Data processing and storage center. What are codes

Data processing center (DPC)– a single multi-component system that is designed to ensure uninterrupted automated operation of business processes. Data processing centers are created primarily to increase the productivity of companies that actively use information technology in their activities, as well as to improve the quality of services provided.

To store and process large amounts of information, specialized technical solutions, powerful servers, and disk storage are used. Creating and maintaining such technical systems on your own is quite difficult and expensive: maintaining servers requires special technical conditions, separate premises and qualified personnel. One of the main purposes of data centers is precisely to create suitable conditions for the placement of such technical solutions.

Business benefits

Creating multi-component systems that solve most business problems greatly reduces enterprise costs. In particular, for companies with geographically distributed infrastructure, this is an indispensable solution, since 1-2 employees servicing the data center successfully replace many people working in offices in the regions. Subsequently, many entrepreneurs began to think about purchasing data centers due to the need to integrate a large amount of information. The risk of losing certain information irretrievably has become very high and has led to certain costs for information recovery. In addition, there were risks of deprivation of part of the income due to downtime for various reasons. That is, thanks to its unique features, the data center ensures effective uninterrupted operation of any organization.

The advantage of a data center is that a person or company can, from anywhere on the planet, using any network access device, work with the necessary and sufficient computing power, the required amount of memory, and all the necessary software that will run and be stored on servers in the data center.

Traditional services in data centers: rack rental, server placement, Internet connection, communication channel rental, installation, software configuration, administration. Currently, they have been supplemented by the provision of rental computing power, virtual servers, disk space for data backup, and application rental.

  • Reliability of information storage. Moreover, this reliability is confirmed both by the architecture laid down at the design stage and by subsequent operation. An interesting fact is that when making a detailed comparison of the cost of owning an information system located on the customer’s premises (usually a business center) and in a data center, quite comparable figures are obtained, which cannot be said about comparing the reliability of these methods.
  • Reducing time costs for implementing new projects in the IT field. When working in a data center, companies independently choose the services they want to receive. The most popular options are renting a rack, a unit, a ready-made server, a virtual server, and data backup. But besides this, there are a number of other services that tenant companies can use if necessary, which will significantly save time on launching a new IT project. For example, this is the rental of applications, which allows you to avoid large-scale investments at the initial stage of work. An example is the rental of 1C accounting - to deploy a ready-made system suitable for work, you just need to order and pay for such a service in a data center. At the same time, often, at the customer’s office there is no need to buy, install or configure anything, except Internet access.
  • Reducing the cost of renting premises. This may include the cost of electricity, office space used for server rooms, and maintenance of your own cooling systems and uninterruptible power supply devices. By the way, equipment purchased for the office becomes the fixed assets of the enterprise, and property tax is charged on them.
  • Organization of continuous work of the head office with company branches throughout the country. access to work information regardless of the employee’s location. For example, a company manager can, while on vacation, check work email and contact his employees via IP telephony.
  • The possibility of creating a reserve office for the organization if for some reason work in the main office is impossible, but it is necessary to obtain important information and complete the project

reducing the cost of purchasing applications. To strengthen their competitive position, data center owners are developing a new range of services that can be offered to tenants.

The first to use data processing centers in their work were large foreign companies. Russian entrepreneurs followed them. In the Russian Federation in 2000-2001, the first owners of data centers appeared. The pioneer was Sberbank of Russia. It is he who is the most geographically distributed organization. That is, the need to create integration of numerous data was high. Later, large oil companies also acquired their own data centers.

Types of Data Centers

Depending on the purpose, there are three different types of data centers, each of which is designed for a specific enterprise model and has its own operational tasks and problems:

  • corporate data centers;
  • hosting data centers providing computer infrastructure as a service (IaaS);
  • data centers using Web 2.0 technology.

Below are the parameters that may vary significantly in different types of data centers:

  • type of traffic (internal, external or mixed);
  • use of Layer 2 (L2) and/or Layer 3 (L3) to control traffic in the center or at the periphery (Top of Rack);
  • data storage technology;
  • server virtualization level;
  • total size of the data center (by number of servers).

