Black screen when starting Acer laptop. When I turn on the laptop the screen is black

If you work with technology, it is better to prepare for the moment when, when you turn on the computer, a black screen appears instead of standard screensaver. Note, not “if”, but “when”. Every user will encounter this and many other malfunctions many times in their life; the equipment is too short-lived and complex.

Electronics addiction

Computer systems have made human life much more comfortable:

  • There is no need for a lot of “manual” calculations;
  • Most now existing systems would not be able to function without computer automation of the process;
  • Sophisticated equipment has made it easier to communicate between people on different continents;
  • Thanks to electronics, you can make any purchase without leaving your home.

Of course, the degree of implementation of these benefits depends on the level of development of the country. Somewhere in Africa, many captives had never seen a computer in their lives, and such a meeting would have ended with attempts to drive out spirits from the machine and pierce the monitor with a spear.

A person gets used to all the new opportunities that appear to him due to the era computer technology. But any malfunction, especially a massive one, can lead to a real disaster.

Now, for any country, disconnection from the system of international electronic payments looks worse than carpet bombing. Again, with the exception of some southern regions.

Laptop won't boot: black screen

This common problem laptops, because on many models you can turn off the screen with just one key combination:

  1. Find the "" key on your keyboard fn", it is located in the lower left corner;
  2. Press and hold " fn+f7»;
  3. A black screen will appear;
  4. Suitable for all Asus models;
  5. You can turn on the screen and return the image using the same combination.

The fact is that many users prefer to connect monitors to their laptops and display information on them. To do this, you need to change the projection in the settings or completely disable the “native” screen.

You can switch between displays using the “f8” key while simultaneously pressing “fn”.

After working with an external screen, you may forget to return the settings. The problem could also be caused by someone else's joke, so check two combinations first - try turning on or switching the display. If this does not help, the problem may be with the monitor's power cord. An outgoing wire is the most harmless fault, the correction of which will be cheap and will not take much time. All other violations are exactly the same as for a desktop computer.

In this video, computer repairman Mikhail Volodin will tell you what to do if a black screen appears on your laptop when you turn it on:

Black screen when starting computer

This problem could occur for the following reasons:

  • The monitor is disconnected from the power supply, sometimes the problem is simpler than it seems;
  • The video card cable is connected to the wrong connector or has started to come off;
  • A black screen is directly related to a monitor malfunction;
  • Problems have arisen with the system - drivers have crashed or a virus has appeared;
  • The video card is faulty;
  • Used over new model monitor;
  • The monitor's power cable is coming loose.

Conventionally, all breakdowns can be divided into four large levels:

  1. Cables and wires;
  2. Monitor;
  3. Video card;
  4. Operating system.

It's not that hard to differentiate. For example, the BIOS gives a signal about problems with the video card using one long and two short signals.

A software malfunction is identified by messages appearing, a constantly spinning download icon on a black background, and the like.

The cheapest and easiest way is to replace the cable, so it's best to hope that this is the problem. Wires often come loose or are inserted into the wrong connectors after using other equipment.

Black screen when turning on the computer - what to do?

To finally start using a computer or laptop:

  • Turn on the screen, press the button and check if power is supplied to it;
  • Make sure that the video card is connected correctly and the cable is inserted into the correct connector;
  • Try to push the wires more tightly into the connectors on the monitor; they may have come loose;
  • Press the key combination “fn+f7” if you have an Asus laptop;
  • Listen to the sounds made by the built-in speaker;
  • Boot the system into safe mode, if possible (hold F8 while loading);
  • Install old monitor, change the refresh frequency and screen resolution to the minimum settings and try again.

The classic black screen is a problem with the display. Most likely, it is not connected to the network or there are other problems. Check all the LEDs that are on it - flickering may indicate a hardware malfunction, complete absence backlight - no voltage.

Do not rush to take your laptop or computer to service center. First, connect another monitor - find an old one or ask your friends. An unscrupulous repairman may fix a problem with the power cord, but bill for a completely different service.

Is it worth going back to basics?

