Satellite channel frequencies latest updates tricolor. Tricolor TV frequencies for setting up receiving equipment

The most widespread operator of satellite audio and television broadcasting in Russian Federation considered Tricolor TV. The operator broadcasts while covering the entire European part of Russia, Siberia and partly Far East.

The European part of Russia is covered by the Tricolor operator with broadcasts from Eutelsat 36A/36B satellites. Siberia and part of the Far East receive broadcasts from the Bonum 1 satellite. In addition, the beginning of last year was marked by the company reserving 10 transponders on the Express-AT1 satellite device launched in March 2014 by the Russian Federation.

Previously, two satellite transponders located on the Bonum 1 satellite, and as far as is known, five located on the DirecTV-1R satellite were used by the largest satellite audio and television broadcasting platform to Siberia. Today, the operator Tricolor TV Siberia serves more than one million subscribers living in Siberia. The presented volume of transponder reservation on the Express-AT1 device is explained by the expectations of the company's management by an increase in the total number of subscribers.

In fact, for 20 million citizens Siberia is their home. Thus, the region’s population represents one seventh of the total population of the Russian Federation. It was thanks to the launch of a new satellite device that the company had the opportunity to expand its own HD offer for the Siberian region, which totals about two dozen television channels. Thus, it will be possible to compare the platform in the Siberian region with the operator’s platform used for television broadcasting to the entire European part of Russia. This is the news of the company's increasing activity.

Latest current news from the operator Tricolor TV

From the first day of this year 2015, the operator tried to refuse free broadcast"Basic" package. The news of intentions concerned all subscribers without exception. However, on January 5, the proposed intentions to introduce paid broadcasting were somewhat postponed, as reported by last news. Currently, the subscriber continues to receive the service in free mode, without any glitches.

In turn, on January 26 of this year, the company introduced new tariff called “Unified” with a fixed subscription fee. The news has official status. So given tariff package came to replace the old tariffs, which ceased to exist practically:

  • "Optimum";
  • "Super Optimum";
  • "Maximum HD";
  • "Maximum HD Siberia."

Typical changes do not apply to subscribers who receive and pay for the “SuperMaximum HD” tariff, which combines the “Maximum HD” tariff package that was excluded from service, as well as the “Radio package” and “Cinema halls”.

By the end of last 2014, Tricolor TV, which had already become a national operator, presented more news - it released it for sale new device. None of the competitors directly on the satellite TV broadcasting market have a typical device. It's about about a branded tablet (“GS700”), available for sale to all consumers, without exception, complete with satellite equipment regarding the Multiroom system.

Satellite transponders of the operator Tricolor TV Siberia

Tricolor TV Siberia, living in the regions of the Siberian, Ural and part of the Far Eastern District, offers its subscribers broadcasting in the MPEG-4 format. Distinctive feature of this broadcast comes down to the widest range of demons included in the package paid channels. The list of 52 channels includes a wide variety of broadcasts, including information channels, covering news from the Russian Federation and around the world, as well as sports, children's, educational and erotic broadcasts. The company offers promotional offers for subscribers, for example, viewing paid channels for a year completely free of charge from the date of registration of the cooperation agreement.

To configure all channels of a “national” operator, you need to manual mode using the remote control remote control receiver, select the “Search for Tricolor TV channels” item in the main menu or perform the following list of manipulations:

  • In the open satellite list find Bonum-1 or Most-1;
  • Check the local oscillator frequency (LNB): the value should be – 10750;
  • Check the list of entered transponders (frequencies):

If the settings are entered correctly, in the list open channels the following satellite broadcasts of the Tricolor TV operator should appear: First, Infokanal, Russia, Sports, Culture, STS, Bibigon, NTV, TNT, Home, Mother and Child, House of Cinema, Petersburg, Vesti, TV Center, Muz TV, Russian Night, Many TV, Ren TV and others.

Not the entire list of receivers can open satellite broadcasting tricolor. To achieve the goal, it is permissible to reflash the tuner for the Tricolor TV operator. You can download the firmware on any site that provides typical services, where possible, and find the latest transponder news, which is updated almost every day.

