How to refill a cartridge at home. How to refill an inkjet printer yourself

Inkjet printer ink is one of the most expensive supplies needed to keep your home office running. You, like any beginning photographer, create hundreds of beautiful photographs, copy them to your computer and print them. It is a very sad situation when the printer runs out of ink. In this case, you have two options:

  • Buy new cartridges;
  • Refill the cartridges.

By following our instructions, you can save a significant amount of money on new cartridges for your device, namely on the purchase of cartridges. Refilling the cartridge yourself is many times cheaper than buying a new one.

1 The first step is to purchase a set of color inks. Ink can be purchased at your local store or ordered online.

2 Organize your workspace. Prepare a roll of paper towels and some wide tape.

3 Open the printer and remove the cartridge from the printer. While you are working with the cartridge, close the printer to prevent dust from getting on the exposed parts.

4 Wear gloves when handling ink and cartridges. They will not allow you to stain your hands with ink, which is very difficult to wash off from your skin.

5 Tear the required amount from the paper towel and fold it in two. Working on a paper towel will keep ink off your desk. Which, as we already know, are very difficult to wash.

6 Place the empty cartridge on a previously prepared towel.

7 Carefully read the instructions that come with the refill kit. From it you will learn how to properly refill your particular type of cartridge. Below are general instructions for refilling ink cartridges.

8 Remove the sticker from the cartridge and locate the ink holes. Different cartridges may have several holes, but only one leads to the ink reservoir, see which one in the instructions.

9 To uncork the ink reservoir, use a toothpick or needle. Pierce the protective layer and you will have access to the tank.

10 When refilling a color cartridge, be careful to fill the correct ink into the correct reservoir. Color cartridges use three colors of ink:

  • Magenta ink;
  • Yellow ink;
  • Turquoise ink.
To determine the color in the reservoir, dip a toothpick into it. After which you will know exactly which color and where to fill it.

11 Fill a disposable syringe with ink from a can, the required amount of ink individually for each type of cartridge (see the instructions). Also, make sure that foam forms in the syringe and that there is no air - this can damage the cartridge.

12 Insert the syringe needle into the required hole, about 1 centimeter, and slowly inject the ink. Be careful not to overfill the tank.

13 After injecting the ink, remove the syringe needle. If you have poured more ink than necessary, carefully blot the excess with a napkin.

14 Clean the ink cartridge contacts with a paper towel.

15 After cleaning the cartridge, seal the openings of the reservoirs with pre-prepared tape.
Blot the cartridge nozzles again with a paper towel until you are sure that the ink has stopped leaking.

16 Place the refilled cartridges back into the printer.

17 Close the printer cover. Then from the printer settings menu on the computer. Start printing a test page.
If the printed sheet does not contain any blemishes and displays all colors efficiently, this means that the process of refilling the cartridge was carried out at the highest level.

What you need to refill ink cartridges:

  • Ink cartridges;
  • Refill kit;
  • Roll of paper towels;
  • Narrow tape;
  • Toothpicks;
  • A pair of disposable gloves.

Many people choose inkjet printers over laser printers when purchasing a printing device. This is understandable, because an inkjet printer has a number of undeniable advantages over a laser printer:

  • The price of such a printer is several times lower than that of a laser;a
  • Print quality. Inkjet printers have better print quality than laser printers and also have the ability to print in color.

In general, there are more than enough advantages to give preference to an inkjet printer. A buyer who prefers an inkjet printer will sooner or later be faced with the following disadvantage: when the inkjet printer is left idle for a long time, the ink in the cartridge dries out. This leads to the purchase of a new cartridge, the price of which is such that you begin to think: will it cost me the same as buying a new printer or repairing office equipment. But, fortunately, there is a solution to this problem - find a way to refill an inkjet cartridge.

How to refill an inkjet printer cartridge

You can do this in two ways:

  • With the help of specialists;
  • With my own hands.

The procedure for the second option is described below so that you know how to refill the inkjet cartridge correctly. You need:

  • Remove the cartridge from your printer;
  • Remove the plastic cover from the outside of the cartridge to gain access to the refill holes;
  • Poke holes, for example, with a toothpick and insert it there. By the color of each of these toothpicks you can find out where and what kind of ink to pour;
  • Take a disposable syringe, which you can take from a first aid kit or buy at a pharmacy. Fill a 15ml syringe with black ink and 5ml for each color ink;
  • Insert the syringe needle into the hole of the cartridge to be refilled. Attention: when refilling the cartridge, when inserting the needle, pierce the inner sponge to a length of 3mm to 6mm, because if you insert the needle further, you may damage the cartridge itself;
  • Fill the cartridge with ink of the required color. If they start to bleed out, use a syringe to draw back a small amount of ink. Wash and dry the syringe before loading it with a different color of ink.
  • Secure the plastic shell in place.
  • Install the cartridge into the printer and make a test print.