Creation and modernization of data centers

Data Center Components

Traditional Data Center

Mandatory components included in the data center can be divided into three main groups:

1. Technical components. They create conditions for the effective operation of the center. These include:

  • server complex, includes servers for information resources, applications, information presentation, as well as service servers
  • data storage and backup system – the core of the data center. It consists of consolidating disk arrays, a storage network, a backup and disaster recovery system
  • The network infrastructure ensures interaction between servers, combines logical levels and organizes communication channels. It includes highways for communication with public access operators, telecommunications that provide communication between users and data centers
  • The engineering system for the operation of the data center maintains the conditions for the normal functioning of the center. It includes subsystems for energy supply, climate control, fire alarm and fire extinguishing, data transmission, as well as automated dispatch systems and information resource management
  • The security system prevents unauthorized intrusion into areas of confidential information. It consists of security equipment, a warning system and an access control system

2. Software. These are actually data center infrastructure services and software for the correct operation of business processes necessary for a specific organization. Infrastructure components include:

  • server operating systems;
  • database software;
  • workstation operating systems;
  • clustering tools;
  • backup tools;
  • storage device programs;
  • server and workstation administration tools;
  • inventory tools;
  • office software;
  • Email;
  • Internet browsers.

Programs responsible for the functioning of business processes include:

  • business applications;
  • basic corporate information services;
  • collaboration applications;
  • industry components;
  • software for solving problems of the design and technological plan of an electronic archive and project management system;
  • programs that provide file, print, directory services and other application tasks.

3. Organizational environment resolves issues related to the provision of IT services. It must comply with requirements for the provision of IT services, such as ISO/IEC 20000. Here are:

  • service delivery processes, that is, the quality and availability of services;
  • processes of relationships between supplier and client, as well as with contractors;
  • processes for solving problems that arise during the functioning of any of the system components;
  • configuration management processes, monitoring and control of the status of the IT infrastructure, inventory, verification and registration of configuration items, collection and management of documentation, provision of information about the IT infrastructure for all other processes;
  • change management processes, that is, determining the necessary changes and how to carry them out with the least risk to IT services, as well as consulting and coordinating actions with the organization as a whole;
  • release processes, that is, joint testing and introduction into active operation of the organization of a number of configuration units.

Software Data Center

In a software data center, we implement the entire environment in the form of software modules in virtual machines - virtual appliance. The idea is that only servers and switches are physically used. Everything else is implemented in the form of virtual machines - virtual appliance.

In the world of service providers, this technology is known and even standardized under the name NFV - Network Function Virtualization - network function virtualization. Only there it is used to provide services and, accordingly, a lot of attention is paid to orchestration and management tools, integration with OSS systems, which allows you to automate the process of creating services for each subscriber. In a corporate data center, the composition of services does not need to be changed so often; the level of automation may be significantly lower, but transferring all network functions to virtual machines still provides significant advantages.

The era of computers is already more than 50 years old, and accordingly, their life support infrastructure is just as old. The first computer systems were very difficult to use and maintain, they required a special integrated infrastructure to function.

An incredible variety of cables connected various subsystems, and for their organization many technical solutions were developed that are still used today: equipment racks, raised floors, cable trays, etc. In addition, cooling systems were required to prevent overheating. And since the first computers were military, security issues and restrictions came first. Subsequently, computers became smaller, cheaper, more unpretentious and penetrated into a variety of industries. At the same time, the need for infrastructure disappeared, and computers began to be placed anywhere.

The revolution occurred in the 90s, after the spread of the client-server model. Those computers that began to be considered servers began to be placed in separate rooms with a prepared infrastructure. The names of these rooms in English sounded like Computer room, Server room, Data Center, while in the Soviet Union we called them “Computer rooms” or “Computing Centers”. After the collapse of the USSR and the popularization of English terminology, our computer centers turned into “server” and “Data Processing Centers” (DPC). Are there fundamental differences between these concepts, or is it just a matter of terminology?

The first thing that comes to mind is the scale: if it’s small, then it’s a server one, and if it’s large, then it’s a data center. Or: if there are only its own servers inside, then this is a server room; and if server hosting services are provided to third-party companies, then a data center. Is it so? For the answer, let's turn to the standards.

Standards and criteria

The most common standard currently describing the design of data centers is the American TIA 942. Unfortunately, there is no Russian analogue; the Soviet CH 512-78 is long ago and hopelessly outdated (even though there was an edition from 2000), it can only be considered from the point of view of general approaches.

The TIA 942 standard itself states that the purpose of its creation is to formulate requirements and guidelines for the design and installation of a data center or computer room. Let's assume that the data center is something that meets the requirements of TIA 942, and the server room is just some kind of room with servers.