Giving up gadgets is not a good idea:

  1. Technological development satisfies all the needs of humanity;
  2. Thanks to electronic devices we got the opportunity to do what our ancestors didn’t even dare to dream about;
  3. Return to stone Age- not what modern people really want;
  4. Together with the abandonment of electronics, it is possible to cancel vaccinations and cause millions of deaths from diseases that have already been defeated.

Society will not remain the same as it was 30 years ago. And in its current form it won’t last long. Everything is changing too quickly, and we will no longer be able to keep up with our children, just as our parents once could not keep up with us in mastering computers, mobile phones and tablets.

Today we can only hope that the rate of progress will not slow down in the near future, but will only accelerate. In this case, in the next decade we will see many more useful new products that will become a part of our lives and begin to be widely used.

And for this we need as many scientists and engineers as possible. Well, and the funds from which all their activities will be financed.

Dealing with a non-working monitor

If a black screen appears when you turn on your computer:

  • The monitor is turned off - just plug it into the network and press the button;
  • The power cable comes off - move all connection points;
  • The video card is not connected correctly - select another connector;
  • The screen is turned off with a key combination - press " fn+f7»;
  • There is a problem with drivers or viruses - boot the system in safe mode (F8);
  • The video card or the monitor itself has burned out - take it to a service center;
  • Exposed too much high frequency updates - connect the old monitor and change this indicator to 50-60 Hz.

Don’t immediately tear your hair out and think how much it will cost to replace a monitor or video card. The problem can usually be solved with less spending.

If, when you turn on your computer, a black screen appears more often than your desktop wallpaper, it may be worth finally buying a normal cable that will not come off every time after a minimal shift of the monitor.

Video: solving the black screen problem

In this video computer wizard Nikita Reshetnikov will tell you about everyone possible options solving the problem with a black computer screen, what could be the reason for the lack of image on the monitor:

Each user may encounter such a situation when you turn on the laptop, but nothing appears on the monitor screen, no inscriptions, nothing at all that makes it difficult to identify the problem, no response to key presses, while the fans rotate. What to do if the laptop does not turn on and the screen is black? Let's sort it out in order.

Let's start in order to look for the culprit of the problem when the laptop seems to turn on, but the screen is black and the fan is noisy. There may be several reasons, from a simple system failure to the failure of the motherboard.

Removing the battery from the laptop

If the cooler is spinning and there is nothing on the monitor screen, just a black screen, then the first place to start troubleshooting is by removing the battery from the laptop for a few minutes. And try to turn on the laptop without a battery, directly from the outlet.

Removing RAM from the laptop

If starting the laptop without a battery is unsuccessful, then move on to the RAM. Very often, when rearranging RAM modules, the laptop works again as if nothing had happened. You can also wipe the RAM contacts with an eraser.

To get the RAM, just unscrew a few bolts on the back of the laptop and slide the cover and you will have access to the RAM. Now we swap them and try to turn them on. If the laptop has two sticks of RAM, then we take everything out and try to turn it on with one stick, inserting it into different slots and try to turn it on each time.

Connecting the laptop to an external monitor

To eliminate the possibility of damage to the matrix cable or the matrix itself, you can connect the laptop to an external monitor.

If on external monitor If an image appears from the laptop, then most likely the matrix cable or the matrix itself (laptop screen) is damaged.

Disconnecting the hard drive from the laptop

The next step in finding the black screen problem when turning on the laptop is to turn off hard drive laptop. The fact is that it can fail and thus the system cannot read information from it.

On modern laptops getting to the hard drive is as easy as getting to the RAM by unscrewing a few bolts on the back of the laptop, unlike budget laptops of 2016-2017, where you had to disassemble almost the entire laptop to get to the hard drive.

If all else fails

If, after the operations described above, the laptop still does not turn on, the screen is still black, then most likely there are problems with motherboard. It is simply not possible to diagnose what has gone wrong at home without special equipment; all that remains is to contact a service center.

Most likely reasons:

  • BIOS is damaged
  • Video card/processor failure
  • Failure of the north/south bridge

If the cause of the black screen occurred in the last two options, then repairing the laptop will cost around 100 dollars, depending on the video card, processor and motherboard itself.

