readers the opportunity to meet the people who serve them.
  5. A look into the past. Show what the situation looked like before using your product, and what happened after.
  6. Professional opinion. Post your opinions famous people about your products. This will create a great image.
  7. Reduce the volume. Use lists or tables so you can fit a lot of information into one post.

Experiment with different post topics and determine what readers like best. This will help you figure out what content is right for your target audience.

In this article, we analyzed the meaning of the term, determined how to increase traffic, and found out what impressions mean in Instagram statistics. If your account is created for long-term interaction with clients, use only honest promotion methods. Don't forget to track statistics when using one method or another and regularly test new options.

Decline in account coverage.

Efficiency drops and prices rise. Many may have noticed that activity began to decline in the spring of 2017. The number of likes has decreased, because you have become less likely to appear in your subscribers’ feeds. After all, you don't pay!

How to increase the reach of publications and start selling through Instagram again?

Since April 2017, everyone who is somehow involved in sales through Instagram has seen their reach drop sharply by 30-70%. If previously, out of 5,000 of your subscribers interested in your account, 3-4 thousand people saw your posts, now, at best, 500-1,000 people will see it. These are the changes on Instagram.

For a month and a half, I analyzed current events, communicated with clients, other marketers, and studied the experience of domestic and foreign colleagues.

CONTENT. There shouldn't be a word about sales in your publications. Calls to purchase, promotions, selling posts, links - we keep all this to a minimum; organizing various competitions and sweepstakes is also strictly not recommended. And no text on the photos - Facebook sees them. We lead as much as possible personal account. How to sell? Secretly, natively, but not directly. I already wrote about this in this article, only now it directly affects coverage, and before only loyalty.

HASHTAGS - Are you used to writing a bunch of popular hashtags? Now they are banned. We remove all hashtags from old posts. In new posts we use several small, local hashtags, maximum 5-8 pieces, with a separate comment. Very targeted, not to show up everywhere.

ACTIVITY - if you want to increase coverage, increase activity. The more likes you receive within 30-60 minutes after publication, the more coverage your post will receive. Such a paradox: if you want a large reach and a lot of likes, ensure a large reach and a lot of likes at the very beginning.
Stories and live broadcasts - these tools directly affect your reach. If the audience watches your stories, it means they are interested in your account, which means your publications will be shown to them much more often.

DISCUSSIONS, COMMENTS, SAVING YOUR PUBLICATIONS- as practice has shown, if a person comments on your publication, this will raise your publications in the feed algorithms by more high level. We create useful content so that it is preserved and we create content that provokes discussions. Now this obvious knowledge has a real reason to start putting it into practice.

We've released a new book, Social Media Content Marketing: How to Get Inside Your Followers' Heads and Make Them Fall in Love with Your Brand.


Instagram Engagement (ER) is percentage how interesting your content is to users.

Engagement rate can be compared to sales in a department of a large shopping center. Thousands of people can pass by you in a day. Some of them will look at the goods and walk past the shelves. But it won't give you anything. No profit, no word of mouth.

It's the same on Instagram. Doesn't have of great importance, how many subscribers and likes you have for your photo. Dialogue with the audience is important.

Instagram Engagement Rate

This indicator is one of the most important for promotion in social network. If it is too small, it means that you have problems either with blog content or with the quality of subscribers. In this case, your posts will appear less and less often in the feed. ER characterizes the ratio of likes, comments, reposts to the number of users. None of these metrics alone will tell you whether Instagram is successful. They are used as components in various formulas to calculate the index.

There are many options for calculating the coefficient. In foreign marketing and here, three methods are most often used. We will tell you about them first.

Daily engagement rate:

It shows the percentage of subscribers who responded to posts within 24 hours. But the resulting result cannot be considered accurate. That's why:

  • The possibility that one user left several comments or likes per day is not taken into account.
  • The frequency of publication of materials and the peculiarities of the formation of the feed, in which a person might not have seen the news, are not taken into account.

This coefficient can be used if you want to know the approximate % of active readers. The Engagement Volume metric is suitable for the same purposes - the total number of reactions, reposts, and saves.

Engagement rate by reach:

The formula reveals the percentage of people who responded to a given period. The value can also be considered approximate, since (the number of one note) is a relative standard. It can change depending on a lot of factors: time of day, virality (virality), etc.

Other features of the method:

  • The post can be distributed, it will go beyond the blog and will receive many views, as it will be seen outside users, but engagement will remain low.
  • Due to Instagram algorithms, a post may appear in the feeds of a small circle of people, but engagement will be high due to the interest of visitors.

This means that using this formula you will find out the approximate percentage of active readers for certain period. But you won't be able to draw correct conclusions about the quality of content posted these days.

Engagement rate (by publication)

As a result of the calculation, you will get the number of subscribers who reacted to the post. The value will show how in demand your photos and texts are, and which of them are the most popular. The disadvantage of this indicator is that as the audience increases, the overall level of ER decreases. This can happen by various reasons. For example:

  • Low interest in the blog among old readers (the publications are boring).
  • Appearance of accounts with greater involvement in the target audience’s feed.