So, the TIA 942 standard classifies 4 levels (TIERs) of data centers and names a number of parameters by which this classification can be carried out. As an example, I decided to check whether my server room, built along with the plant three years ago, is a real data center.

As a small digression, I’ll point out that the plant produces stamped parts for the automotive industry. We produce body parts for companies such as Ford and GM. The enterprise itself is small (total staff of about 150 people), but with a very high level of automation: the number of robots is comparable to the number of workers in the workshop. The main difference between our production can be called the Just-In-Time work rhythm, that is, we cannot afford delays, including due to the fault of IT systems. IT is business critical.

The server room was designed to meet the needs of the plant; it was not intended to provide services to third-party companies; therefore, certification for compliance with any standards was not required. However, since our plant is a member of a large international holding, design and construction were carried out taking into account internal corporate standards. And these standards are, at least partially, based on international ones.

The TIA 942 standard is very extensive and describes in detail approaches to the design and construction of data centers. In addition, in the appendix there is a large table with more than two hundred parameters for compliance with the four data center levels. Naturally, it is not practical to consider all of them in the context of this topic, and some of them, for example, “Separate parking for visitors and employees,” “Thickness of the concrete slab at ground level,” and “Proximity to airports,” are not very directly related to the classification Data centers and especially their difference from a server room. Therefore, we will consider only the most important, in my opinion, parameters.

Basic parameters for data center classification

The standard establishes criteria for two categories - mandatory and recommended. Mandatory ones are indicated by the word “shall”, recommended ones - by the words “should”, “may”, “desirable” (should, may, desirable).
The first and most important criterion is the level of operational readiness. According to TIA 942, a data center of the highest - fourth - level must have 99.995% availability (i.e. no more than 15 minutes of downtime per year). Further, descending, 99.982%, 99.749% and 99.671% for the first level, which already corresponds to 28 hours of downtime per year. The criteria are quite strict, but what does data center availability look like? Here, only downtime of the entire data center due to the fault of one of the life support systems is considered, and the downtime of individual servers does not affect the operational readiness of the data center. And if so, then the most likely reason for the failure is rightly considered to be interruptions in the power supply system.

Our server room has a powerful APC UPS with N+1 redundancy and an additional battery cabinet, which is capable of maintaining the operation of not only servers, but also all computers in the enterprise for up to 7 hours (why do we need running servers if there is no one to connect to them). Over three years of operation there have never been any failures, so according to this parameter we can claim the highest TIER 4.

Speaking of power supply, the third and fourth classes of data centers require a second power input. We don't have one, so the maximum is second class. The standard also classifies power consumption per square meter of area. Strange parameter, never thought about it. I measured it: I have 6 kW per 20 square meters, that is, 300 W per square meter (only the first level). Although it is possible that I think incorrectly: the standard states that a good data center must have free space for scaling. That is, it turns out that the greater the “scaling margin”, the lower the level of the data center, but it should be the other way around. Here we have the lowest rating, but we still meet the standard.

For me, an important parameter is the connection point for external telecommunication systems. We interact online with clients to receive orders and ship components; therefore, a lack of communication can lead to a stop in our clients’ conveyor belts. And this will not only negatively affect our reputation, but will also lead to serious fines. It’s interesting that the standard itself talks about duplicating communication input points, but the appendix says nothing about this (although it states that at levels above the first, all subsystems must be redundant). We use two connection channels with automatic routing in case of failure in one of them, plus a backup GPRS router with manual connection. Here again we meet the highest requirements.

A significant part of the standard is devoted to cable networks and systems. These are distribution points for the main and vertical subsystems of the overall data center cabling system and cabling infrastructure. After reading several parts of this section, I realized that I either need to memorize it or suck it up and concentrate on more important things. Although at a superficial glance (category 6 twisted pair, separation of active equipment from passive), we still comply with the standard. Although I am not sure about such parameters as the distance between the cabinets, the bending angles of the trays and the correct spacing of the routes for low-current cables, optics and power. We will assume that here we partially meet the requirements.

Air conditioning systems: there are air conditioners, there is redundancy, we can say that there is even a cold and hot corridor (though there is only one, due to the size of the room.) But the cooling is not distributed under the false floor, as recommended, but directly in the work area. Well, we don’t control humidity, but according to the standard, this is an omission. We set a partial match.