The laptop does not turn on - a problem that occurs quite often. Malfunctions often occur in which the screen remains black, and it may not turn on in different ways:

  • Doesn’t respond at all to the start button, that is, the laptop shows no signs of life;
  • Startup occurs (fan spins, HDD works, the power indicator lights up), but the screen remains black. After a while the device turns off;
  • The computer starts up, the cooler makes noise without turning off, there is no image on the display;
  • The laptop does not turn on on battery. When the power supply is connected, the PC can boot.

It’s not always the case that a computer stops working on its own – someone spills coffee or tea on it, someone drops a computer device. In any case, you have to deal with the gadget.

Reasons for a black screen on a computer

If the screen shows no signs of life, there is no need to panic right away. You should first figure it out, because the reason for not being included may turn out to be trivial. Why the computer may not start:

  • Defective battery;
  • Problems with BIOS firmware;
  • Non-working motherboard;
  • Failure of the southern or north bridge;
  • The display matrix is ​​faulty.

If there is no voltage in the network, and the battery is dead, then the computer, of course, will not turn on. First you need to make sure that electric outlet, to which the laptop power supply is connected, is working. The computer will not start if there is no voltage in the network and the battery is dead.

Defective battery

If the battery is low, you can simply start the laptop from the power supply, and it will charge itself within a few hours. But if the battery no longer charges, it must be replaced. Although methods for restoring a battery are described on the Internet, such a procedure makes sense only when the battery is rare and difficult to buy. And so there is no particular reason to tinker with a non-working device - depending on the laptop model, the battery costs on average from 1000 to 2600 rubles.

Check faulty unit nutrition can only be replaced by a known good block. If the laptop starts up with another device, that is 100% the reason. Repairing the power supply also does not make much sense - its price is within the same range as the cost of the battery.

The most common options are if the laptop still shows some signs of life, but the screen remains black. What can you check yourself in this option?

Connecting battery and the power supply, press the “start” button. The cooler is noisy, there is no image. There is an assumption that the screen matrix is ​​faulty. To test your guess, you need to connect an external monitor to your laptop. Almost every mobile PC has a connector for connecting external screen yes, the standard VGA connector. If the image appears on the monitor, then it’s all in the matrix. If the external display is also black, you will have to look further for the cause of the problem.

If the screen remains black, you should turn off the laptop and disassemble it for inspection. It’s never too late to take your gadget to a service center, but there is still a chance to find the cause of the breakdown yourself. Disassembly should begin from the bottom cover of the case. On different models The bottom cover is removed in different ways, but the principle of removal is the same on all devices. But first of all, turn off the power and remove the battery.

We open the lid and see all the insides of the laptop (for example, ASUS K50AB).

First of all, we remove the strip with RAM and carefully inspect the strip for damage, oxides, and blackened tracks.

If there are defects on the board, it is likely that the RAM is the reason why the computer is not working. If there are external defects, you should attempt to replace the RAM. If there are no external signs, this is more difficult - most likely, you will have to look further for the cause of the breakdown.

Alternatively, you can try resetting BIOS settings. To do this, you need to remove the battery that saves the settings. Battery in in this case is removed along with the wires, the plug is attached to the motherboard.

After removing the battery, you need to short-circuit the two contacts on the board where the removed contact was attached. With the contacts closed, turn on the laptop for ten seconds.

We put everything back in place and turn on the PC again to check. If the screen is still black, the problem may already be in the north bridge or in the motherboard (video card).

The North Bridge is “treated” by heating; when heated, the surf heals the crack that has formed. The operation is almost surgical, and without experience it is better not to undertake such work. It is strongly recommended to warm up the northbridge yourself only if you have a good soldering station.

Other possible causes of a black screen

Another reason could be that the wire is broken or the power plug of the motherboard is not fully plugged in. Although such a malfunction is rare, checking the wire will not make it worse.

On a disassembled laptop, you should carry out a careful external inspection of all parts, including the motherboard. If there are burnt areas or “opened” capacitors, they may have caused the breakdown. It is unlikely that the processor has failed, but the bridges (north or south) “fly” much more often.

The video card may also fail, in which case the screen will also remain black. How can I check the video card? There is only one way out - warm up the video chip with a soldering station or hairdryer. If, after local heating of the chip, the computer starts up and an image appears, you should not be happy at all - just the opposite. This means that the video card is not working, and it only has a month or two left to work.

