What is the difference between a laptop and an ultrabook. Pros, cons and which is better to choose: laptop or ultrabook

A little more than 40 years have passed since the first portable computer appeared. During this time, this technique has become a very dense part of our life, and a potential buyer is simply dazzled in the eyes of the numerous modifications and brands of various mobile devices. Laptop, netbook, ultrabook - what to choose? Let's try to answer this question by comparing two types of modern portable computers - laptop and ultrabook.

Throughout the existence of portable computers in the environment of developers of this technology, there has been a struggle between two tendencies. On the one hand, there is a desire to bring a laptop as close as possible in hardware and capabilities to a stationary PC. He is opposed by the desire to achieve the greatest possible mobility of a portable device, even if its capabilities are not so broad. This confrontation led to the emergence of portable devices such as ultrabooks along with classic laptops. Let's take a closer look at the differences between them.

Difference 1: Form Factor

When comparing the form factor of a laptop and an ultrabook, the first step is to focus on parameters such as size, thickness and weight. The desire to maximize the power and capabilities of laptops has led to the fact that they began to acquire more and more impressive dimensions. There are models with a screen diagonal of 17 inches and more. Accordingly, the placement of the hard drive, optical drive, battery, and interfaces for connecting other devices requires a lot of space and also affects the size and weight of the laptop. On average, the most popular laptop models are 4 cm thick, and some of them can weigh more than 5 kg.

Considering the ultrabook form factor, it is necessary to pay a little attention to the background of its origin. It all started when Apple released its ultra-thin laptop MacBook Air in 2008, which caused a stir among professionals and the general public. Their main competitor in the market - Intel - has set its developers to create a worthy alternative to this model. At the same time, standards were determined for such equipment:

  • Weight - less than 3 kg;
  • Screen diagonal - no more than 13.5 inches;
  • Thickness is less than 1 inch.

Also, Intel has registered a trademark for such products - ultrabook.

Thus, an ultrabook is an ultra-thin laptop from Intel. In its form factor, everything is aimed at achieving maximum compactness, but at the same time remaining a powerful enough and convenient device for the user. Accordingly, its weight and size compared to a laptop are significantly lower. It looks like this:

The currently produced models have a screen diagonal of 11 to 14 inches, and the thickness does not exceed 2 centimeters on average. The weight of ultrabooks usually fluctuates in the region of one and a half kilograms.

Difference 2: Hardware

Differences in the concept of devices also determine the difference in hardware between laptop and ultrabook. To achieve the device parameters set by the company, the developers had to solve the following tasks:

The list of hardware differences does not end there. Ultrabooks lack a CD-ROM drive, Ethernet controller, and some other interfaces. The number of USB ports has been reduced. There may be only one or two of them.

In a laptop, this set is much richer.

When buying an ultrabook, you must also bear in mind that, in addition to the battery, very often there is no provision for replacing the processor and RAM. Therefore, in many ways it is a one-time device.

Difference 3: Price

Due to the differences listed above, laptops and ultrabooks belong to different price points. Comparing the hardware of the devices, we can conclude that the ultrabook should be more affordable for the general user. However, in reality, this is not at all the case. Laptops cost half the price on average. This is due to the following factors:

  • The use of SSDs in ultrabooks, which are much more expensive than a regular hard drive;
  • The ultrabook case is made of high-strength aluminum, which also affects the price;
  • Using more expensive cooling technologies.

An important component of the price is the image factor. A more stylish and elegant Ultrabook can harmoniously complement the image of a modern business person.

Summing up, we can conclude that modern laptops are increasingly replacing stationary PCs. There are even products called desktop devices that are practically not used as portable devices. This niche is more and more confidently occupied by ultrabooks. These differences do not mean in any way that one type of device is preferable to another. Which one is more suitable for the consumer - you need to decide for each buyer individually, based on their needs.

For those who want to buy a work computer, one of the most serious questions is the following: what is the difference between a laptop and an ultrabook? These devices serve to perform the same tasks and have many similarities. And there are much more of them than differences. But they are the ones that play a decisive role in choosing a specific device.

Before making a choice in favor of a particular computer, it is worth understanding all the differences and deciding on the tasks that the PC will perform. Only after that you can go to the store for a purchase. Lack of understanding the difference can be a waste of money.

What is the difference between an ultrabook and a laptop: what is the main difference?

