What are the differences between alloy wheels? Which wheels to choose for summer and winter use: cast and stamped

For a long time, motorists have been arguing about the choice of rims for summer and winter - some prefer the classic “stamping”, while others choose only “casting”, and there is no consensus on this issue. In this article we will find out how different types of rims behave in winter conditions, we will analyze several myths in detail, and try to make the right choice.

Features of cast and stamped wheels

Today, cars are equipped with two fundamentally different types wheel rims - stamped steel and solid cast (or light alloy). Forged wheels have become somewhat widespread, but in a number of characteristics they are similar to cast wheels, so they are often considered together. These discs are radically different from each other in design and characteristics.

Stamped steel wheels are made from several parts, stamped from sheet steel with specific characteristics. Such discs have all the characteristics of steel - they are quite strong, upon impact they get deformations that can be straightened, are resistant to very negative temperatures, but at the same time they are heavy and do not have the most attractive appearance. The main advantage of these discs lies precisely in their combination low price and high strength.

Alloy wheels are made by casting from light alloys (mainly aluminum), so they have low weight and high strength, and most importantly, an attractive appearance. However, alloy wheels have insufficient resistance to impact loads - an impact can lead not only to the formation of chips or cracks, but even to the splitting of the entire disk. Also, light alloy wheels somewhat lose their strength qualities at very low temperatures. Finally, alloy wheels have a higher cost, but this price fully pays for all their positive qualities.

Such differences in the properties of discs have given rise to a debate about which ones are better to use in summer and which ones in winter. Both types of disks have their adherents, but very often the choice of disks is not made for objective reasons, but only on the basis of common myths and prejudices.

Alloy wheels

Stamped discs

Myths about using cast and stamped wheels in winter

  • Due to frost, alloy wheels can break even without heavy loads;
  • In winter, the roads are slippery, so the likelihood of a side impact with discs on curbs or other obstacles is higher, while stamped discs are easier to return to normal after an impact, while cast discs usually cannot be restored;
  • There may be holes and various obstacles hidden under the snow, which can cause alloy wheels to break when they hit them;
  • Alloy wheels, especially of an open design (with thin “spokes”), become clogged with snow, which disrupts the balancing and also leads to intense corrosion of the brake mechanisms, wheel bearing and other parts;
  • Under the influence of deicing agents, alloy wheels undergo corrosion and lose their appearance and characteristics.

It is for these reasons that many motorists install wheels on stamped wheels for the winter, and put up with the fact that the car becomes less attractive and loses some of the advantages that alloy wheels give them (for example, a reduction in unsprung weight, and the associated overall improvement in comfort and handling ). But in reality there is no point in such a replacement, since all the above arguments are something from the realm of rumors, and most of them are not entirely true.

How do cast and stamped wheels actually behave in winter?

What actually happens to alloy wheels and a car on such wheels in winter? To understand this, you need to analyze in detail each of the above arguments against.

The fragility of “casting” in the cold. In principle, this argument is correct - aluminum alloys at very low temperatures actually become more brittle and brittle. However, in reality, cars practically never encounter such frosts that an alloy wheel can crack upon impact - this is only possible in the Far North. And even in Siberia, the temperature in winter rarely drops below -40°C, so there is no risk during operation alloy wheels No.

Side impacts. This argument also has a right to life, but remember - how long have you hit your wheels on obstacles? Such situations happen extremely rarely, and if they do happen, the impacts in this case are not so strong as to damage the disk.

Danger under the snow. You can encounter such obstacles only if you drive on virgin soil covered with unrolled snow, but in real urban conditions it is almost impossible to run into a hole or brick hidden under the snow, because the snow is compacted on the roads and in courtyards and cannot fall under the weight of the car. By the way, this fact significantly reduces the likelihood of alloy wheels breaking, since all road irregularities are smoothed out by compacted snow. Although this, of course, does not apply to city roads, which are regularly cleared of snow.

Snow in the disks. Wet snow and ice can actually clog both stamped and alloy wheels just as well, but the latter have the advantage of usually being designed to self-clean while driving. This, by the way, makes it easier to wash the discs and better cooling brake discs, which is important during icy conditions, when the brakes are used much more actively.

Disc corrosion. This point is irrelevant for modern alloy wheels - they have a very reliable paint coating, and many wheels have a much more durable chemical coating (for example, anodizing). So alloy wheels are not afraid of reagents, which cannot be said about traditional steel wheels - they break down much faster in winter.