It is not worth taking on the task of warming up the video processor on your own without experience and equipment; it is better to take the laptop to a service center. In the workshop they will make a diagnosis and make a “sentence” - if the integrated motherboard is faulty, you can immediately prepare to replace the entire laptop with a new one - the price of the board with work is equivalent to the cost of the PC itself.

You should know that the video card can be easily changed only on a few laptop models - it is mostly soldered into the motherboard or is generally an integral part of it. As a rule, the failure of a video chip is practically equivalent to “death” computer device– the part plus the labor is too expensive.

A black screen appears when the laptop is turned on for a number of reasons, which can be divided into software and hardware.

When you turn on or operate a computer or laptop, a so-called “black screen” or “Malevich square” may appear, as it is nicknamed by users of operating systems of the Windows family.

The causes of the problem can be either hardware or software.

In the first In this case, the user will not always be able to solve them himself, but we will still show you how this can be done.

In the second In this case, the situation is easy to correct even for a beginner.


There are a huge number of factors that cause a dark picture on the screen or its absence.

The most common of them:

  • mechanical, chemical or other damage (often due to overheating, falling of the device or inept user intervention) of the laptop components - it simply will not turn on;
  • problems with the cable that connects the device screen matrix to system board– the device is loading, there is simply no image;
  • failure of the RAM strips - the indicators may light up, the fan(s) may work, but there will be no picture.


The most common factor in the appearance of this problem is the inattention or inexperience of users: the plug through which power is supplied to the device may be damaged (in places where the cable bends, this may not be visually visible, but in fact thin veins the wires simply frayed due to repeated bending).

Or disconnected. This situation is especially true for older devices from Asus.

When operating on battery power, it may be discharged or uncharged, and the battery may also fail.

You need to check everything and make sure there is no similar problems or solve them: charge the battery, replace the damaged cable, plug its plug into the outlet, if it really works.


To make sure the battery is working, you need to connect power to the device, after which the corresponding indicator will light up: there is power supply and the removable battery is charging.

If the battery charging light does not light, remove it from seat, in most cases by sliding out a couple of latches.

Then we take an eraser and clean the contacts on the battery and on the laptop, if they have something like plaque or have changed their copper color to another (gray, greenish - they have simply oxidized).

We press the power supply button so that the residual charge accumulated on the power elements is used up.

Now you can insert the battery and try to turn on the device. Without a working adapter, connector and power cable, all these manipulations cannot be done.

If following the steps above does not help, you may removable battery out of order.


A problem with the contacts and performance of the RAM strips is another common reason for the absence of a picture on the laptop display or the inability to start it.

This is often caused by drinks spilled on the keyboard, the consequences of which were not eliminated in time (drying out).

To check RAM modules you need do the following.

  • Disconnect the power cable from the network and from the device.
  • We remove the battery.
  • Press and hold the power button for a few seconds to use up the remaining charge.
  • We unscrew the bolts that hold the cover covering the RAM strips.
  • We remove the RAM modules by moving two latches for each strip in opposite directions.
  • We clean the contacts (very carefully) using the same school eraser.
  • We insert them back and fix them in the sockets with latches.
  • We tighten the screws, put the cover back, and turn on the device.

Video system

Check the serviceability of the cable connecting the video card or system board with a display matrix, you can by connecting a laptop to a third-party screen: computer monitor, TV.

To do this you need to connect laptop via a supported interface to an image output device.

For most, this is an outdated VGA port, although many modern devices are not equipped with it.

In this case, the common connection should be DVI or modern HDMI. There is no difference for the user, only the plugs and wires are different.

If a picture appears on the TV/monitor, then the problem is in your display - the backlight is faulty, there is a problem with the cable.

In the latter case, you can replace it yourself, but it is not always easy to find the necessary component, and even fewer people will be able to carefully and correctly unscrew the device, replace the old cable and put everything back together. Yes, in such a way as not to harm the laptop.

When connecting the PC to the TV, a picture appeared on the latter - take the device to a service center.

Specialists will find the problem and offer a solution. Sometimes it can be expensive, such as replacing the screen matrix.


