Integrity of Windows 7 system files. SFC Scannow - what is this command? Restoring the System Component Store: Windows Installation Disc

Among the errors that prevent the installation of Windows 10 on a computer or laptop and are often incomprehensible to a novice user is a message that “We were unable to create a new one or find existing section. additional information see the installer log files." (Or We couldn’t create a new partition or locate an existing one in English versions of the system). Most often, the error appears when installing the system on new disk(HDD or SSD) or after preliminary actions on formatting, converting between GPT and MBR and changing the structure of partitions on the disk.

This instruction contains information about why such an error occurs, and, of course, about ways to fix it in different situations: when there is no important data on the system partition or disk, or in cases where such data exists and needs to be saved.

Similar errors when installing the OS and ways to solve them (which may also appear after some methods offered on the Internet to fix the problem described here): The disk contains an MBR partition table, The selected disk has a GPT partition style, Error “Installing Windows on this disk impossible" (in contexts other than GPT and MBR).

Cause of the error "We were unable to create a new partition or find an existing partition"

Root cause of Windows 10 not being able to install with the following message saying it can't create new section- an existing partition structure on the hard drive or SSD that prevents the creation of the necessary system partitions with bootloader and recovery environment.

If it’s not entirely clear from what’s described what exactly is happening, I’ll try to explain it differently.

This explanation alone may be enough for a more experienced user to understand the essence of the problem and fix it. And for novice users, several solutions are described below.

Attention: The following solutions assume that you are installing one single OS (and not, for example, Windows 10 after Linux installations), and, in addition, the disk on which the installation is being performed is designated as Disk 0 (if this is not the case when you have several disks on your PC, change the order hard drives and SSD in BIOS/UEFI so that the target drive comes first, or simply switch SATA cables).

Correcting an error when important data is missing on a disk (partition)

The first way to fix the problem involves one of two options:

  1. The disk on which you plan to install Windows 10 does not contain important data and everything must be deleted (or has already been deleted).
  2. There is more than one partition on the disk and the first one does not contain important data that needs to be saved, but the partition size is sufficient for installing the system.

In these situations the solution will be very simple (the data from the first partition will be deleted):

As you can see, everything is quite simple and any actions in command line With using diskpart(removing partitions or cleaning the disk using the clean command) are not required in most cases.

How to fix “Could not create a new or find an existing partition” when installing Windows 10 on a drive with important data

The second common situation is Windows installation 10 is produced on a disk that previously served to store data; most likely, as described in the previous solution, it contains only one partition, but the data on it should not be affected.

In this case, our task is to shrink the partition and free up disk space so that system partitions of the operating system can be created there.

This can be done using both the Windows 10 installer and third-party tools. free programs for working with disk partitions, and in in this case the second method, if possible, will be preferable (the following explains why).

Freeing up space for system partitions using diskpart in the installer

This method is good because to use it we do not need anything additional, in addition to the already running Windows 10 installation program. The disadvantage of this method is that after installation we will get an unusual partition structure on the disk when the bootloader is located on the partition with the system , and additional hidden system partitions are at the end of the disk, and not at the beginning, as is usually the case (in this case, everything will work, but in the future, for example, if problems arise with the bootloader, some standard methods solutions to problems may not work as expected).

In this scenario necessary actions will be as follows:

  1. While in the Windows 10 setup program, press Shift+F10 (or Shift+Fn+F10 on some laptops).
  2. A command line will open, use the following commands in order:
  3. diskpart
  4. list volume
  5. select volume N(where N is the number of the only volume on the hard disk or last section on it, if there are several of them, the number is taken from the result of the previous command. Important: it should have about 700 MB of free space).
  6. shrink desired=700 minimum=700(I have 1024 in the screenshot because I wasn’t sure how much space was really needed. 700 MB is enough, as it turned out).
  7. exit

After this, close the command line, and in the window for selecting the partition to install, click “Update”. Select the partition to install (not unallocated space) and click Next. In this case, the installation of Windows 10 will continue, and the unallocated space will be used to create system partitions.