Special mention should be made about disc deformations. Very often, supporters of stamped discs argue that these discs are much easier to straighten and repair if damaged, while alloy discs can only be thrown away after a strong impact. However, in winter, as we have already found out, the risk of impacts not only does not increase, but in some cases decreases. In addition, stamped discs can not only become deformed, but also become beaded, causing additional problems.

Thus, there is no real reason not to use alloy wheels in winter time. And, contrary to popular belief, “stamping” in winter does not have any advantages over casting. However, what needs to be done here is important note- this applies to high-quality alloy wheels manufactured in compliance with all standards and regulations. If you use too cheap disks of dubious quality, then problems will definitely not be avoided.

What to choose for installation in winter?

So, what type of discs should you choose in winter? In fact, the answer is very simple - choose those disks that are preferable for you personally. If a car is “shod” in “casting” in the summer, then it makes no sense to install “stamping” for the winter - there will be no positive effect from this replacement. And if the car is always operated on stamped wheels, then there is no point in installing “cast” wheels for the winter, especially if you don’t want to spend extra money.

Although there are several nuances here. In particular, for cars that are constantly used in northern conditions, it makes sense to install stamped wheels for the winter, which are better able to withstand severe frosts.

You also need to take into account that cast wheels are lighter than stamped ones, and therefore have less inertia. What does this give? A lot: alloy wheels slow down or accelerate faster, which has an impact in icy conditions positive influence on vehicle handling, improves the ability to restore traction after skidding, etc. So light alloy wheels are generally safer in winter than heavy stamped ones, and this factor is very important.

In any case, choosing the type of wheels for winter use is a personal matter for each motorist, and only you can decide what your car will be “shod” in this winter.

We have already reviewed, highlighting all the main indicators that need to be taken into account when purchasing. However, the question of choosing the type of disk deserves a little closer attention: today we will figure out what types of disks there are, how they differ, and what their consumer characteristics are.

1. What types of discs are there?

According to the type of manufacturing, wheel rims are divided into stamped, cast, forged and prefabricated. The first two types are the absolute leaders in terms of prevalence, the third are the choice of enthusiasts, and the fourth are actually exotic, but within the framework of the material we will say a few words about them.

2. Stamped discs

Stamped discs are the most budget-friendly and easiest to manufacture type. Such discs are made from rolled carbon (“black”) steel by stamping separately the rim and the front part and then joining them by welding. After manufacturing, the discs are painted with enamel, which protects them from the aggressive external environment.

The main goal of stamped discs is to be cheap and simple, which they successfully do. It is these discs that are installed on the basic equipment of new cars, and are also purchased by car owners for whom it is not the appearance of the disc that is important, but only its functionality.

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The main advantages of a stamped disc are its aforementioned low cost, as well as softness and maintainability. Softness and maintainability are interrelated characteristics: the fact is that, due to the material used and manufacturing technology, stamped discs retain the inherent ductility of metal. Thus, upon impact, such disks crumple, absorbing and absorbing part of the impact energy, and the damaged disk can subsequently be repaired, retaining most of its performance characteristics. Another advantage in this situation is the partial damping of the shock falling on the suspension: by deforming, the “stamping” slightly softens the blow and in some cases can save the suspension from breaking at the cost of its own integrity.

The stamped disc also has a lot of disadvantages. In part, the notorious softness can be attributed to them, but the main complaints of the owners are related to heavy weight and utilitarian design of such products, as well as their poor protection from the external environment. Weight is indeed the main scourge of “stamps”: it exceeds that of a cast disk by an average of 15-30%. This is more important than it might seem: after all, a large unsprung mass leads to a slight deterioration in dynamics and an increase in fuel consumption.

The appearance of stamped wheels should be considered their feature, and not a disadvantage - this is a purely utilitarian product, although there are stamped wheels with hints of design. Those for whom appearance is important can compensate for it with decorative wheel covers that fit over the “stamping”. This is also relevant because stamped wheels, as a rule, easily lose their presentation: defects in painting and damage to the enamel lead to the disc rusting, and an aggressive external environment only aggravates this process.

Brief summary: stamped discs are cheap, heavy and repairable, they are worth choosing if the appearance of the disc is not at all important to you, but it is important to spend as little money on it as possible, both when purchasing and in operation.