Tricolor TV offers you to watch many channels via satellite in excellent quality. And to find out which frequencies correspond to which channels, you need to use special tables.

This is high quality satellite connection, which operates over a vast territory (including Siberia), and includes many interesting channels, even such as TNV, which is quite rare in packages. However, in order to be able to enjoy all the benefits this proposal, you need to be able to configure it correctly.

Setting up broadcasting (all channels, including TVN, and throughout the entire territory, including Siberia) is possible if you have:

  • Receiver for receiving signals from TV channels (including TNV).
  • Antenna of the required diameter (namely, 90 cm).
  • Two converters - linear and circular polarization.
  • Multifeed.

The broadcast package from Tricolor TV is becoming very popular, and everyone can connect to it. This can be done even without the help of specialists. It's enough to just know what settings you need to set. Of course, the list of channels (Siberia) is not ideal (although it includes TNV). They may not have many of the channels you want, but that's not a problem since you can watch them on other satellites.

Settings Features

Before learning about Tricolor TV frequencies, you need to correctly connect and configure all the equipment. You need to start with the location of the antenna. To receive all channels, including TNV. Later, you will need to become familiar with more settings, including lnb and others. When placing the antenna, make sure it faces south and that there are no high obstructions. Ideally, there should be a clear horizon in front of the antenna. Then the adjustment will bear fruit.

It will be very good if you have the opportunity to adjust the position of the dish during operation in order to catch a cleaner signal. This setup is not only flexible, but also justified by operational needs.

The instructions will indicate how to assemble the antenna, after which you will need to move on to the next stage - setting up the broadcast and the channel table.

You will come across lnb when you set up a multifeed. In order for everything to work perfectly, the lnb value must be “single”. If lnb is assigned a different value, setting to Tricolor is not possible.

Many settings are made manually and cannot be adjusted automatically. So, you will need to independently configure your entire system to receive a specific satellite, and it all starts with system settings. Here the Number value should be 1. In this case, it is important to observe the value of the bottom line 10750, the top line 10750. They can be different by default. However, you need to bring these frequencies into this unified form. If necessary, change the values ​​manually.

Next, configure manual installations. Select the antenna number and frequency as indicated in the instructions. IN in this case 1, Eutelsat W4, 12226. Select 27500 for the flow rate. This is the optimal value that is convenient to work with. After these simple manipulations, you need to look for a signal and navigate using the light indicators. Particular difficulties in at this stage does not arise, but make sure that the mirror has full review, and you didn’t block it.

Once you have already received a satellite signal, setting up channels will be very simple.

What channels are there?

To connect the channels themselves, just select channel search in the menu. The receiver itself will find all the channels that are provided in this communication direction. Of course, you can also do everything manually if you enter the data for each channel yourself. This way you can achieve excellent signal quality. Below is a table of frequencies.

This table shows all the channels that may interest you.

Tricolor TV is a leading operator providing satellite and digital television broadcasting within the Russian Federation. As of 2016, its audience share is more than half of the total, that is, more than the audience of the other five largest operators combined. To distribute the signal over such a large area, the company uses a pair of satellites in geostationary orbit, the frequencies of which periodically change and are key parameter receiver settings.

Space transmitters

According to official information available on the company’s website, Tricolor TV uses not one satellite, but two. They have the same orbital longitude - 36° and almost identical names - Eutelsat 36A and Eutelsat 36B. Since February 2016, the Express-AMU1 telecommunications satellite was put into operation to replace it. The company's plans include a complete transfer of all capacities from European devices to domestic ones, with an increase in market share.

In addition, the Siberian region is covered by the rotating geostationary apparatus Express-AT1, transmitting a signal at 56° east longitude. This satellite replaced Bonum 1.

Most of the television channels that Tricolor TV broadcasts in 2016 on their frequencies from Eutelsat 36A(B)/Express-AMU1 operate with the parameters of a flow rate of 27500, FEC ¾ and left-handed polarization (L). In this case, the DVB-S/S2 broadcast standard is used with support for MPEG-2/4/HD codecs. The Far Eastern Express-AT1 uses identical signal parameters, but right-hand polarization (R).