The differences between the ultrabook and the laptop are not only external, but also internal. The most significant are the following:

  • size, weight;
  • hardware "filling";
  • accumulator battery;
  • price.

The size

The first thing that catches your eye when comparing two adjacent devices is their size. With the same screen diagonal, an ultrabook is always much thinner. Accordingly, its weight is several times less. At the same time, in terms of its performance characteristics, it does not lag behind its larger counterpart. Typically, an ultrabook is less than 1.5cm thick and weighs less than 1.5kg.

In turn, a laptop is almost never thinner than 2.5 cm. The minimum weight of the most compact and ergonomic models is more than 2-2.5 kg. More recently, Ultrabooks have been equipped with small screens. The diagonal rarely exceeded 14 inches. But nowadays there are models equipped with a screen of 17 inches or more.

Hardware "filling"

Special attention should be paid to the material of the case. More than 90% of all are made of ordinary plastic. At the same time, aluminum and other functional materials are used in the construction of their thin-bodied relatives.

Internal stuffing and performance are not so simple. Due to the specificity of the ultrabook case, it is simply impossible to install a fully functional cooling system in it. Accordingly, the installation of powerful processors is not carried out. Special chips are used that generate a minimum amount of heat. Certain performance limits are imposed. The situation is similar with the video card.

Accumulator battery

The battery installed in Ultrabooks is usually less capacious than a laptop. But at the same time, the power of consumers is several times lower precisely in the ultrabook. Therefore, relative to this moment, a certain parity has been established between the two devices.


Price is the most significant difference between the two devices indicated above. If we compare it for devices with the same parameters, then it will differ twice. That is why, before making a choice in favor of an ultrabook, you should make sure that you need to buy it.

Pros, cons and which is better to choose: laptop or ultrabook

We found out what are the differences between a laptop and an ultrabook - as it turned out, it was not difficult. It is much more difficult to make a choice in favor of a certain type of device if it is necessary to purchase a personal computer.

Ultrabook Notebook
pros The pluses of the ultrabook include the following:
  • compactness, ease of transportation;
  • stylish design;
  • structural strength.
Conventional laptops have the following benefits:
  • performance;
  • the presence of a large number of input-output ports;
  • low cost.
Minuses There are also quite significant disadvantages:
  • relatively low productivity;
  • high price.
Significant cons:
  • relatively heavy weight;
  • thickness.
Output Taking into account all the features listed above, it is worth purchasing equipment of this type for those for whom dimensions and weight play an important role. These are travelers, businessmen, students - everyone who constantly needs a PC. It is quite difficult to constantly carry 3-4 extra pounds with you. The Ultrabook is practically weightless compared to a laptop. But it is important to remember that all such computers are equipped with discrete graphics cards. Their performance is limited. This technique is perfect for those for whom the overall dimensions of the PC do not play any role, but a powerful computing component is important. Even at a relatively low cost, laptops, for the most part, outperform ultrabooks from the mid-price category. Taking into account all the pros and cons of larger portable PCs, we can conclude that the purchase of such equipment will be the best solution for designers, designers and other persons using professional programs. For example, AutoCAD or Photoshop requires a multi-core processor as well as a discrete graphics card. Ultrabooks, for the most part, simply won't let you solve problems in these software environments.

The choice in favor of a certain format of the computer should be made primarily based on their financial capabilities and specifics of work. Laptops and ultrabooks have their advantages, it is worth familiarizing yourself with all of them in advance. This will make it possible to make an optimal profitable purchase.


The choice of a computer for work or other purposes is a responsible business. Since the cost of such equipment is growing every day. Therefore, you need to approach this task as responsibly as possible. The laptop is larger, but less productive. In turn, the ultrabook has a very compact size. It is easy to transport and comes with a more stylish body. But you should remember about its high cost.

The market is filled with a large number of various models of this type of equipment. It is worth carefully familiarizing yourself with all possible modifications, features of laptops, ultrabooks. And only after that to acquire a certain model.

Human nature always strives for freedom. To translate this desire into reality, many are thinking how to become independent, to move freely at any time where they want, while doing what they love and not losing touch with family and friends. This freedom today can provide us with portable computers.

1. Advantages of laptop computers

With a laptop, you can be anywhere, while doing work, hobbies, watching movies, playing, listening to music, reading your favorite books, chatting with friends and much more.

If your job is somehow connected with a computer, imagine how wonderful it would be to take it with you to the dacha or just go out into the clearing next to your house on a good day and work in the fresh air. And then the question arises which device to choose for this, what size it should be, what power, how long can it run on battery power, what tasks it can perform, and much more.