3. Alloy wheels

Alloy wheels, as the name suggests, are produced by casting into a pre-prepared die. Such wheels are also called light alloy wheels - this is fair, because, unlike stamped ones, they are made not of steel, but of lighter alloys: as a rule, aluminum, and in the case of expensive products - magnesium and titanium. After manufacturing, the discs can be additionally painted, polished or varnished.

The main advantages of a cast disk are lower weight compared to stamped ones, significantly greater strength, corrosion resistance, as well as a much more aesthetic and varied design. With a mass of in this case everything is clear: it is smaller thanks to the use of lighter material. Higher strength and corrosion resistance are also a consequence of the materials used and manufacturing technology: a cast disk can withstand much more without deformation. heavy load and does not rust even if the surface is damaged. Well, the appearance depends solely on the matrix used, and this allows you to create many thousands of options for the appearance of the disk. The appearance is complemented by coloring: often a disc of the same design exists in different colors.

The disadvantages of a cast disk are low ductility and resulting fragility, high cost and difficulty of repair, as well as the higher price of the disk itself. Fragility – back side strength: a cast disk can withstand a stronger impact than a stamped one, however, if the force of the impact exceeds the capabilities of the disk, it will not only be dented, but will most likely crack or split. In addition, the strength of the alloy wheel means that the impact is fully transmitted to the vehicle's suspension.

Technologies for repairing such discs, of course, have been mastered, but this repair itself is prohibited by the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union, paragraph 5.7.2 of which states that “the presence of cracks on the discs and rims of wheels, traces of their repair by welding” is not allowed. This is a completely justified measure: the loss of performance characteristics during a potential repair is significant, and it is unknown how the repaired disk will behave in the future.

Quick summary: Alloy wheels are beautiful, light and strong, and worth choosing if you want the best balance of performance for the money.

4. Forged wheels

Forged wheels are the “elite” of the mass market. They are made from light aluminum alloys containing magnesium and titanium by die forging and subsequent machining. The workpiece, stamped at high temperature, retains the internal structure of the metal, and the design of the disk is usually determined on a milling machine.

The main advantages of a forged wheel are its outstanding lightness and strength, combined with the beauty of the product. The manufacturing technology ensures even less weight and even greater strength compared to casting - which is why forged wheels are considered best choice for the car enthusiast. Another important property“forging” – plasticity: with a critically strong impact, it does not crack, but creases, which makes recovery a little easier.

The main disadvantage of a forged wheel is that you have to pay well for all its advantages, at all stages and not only in money. The manufacturing technology of “forging” is the most complex, and this limits the number of manufacturers who do this. Accordingly, forged wheels are not only expensive, but also very rare: before you pay, you will have to look for them or order them. Well, one more related problema large number of fakes: a large part of the “forging” on the market are cast wheels with fake markings, and it is difficult to distinguish a cast wheel from a forged one.

Quick summary: Forged wheels are beautiful, very light and very durable, and are worth choosing if you want the best performance product and are willing to pay good money for them.

5. Prefabricated discs

Prefabricated disks are the rarest and most exotic type of disks. Their main feature is that they consist of several parts: they can be divided into a rim and a front part (disk), which is attached to the rim with bolts. Structurally, these are not all the elements: for example, the disk assembly has beadlocks that secure the tire rim, and a tirelock that prevents the wheel from disassembling. The bolts used in prefabricated wheels must have very high strength and are typically made from titanium alloy.

The advantages of the prefabricated disk are the variability of its composition: different elements disk can be made from different materials, and also replace if necessary. For example, the rim is usually forged and made of aluminum alloy, but a more durable titanium alloy can be used for the front part (the disc itself). A damaged rim can be replaced, preserving the front part, or, conversely, the “pattern” of the disc can be replaced.

Prefabricated discs are the rarest type of disc, and in the vast majority of cases they are used as an image element. New disks are usually made to order, and their price is very high.

Brief summary: prefabricated wheels are expensive, beautiful and durable, they are worth choosing if the price of the wheels is not at all important to you, but you want to get an exclusive product with excellent performance characteristics.

What kind of wheels do you have?