A separate part is devoted to raised floors. The standard regulates both the height and the load on them. Moreover, the higher the class of the data center, the higher and more powerful the false floors should be. We have them, and in terms of height and loads they correspond to the second class of data centers. But my opinion is that the presence of false floors should not be a criterion, much less a characteristic of a data center. I was in the data center of the WestCall company, where they initially abandoned false floors, placing all the trays under the ceiling. Air conditioning is done with cold and hot aisles. The building is separate, the premises are large, and specific services are provided. That is, a good, “real” data center, but it turns out that without false floors it formally does not meet the standard.
The next important point is the security system. Large data centers are guarded almost like safe deposit boxes in a bank, and getting there is a whole procedure, starting from approval at different levels and ending with changing clothes and shoe covers. Ours is simpler, but everything is there: physical security is provided by a private security company, which also guards the plant itself, and the access control system ensures that only authorized employees enter the premises. Let's put a plus sign.

And finally, a gas fire extinguishing system. The main and reserve cylinders, sensors in the room itself, under the floor and above the ceiling and a control system - everything is there. By the way, an interesting point. When companies want to show off their data center, the first thing they show is the fire extinguishing system. Probably because this is the most unusual element of a data center, not found almost anywhere except data centers, and the rest of the equipment simply looks like cabinets of different colors and sizes.

The main difference, in my opinion, between the two upper levels of the data center and the lower ones is that they should be located in a separate building. It would seem that this is the sacred meaning of the difference between a server room and a data center: if it is separated into a separate building, then it is a data center. But no, the standard says that the first two levels are also data centers.

I finally found a parameter for which my server room is not suitable for a data center: the size of the front door. According to the standard, there should be a minimum of 1.0×2.13 m, and preferably 1.2×2.13 m. But we have an ordinary door: 0.9×2.0 m. This is a minus, but it should be considered a criterion for distinguishing a data center from a server room The size of the front door is not serious.

Almost a real data center!

So what have we got? A small server room at a factory meets almost all the requirements of the standard for organizing a data center, albeit with minor reservations. The only major discrepancy is the size of the front door. The absence of a separate building for a server room leaves no chance for top positions. This means that the assumption that the data center is necessarily large, and the server room, on the contrary, is always small, is incorrect. As well as the second assumption that the data center serves many client companies. From everything it follows that a server room is just a synonym for a data center.

The concept of a data center appeared when they began to sell hosting services, renting racks and hosting servers. At that time, the concept of a server room was devalued by a negligent attitude towards infrastructure due to the unpretentiousness of PCs and the low cost of downtime. And, in order to show that the provider has everything built for convenient and trouble-free operation, and they are able to guarantee the quality of the service, they introduced the concept of data centers, and then the standards for their construction. Given the trends of centralization, globalization and virtualization, I think that the concept of a server room will soon disappear or turn into a designation for a telecommunications hub.

I believe our President is counting on approximately the same thing with the police law. The concept of “police” has been devalued, and it is too late to create new rules for them. Whether it will be possible to build competent standards for the new structure - we'll see in the near future.

We took a non-standard approach to writing this material about data centers. On the one hand, the article is of an informational and educational nature, and on the other hand, we will use a real Moscow one as an example - TEL Hosting.

A Data Processing Center (DPC) is a high-tech facility for housing computing equipment. Initially, data centers were used mainly for the own needs of enterprises and organizations. Recently, this term has become widespread in the commercial sphere, due to increasing interest in private data center services and demand for them among clients.

Data center services

Data processing centers offer their clients a whole range of telecommunications services related to information storage and processing. In addition to standard solutions, some DCs offer additional services.

Standard data center services:

Additional data center services:

  • Backup
  • Cloud solutions
  • Administered server
  • Remote Desktop

Technologies used in data centers

A highly developed technical infrastructure that allows maintaining optimal conditions for client equipment is a key characteristic for a modern data center. The TEL data center is a clear example of such a facility.

A detailed story about the technical component of our data center (from which you can get a general idea of ​​the data center) is posted on the corporate blog on Habré.

Currently, there are more than 80 commercial data centers operating in Moscow. High competition and proximity to the channels of mainline operators make Moscow prices the most competitive on the Russian market. In Russian regions, prices for data center services are several times higher than in Moscow.

Data Center Differences

TIA-942 standard

According to this standard, all DCs receive a certain level - from tier1 to tier4.

The TEL data center formally complies with the tier2+ standard.


According to this criterion, the following are distinguished:

A) autonomous data centers
b) data centers renting space from larger providers
c) server rooms, usually used for the needs of a specific enterprise
d) “trash” data centers (without proper infrastructure).