A separate section of the site will be devoted to solving these issues, which begins with this article. Now we will determine which device is most suitable for your tasks, and in the following articles we will separately consider the parameters for choosing this or that device.

Friends, first of all, I decided to say a few words about stationary computers, since many people think what to buy: a computer or a laptop.

A computer is certainly more suitable and convenient for ordinary work, watching movies, playing games, professional activities, as it has a large screen, a separate comfortable keyboard and more powerful components. A desktop computer, unlike a laptop, can be easily improved or repaired by replacing individual components. In addition, a laptop similar in power to a computer will cost several times more and still be less convenient. Therefore, for permanent work in one place (at home or in the office), buy a stationary computer.

A computer can be purchased ready-assembled, or you can order an assembly of a computer from independently selected components. The latter option is preferable, since for less money you will get a more powerful computer. In any case, you need to understand what components should be in your computer.

The purchase of a laptop can be considered in cases where it is an addition to the main computer, there is a need to transport it or a desire to sometimes take it somewhere with you if you are limited by space for installing a computer.

A laptop differs from a stationary computer mainly in its more compact size and the presence of a battery that allows it to work for some time without being connected to the power supply. This is usually 2-3 hours.

A laptop is the most versatile and powerful mobile computer and can be used for a wide range of tasks: working with documents, the Internet, watching videos, playing games, and professional activities. However, due to its large size and weight (2.5-3 kg), it is not suitable for daily carrying with you in a carry-on bag. But if you carry it in a car, then this is not a problem.

Thus, a laptop is most suitable for the office and at home, with the ability to transport it in the car to work and back, and occasionally take it with you to the country and on trips. But everywhere it will have to be plugged into an outlet. The laptop is not suitable for you if you often travel by train, bus or meet clients all day in different places, since the battery will not be enough and it is rather difficult to carry the laptop in your hands for a long time. In addition, there will not be a table everywhere to put it, and it will be inconvenient to hold it on your lap.

But, for a trip to the sea once a year, a laptop will be quite convenient, since on its large enough screen you can watch movies with your family, in a small company, and even play games.

A standard laptop has a screen size of 15.6 ″, which is enough for working with text and the Internet.
Lenovo Laptop V110-15ISK (80TL0146RK)

If you plan to use your laptop as your primary home computer, then look at the 17.3 ″ models.
Lenovo Laptop V320-17ISK (81B60006RK)

On such a laptop it will be much more comfortable to watch movies and play. But the choice of models with such a screen diagonal is more limited and they cost a little more. Also, such models are less often equipped with powerful video cards for games, for this purpose it is better to take a closer look at models with a discrete video card.
Lenovo Legion Y520-15IKBN Laptop (80WK00JBRK)

A netbook differs from a laptop, first of all, in size and was originally conceived as a weak compact laptop for use by students in educational institutions, which will cost up to $ 100. At the expense of the weak and compact, they did it much better, but the price went several times higher ...

The netbook really has a very modest size. The diagonal of the screen of the netbook is only 10-11 ″, and the weight is about 1 kg. This allows you to carry it around with you all the time, even in a small purse.

The advantages of a netbook also include a long battery life (6-8 hours) and a lower price compared to laptops. But the netbook also has big drawbacks. This is a very small screen, correspondingly very small letters and other elements that do not fit on the screen, which is why you often have to scroll windows not only up and down, but also left and right, which is very uncomfortable. The netbook has a small keyboard, which is also inconvenient to work with. And finally, all netbooks have a very weak processor and video card, because of which sometimes even video slows down.

I once tested and was horrified to find out that the netbook's video card is 20 times weaker than the cheapest laptop! Therefore, the netbook is absolutely not suitable for games, even for quite old ones. Also, the netbook does not have an optical drive, which does not allow using it for reading / writing DVD discs.

In general, a netbook is poorly suited as a main computer, but it can be used on the road as a notebook and Internet access, as well as at school for taking notes. With it, you don't have to constantly carry a charger and look for an outlet, since the battery lasts most of the working day. If you still decide to buy a netbook, then take a model with a screen not 10.1 ″, but at least 11.5-12.5 ″ - it will be a little more expensive, but much more convenient!
Notebook Acer TravelMate B117-M-C3TV (NX.VCHER.009)

An Ultrabook is a compromise between a laptop and a netbook in terms of size and power, but it costs several times more than a similarly powerful laptop. Ultrabook has a smaller screen size compared to a laptop (12-14 ″) and 1.5-2 times thinner, which makes it quite compact, lightweight (about 1.5 kg) and stylish.