Often, a device turns off automatically when the temperature of one of its components reaches the limit set by the developer.

In such a situation, the culprit is most often an overheated central processor, which prevents the computer from starting again.

The cooling system cannot cope with the tasks assigned to it for a number of reasons:

Dust problem

The fan blades and radiator tubes with plates are covered with dust, which reduces the thermal conductivity of the metal and the efficiency of removing warm air from heated power elements.

You will have to remove the bottom cover of the device and get rid of dust using a can of compressed air, cotton swabs (just do not leave lint) or a vacuum cleaner with a hairdryer.

If you are going to blow it out, it is better to take the laptop outside or onto the balcony.

It is better not to replace heat-conducting paste at home if you do not have such experience - it is fraught with consequences.

Windows or driver problems

When you start the PC, a boot screen appears in front of you (where it says which button you can use to open the BIOS), then the logo of the operating system being launched Windows systems, and after loading it, only the cursor is displayed, but you can call the Task Manager.

Rice. 11 – Starting Safe Mode

If everything was successful, we look for the application or driver that caused the problem (remember what you installed or updated before it occurred).

Often, rolling back the system state, resetting it (if it’s Windows 10) or reinstalling it helps here.


The last thing you can try to do is reset the BIOS settings.

Option is more suitable for regular computers(maybe the picture is displayed on a second device, and not the main monitor), and not on laptops, but it can still help someone.

We will do everything blindly:

  • When the system starts, we try to open the menu BIOS configuration using the appropriate key.
  • After a couple of seconds, press F9 to reset the settings.
  • Press F10 to exit the configuration menu.
  • Press Enter to save the settings.

If it doesn’t help, then in the 4th step you need to press the cursor left or right to select a positive answer (in some models the “No” option is selected by default).

Also make sure you press the correct button to bring up the BIOS. The operating instructions for the device will help with this.

Every third laptop owner is faced with the problem of a “black screen” upon startup. There may be a lot of reasons that cause a problem, but before contacting a repair service computer equipment, we recommend that you perform the diagnostics yourself. We will talk about this below.

Causes of malfunction

The reasons why the laptop screen does not work can be divided into several groups:

  1. Damage to the south or north bridge of the motherboard due to mechanical interference or overheating of the device.
  2. Malfunctions with central processor or video card.
  3. Broken cable, laptop matrix or backlight.
  4. Has malfunctioned or fallen out of the connector RAM.
  5. Malfunctions in the computer hardware settings.
  6. The battery has stopped working.

In the first three cases, repair or replacement of parts is necessary. You can try to fix the malfunctions described in the remaining paragraphs yourself.

Advice! If the laptop turns off after a long time of operation and shows no signs of life, it is likely that it has overheated. Check that nothing is blocking the air outlet, clean it from dust, and then turn it on.

Important! Determine whether the laptop starts when you turn on the power button (you can hear the noise of coolers, the hard drive, whether the LED lights up). Your further actions.

If the laptop shows signs of life when turned on:

Have you encountered a similar situation on your personal computer? Read this article. The laptop “comes to life” upon startup and there is a screen at hand personal computer or TV with HDMI output- check the operation of the laptop, perhaps the fault is really in the laptop:

Laptop users facing the black screen problem were helped by resetting the BIOS settings to default. If the computer shows signs of life (the coolers are working), connect it to a monitor or do the procedure blindly:

  1. Turn on your device.
  2. After turning on, press the F10 key (enter BIOS) for 10 seconds.
  3. A menu will open, wait and press F9.
  4. Press Enter (roll back to initial settings).
  5. Press F10 (exit BIOS)/
  6. Press Enter to save your changes, exit, and restart your computer.

Important! If the previous methods were unsuccessful or your device shows no signs of life, try another option below.

Checking RAM sticks

There is a possibility that the motherboard has stopped recognizing the RAM:

Laptop won't turn on black screen - why, how long, what to do

  1. mechanical damage;
  2. overheating of the device;

Resetting hardware settings

  • turn on the laptop;
  • press the Enter button.

Checking the screen's health

  • the hard drive started working;
  • cooler noise is heard;
  • the indicators came on.