Three types of wheel rims are common in Russia. Cast ones are made from an alloy of light metals such as aluminum, magnesium, etc. It is poured into molds and then subjected to grinding and additional machining. The main advantage of cast wheels is their beauty and low weight, which affects fuel efficiency and on the handling of the car. On average, fuel consumption is reduced by 0.5-1%, and braking distance is reduced by a couple of meters.

Stamped discs are made from stainless steel sheets with a high carbon content. The blanks are sent under an impact press and after a few seconds the wheel is ready. This process is fast and cheap, which has a positive effect on the price. Such wheels can be found on all passenger cars, as well as on trucks and buses.

But forged wheels are produced using complex technology. They are first cast in light alloy molds and then sent to the anvil. A giant press compresses the hot metal with several blows, reducing its grain structure and collapsing the shells. Thus, strength unprecedented for other discs is achieved. True, the price of forged wheels is five times higher than that of cast wheels, which makes them practically unattainable for the average buyer. The main purpose of forged wheels is rally raids.

So what the best way suitable for winter season? Due to frequent temperature changes above zero, in winter the roads crack and become covered with deep gouges. The risk of getting into trouble increases. Here you need to carefully think through all the pros and cons. It's better to think about safety than beauty.

Impacts in the pits

Alloy wheels do not resist impacts well. In frosts below 10 degrees, light alloys lose their toughness and become brittle. Hitting the sharp edges of asphalt can cause chips or even cracks. But even if the disc withstood the impact, the tire itself can burst from hard contact with the hole and the rim. In addition, alloy wheels lose their appearance due to chemicals poured abundantly onto the roads. In addition, they are open to snow and dirt, which is why with heavy snowfalls, layers of ice and snow can form on the inner surfaces of the wheel, causing the wheel to start to beat. And this affects the handling of the car.

Stamped wheels resist impacts even worse, but they do not crack, they only bend. When the suspension breaks down, excess energy moves from the tire to the edge of the rim and is absorbed there. A bent disc allows air to pass through, but it does not crack. There will be no immediate loss of tire pressure and you can get to a service station. Repairing a stamped wheel costs a penny and is performed in almost any tire shop. You can quickly fix it yourself with the help of a sledgehammer and a strong word.

In addition, there is much less risk of puncturing the tire on a stamped wheel. He would rather bend himself than let it burst from a savage blow from below. Thus, in long journey It’s calmer with stampings.

Forged wheels are best left to rally professionals. Their benefits in winter are not obvious, as they come at a high price. To realize their potential on the ice, we need special settings suspension and reinforced braking system, as well as tires with centimeter studs. A safety frame inside the body will also not hurt if the grip of the tires is not as good as expected.

In general, in bad autumn weather it’s better not to think about speed. Stampings are cheap, and you can easily buy a set of wheels and put winter tires on them, so that you don’t have to spend money on subsequent tire fittings in the spring. You can remove them yourself and take them to the garage for storage. Well, it’s better to put a summer set of tires on cast wheels. In warm weather they are more preferable, as they are perfectly balanced and designed for high speeds. Therefore, experts recommend taking stampings in winter and going to casting in summer.

Good afternoon, dear readers.

A car wheel consists of two parts: a tire (tyre) and a rim. Features of tire installation were discussed in the article

Today we will talk about rims. You will learn the differences between cast, stamped and forged wheels, as well as the features of selecting wheels for a particular car. Let's get started.

A short explanation for novice car enthusiasts. Wheel rim- this is the central metal part of the wheel on which the tire is mounted.

Selection of rims for a car

The ability to install a disc on a specific car is determined by several numerical parameters. For example, a disk characteristic might look like this: 7J R17 PCD5*112 ET45 d57.1

Car manufacturers usually provide recommended wheel rim parameters. The car suspension is designed for wheels with certain parameters. Therefore, if you want to avoid possible problems in the future, use the recommended settings.

Let me note that in practice, when purchasing rims, the following may arise: problem. Discs official dealers are very expensive compared to similar wheels in specialized stores that sell tires and wheels. Discs sold by dealers strictly comply with the recommended parameters, while discs sold in car dealerships may differ in one or more parameters. What to do?

1. You can buy wheels from a dealer and not worry about the parameters of the wheels.

2. You can find wheels in car stores that strictly comply with the required parameters. I note that in practice, even in large cities, problems may arise with finding disks that meet all the parameters. Nevertheless, there is always the opportunity to contact one of the online stores in the capital, where there are no problems with choosing disks.