Therefore it is impossible to carry out comparative analysis posts on two pages with different numbers of people.

Engagement rate by views

The formula is similar to the coverage calculation. The only difference is that the denominator is the number of views of a particular post. This method retains all the disadvantages of ERR and adds one more. The fact is that the metric takes into account the sum of all impressions for each person. If the material was opened several times from one device, all these cases add up. As a result, the indexes of different notes can vary greatly, but this will not say anything about the actual success of one of them.

Engagement per subscriber

The coefficient differs in that the result is expressed not as a percentage, but as the average number of actions relative to the publication per hundred readers. The disadvantage of this method is that the total number of people is not taken into account, which means it will not be possible to compare two pages.

With multipliers

Each value in the formula is multiplied by 2, 3 or 4. This is due to the fact that one of the characteristics is of higher priority. For example, reposts. If the account administrator responds to comments, when counting them they are reduced and multiplied by 0.5.

Summarize. The most practical metric is ERpost. It will help you compare the popularity of two materials or blogs (adjusted for audience) and choose the best one. There are two other ratios associated with this index: Love Rate (LR) and Talke Rate (TR). They are calculated according to almost the same principle as ERpost. The difference is that the numerator is only the number of likes or reactions of the user.

How to see engagement on Instagram

All the data needed for the calculation is in the statistics. To enter it, tap the icon at the top of the screen. Next, select the publications you want to learn about. In addition, you can find out the reach and impressions under each post without going to the general section.

This data is only available for business accounts.

Increased engagement

The normal ER value is 3% for large blogs with more than 10,000 people. For profiles with a thousand followers, 7-15%. It can decrease due to many factors. But there are two main ones:

  • A large number of bots and mass followers. They don't see your texts and photos.
  • You started posting content Bad quality or he bored readers.

Basically, actions to improve performance come down to updating Instagram content. Start by examining your current situation.

  • Assess the audience of your account: who follows you and where they come from, the number of active users.
  • Go to statistics to see when you publish, what is their reach and other metrics.
  • Take a look at the posted materials objectively, through the eyes of your subscribers, or order a consultation with an SMM marketer.
  • Analyze the data you receive to understand what the problem is and what needs to be improved first.

There is no single instruction for all profiles and we will give some general tips on how to do Instagram is better. Use them, experiment with presenting content to find a way to get your audience active.

  • Organize the photos on the page. They should not only be beautiful, but also consistent in the same style. If this is not possible, try alternating blocks of color. For example, ten publications are in pastel shades, ten are in bright shades.
  • Promote your brand on your own behalf or dilute your sales posts with short reports about the life of your company. Liven up your account with fun facts about your products or services.
  • Write informative texts. Dilute them with emojis, break them into paragraphs. Solid fabric is poorly perceived.
  • Speak the language of your customers, use epithets and images.
  • Choose your hashtags wisely. Narrow down the most popular ones used by bots. Come up with original ones, specifically for your brand or product.
  • Publish materials during reader active hours. Experiment. Post a post in the morning one day, and on the next day. lunch time, then in the evening. See how they react to them in the Popsters statistics, choose the most successful period of the day.

An important part of increasing engagement is interacting with your audience. Start removing mass followers, they will still be “dead souls” and will not be useful. To ensure that coverage does not decrease, make sure that the number deleted contacts did not exceed the number of people involved.

This process can be automated using LIVEDUNE or Picaton services. They evaluate the reach of readers. It's about about the distribution of subscribers by the amount of profiles they follow. If a person reads more than 500 blogs, their feed becomes inaccessible to you. He just won't see your post. It is convenient to block selected accounts in Zengram, The next, most difficult step is to work on engaging users in dialogue with you.

Interaction with the audience

Create polls, discussions, answer questions asked in the comments. Think about what is important to your target audience. This doesn't have to be about the products you sell. Your potential clients may have related interests. Find out from them what they would like to read about. There are several more ways to motivate your subscribers. Some of them are not suitable for all blogs, use them with caution:

  • Controversial topics. In every area you can find a question that will divide people into two camps. Make the post as correct as possible and do not take a categorical position.
  • Fashion trends. For example, now many users post photos of “Me five years ago.” Adapt these things for your brand.
  • Organize a competition or game.

We have listed white methods for increasing profile activity. In addition to them, there are gray ones, that is, those that are prohibited on Instagram: mass following and. For them, your account can be blocked. In this way, you can attract new readers through special services. First you need to collect your target audience using Popsters. To do this, find competitors' blogs and check their ER. Further, if the coefficient is the right level, FindGram collects a user base and uploads it to Instaplus. All that remains is to set the appropriate settings and everything will be ready.

The engagement index is very important for successful promotion. It not only shows whether your content is interesting to the audience, but also affects further ranking in the feed. The lower this value, the more difficult it will be for you to get into the number of subscriptions of target accounts.