To transmit the stream, Tricolor TV uses DRE-Crypt encoding 3 or ADEC, which replaced the hacked DRE-Crypt (Z-Crypt). The latter, by the way, is still partially used, but is gradually being phased out due to its vulnerability. Subscribers, however, need to update software your receivers/modules.

Frequency characteristics and channel packages

When broadcasting television, film and radio channels, Tricolor TV uses the packet principle of dividing them into broadcast streams. In total, there are 15 “domestic” packages and 2 foreign ones, focused on Armenia. In addition, conventionally Russian packages can be divided according to picture quality into regular and HD, with a ratio of 10 to 5. It hardly makes sense to indicate the full composition of the packages, since this information is available in full on the provider’s official website, but it is necessary to partially consider their topics .

So, in 2016, the company uses the following broadcast frequencies of the “HD” package via satellite:

  • 11766 – includes both channels “Film Show”, “Television”, culinary “Food” and erotic “Temptation”;
  • 11919 – educational set from “Discovery”, “Animal Planet”, “Trace Sports” and “Rain”;
  • 11958 – informational and educational compilation from “Fox Life/Crime”, “National Geographic”, “Nat Geo Wild”, etc.;
  • 12034 – channels “Sport 1”, “Life”, “Travel + Adventure”, etc. are broadcast;
  • 12418 – set of 5 channels “Hunter and Fisherman”, “Mezzo Live”, “MGM”, “Nickelodeon” and “MTV Live”.

To view this package you will have to buy the latest satellite equipment that supports FullHD technology.

  • 11727 is a set of 23 diverse channels, among which are “Sport 2”, “Time”, “Country”, “Multimania”, “OTV”, “Channel One”, “Europa Plus TV” and others. This is part of the extensive “Super Optimum” package, to view which you need Tricolor TV satellite equipment with MPEG-4 support;
  • 11804 – another part of “Super Optimum”, collected from 26 channels, among which are “My Planet”, “Look TV”, “OCEAN TV” and others;
  • 11843 is part of the “Super Optimum” package, consisting of two channels “TVpoisk” and “Cinemas 1-24”. A receiver with MPEG-4 support is also required for viewing;
  • 11881 – the first of the blocks of the “Optimum” package, which includes 17 entertainment channels: “TNT”, “Comedy TV”, “Sport Plus”, “Ren TV” and others. Any satellite equipment (receiver) is suitable for viewing, because the required compression method is MPEG-2;
  • 12054 – part of “Optimum” from three channels: “Popular radio channels Tricolor TV”, “Chanson TV” and “Home Store”;
  • 12111 - another block of the “Super-Optimum” package of 18, mainly information and broadcast channels: “TNT”, “STS”, “NTV”, “Russia 1/2/24”, etc. If you believe information from different sources, the picture quality is noticeably improved;
  • 12149 is a diverse block of “Super Optimum”, which broadcasts 23 channels, among which are “Nat Geo Wild”, “Fox Life/Crime”, “EuroNews”, “National Geographic” and others.

To set up Tricolor TV correctly, you need to know the frequencies of channel packages (the second name is transponders or repeaters, broadcasting TV channels). Many television receivers do not have factory settings, so for manual entry satellite frequencies, you need to know the parameters of Tricolor transponders.

Modern models of receiving equipment do not have a program editing option. Last generation TVs have a built-in CI (Common Interface) slot, with which you can connect satellite signal and reception of coded channels. Availability of a slot is not guaranteed full set programs. You need to verify the volume of transponders included in the TV. And update the data if necessary.

Some television receiver models have a difficult input interface, so users are advised to read the instructions. For example, to enter parameters in some SAMSUNG series, is required to produce consistent actions using the remote control.

In this case, a more convenient option is to automatically scan to full mode. The antenna must be precisely tuned to the satellite. After the search is completed, you will need to edit the channels. You can delete the ones you don’t need, and the rest can be sorted by topic.