Using Minitool Partition Wizard Bootable to free up space for system partitions

In order to free up space for system Windows partitions 10 (and not at the end, but at the beginning of the disk) and not to lose important data, in fact, any boot software for working with the partition structure on the disk will do. In my example it would be free utility Minitool Partition Wizard, available as ISO image on the official website

You can burn this ISO to disk or bootable USB flash drive(a bootable flash drive can be made using the Rufus program, select MBR or GPT for BIOS and UEFI, respectively, the file system is FAT32. For computers with EFI boot, and this is most likely your case, you can simply copy the entire contents of the ISO image to a flash drive with a file FAT32 system).

Then we boot from the created drive ( secure boot must be disabled) and perform the following actions:

After applying the changes, restart your computer with Windows distribution 10 - this time the error stating that it was not possible to create a new partition or find an existing partition should not appear, and the installation will be successful (when installing, select the partition, not unallocated space on the disk).

I hope the instructions were able to help, and if suddenly something did not work out or you still have questions, ask in the comments, I will try to answer.

Checker system files allows you to check the versions of all protected files. If System File Check reveals that a protected file has been modified, it is replaced with its original version.

SFC in Windows environment

To perform a similar check in Windows, just launch a command prompt with administrator rights and run:

Sfc /scannow

Below is a table with the syntax of the utility and an explanation of the meanings of the keys used.

Table 1 - Syntax of the sfc.exe utility


/SCANNOWChecking the integrity of all protected system files and, if possible, restoring problematic files.
/VERIFYONLYChecks the integrity of all protected system files. File recovery is not possible.
/SCANFILEIntegrity check specified file and its restoration when problems are detected. In the parameter<файл>the full path must be specified
/VERIFYFILEChecking the integrity of a file whose full path is specified in the parameter<файл>. File recovery is not possible.
/OFFBOOTDIROffline download directory location for offline recovery
/OFFWINDIRLocation of autonomous Windows directory for offline recovery
For example:
sfc /VERIFYFILE=c:\windows\system32\kernel32.dll
sfc /SCANFILE=d:\windows\system32\kernel32.dll /OFFBOOTDIR=d:\ /OFFWINDIR=d:\windows

SFC in Windows RE

The incomprehensible behavior of the utility prompted me to start writing this article. sfc. exe in the Windows RE environment when booting from an installation disk or recovery disk, namely a suggestion to reboot the system and run the scan again.

Figure 1 - Running the utility in a recovery environment without keys and requiring a reboot

This behavior has a completely logical explanation: for Windows environment The RE partition of the disk, with the operating system located on it, is an autonomous directory. Therefore, running the utility with the keys /OFFBOOTDIR And /OFFWINDIR required. Next we will find out the meanings of these keys.

Location and letters of sections in Windows Explorer or in Disk Management may differ from the letters assigned to the partitions in the recovery environment. Please note that in the pictures below the system section is lettered WITH.

Figure 2 - System section in Windows Explorer

Figure 3 - System partition in Disk Management

Vadim Sterkin proposed a wonderful way to determine partition letters in the recovery environment. There is another way - use the utility DISKPART. Boot into the recovery environment from the Windows installation disk, enter the command line and execute sequentially:

DISKPART List disk Sel disk 0 Detail disk

As a result of some Windows 7 malfunctions and infections malware there is a need for analysis file integrity systems. Also, files are often damaged due to improper shutdown of the PC and power surges. Therefore, every user of the "Seven" must be able to produce self-check and resuscitation of system files in a computer with Windows 7.

File analysis method

The main tool for checking and analyzing their integrity in “Seven” is the “SFC.exe” application built into the OS, which can also restore defective files. Regular use commands to perform the scan “sfc /scannow” will ensure the smooth operation of Windows 7. It is recommended to use it at least once every six months.

Analysis procedure

The built-in scan tool in Windows 7 runs as follows:

Note: Do not close the console until the procedure is complete. Upon completion, the results of the completed program will appear.

  1. Restart your computer;
  2. Ready. The system integrity check has been completed and damaged files corrected.

Sometimes it happens that an application cannot cope with fixing damaged files on its own. In such cases, it is recommended to carry out analysis in safe mode, but even if this does not fix the problem, then you need to run: “findstr /c:” “%windir%\Logs\CBS\CBS.log >”%userprofile%\Desktop\sfc.txt”.