The TEL Hosting data center is owned by the telecommunications company TEL and belongs to the first type of facilities.

/ Data center: build or rent?

In contact with


Mikhail Polyakov, Deputy General Director of INSYSTEMS (LANIT group of companies)

Data center: build or rent?

Discussions about what is more profitable - your own data center or renting server equipment have not subsided, probably, since the advent of the first data center, or at least from the moment when this concept arose.

As in any dispute, both sides cannot be objective: data center operators will almost certainly convince of the need to rent, and companies specializing in the construction of data centers and their infrastructure will talk about the advantages and necessity of their own data centers

But the answer to the question of what to do, build your own data center or rent server equipment, can only be found by analyzing a number of such important factors as the level of capital and operating costs, the degree of development and availability of data center services, IT services and information security systems. In addition, the choice of services from your own or leased data center is determined by a number of obvious factors. Let's take a closer look at the most important ones.

Business direction and scale

The larger the company, the more likely it is that it will require its own data center. Thus, an industrial company with state participation that has its own research and development activities, for example, in the interests of national defense, needs to conduct high-performance computing, requires reliable storage of large amounts of data and other IT services. Will it entrust these functions to a public data center service operator? Most likely not, and even if she tried, she wouldn't be allowed to do it. The only way out in this case is to create your own data center.

Due to the exceptional importance of ensuring a high level of information security and the huge costs that arise from its leaks and loss, banks and large financial institutions will take this route. However, it can be assumed that in this sector, as Internet banking develops, a transition will begin from the construction of its own data centers to the rental of services.

But even if a company decides to rent a data center, someone must first build it. Therefore, data center service provider companies will also build their own data centers. As the market develops, data center operators will begin to offer increasingly higher levels of IT services. This transition will be built primarily on the basis of our own resources. Hypothetically, data center operators can resort to leasing capacity, but only in cases where it is necessary to offer services to the customer very quickly, and their own resources are not enough.

Renting data center services is most suitable for companies offering Internet services (portals, search engines, online stores, social networks, etc.). Not to mention the fact that building your own data center, for example, for an online store, is absolutely pointless.

Geographical location of the region, level of development and availability of IT services. Territorial remoteness from main highways, industrial centers and transport hubs, lack of necessary infrastructure and communication channels undoubtedly influence the choice between your own data center and rent. However, as communication channels develop and the availability of remote data center services increases, this will be leveled out.

Prospects and dynamics of business development, economic conditions. Obviously, the choice of solution is seriously influenced by business dynamics and the general economic situation. Many companies decide to build their own data center when they are at the growth stage. Moreover, it is usually assumed that it will be used not only to solve its own problems, but also to rent out free resources. Data center operators are also acting in a growing market, investing in capacity development.

During a recession, everyone, without exception, begins to think about optimizing IT budgets and, accordingly, renting data center services. In this sense, rent, being a very flexible instrument, opens up enormous optimization opportunities. In addition, data center operators, expanding their business, can offer additional services, for example, communication services for tenants, dedicated hermetic zones (modules), and information security services.

Every business or company can find the right answer to the question about renting or owning a data center only by taking into account many factors and only for a certain time interval, and the dynamic market for IT services is constantly changing the conditions for making one decision or another. Today, all circumstances may clearly indicate the need to build your own data center, but tomorrow they will suggest the opposite decision. In such a situation, some operators will build their own data centers, while others will rent their services. As cloud technologies develop, the segmentation and specialization of data center service operators by type and level of services provided will deepen.

Now you should think about renting data center services. In connection with the development of virtualization and cloud technologies, renting server equipment (dedicated server) and placing your own servers in provided racks (colocation) are only part of the services traditionally provided by data centers. In addition to those listed, data centers provide IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service), SaaS (Software as a Service) and PaaS (Platform as a Service) services.

Recently, the development of cloud technologies has even given rise to such a concept as XaaS (Anything as a Service), that is, the ability to provide any services via the Internet. All this not only expands the list of consumers of data center services, but also creates new types of providers of these services. In turn, higher-level data center service providers are simultaneously consumers of lower-level services. For example, a SaaS provider may be a consumer of IaaS, colocation or dedicated server. An important subjective point that influences the choice of a decision to own a data center or lease may be the consumer’s awareness of the services that are offered to him.