To manually search for TV channels, you need to know their parameters, since the channels are distributed over different carrier frequencies with their own polarization, symbol rate and error correction code. Each frequency is assigned a group of channels.

Satellite transmitters

Satellite provider Tricolor TV uses two satellites, Eutelsat 36A/36B, which have the same orbit - 36° east longitude. Content is broadcast in two formats – SD and HD.

The transmitted stream is encoded with DRE-Crypt 3 or ADEC. After a forced change of encoding, in cases of vulnerability, users must update the software of the receiving equipment used.

Channel characteristics by frequency

When broadcasting content, Tricolor TV uses the division of television programs into streams. There are kits for domestic broadcast (within the country) and abroad. In addition, internal packages are divided by image quality. Full information the composition of the packages is contained on the operator’s main website.

Subscribers using new models of Tricolor TV receivers configure channels in automatic mode. If another receiver is installed, you need to go to the menu, then select settings and manual search. After independently selecting frequencies, perform a search.

In 2016, “HD” packages are broadcast with frequencies:

  • 11766 – includes three channels;
  • 11919 – block of cognitive transmissions;
  • 11958 – informational and educational content;
  • 12034 – broadcast of three channels;
  • 12418 – package of 5 TV channels.

The condition for receiving this package on your TV is the availability of the latest satellite equipment with support for FullHD technology.

The following are the 10 frequencies on the list that were divided between the Optium and Super Optium channel sets in 2016:

  • 11727 – a set containing 23 channels of different topics. To view programs, the subscriber must have a receiver that supports MPEG-4;
  • 11804 – the second part of “Super Optimum”, including 26 diverse channels;
  • 11843 – two channels of the same package. The receiver must support MPEG-4;
  • 11881 is a block that includes 17 entertainment TV channels. MPEG-2 information compression, so any receiver is suitable for receiving broadcasts;
  • 12054 – the second group of the Optium package, including three channels;
  • 12111 – the third block “Super-Optimum” includes 18 units, mostly information and broadcasting. IN Lately the image quality of these channels has improved significantly;
  • 12149 is a multi-themed “Super Optimum” set, broadcasting 23 channels.

In 2016, the final frequencies were given to the Optium package. The MPEG-2 compression method allows all receiving devices to receive these signals:

  • 12226 – includes 15 TV channels;
  • 12303 – consists of 12 channels.

In 2016, foreign content intended for Armenia is broadcast on two frequencies 11109 and 12630.

Satellite TV has many advantages over digital and analogue. Firstly, it is available almost anywhere in the world. Secondly, broadcast satellite channels carried out in maximum resolution. Therefore, the TV screen displays high quality image. Now let’s look at Tricolor TV frequencies as of December 2018. They are necessary to set up high-quality broadcasting.

Satellite operator Tricolor TV is a leading organization in its field of activity. The provider provides services in all regions of Russia: both in cities and in small villages. Today, the company in question is the undisputed leader in the Russian Federation. Tricolor TV offers its customers a wide range of TV channels. The package prices are reasonable. Therefore, users prefer this particular provider.

It is extremely difficult to manually find the frequency of a TV channel, so you need to use data from a special table, which will be presented at the end of the article. However, before moving on to considering the frequencies of Tricolor TV channels, you need to consider the list of packages offered by the operator. Today there are 6 of them:

  • Base;
  • Single;
  • Ultra HD;
  • Children's;
  • Night;
  • Our football;
  • MATCH! Football.

To gain access to a particular package, you need to subscribe to the package. The connection algorithm and subscription cost are presented on the official website of the satellite TV provider. Now let's take a closer look characteristics each package.


This package consists of 20 channels of all-Russian significance. Subscribers who subscribe to this package will be able to additionally set up 4 information TV channels, 1 TV store, and 3 radio stations on their TV. Subscription fee There is no charge for using this package. You won't be able to configure Full HD or Ultra HD.


Mostly users choose a single package. Which is not surprising, since this is the operator’s main tariff plan. The package includes over 200 TV channels, broadcast in SD quality. Subscribers who have subscribed will also be able to tune in to about 40 TV channels in HD quality.