Facebook bought Instagram and rebuilt it in its own image. Now we are all watching the smart feed. She is smart because she knows better than us what is interesting and what is not so interesting. She recognizes this, among other things, by how users interact with the content. If they like it, comment on it and bookmark it, it means the content is good, you need to show it to everyone. If the content is not interacted with, the posts drop lower in the search results.

If no one sees your posts, then no one will buy anything. Because he simply doesn’t know about the promotion, new product, new arrivals, competition and all this. That’s why involvement is important and definitely needs to be raised. So that your posts can be seen.

Engagement influences subscriber trust

Imagine that you come to a party where there seem to be people, but everyone is standing in the corners and no one is communicating. It is unlikely that you will like such a party. Most likely, you will think that the host of this party is rather sad if he cannot entertain his own guests.

It's the same on Instagram. Even if the account has a lot of subscribers, if there is silence in the comments, this is a bad party. This situation does not inspire confidence. If the account is “live”, if the product it offers is good, then why is everyone silent?

And another situation: there are discussions under the posts, readers communicate with the owner of the account and among themselves. You want to stay at a party like this. Maybe you won’t get to know everyone and be friends with everyone right away, but at least you will be curious to observe how others communicate.

Conclusion: an account with good engagement, activity in comments, dialogues and discussions is more trusted, because it is immediately clear that life is in full swing here and the people are real.

Engagement influences reach and impressions

Engagement consists of likes, comments and saves of a post. The higher these indicators, the higher the coverage. If you want to increase engagement, publish good content.

Users are more likely to like beautiful pictures or bright informational news: a photo of a heavily pregnant belly when nothing predicted it, a photo of a product from unusual angles, or a photo of a child who was not shown.

Oksana Samoilova covered her third daughter’s face with a sticker for a long time. When the sticker was finally removed, the photo received more than a million likes.

Good content– this is the one that is saved in bookmarks. As a rule, this is something useful. Recipes, selections, lists, tips.

Good content is the one that sparks discussion. Posts like “comment on the previous commentator” and current topics, like discussing TV series or elections.

Comments allow you to increase the number of impressions. If the same user visits a post several times, the number of impressions increases. How to lure him into fasting several times? Start a dialogue in the comments.

Making every post super-engaging is extremely difficult, and perhaps not necessary. But it’s definitely worth feeding your audience something special from time to time.

The easiest way to get comments and increase engagement

One of the most common problems modern Instagrammers: “They don’t comment on my posts.” Why is this happening? Most likely because there is no question in the post. If you haven't asked anything, then readers have nothing to answer you. As a result, there are no comments. Start asking questions in your posts and engagement will go up.

But be sure to keep in mind that what simpler question the question you ask, the more likely it is to be answered. Question: “What do you think will happen to our planet in 50 years?” - difficult. You have to think here, so such a question can only attract into discussion a “warm” audience that is already accustomed to communicating with you, that sympathizes with you and is happy to chat.

But the question is: “What is your pet’s name?” - simple. Moreover, such a question will most likely evoke pleasant memories, and readers will want to talk about their pets, because everyone loves to talk about something important to them. Catch this wave and maintain communication.

Polls - a simplified form of questioning

A survey differs from a question in that you immediately present readers with answer options. For example:

  • What topic should I write a post on next: 1)… or 2)…? Write the number in the comments!
  • Which earrings go better with this ring: red or purple?

By publishing surveys, you not only teach subscribers to communicate with you, but also receive valuable information. feedback. Thanks to surveys, you will find out exactly what topics are of interest to your readers, in what packaging your customers are more pleased to receive orders, and on what products they expect discounts.

Stories and LIVE to increase engagement

Stories and LIVE (live broadcasts) are relative the new kind content on Instagram. Such content exists only for 24 hours and is located in a separate feed - above those posts that are published in the account. When a person logs into his Instagram feed, the first thing he sees is stories and live broadcasts. This gives us additional opportunity catch the subscriber's attention.

If you published an important post (promotion, new product, launched a competition), publish a story about this post. Surely someone missed it in their feed, someone scrolled through it without reading it, someone saved it to favorites and forgot to read it. Through stories, you can again invite subscribers to visit your post.

In addition, you can reply to stories. The more often people respond to your stories, the more actively they interact with your account. So make sure your stories are replyable.

Live broadcast works on a slightly different principle. This is where you go out into the world and show your subscribers who you are. IN live you have a chance to show that you are alive, real and charming. Subscribers see how you answer questions, how passionate you are about your work, and how pleasant it is to communicate with you. As a result, it becomes easier for them to communicate with you in your posts, because now they know who you really are. And when subscribers start communicating with you, we know what’s happening - they like, write comments, add posts to their saved pages, and Instagram ranks your posts in the search results. Profit!

Account engagement cannot be increased in one post. But if you know the basic principles (and you now know them) and communicate with your subscribers, and not just try to sell them something, then things will work out.