At the same time, the ultrabook has a full-fledged sufficiently powerful processor, which allows it to perform complex tasks inaccessible to a netbook, for example, watching videos in HD quality. Most Ultrabooks have a graphics card built into the processor, which allows them to be used for the games of yesteryear. But there are also models with a full-fledged video card, which will allow you to play most modern games at medium graphics settings.

Also ultrabooks usually run on battery a little longer than laptops, but less than netbooks (4-6 hours). Ultrabooks usually do not have an optical drive, although there are exceptions, but this makes the ultrabook thicker and heavier. Many ultrabooks have a durable, lightweight and stylish aluminum body.

Ultrabook is perfect for daily active use in business and school. When used several times a day for several hours, you can carry it around without a power supply. If necessary, you can work on it at home, take it with you to the dacha or on a business trip.
Laptop ASUS VivoBook Flip TP410UA (TP410UA-EC303T 90NB0FS1-M08370)

But it is not suitable for watching videos with family or friends because of the small screen. For the same reason, you will not be able to fully enjoy your favorite game.

The main disadvantage of the ultrabook is the high price, but there is an alternative option. The fact is that the line between a laptop and an ultrabook is rather thin and arbitrary. You can choose a laptop model that will be quite compact (13-14 ″), light (1.5-2 kg), thin, not much inferior in performance, and possibly have a more powerful video card and at the same time cost 2 times cheaper.

There are not many such models, but they are. In my opinion, this is the best option in terms of price / convenience ratio for active use. But, most likely, it will have a plastic and not so stylish-looking body.

Often times, people looking for a compact and lightweight device choose between an ultrabook, netbook and tablet. This is the most difficult choice, in which there are many nuances and where people often make mistakes. But I will try to help you make the right choice.

First, I'll tell you what a tablet is for and how it differs from all other devices. A tablet is a compact 7-10 "touchscreen device, usually without a separate keyboard. Therefore, the text is entered using the virtual keyboard, which appears in the right places, by touching the virtual keys on the screen.

By and large, a tablet cannot be viewed as a full-fledged mobile computer for work or study. It is slow and inconvenient to enter text on it, and programs for office tasks have very limited functionality. But it's great for reading, surfing the web, checking email, watching videos, and playing games on the go.

8. Tablet with keyboard (transformer)

The problem of text input is partly solved in models with a removable keyboard, so-called transformers.

A tablet with a keyboard, or a transformer, is more versatile and can be used both as a tablet and as a netbook. But such models are much more expensive and are comparable in price to a full-fledged laptop.

As for the limitations in terms of the functionality of office programs, this applies primarily to models with the Android and iOS operating systems (Apple). In these tablets, it will be very problematic, and sometimes impossible, to draw up the necessary formulas, diagrams, presentations and other elements. This problem is solved on tablets with the Windows operating system, which have more powerful processors, but are already comparable in cost to ultrabooks.

However, it is very convenient to read on a tablet, use the Internet, you can watch a movie in a very narrow circle of yourself and play a lot of interesting and creative games. This is especially true for tablets with the Android operating system, which are specially tuned for entertainment functions. It is also convenient to hold the tablet in your hands, for example, lounging on the couch or in transport, which is not so convenient with a laptop or netbook. In addition, the tablet has the highest battery life (8-10 hours).
Tablet Huawei MediaPad T3 10 ″ 16GB LTE

But the tablet is primarily an entertainment device. It is not suitable for serious work and study. The exceptions are businessmen and managers who actively use a tablet to work with e-mail, control and communicate with subordinates. But they, in addition to this, usually have laptops for full-fledged work.

Now let's divide the devices into pairs, depending on the size and cost, which are usually compared when choosing.

9. Ultrabook or tablet with keyboard

For work and study, definitely take an ultrabook or thin light laptop, they are more powerful, functional and more convenient. For reading, the Internet, games, with very rare and short work with documents, take a tablet. In this case, you must have a computer or laptop for full-fledged work.

10. Netbook or tablet

I do not recommend a netbook as your main and only computer, you better get a cheap laptop. But this option is quite acceptable for working with documents and the Internet on the road or at school. In this case, I recommend a netbook with an 11.5 ″ screen. You can watch movies on a netbook, but only some very old games can be played.