Some subscribers continue to use outdated equipment: antennas, receivers, satellite dishes. This causes certain restrictions to appear. For example, old equipment will not pick up the signal of certain channels. Broadcasting in HD quality will also not be available.

What exactly is included in the package in question? Let's take a closer look at the available TV channels:

  • All-Russian significance (22);
  • Sports;
  • Informational;
  • Entertaining;
  • Cognitive;
  • Regional significance;
  • Radio stations;
  • Teleshopping.

In addition, you can set up foreign TV channels, broadcast in various foreign languages.

It was previously noted that this package includes about 40 TV channels in HD quality, including football, educational, entertainment, etc. The list of all-Russian television channels includes TNT. The subscription fee ranges from 1500-2000 rubles per year, depending on the use of additional services.

For example, users will be able to configure satellite television on several TVs, smartphones, tablets or other devices at once. To do this you need to use:

  • Watching TV channels on a smartphone or tablet – “ Unified Multi Light" for 1500 rubles per year;
  • Watch TV channels on multiple TVs and mobile devices"Unified Multi" for 2000 rubles per year.

Activate Additional services possible in personal account on the official website of the satellite TV operator.

Ultra HD

The main feature of this package is the broadcast of TV channels in the maximum high quality. IN Ultra format HD can only configure 7 channels:

  • Sports Russian Extreme Ultra, Eurosport 4K;
  • Entertaining Fashion One;
  • Movies and TV series UHD Cinema, Cinema UHD, Series UHD;
  • Educational Insight Ultra HD.

Subscription fee – 1500 rubles per year. Remember that it only makes sense to pay for such a package if your TV supports Ultra HD.


This tariff plan includes 21 TV channels. You need to pay 200 rubles monthly. Broadcasting of three channels in HD is guaranteed: Nickelodeon, Ginger and Cartoon. Considering the title tariff plan, it becomes clear that mostly content intended for children is broadcast here: cartoons, animated series, films for children of various ages. Educational television programs are shown periodically.

Our football

Included are TV channels that broadcast football matches and analytical TV programs dedicated to this particular sport. During the football season, about 240 matches are shown on the channels of this package. The package includes two TV channels of the same name, which are broadcast in regular and HD quality.

MATCH! Football

Mostly football matches are also broadcast here: both live broadcasts and recorded games. The package includes 3 channels. Analytical television programs and highlights dedicated to the No. 1 sport in the world are also broadcast. To install this package, you need to pay a monthly bill of 380 rubles.


It has eight TV channels that broadcast adult content. Channel "Temptation" broadcast in HD quality. Mostly romance, erotica, and porn are broadcast on these TV channels.

List of frequencies of Tricolor TV channels

We bring to your attention the Tricolor TV frequency table. Based on the parameters presented, you can configure satellite dish properly.