Canon, HP, Xerox, Samsung cartridges can be refilled using this method.

As you can see, refilling a cartridge for an inkjet printer is not at all difficult. The main thing is to observe caution and safety rules, because inkjet printer ink has very good coloring ability. Therefore, we recommend that the filling process be carried out from start to finish in the bathroom.

And, finally, I want to warn you that not every such refill will be successful; as a rule, the cartridge can be refilled 2-3 times, but it happens that it can “fly” even after the first refill. But don't be upset. A little practice and everything will work out.

Printer ink is one of the rather expensive things you will have to work with if you set up your home office. Don't be surprised by the following situation: you took dozens of pictures with your new digital camera, downloaded them to your computer, printed just a few, and soon the cartridge ran out of ink. Their consumption is always very high, and nothing can be done about it.

This article provides instructions for HP to do it yourself instead of buying a new one. This way you can save quite a decent amount.

We buy materials

To refill your HP printer cartridge yourself, purchase an ink refill kit from an office supply store. Many retail outlets specializing in office products offer such a kit at a low price (as a rule, its cost is almost half the price of a new component). You can also find these sets at various online stores.

Preparation for the process

Place your purchased ink kit, a roll of paper towels, and some clear tape on a large, flat work surface (table or board). Remove the empty cartridge from the device. Be sure to close the lid or safety lock while you are working with it.

Wear disposable rubber or plastic gloves on your hands before handling paint. Take a paper towel and fold it in half twice. Work constantly over the paper towel to avoid ink leaking onto the table. Place the empty cartridge on it.

Before you refill your HP printer cartridge yourself, read the instruction manual that came with your ink to learn how to refill your specific type of pod. This article provides general instructions only.

Look for the refill holes on the top of the cartridge. This indentation can be felt by rubbing the label with your fingers. Some cartridges have multiple holes, but only one of them always leads to an ink reservoir that can be refilled. This hole will have a sponge in it.

Use a sharp pencil to poke a hole in the top of the ink cartridge. You can also remove the top label with a knife or screwdriver (a diagram of the location of such places can be found in the user manual included with the kit).

Typically, in addition to black, three ink colors are included: cyan, magenta and yellow. Follow the installation instructions using the hole to insert each color, or push a toothpick into each hole to identify colors. It also happens that the markings on the device cartridge are sometimes erroneous, and you can accidentally put the wrong colors into the ink capsules. This happens when users try to refill a printer cartridge themselves (and similar models).

Filling process

Insert the long, needle-like end of the ink bottle into the correct hole, deep enough to reach the bottom of the cartridge. It is important to do this so as not to introduce air and create foam when refilling the cartridge. An air pocket will prevent the ink from reaching and the cartridge may not function.

To properly refill your HP 655 printer cartridge yourself, add ink in a slow, smooth motion. Watch the filling process carefully to avoid overfilling them. Stop quickly as soon as you see some ink begin to ooze out of the hole. While holding the bottle in your hands, slowly release the air, squeezing a little paint back out of the cartridge (before removing the needle completely).

How to refill an HP printer cartridge yourself: completing the process

Clean the cartridge contacts thoroughly with a paper towel. You must completely eliminate dirt and stains on its surface.

Cover the hole with a small piece of clear tape. This works much better than the sealing points included in the refill kit. Make sure that there is no ink leaking out of the top holes at all (this is what you need to use clear tape for).

Checking correct filling

Repeat all the above steps for each ink color to fully refill your HP printer cartridge yourself. Once you have filled all the colors, blot (do not rub or press) the print head of the cartridge very well with a folded piece of paper towel. This process will probably need to be repeated several times. Do this until the paint stops oozing, mixing and staining the towel. Stop this process only when you have 3 pure color marks left.

If the paper towel shows faded colors or no ink comes out at all, blot the print head with a wet cloth and then a dry one. Repeat this several times until the ink begins to bleed.

Install the cartridge into the printer. Remember that you should never, ever install a leaking cartridge.

Print test files right away to make sure the ink releases properly. Print a small number of different pages, preferably photographs with bright colors.

Don't worry about not testing and checking the refill kit you purchase. It costs some effort and is not necessary. If you damage the cartridge through your actions, you can always purchase a new one. In any case, it is worth trying to refill the HP printer cartridge yourself (122), since if the outcome is favorable, this will significantly reduce your costs.

After you refill the cartridge, it should weigh the same as new components. If overfilled beyond normal, it may fail much before its time. These inkjet printer components use sponges to hold ink, and when you overfill, you wet the top of the sponge, causing the ink to flow upward, away from the print hole.