Reset BIOS

Reinstallation of the OP module

Why is the screen on my laptop black and it won’t turn on?

Almost every second Windows user faces a problem when the laptop does not turn on and at the same time they only have to see a black screen. We can say that this is almost the most common breakdown.

However, everything may not be so serious and there may be no need to run to a service center for help. First of all, you need to understand the causes of the malfunction yourself. Perhaps you can fix the problem yourself, without turning to specialists.

Causes of malfunction

The reasons why a user cannot turn on a laptop can be divided into several categories. Among them:

In the last two cases, you can deal with the trouble yourself at home.

One or another part may fail and cease to perform its functions due to:

  1. mechanical damage;
  2. careless handling of equipment;
  3. overheating of the device;
  4. penetration of moisture and various debris into the system.

Video: device repair

What to do if the laptop takes a long time to turn on and a black screen appears

Black screen and laptop takes a long time to turn on? The reason for this may not necessarily be a broken part. First, you should remember all the recent frauds done with the device.

If the device has been working intensively for a long time, it is most likely overheating. In this case, the laptop needs to be repaired by a qualified specialist. Perhaps new programs or games were installed before this. After which the reboot was performed, but the laptop still did not turn on, then this may be Windows errors.

However, first you should pay attention to whether the device is connected to power.

If the laptop does not turn on when using only one battery. Perhaps it is simply discharged and there is no point in panicking. If the charge is in perfect order, then you should connect the computer to the network.

After the device was connected to the network, it turned on without any problems, which means the fault lies in the battery.

Perhaps it needs to be replaced with a new one. But if the computer still does not work, you need to check whether all the plugs are in place and whether they are coming off. Perhaps a wire was pinched or broken somewhere.

It is recommended to make sure there is voltage in the outlet. Each laptop has a special light that indicates the battery is charged and connected to the network. If all the lights are on, but the device still does not turn on, there may be another problem.

It could also be a problem with the device's hardware settings. In this case, it is not necessary to contact specialists. The basic steps to fix this problem can be done by yourself without any help. To do this, you need to reset the hardware settings. The following recommendations will help you cope with this task.

Resetting hardware settings

What should I do if I need to reset all hardware settings? For this:

Important! Keep the button pressed long time This is necessary to remove any residual charge from the laptop.

  • then you need to insert the battery into place or connect the power system;
  • turn on the laptop;
  • After that, select “Normal” Windows startup»;
  • press the Enter button.

If these actions did not help solve this problem, you should move on to the next point.

Checking the screen's health

If the laptop does not turn on the first time, and the screen is black, the problem may be with the screen itself. To find out for sure, you need to check the functionality of your computer screen.

  • the hard drive started working;
  • cooler noise is heard;
  • the indicators came on.

However, the image does not appear, then you should connect an additional monitor to the laptop. As a rule, all laptops have a special connector so that you can connect another one. If after rebooting the device operating system loaded, which means the problem is in the screen.

In this case, you should contact the service center and consult with specialists.

Reset BIOS

Perhaps the black screen problem appeared immediately after the user made some changes to the basic BIOS settings. In such a situation, it is necessary to reset these same settings and return to the factory settings, that is, the original ones.

To complete this task, you must adhere to the following instructions:

If after rebooting the computer works as before, then all problems have been corrected. However, if these frauds did not bring positive result, it is recommended to proceed to the next step.

Reinstallation of the OP module

The image on the display may not appear due to problems with the contacts, as well as due to a malfunction of the memory module.

In this case, you can solve this problem by:

If there is only one stick of RAM and there are several free connectors available for it, you can change its connection location.

Important! This method may be useful if the device has previously been exposed to water. Before you start layering, make sure that the equipment is completely dry. If there is still moisture left, you need to wait a while for it to dry.

Before you begin removing RAM, you need to read the detailed instructions and strictly follow these recommendations.

Instructions for removing RAM:

Important! All bolts have different sizes. Therefore, it is better to group them in advance by length, so as not to get confused later.

Important! It is worth considering that the OP must be inserted only at an angle of 45 degrees. In this case, it must be securely fixed in the grooves. It is recommended to press lightly on the bar from above. This is necessary for the locking latches to work.