Frequency-SR-FEC Channel name V.PID A.PID SID Ray
11727 L 27500 FEC 3/4
Tricolor TV ADEC
MTV Hits Eng
SET Eastern Europe 78 77 Rus
152 Eng
Sony Sci-Fi Europe 1512 2512 Rus
3512 Eng
MTV Dance Eng
Match! Our Sport Rus
Auto Plus 301 302 Rus 2606
360° Moscow region 351 352 Rus 2607
Science 2.0 401 402 Rus 2608
A country 751 752 Rus 2609
Sundress 501 502 Rus 2610
Amedia Hit 551 552 Rus
553 Eng
St. Petersburg TV 601 602 Rus 2612
World 24 651 652 Rus 2613
VH1 Classic Europe 851 852 Eng 2615
MTV Rocks 1101 1102 Eng 2616
CTC Love 1956 1957 Rus 2617
Moscow 24 1106 1107 Rus 2620
VH1 Europe A 1151 1152 Eng 2621
A-One 956 957 Rus 2623
Europe Plus TV 1451 1452 Rus 2624
Time 2001 2002 Rus 2627
Disney (+0) 2801 2802 Rus 2628
Russian Roman 2101 2102 Rus 2629
TV 5 Monde Europe 2201 2202 Fre 2630
Dange TV 906 907 Rus 3418
11747 R 27500 FEC 3/4
TDK (television ladies' club) 2001 2002 Rus 20000
Luxury 2011 2012 Rus 20001
Nika TV 2021 2022 Rus 20002
Yamal Region 2031 2032 Rus 20003
Time TV 2041 2042 Rus 20004
Kuban 24 Orbit 2051 2052 Rus 20005
Tochka TV 2071 2072 Rus 20007
Shop & Show 2081 2082 Rus 20008
Boxing TV 2091 2092 Rus 20009
STV + 2101 2102 Rus 20010
Amedia 1 2111 2112 Rus
2131 English
Amedia 2 2121 2122 Rus 20012
Amedia HIT HD 2131 2132 Rus
2133 Rus
2134 Eng
KHL TV HD 2141 2142 Rus 20014
NHK World TV 2151 2152 Eng 20015
Live! 2161 2162 Rus 20016
World of Belogorye 2171 2172 Rus 20017
Scream TV 1537 1538 Rus 20018
11766 L 27500 FEC 3/4
Russian Extreme HD Rus E36B
Film screening HD1 3021 3022 Rus
3023 Rus
Film screening HD2 3031 3032 Rus
3033 Rus
Food HD 3041 3042 Rus 3004
Temptation HD (23-04 Moscow time) 3051 3052 Rus 3005
Euro Sports 1 HD 3071 3072 Rus
3073 Eng
11804 L 27500 FEC 3/4
My planet 51 52 Rus 301 E36A
RBC TV 101 102 Rus 302
Mom TV 151 152 Rus 303
TNV Planet 301 302 Rus 306
Russian Bestseller 351 352 Rus 307
TV Gubernia 401 402 Rus 308
English Club TV 451 452 Rus 309
9 Wave 501 502 Rus 310
CNN International Europe 601 602 Rus 312
RGVK "Dagestan 751 752 Rus 315
KHL TV 901 902 Rus 318
NST (real scary television) 951 952 Rus 319
Male Cinema 1051 1052 Rus 321
STV 1101 1102 Rus 322
A-Minor TV 1151 1152 Rus 323
Kitchen TV 1201 1202 Rus 324
ChGTRK Grozny 1251 1252 Rus 325
TRO 1351 1352 Rus 327
Music of the First 1401 1402 Rus 328
Top Song TV 1701 1702 Rus 333
TV cafe 1851 1852 Rus 334
11843 L 27500 FEC 3/4
Cartoon 651 652 Rus 24913 E36B
Zee TV (Russia) 701 702 Rus 24914
RTG TV (Russian Travel Guide) 751 752 Rus 24915
Discovery Channel HD (Russia) 1151 1152 Rus
1153 Eng
TLC HD (Russia) 1201 1202 Rus
1203 Eng
Telesearch 41 42 Rus 26900
Screen 1 51 52 Rus 26901
Screen 2 101 102 Rus 26902
Screen 3 151 152 Rus 26903
Screen 4 201 202 Rus 26904
Screen 5 251 252 Rus 26905
Screen 6 301 302 Rus 26906
Screen 7 351 352 Rus 26907
Screen 8 401 402 Rus 26908
Screen 9 451 452 Rus 26909
Screen 10 501 502 Rus 26910