If you only need a mobile computer for reading, the Internet and entertainment, then take a tablet. On it you can read books, watch movies, play a lot of interesting games, take photos, videos, use the navigator and much more!

11. Tablet with a 10 ″ or 7-8 ″ screen

I must say right away that a tablet with a 10 ″ screen will be much more convenient to use. It is not as big as it might seem at first glance, and weighs about 600 grams. It can be easily carried around as it is even smaller and lighter than a netbook and fits into a fairly small bag. But if you do not like to burden yourself with unnecessary things, carry a very small purse and want to have a tablet always at hand, then take it with a 7-8 ″ screen. It will weigh about 300 grams.

12. Apple or Android

And finally, one more important question that arises from many. Which tablet is better to buy Apple or Android? If we are talking about models with a 10 ″ screen, then Apple tablets are much more expensive. But the Apple tablet with an 8 ″ screen (iPad Mini) already has a rather attractive price. In addition, Apple tablets, regardless of screen size, have a very high quality, good warranty and support. The disadvantages of Apple tablets include the high price of the tablet itself, the high cost of accessories (covers, chargers, adapters, headphones, etc.), the payment for most good programs and games, and difficulties in exchanging files with a computer and other devices. We will somehow consider the differences between the operating system from Apple (iOS) and Android in more detail in a separate article.

Overall, I would give the following recommendation. If you are a wealthy person, you are not afraid of the cost of accessories, paid programs, games and most of your friends use Apple devices, or maybe you already have an iPhone or MacBook, then buy a tablet from Apple (iPad).

If you do not have extra money, you have a smartphone on the Android system, a computer with Windows, most of your friends use the same devices, you want to easily exchange files with them, customize everything to your taste and mood, then buy a tablet with the Android operating system from one of the popular brands. We will also consider this in a separate article.

As for the iPad Mini with an 8 ″ screen, it is certainly a very tempting option for the economical and not demanding user. If you want an inexpensive, yet reliable and stylish device that won't start to glitch or lag over time, then check out the iPad Mini.
Tablet Apple iPad 2017 WiFi 32GB

13. Conclusions

  • If you want to get the maximum convenience in work, comfortable watching movies and modern games, then buy a stationary computer.
  • If you need a mobile computer for work, then buy a laptop with a screen size of 15.6 ″.
  • If you need a home computer and want to watch movies on it, but space is limited, then buy a laptop with a screen size of 17.3 ″.
  • If you need a compact computer for work or study, then buy an ultrabook or a thin and light laptop with a screen size of 13-14 ″.
  • If you want a versatile option that can be used mainly for entertainment and less often for typing, then you can purchase a tablet with a 10 ″ screen and a detachable keyboard.
  • If you are on a budget and you need a mobile computer for work or study, which you will carry around every day in your hands, then buy a netbook with a screen size of 11.5 ″.
  • If you need a mobile device for reading, internet and entertainment, then buy a tablet with a screen size of 10 ″.
  • If you need a compact mobile device that you want to carry in a small purse, then buy a tablet with a screen size of 7-8 ″.
  • If you are a wealthy person, then the Apple tablet (iPad) will be an uncompromising option in terms of quality and style.
  • If you want to easily share files and experiences with your friends, like to experiment, then buy a tablet with the Android operating system.
  • If you do not want to bother with settings, have a reliable and stylish device, but are somewhat limited in funds, buy an iPad Mini with a screen size of 8 ″.
  • Lenovo Yoga Tablet 3 8 LTE
    Tablet Lenovo IdeaPad Miix 310-10ICR (80SG00AARK)
    Lenovo laptop E31-80 (80MX00WGRK)

Many users are interested in the question: "What is an ultrabook?" The device appeared relatively recently and has already gained popularity. Ultrabook is a category of portable computers, Intel is developing components for these devices. The main advantage of the ultrabook is its compactness and preservation of the technical characteristics of the laptop, the device is very convenient to use, first of all, it is distinguished by good portability.

Which is better, an ultrabook or a laptop

We'll start by listing the main advantages of each of the rivals, and then compare them head-on. Let's go!

Features of ultrabooks

Disadvantages of laptops and ultrabooks

Today, when mobile computers and tablets are replacing laptops and ultrabooks, which in turn are replacing desktop computers, buyers should focus solely on their needs. Because whatever you choose, in terms of functionality and power, you will be satisfied. Due to competition, which is good news, almost all manufacturers are trying to outperform others by making their products better and cheaper than others.