And finally, you can use one more method if all else has failed: find a used or simpler printer for sale for less than a new cartridge. It comes with one new cartridge (or two: black and color). If this can be done, you will have a new device with 1 or 2 cartridges at a lower price than the cost of one new component. Printer companies often sell them inexpensively, planning to make a profit through future cartridge purchases - this is a well-known marketing ploy. Use them until the ink runs out, and then take another look at what's the best deal to buy.

The ink should not thicken or dry out.

Don't let your ink cartridge dry out. Check and replenish it periodically to keep it in working order. Try not to leave it unused for very long. Type something at least once a week. This will help your device last longer, even if you have to refill the HP printer cartridge (178) yourself sooner.

As a last resort, before purchasing a new cartridge, you can always try to reanimate the old one. Take a clean syringe, remove the plunger and insert the syringe into the cartridge. Place the open top of the syringe against your mouth and blow fairly hard. This can help push poor quality or thickened ink to the print head. Be careful not to allow ink bubbles to form at the top of the cartridge. Then blot the end of the cartridge nozzle with a paper towel. Repeat several times if necessary. This method can enhance the convenience and ease of use of refilled cartridges.

If the ink still does not come out of the cartridge when printing, use a syringe to inject one or two small drops of a special solution (a mixture of ammonia and distilled water in equal parts) deep down into the cartridge. This will help dissolve any ink clumps that have formed.

Finishing touch

If only one of the colors is having difficulty coming through, remove it from the printer and recheck the tape covering the fill holes. Lift it up and rearrange it, adjusting the strip of tape as you do so.

After refilling the printer cartridge repeatedly, the print head will gradually wear out. As a rule, this procedure can be repeated no more than 10 times.

If you wish, you can purchase a new original cartridge if the printer refuses to print. But the difference in cost between a cartridge and a bottle of ink is very large. So it’s worth trying to refill the cartridge yourself and save money. Before refilling the cartridge, you need to pay attention to its integrity and the absence of damage to the body. Also, when refilling any cartridges, ink should be introduced slowly to prevent air bubbles from forming.

How to refill an inkjet printer cartridge

Replacement cartridges are standard ink containers that enable printing. But for different printer models there are different ink refilling methods. To refill an inkjet printer, the cartridge must be removed and the exit hole sealed with a small piece of tape. If the reservoir has holes in the lid, you should insert the syringe needle all the way to the bottom of the cartridge and carefully insert the ink there. If there are no holes, you will have to make them yourself. After filling is completed, the filling hole must be sealed and the outlet hole must be cleared.

If there are several ventilation holes, all of them must be sealed with tape. Drill a refill hole in the corner of the cartridge and slowly pump in ink. After this, seal it tightly with tape or a special cork. Remove the tape from the ventilation holes and pump air into the service hole.

Some inkjet printer cartridges are refilled through side vents. By the way, refilling color and black printer cartridges are completely different processes. To refill a color cartridge, you will need to remove the top cover and seal the two ink filling holes. Paint is pumped into the third hole. Then the other holes are filled with ink one by one.

How to refill a laser printer cartridge

To refill a laser printer cartridge, make a hole in the toner hopper and add fresh toner. For this you will need a funnel. At the end of the operation, the hole must be sealed with tape. But you can do it with a soldering iron, a scalpel or a special drill. If you use a drill or scalpel, you need to shake out all the chips from the hopper along with any remaining old toner. Do not penetrate too deeply into the housing to avoid damaging the printer structure.

Greetings! Today I’ll try to tell you in a nutshell how to refill a laser printer cartridge yourself. Laser printing has long ceased to be a luxury and a laser printer is in almost every home, or at least available to many for purchase. As a rule, for home use for school or household printing, a fully refilled cartridge lasts about one year. After this, it begins to streak, fade or blur.

Printing defects indicate that the cartridge requires urgent refilling. You can take it to a service center, where they will fill it up for you for 200-300 rubles, or you can do it yourself, because there is nothing tricky about it.

How to refill the cartridge yourself?

All you need is a special powder - toner and
I would like to warn you right away that if inhaled, laser printer powder can enter your lungs and settle there. It is very harmful, so be careful and attentive.

All work must be carried out in a well-ventilated area. Also, the powder consists of very small particles and if you accidentally spill it on your clothes, you will not be able to get rid of it completely quickly.

Please note that clothing stained with toner should be wash only in cold water, because when heated, the powder bakes and it is very difficult to wash it later.

To reduce contamination of your home area, we recommend covering the space allocated for refilling a laser printer cartridge with several layers of old newspapers. We will need: rags that you don't mind, narrow-nose pliers, a Phillips screwdriver, rubber gloves, a funnel (can be made of paper) and a brush.
So, after you have bought toner from a special store and prepared your workspace, we can start refilling the cartridge.