Screen 11 551 552 Rus 26911
Screen 12 601 602 Rus 26912
11881 L 27500 FEC 3/4
Match! Fighter Rus
OTR (public television of Russia) 51 52 Rus 901
Top Shop TV 151 152 Rus 903
TV3 (+0) (Russia) 201 202 Rus 904
TNT4 251 252 Rus 905
Russian night 401 402 Rus 908
REN (+0) 501 502 Rus 910
TV instructor 451 452 Rus 911
O-la-la (24/7) 1501 1502 Rus 913
Shopping Live 1051 1052 Rus 918
Peace (+0) 1101 1102 Rus 919
TNT (+0) 1151 1152 Rus 920
Nano TV 1201 1202 Rus 921
Brazzers TV Europe 1251 1252 Eng 922
11919 L 27500 FEC 3/4
Nickelodeon HD Rus
Match! Game HD Rus
Match! Arena HD Rus
RTG TV HD 2101 2102 Rus 21000
Test (NTV HD) 2131 2132 Rus 21003
First channel HD 2141 2142 Rus
2143 Rus
iConcerts HD 2151 2152 Eng 21005
11958 L 27500 FEC 3/4
Russia HD 1311 1312 Rus 13001
Fox Life HD (Russia) 1321 1322 Rus
1323 Eng
Nat Geo Wild HD 1331 1332 Rus 13003
National Geographic Channel HD Russia & Turkiye 1341 1342 Rus
1343 Rus
Fox HD (Russia) 1351 1352 Rus 13005
Fashion One HD 1371 1372 Rus 13007
12034 L 27500 FEC 3/4
Insight UHD 1701 1702 Rus 17000
Tricolor Ultra HD 1711 1712 Rus 17001
12054 R 27500 FEC 3/4
Russia 1 (+2) 2231 2232 Rus 18043 E36A
Carousel (+3) 2251 2252 Rus 18045
Channel 5 (+2) 2261 2262 Rus 18046
Russia Culture (+2) 2271 2272 Rus 18047
NTV (+2) 2281 2282 Rus 18048
TNT (+2) 2291 2292 Rus 18049
STS (+2) 2301 2302 Rus 18050
Bashkir TV 2311 2312 Rus 18051
Ingushetia TV 2321 2322 Rus 18052
Child's world 2331 2332 Rus 18053
Cartoon Network Russia & South Eastern Europe (06-21) 2341 2342 Rus 18054
Boomerang Central & Eastern Europe 2351 2352 Rus 18055
Children's 2361 2362 Rus 18056
TiJi 2371 2372 Rus 18057
Gulli 2381 2382 Rus 18058
Jim Jam (Russia) 2391 2392 Rus 18059
Baby TV Europe 2401 2402 Eng 18060
Arkhyz TV 2411 2412 Rus 18061
Channel One (+2) 2421 2422 Rus 18062
Radio Vanya 1861 Rus 18006
Radio Chanson 1881 Rus 18008
DFM Region 1891 Rus 18009
Radio Maximum 1911 Rus 18011
Hit FM 1921 Rus 18012
Russian News Service 1931 Rus 18013
Russian radio 1941 Rus 18014
Country FM 1966 Rus 18016
FM culture 1971 Rus 18017
Radio Dacha 1991 Rus 18019
Radio Radonezh 2011 Rus 18020
Taxi FM 2041 Rus 18024
Road Radio 2056 Rus 18025
Retro FM 2061 Rus 18026
Europa Plus 2071 Rus 18027
Radio For Two 2081 Rus 18028
Radio 7 2091 Rus 18029
Radio Mir 2111 Rus 18031
Radio Komsomolskaya Pravda 2121 Rus 18032
Radio Rox 2131 Rus 18033
Radio record 2141 Rus 18034
Radio 107 (Krasnodar) 2156 Rus 18035
Radio Orpheus 2161 Rus 18036
Radio Love 2171 Rus 18037
Radio Star 2181 Rus 18038
Humor FM 2191 Rus 18039
Energy FM 2206 Rus 18040
Radio Romantika 2212 Rus 18041
Auto Radio (+0) 2221 Rus 18042
12111 L 27500 FEC 3/4
Nick Jr
France 24
Deutsche Welle
Channel One (+0) 821 822 Rus 2101
Russia 1 (+0) 871 872 Rus 2102
NTV (+0) 921 922 Rus 2103
Carousel (+0) 971 972 Rus 2104
Match! 1171 1172 Rus 2105
Russia 24 1021 1022 Rus 2106