So, if you are thinking about buying a computer, then carefully decide for yourself why you need it. Perhaps a tablet or even a smartphone is enough for you. If you have definitely decided that you need a computer, then take an ultrabook - it is inferior to laptops only in price, but, already today, this difference will be about $ 200.

The whole world is moving towards the mobilization and minimization of computers and, perhaps, soon we will completely abandon computers in the form in which we see them today. Thank you all - success!

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There is one feature that unites manufacturers of absolutely all goods: the desire to constantly release something new to the market. Such goals are pursued by companies producing cars, household appliances, clothing and even manicure supplies. There is nothing surprising in the fact that the manufacturers of computer equipment desired variety. Until recently, laptops held the lead among portable computing devices. But today the market is filled with other, more portable devices. Ultrabooks and netbooks belong to this category of goods. Are these types of techniques really different or are all the differences related only to the name? This review will explain in as much detail as possible how a netbook differs from an ultrabook. So let's get started.

General differences between the three representatives of the laptop family

By and large, the netbook and ultrabook are a variety of well-known laptops. These portable computers were created so that a person was not tied to one place and could work almost everywhere. Over time, manufacturers realized that laptop portability was far from ideal, so they decided to release new devices. The first of these devices was the netbook. This gadget gained widespread popularity around 2008. After 3 years, ultrabooks entered the wide market. Let's try to make out the differences between a laptop and a netbook and an ultrabook in specific parameters.

  1. The size- the main distinguishing feature of laptops from their younger brothers. At first, these devices were created relatively compact. In particular, their average width was 360–385 mm, their depth was 240–270 mm, and their thickness was 20–30 mm. The focus on compactness is understandable, because laptops were intended to replace desktop computers. But over time, in order to compete, they began to be equipped with more powerful hardware, dimensional monitors, a more efficient cooling system, and voluminous batteries. Naturally, this all affected the dimensions and weight of the products. And when the class of gaming laptops appeared, these devices turned into stationary PCs that only look like portable devices. In a word, laptops have deviated from the standards in terms of dimensions. However, ultrabooks and netbooks always come in a specific size and weight. Departures from standards will mean a transition to a class of another device, so developers carefully monitor what they release.
  2. Display. The laptop monitor is definitely larger than that of newer gadgets. Initially, its dimensions were 15 inches, but today the dimensions of this element have exceeded the 17-inch mark. This step is also due to the desire to turn portable devices into stationary ones (in terms of capabilities). Laptops are no longer purely work devices. Users began to often install games on them, and to get a full-fledged gaming pleasure, you need not only a clear, but also a dimensional picture. Netbooks are focused only on work and Internet entertainment (surfing the web, watching online videos, etc.). Therefore, their displays are always compact. Ultrabook screens are a kind of golden mean between the two devices. In terms of picture quality, they are not inferior to the monitors of their older counterparts, however, the latest computer devices are still less suitable for games.
  3. Technical stuffing. Given the constant competition with stationary PCs, it is easy to guess that in terms of hardware, notebooks are the clear leaders. Ultrabooks are considered less powerful, and netbooks are equipped with the least productive components.
  4. Autonomy. At the dawn of their formation, laptops had a solid battery life. But the same pursuit of advanced functionality has noticeably reduced the duration of work offline. Today, the very first portable devices are discharged in 3-5 hours at minimum load. Running games completely drains the battery in an hour and a half. Since ultra- and netbooks have a slightly different focus, their battery life is much higher. This is due to the presence of a capacitive battery and less gluttonous "iron".
  5. Ports and connectors. Ultrabooks and laptops are almost equal rivals here. Netbooks are noticeably lagging behind their counterparts in the number of ports and connectors, but this lag is due to their compactness.
  6. Wired and wireless networks. Here equality is observed among all three "brothers". The described devices always support Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. The latest models even support modern communication standards (eg 3G).
So we have analyzed the main differences between the new portable computers and their older brother. Now let's take a closer look at what is the difference between a netbook and an ultrabook.

Dimensional differences between netbooks and ultrabooks

Compactness is the main advantage of netbooks. The exact dimensions of such devices may vary, but the average values ​​are as follows:
  • width - 245-260 mm;
  • depth - 170-185 mm;
  • thickness - 24–30 mm.
Netbooks usually weigh 1–1.3 kg. And if you remove the battery, their weight can even be calculated in grams.