3. You can buy discs that differ in one or more parameters.

For example, you can buy discs of larger or smaller diameter. You can buy larger discs central hole, different offset or greater width. The only parameter that cannot be changed is PCD (since the mounting holes of the disk must strictly correspond to the mounting holes on the car).

Let me emphasize once again that using disks with parameters different from those recommended can lead to additional faults car. In addition, this may cause problems with warranty service.

Let's go back to rims. On average, smaller drives cost less than larger drives. For example, in practice it may be cheaper to buy winter tires and an additional set of 16-inch wheels than a set of 17-inch winter tires without wheels.

Note. In the text of this article, for comparison, I will provide prices for 14-inch rims, current in 2010.

Stamped discs

Perhaps the most common type of wheel rims are stamped steel rims. Their popularity is largely due to their low cost (for 14-inch in the region of 1,000 - 1,500 rubles per disk).

A significant contribution to the spread of stamped wheel rims is made by the fact that many new cars are sold on such rims. Well, owners are in no hurry to spend money on new wheels, but use existing ones for the entire life of the car.

Advantage stamped rims is their good reaction to getting a wheel into a hole. In this case, stamped discs usually do not crack, but bend. After this, the damaged disk can be repaired, and it can serve for quite a long time.

Disadvantage stamped wheel rims is their weight, which exceeds the weight of cast and forged wheels. Another disadvantage of stamped discs is their appearance. All stamped discs are the same (the disc can be seen in the picture on the left) and for some reason are not loved by many car owners.

The problem of the appearance of stamped discs is solved by installing wheel covers , covering the disc and giving it an individual look.

Alloy wheels

Another popular type of rims is alloy wheels.

Unlike stamped wheels, which are made of steel, cast wheels are made of aluminum or magnesium alloy. In this regard, alloy wheels have less weight, which is their significant advantage. Also, alloy wheels have greater thermal conductivity and this contributes to better heat removal from the brake mechanisms.

The technology for manufacturing cast wheels allows them to be given almost any shape. Therefore, in practice, alloy wheels look more attractive than their stamped counterparts.

Disadvantage alloy wheels is their relatively high price (for 14 inch 3,000 - 4,000 rubles per disk). The second disadvantage of alloy wheels is that if the wheel gets into a large hole rim may split. It is impossible to restore a split disk; it must be completely replaced.

Nevertheless, alloy wheels find many supporters.

Forged wheels

The third type of wheel rims - forged wheels. Their manufacturing technology differs from the two previous types of disks.

Advantages Such discs are manifested in their high strength. In addition, forged wheels are the lightest among those considered today.

Another undeniable advantage forged wheels - unlike cast wheels, they do not split when they fall into a hole. From this advantage follows one of shortcomings forged wheels. Since forged wheels can easily survive falling into a hole, almost all of the impact energy is transferred to the suspension, which adversely affects the condition of the car.

The second disadvantage of forged wheels is that the design of such wheels is limited by their manufacturing technology.

Forged wheels cost about the same as cast wheels (3,000 - 4,000 rubles per disk for 14-inch wheels). Therefore, they have both supporters and opponents.

Let's summarize this article:

  • When choosing rims, you need to take into account the parameters recommended by the car manufacturer.
  • There are 3 types of rims.
  • Stamped wheels are the cheapest and heaviest. They can be repaired.
  • Alloy wheels are more expensive and lighter. They may break if they fall into a hole.
  • Forged wheels have the lowest weight and the greatest strength. Their use may damage the vehicle's suspension.

Good luck on the roads!

It may be associated with their breakdown, the desire to change their appearance vehicle or with need quick replacement sets of tires. The question inevitably arises, which wheels are better - there are currently many types of products on the automotive components market. It is worth remembering that strength, reliability and other properties rims depend both on the material used in their manufacture and on the chosen production method.

The question that many motorists face is: “Which wheels to choose?”


Budget cars or vehicles in the simplest configurations are usually equipped with stamped steel wheels. Such products are made from regular sheets rolled metal of a given thickness - blanks for the rim and hub are processed by a hot press and then joined by welding. The use of steel makes it possible to achieve high strength of the disks, as well as their ductility. It is this that determines the main advantage of such wheels - when they hit a large obstacle or with a strong impact, they bend, but do not burst or crack. Therefore, a stamped disk can be repaired without the use of special equipment - just hit it with a sledgehammer or a heavy hammer.