Channel 5 (+0) 1071 1072 Rus 2107
Russia Culture (+0) 1121 1122 Rus 2108
TNT (+0) 1221 1222 Rus 2111
STS (+0) 1271 1272 Rus 2112
Home Store 1671 1672 Rus 2113
365 Days of TV 1521 1522 Rus 2114
Multimania 1621 1622 Rus 2117
Food 1471 1472 Rus 2118
12149 L 27500 FEC 3/4
Action-packed E36B
Red (surd)
Cinema Premium
Is our
Country TV
Film screening
Hunter and Fisherman
Tonus TV
Nat Geo Wild (Russia) 51 52 Rus 23010
Fox Life (Russia) 101 102 Rus 23020
Travel + Adventure 251 252 Rus
253 Eng
RT English 301 302 Rus 23060
National Geographic Channel (Russia) 501 502 Rus 23100
Fox (Russia) 651 652 Rus 23130
Euro News 751 752 Rus 23150
Together-RF 951 952 Rus 23180
Life News 761 762 Rus 23190
Rusong TV 1201 1202 Rus 23260
Bridge TV 1301 1302 Rus 23280
Story 1351 1352 Rus 23290
Chanson TV 1451 1452 Rus 23360
House of Cinema Premium 1551 1152 Rus 23380
12169 R 27500 FEC 3/4
Comedy TV E36A
Agro TV
My joy
Lots of TV
Channel 8 2551 2552 Rus 24014
India TV 2561 2562 Rus 24015
Paramount Comedy (Russia) 2571 2572 Rus 24016
World Business Channel 2581 2582 Rus 24017
Jeweler 2591 2592 Rus 24018
Techno 24 2601 2602 Rus 24019
Russian Detective 2611 2612 Rus 24020
Ani 2621 2622 Rus 24021
Living Planet 2631 2632 Rus 24022
Test HITV 2641 2642 Rus 24023
Candy TV 2651 2652 Rus 24024
Candy Man 2661 2662 Rus 24025
12190 L 20000 FEC 3/4
Yu (+0) Rus
Home Cinema 101 102 Rus 25010
2x2 (+0) 201 202 Rus 25020
Star (+0) 301 302 Rus 25030
TTS 501 502 Rus 25050
Saved 601 602 Rus 25060
Muz TV 701 702 Rus 25070
Test 25v2 1411 1415 Rus 25300
12226 L 27500 FEC 3/4
Tricolor TV info 271 272 Rus 27000
Channel One (+0) 51 52 Rus 27005
Russia 1 (+0) 101 102 Rus 27010
NTV (+0) 151 152 Rus 27015
Russia Culture (+0) 201 202 Rus 27020
Shop 24 251 252 Rus 27025
Match! 301 302 Rus 27030
Russia 24 401 402 Rus 27040
Channel 5 (+0) 501 502 Rus 27050
Che (+0) 601 602 Rus 27060
TV Sale 701 702 Rus 27070
Carousel (+0) 901 902 Rus 27090
TV Center (+0) 1001 1002 Rus 27000
RU TV 1101 1102 Rus 27110
Our football 1201 1202 Rus 27120
12303 L 27500 FEC 3/4
Hunter and Fisherman
Night club Rus
Temptation Rus
Teletravel Rus
Hunter and Fisherman Rus
Friday (+0) 308 256 Rus 59
Cinema Screening 1201 1202 Rus 31020
Zoo TV 1301 1302 Rus 31030
Home (+0) 1501 1502 Rus 31040
STS (+0) 1601 1602 Rus 31050
Beaver TV 1803 1802 Rus 31080
Radio Mayak 503 Rus 31120
Radio Russia 403 Rus 31130
Vesti FM 306 Rus 31140
12360 R 27500 FEC 3/4
Cinema Premium HD 3511 3512 Rus
3513 Rus
Action TV 3521 3522 Rus
3523 Rus
Family HD 3531 3532 Rus
3533 Rus
Match! HD 3541 3542 Rus 34014
Our HD 3551 3552 Rus
3553 Rus
Travel + Adventure HD 3561 3562 Rus
3563 Eng
Max FM 3421 Rus 34002
Radio Monte Carlo 3431 Rus 34003
12418 L 27500 FEC 3/4
Animal Family HD Rus
Eureka HD Rus
Hunter and Fisherman HD 3721 3722 Rus
3723 Rus
Ginger HD 3731 3732 Rus 37003
Our Football HD 3761 3762 Rus 37006