Now the vast majority already understand what it is to rent a server or rack, when the meaning and advantages of other services become just as familiar and understandable, the number of tenants will increase noticeably. BIT

Growth amid instability

In 2014, the Russian data center market grew by almost 30% and amounted to 11.9 billion rubles. (9.3 billion in 2013).

Such data are provided in the study by iKS-Consulting “Russian market of commercial data centers 2014-2018”, published in December 2014. One of the key factors in market growth was the introduction of new data center capacities in the Russian Federation. In 2014, the area of ​​computer rooms increased by 17.5 thousand sq.m, and the number of racks - by 3.5 thousand. Thus, at the end of 2014, the total area of ​​computer rooms in commercial data centers in the Russian Federation will reach 86 thousand sq.m. (growth of 36.5%), racks – 25.5 thousand (growth of 28%) (see Fig. 1).

However, market experts note a slowdown in the growth of the Russian data center market due to the unstable economic situation. Among the reasons that influence the development of this market are an increase in the cost of some imported equipment for data centers, changes in credit conditions during their construction or development, and uncertainty arising in connection with the imposition of sanctions by the United States and the European Union.

According to the annual report “Russian Data Center Market 2014” by RBC.Research, profitability from data center services in 2014 increased for 60% of companies, decreased for 10%, and remained at the same level for 30% of companies, while in 2013 year, an increase in the profitability indicator was noted by 71% of market players.

An increase in the energy efficiency of data centers by more than 5% in 2013 was noted by 71% of surveyed companies, in 2014 – already 78%. For the rest of the study participants, this indicator remained at the same level.

The minimum cost limit for data center services in 2014 increased for 11% of study participants. At the same time, for 78% of companies this indicator remained at the level of last year.

The rapid development of modern technologies leads to an inevitable increase in the automation of most processes, not only at enterprises of various levels, but also in everyday life.

As the level of technology increases, the processes of data exchange between various entities accelerate. There is a need for special automated centers where all information will be securely and orderly stored and processed.

The best solution in this matter is DPCs (data processing centers), which are gradually becoming an integral part of the infrastructure of any enterprise.

Purpose and types of data centers

Data processing centers are a complex system that includes a whole range of IT solutions, high-tech equipment and engineering structures.

The main task of the data center is to quickly process any amount of data, store information and present it in a standardized form to the user. In fact, the core of the center is powerful server stations equipped with the necessary software, cooling and security systems.

There are two main types of such centers:

  • commercial type. These are entire complexes that are built for the subsequent rental of computing power. They are characterized by high performance and maximum data exchange speed. The user, using such a service, receives a virtual data center, which may actually be located in another city or even country. The advantages of this option are obvious - the user can independently configure the system configuration according to certain parameters, control occurs remotely, and there is no need to spend money on the construction and maintenance of their own data center;

  • internal (corporate). Centers that are established within a specific enterprise. They are intended for internal corporate use only. Despite the costs associated with the creation and commissioning of such a center, its main advantage lies in the direct control of the entire system. The company does not depend on a third-party equipment owner (service provider) and will be able to more effectively ensure data security and the preservation of trade secrets. If certain systems fail, the process of restoring them will be much faster. Do not forget that an enterprise that owns its own data center can ensure autonomous operation of equipment in case of interruptions in the power supply network and respond as quickly as possible to various emergency situations.

Mobile and modular data centers

We should also consider a mobile data center, which is a turnkey solution for small companies. The advantages are obvious - there is no need to design a special room for a stationary data center, take into account the specifics of the equipment, temperature conditions and other factors. Some world-class manufacturers have started developing such centers and have achieved great success.

Structurally, the system consists of a certain number of unified modules that can be easily combined into a full-fledged autonomous complex and quickly configured.

A modular data center is the most rational and simple way for many mid-level companies. Another advantage of such a center is that its creation and commissioning takes significantly less time than a stationary structure.

Such integrated solutions have become widespread at enterprises in various fields of activity. First of all, we are talking about organizations and companies for which rapid data exchange is a key area of ​​activity. These are various banking systems, government and commercial telecommunications organizations, IT companies, call centers, emergency dispatch services.

Correctly processed information, which is promptly submitted, plays a paramount role in the work of such companies. An important criterion is also the possible loss of profit in the event of incorrect or too slow data processing. Therefore, for large organizations, such centers are equipped with the latest technological equipment and software.

What is important to know when choosing a data center?