There are unpleasant cases when these machinations are not able to give the proper result. In this case, the last solution may be to reinstall the BIOS.

To cope with this task you need:

The downloaded archive should contain detailed instructions. By following it you can do reinstalling BIOS.

In addition, the user should take into account that these reinstallation steps should only be performed as a last resort. To begin with, the best thing to do would be to contact a service center and rely on the professionalism of the specialists. After all, the problem with turning on the computer may not be in the BIOS, but in the video card or other parts. In this case, the reasons can be very different.

These recommendations will help solve the problem of turning on the laptop and the appearance of a black screen in the event that the failure is not of a technical nature, but rather due to hardware settings. At the same time, you can save your time and money on trips and maintenance at expensive service centers. Since this breakdown cannot be called serious and you can handle it yourself without having the appropriate skills. m

The laptop does not turn on, a black screen appears. What to do!?

This problem is very common and happens to almost every second experienced Windows user. This frustration can arise due to many reasons. You can deal with the problem yourself and often there is nothing complicated about it. However, if your favorite laptop was flooded with water the day before, such manipulations are unlikely to help.

First of all, you need to reset the hardware settings. This is the most common cause of this problem.

We reset the hardware data in the following order:

A. Disconnect the power adapter (charging) from the laptop case.

b. Remove the battery from the battery compartment.

V. Press and hold the power button of the laptop for at least 20 seconds. You should hold down the power button for so long in order to completely remove the residual charge in the device. Provided that the laptop is disconnected from the power supply.

d. Put the battery in its place and connect Charger to the laptop.

d. Turn on the laptop.

e. Using the arrow keys on the keyboard, select the item Start Windows normally, then press Enter key.

And now, finally, our manipulations are over.

The cause of the malfunction may be the following

If your laptop is working, that is, all the sensors are lit, the cooler is working, but nothing is lit on the monitor screen. This will be a malfunction of a completely different kind. You need to connect an external monitor to the laptop (usually all laptops are equipped with connectors for connecting additional monitors). If the picture appears on the external monitor, but it still doesn’t appear on the standard laptop monitor, then we can safely assume that he is guilty of everything faulty screen laptop. In this case, you have a direct route to the service center.

Resetting BIOS settings

The problem with the appearance of a black screen (screen of death, as users called it a long time ago) may be due to the fact that you changed the BIOS settings the day before. In this case, you need to reset these settings and return to the original factory settings.

This action also has several iterations:

A. As soon as we turn on the laptop, we immediately press the key called F10 and hold it for 10 seconds. This is how we get into the BIOS itself.

b. Press the key again, this time F9, and then Enter. These manipulations take us back to standard settings.

V. Press the F10 key and Enter again to save the new settings.

d. Reboot the device.

If these actions do not have any effect on the laptop, proceed to the next, more complex step.

Reinstalling the RAM module

Problems with contacts and a faulty memory module are also reasons that prevent images from being displayed on the display screen. This method can help even if the laptop was flooded with water the day before. But in any case, before work you should make sure that it is thoroughly dried.

Removing the laptop's RAM:

A. Be sure to disconnect the laptop from the power supply. We remove the battery. b. Loosen the bolts holding the RAM compartment cover. It is better to group the bolts by size so as not to get confused later. If the laptop does not have a separate compartment, you will have to remove it completely back cover. We do this very carefully. V. Since the RAM is held in place by just a couple of clips, removing it is not difficult. Carefully remove the memory from the laptop and blow through all the connectors. You can swap them if possible. We insert the memory stick back, fixing it tightly. d. We assemble the laptop in the same sequence as during disassembly, only in reverse. Don't forget to install the battery and connect the charger to the mains.

But, if this manipulation did not have any positive effect, you should resort to the next, last one.

Reinstalling the BIOS

We have a direct path to the website of your laptop manufacturer. There you should find the drivers section and indicate the exact model of your device. We find the archive we need in the list of drivers and download it. Following detailed instructions, which should be included with the archive, reinstall the BIOS. It’s worth knowing: this should only be done as a last resort, because the fault could be in the laptop’s video card, or in the south or north bridges. If possible, it is better to take your laptop to the nearest service center.