Ultrabooks are large:

  • their width fluctuates around 300 mm;
  • the depth is capable of reaching 230 mm;
  • but the thickness is always minimal - up to 20 mm.
In fact, it is the thickness that determines the name and the main difference between such devices. More clearly, Ultrabook stands for Ultrathin Laptop. It is clear that when creating these gadgets, engineers focus on the minimum thickness.

The thinness of such devices has a good effect on their weight. Typically, the weight of ultrabooks hovers around 2 kg.

Netbook and Ultrabook Displays

Screen size is another significant difference between a netbook and an ultrabook. Gadgets with the prefix "no" are usually equipped with screens of 10-12 inches. It is not hard to guess that the resolution on such displays is also small. Modern models produce a quality equal to 1024x600 pixels. Such a small resolution often causes inconvenience (for example, the user cannot maximize certain applications to full screen). Although some of the problems are fixed by additional utilities.

As for ultrabooks, the average dimensions of their monitors are 13-17 inches (almost full-fledged laptops). Modern expensive models are often equipped with protective and anti-reflective coatings. The resolution of such screens can reach 1920x1080 pixels. The only drawback of ultrabook monitors is their high susceptibility to deformation (due to their small thickness). Therefore, extreme care should be taken during operation.

Netbook and Ultrabook interface

It was already mentioned above that due to the miniature size, the number of connectors on netbooks is limited. As a rule, such devices are equipped with:
  • USB 2.0 output;
  • USB 3.0 port;
  • micro HDMI output;
  • socket for wired internet.
The type of ultrabook sockets is almost the same, although their number is slightly larger (for example, there may be two outputs for USB type 2 and 3). In addition, modern models are often equipped with additional ports:
  • USB Type-A;
  • USB Type-C;
  • full HDMI output.
Both types of devices are always equipped with webcams. However, netbooks are far behind ultrabooks in this respect. In addition, wired and wireless network connections are much slower on netbooks than on ultra-thin laptops.

Technical content of netbooks and ultrabooks

Performance is far from the strongest point of netbooks. As a rule, they are equipped with weak processors (for example, Intel Atom or AMD Brazos). The amount of RAM is usually 2-4 GB. Of course, there are more powerful configurations, but such models are not cheap. Responsible for the graphics are mediocre integrated boards (often from Intel). For data storage, both full-fledged hard drives and solid-state drives are used. However, the volume of both components is also far from ideal (maximum 500 GB).

As for ultrabooks, they are considered to be full-fledged competitors of some classic notebooks in terms of performance. Modern models may have such equipment.

  1. CPU can be either dual or quad core. Often, when creating such devices, Intel Core chips (5th or 6th generation) are used.
  2. Video card. As a rule, video cards of many models are inferior in power to discrete types of cards installed on laptops. However, there are also devices equipped with powerful boards (for example, Intel iris Graphics 550). To make it clearer, the specified video card is almost identical to the NVIDIA GeForce 940M.
  3. RAM. Here, too, solid indicators can be present. Most often, good-quality models have 8 GB of RAM on board.
  4. Memory for storing data. Generally, engineers prefer solid state drives. The most common memory size is 500 GB. Expensive models can even have a capacity of 1 TB.

Autonomy of netbooks and ultrabooks

In terms of autonomy, both gadgets can be considered equivalent. With optimal screen brightness, the netbook and ultrabook will provide up to 13 hours of web surfing and work in office applications. A particularly useful stand-alone device is a netbook. By and large, such gadgets were created so that a person could easily perform work tasks while being away from a network source.

Netbook and Ultrabook price

The cost of the described devices, of course, may be different. However, ultrabooks have more functionality, which means they cost much more. In particular, the price of netbooks in Russia can range from 6,000 to 40,000 rubles. But for a good ultrabook, you will need to pay 100-150 thousand rubles (the best models are even more expensive than the specified amount).

So we have analyzed the main differences between an ultrabook and a netbook. As you can see, both of these gadgets are good in their own way. Is it better to buy a netbook or an ultrabook? The answer to this question directly depends on the future purpose of use. If you only need a working device, give preference to a netbook. If you are looking for a compact and lightweight laptop, Ultrabooks are the way to go. In any case, the tasks for which these devices are oriented, they will perform properly.

For more information on the main differences between a laptop, netbook and ultrabook, see the video below:

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