However, it is definitely not possible to say which is better - stamped steel wheels or their expensive alternatives. The maintainability and low cost of such automotive components is counteracted by their very large weight. Increase unsprung masses of the vehicle leads to an increase in the wear rate of the suspension, deterioration in comfort, as well as. Most manufacturers try to lighten stamped wheels by cutting special holes in them, but even such products weigh 2-3 times more than their light-alloy counterparts.

In addition, steel products are subject to corrosion, which can destroy them within 2–3 years of intensive use. To prevent rust, they are coated with a primer or a special varnish, but such a solution cannot provide ideal protection for the wheels. Finally, it is necessary to note the primitive design, which is rarely combined with appearance modern car.

Classic casting

Most motorists are faced with a choice - cast or stamped wheels. If you have financial capabilities, experts recommend choosing the second option. Light alloy products are formed by classical casting into a pre-prepared mold. Thanks to this, there is virtually no boundary between the rim and the disk - this increases the reliability and durability of the wheel. The material used to make cast wheels is usually an alloy of aluminum with other metals - for example, magnesium or titanium.

In terms of strength, cast wheels are significantly superior to stamped steel ones. The limit of their deformation is much higher - to damage a light-alloy wheel, you will need 3–5 times more impact energy. However, the ductility of the non-ferrous metal alloy is much lower than that of steel, which causes serious difficulties when it is necessary to repair the disk. To eliminate damage, hot rolling, drawing, argon welding and other methods that require the use of expensive equipment are used. After the disks are restored, the metal loses its original molecular structure, which leads to a significant decrease in the strength of the wheels.

If you want to know the difference between alloy wheels and steel wheels, you should know that alloy wheels have much less weight. This has a positive effect on the following properties of the car:

  • Comfort;
  • Economical;
  • Reliability and durability of the suspension.

Alloy wheels are not subject to corrosion and other types of damage, even if they are severely damaged. The only exceptions are products using magnesium - they are destroyed by moisture, which requires the use of multi-layer protection. That is why it is recommended to install balancing weights on alloy wheels of this type using a special polymer adhesive rather than traditional brackets. Another advantage is the geometric precision of manufacturing - tolerances do not exceed 0.1–0.15 mm, which ensures excellent vehicle control accuracy.

Maximum strength

However, light alloy wheels are also available in various types- if you purchase them in big store, then after determining the required size you will be asked whether you need forged or cast wheels? It’s worth saying right away that mechanical forging has nothing in common with manual forging, which can be seen in small enterprises working with metal. In fact, forged wheels are made by stamping a light alloy billet - the difference from the production of steel wheels lies in the use of different shapes and the use of very high temperature, in which the metal is in a semi-liquid state. Forged wheels are also made from non-ferrous metals, but the proportion of high-strength components such as magnesium or titanium is much higher.

If casting involves complete melting of the metal, accompanied by a violation of its molecular structure, then this does not happen during forging. As a result, the wheels gain even greater strength, which ensures their reliability and durability. Experts say that if you hit a large obstacle, you are more likely to damage the suspension components than the forged wheel. The difference lies in the weight, which is 5–25% less for products obtained by forging. This reduces fuel consumption, reduces wear and tear, and improves vehicle comfort.

The only serious drawback of forged wheels is the high cost due to the features technological process production. It is also worth mentioning that they cannot have a complex design, since the stamping mold imposes its own restrictions on the curvature of the surfaces. This is the answer to the question of how to distinguish forged wheels from cast ones - they have a chopped rough shape. Despite some design limitations, forged wheels are a favorite among street racers and tuning enthusiasts. They can improve the dynamic parameters of the car, as well as give it an unusual appearance.

What to choose?

If you are planning to travel good roads, but you don’t plan to spend a lot of money on equipping your car with new wheels, it’s better to give preference to alloy wheels - in Lately there are many quality ones on sale inexpensive models. The best option- discs made in Russia, Korea or Europe, but products from Turkey and China should be avoided. Fans of high-speed driving can recommend forged wheels, which are characterized by their low weight and excellent strength. If you often have to travel bad roads or even go beyond the asphalt, it is better to purchase stamped steel wheels. Their advantage is not only their low price, but also their ability to self-repair after a minor breakdown.

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