The reliability and speed of information processing in many companies determines the structure of the work process and the level of provision of services to clients.

The key requirements for the data center are as follows:

  • autonomous work;

  • high level of reliability;

  • data protection;

  • reliability;

  • high performance, regardless of whether it is a cloud data center (virtual) or an internal corporate option;
  • large volume for storing information;

  • possibility of expansion and modernization (planned for the next 5-7 years, taking into account the projected growth of the company and technology development).

Data processing centers in Russia that meet these criteria are the best solution for domestic companies in the specialized field of activity. For most customers, the overall ratio of requirements to cost is very important.

Today, due to the economic crisis, Data Centers in the Russian Federation are no longer as in demand as they were 10 years ago, and this trend can be seen throughout the world.

Large companies understand the importance of such centers, but when choosing equipment they focus primarily on cost, rather than on the latest technologies and advanced capabilities.

Key Elements of Data Centers

The structure of data processing centers includes a number of components and subsystems, without which prompt information processing and data storage are impossible.

The system includes the following blocks:

  • IT infrastructure of the data center;

  • engineering systems of various levels of complexity;

  • an integrated approach to security;

  • management and monitoring.

To understand the structure in more detail, you should look at the main blocks more carefully.

IT component of the data center;

The first block is a complex of high-tech equipment, which is integrated into a common system.

This is a kind of core of any modern data center, which consists of:

  • server equipment;

  • systems for transmission, processing and storage of data.

To increase server efficiency, many well-known companies are developing new products: software, virtual reality technologies and ready-made integrated solutions based on the use of blade servers. This is one of the most popular areas in the specialized IT field.

New developments can significantly increase equipment productivity, improve energy efficiency, reduce maintenance costs and optimize work processes as much as possible.

Engineering solutions in the data center

To ensure uninterrupted operation of powerful high-tech equipment, it is necessary to create an effective engineering system.

The main engineering systems of the data center fall into two categories:

  • power supply Special equipment must ensure not only an uninterrupted supply of electricity to the equipment, but also in case of accidents on power lines, switch to autonomous power supply. To achieve this, various uninterruptible power supplies and additional generators are used. It is very important that the voltage and frequency of the current correspond to the required parameters and that there are no interruptions or sudden surges in the network. Such fluctuations negatively affect server equipment and can lead to its failure;

  • cooling. Powerful servers emit a huge amount of heat during operation, which is removed using special built-in radiators. This does not solve the problem entirely, since the server stations are located in separate enclosed rooms. To ensure reliable cooling, various air conditioning systems are used that operate automatically, ensuring optimal room temperature and preventing equipment from overheating. Using new technologies in the field of air conditioning (inverter compressors, high-precision thermal sensors), it is possible to reduce energy consumption by 10-15%.

Data Center Security

One of the most important components of the performance of any data center is a properly designed security system. To ensure the safety of data and prevent unauthorized persons from accessing it over the Internet, companies use the latest antivirus software and other data protection programs.

To prevent the entry of unauthorized persons, a system for access to a certain category of employees, methods to counter burglary and physical penetration of equipment, video surveillance, and a fire protection system are being developed and implemented. An integrated approach to security ensures the safety of important information.

Data Center Monitoring

An integrated approach to management and monitoring is an important component of any modern data center. Such systems automatically monitor the performance of all equipment and environmental parameters (temperature, humidity, voltage and current frequency).

An integral part of monitoring are systems for predicting probable equipment failure and early warning.

A special place is occupied by dispatching - this is an important component of the work process, which allows you to organize informing personnel about an emergency situation using modern communication technologies (sending data to an email address, the ability to automatically dial subscribers of a certain group or short SMS messages).

An integrated approach significantly reduces the risk of emergency situations, and in the event of force majeure, it provides the most effective method of combating and restoring damaged areas of the system.

Data centers at the exhibition

An important event will take place on the territory of the Expocentre Fairgrounds - exhibition "Communication". A large exhibition will be dedicated to the issues of operational data processing and secure information storage. This is an international event where the world's leading manufacturers of specialized equipment and software will demonstrate their latest developments in this area.

Everyone can find out the latest news about data centers, get acquainted with design systems, new mobile and stationary complexes.

Special attention will be paid to security and the necessary equipment to ensure cooling, ventilation and uninterrupted power supply to data centers. This is an important event for all specialists in this industry and company managers who want to modernize their enterprise using modern technologies and the latest equipment for storing, transmitting and processing data.

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