After this, a “txt” file will appear on the Windows 7 desktop with a list of all files that the program is not able to resuscitate itself. The user needs to copy these files to himself from another computer, but with working Windows 7, or from an external installation media with the distribution kit of the “Seven” modification that runs on the user’s PC.

Algorithm for restoring a damaged file manually

Now, knowing the exact name and location of the problematic file that the application is in automatic mode could not fix it, it needs to be replaced. To this end, it is necessary to take the following sequential steps:

What if the SFC.exe application does not work at all?

It happens that the utility cannot even start. In such a situation, you should analyze the performance of the following applications:

  1. Remote Procedure Call Locator;
  2. Remote procedure call;
  3. Starting DCOM server processes.

If these programs are functioning normally, "SFC.exe" will start.

Also, the utility will not cope with its functions when the “Installer” service Windows modules» activated manual type start the recovery service.

Additional analysis methods via SFC

If you need, for example, to analyze the integrity of files on a remote OS or solve various other problems, then there are several of the following effective techniques:

  1. It is possible to carry out the check without the subsequent recovery process. To do this, using the algorithm of the instructions given above, you need to use the command “sfc /verifyonly”.
  2. If necessary, you can only resuscitate specific file, typing in the console: “sfc /scanfile=Location”.
  3. In a situation where you need to analyze Windows installed on another logical partition of the hard drive, the command: “sfc /scannow /offwindir=Windows directory location” will help.


Some users, at their own discretion, modify files, change icons in Explorer, and the like. After the application works to analyze and correct the integrity of the OS, all adjustments made will be canceled and will again take the default form. Therefore, such computer owners will need to perform all their system modification operations again after the utility has completed its work.

Not all errors are expressed in windows appearing on the desktop and the inability to perform any action. Much more often, they quietly accumulate on your computer and gradually slow down its operation. It is worth checking your device periodically for possible errors, and not only the system, but also HDD, and the registry. All methods described below also include automatic correction of detected faults.

How to check the system for integrity and errors

As a result of incorrect shutdown of the computer, exposure to viruses and other problematic situations, system files may be damaged or changed. The consequences of this are usually expressed in startup problems individual programs or turning on the computer, but sometimes they can be invisible to the user. Scanning your system for integrity is the first thing we recommend doing when you encounter problems with Windows 10.

Via the sfc command

This is the main way to check the integrity of the operating system. It is intended for cases with problems with the computer's performance. Through sfc team Only a superficial analysis is carried out, with the help of which it will not be possible to find and correct all possible errors. However, this method is quite fast and ideal for preventative computer scanning. A more in-depth analysis is possible through the DISM utility, which is described below.

The sfc command cannot fix errors in files that are currently in use by the system. If you receive a notification about such failures, be sure to run the DISM utility.

Via DISM utility

The DISM utility conducts a full system scan for errors and integrity violations. The analysis it launches takes quite a long time, but allows you to identify and correct all violations in the operation of the system. To carry out the verification, you will definitely need the Internet.

Before running the utility, disable your antivirus and that’s it running programs, and also try not to use the computer during the analysis.

Open a command prompt as an administrator and type dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth.

For a complete system integrity analysis, enter the command dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth at the command line

There are several more commands in this utility that may be useful to you:

  • dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth to obtain information about the status and presence of damage to Windows components;
  • dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth to check the integrity and damage of the component store.

How to check your hard drive for errors

All data written to the computer is divided into small fragments, which are placed on sectors hard drive. During computer operation, these sectors can become damaged. Damaged sectors are the “errors” of the hard drive. When a hard drive tries to read information from a damaged sector, the reading process is “stuck.” The result of this is that it takes an unreasonably long time to turn on the computer and launch some programs.

It is impossible to fix damaged sectors, but you can prevent the hard drive from working with them. The process of finding and eliminating these sectors is called defragmentation. Even if no errors are found, as a result of defragmentation, the space on the hard drive will become more organized, which will also speed up the process of reading information.

Through "Explorer"

This is the main way to check a hard drive. Windows 10 should do this automatically, without the user's knowledge, in order to maintain order on the hard drive. Defragmentation will take you about an hour, so it is better to leave it overnight.

Via the “Control Panel” (storage diagnostics)

Many people mistakenly believe that the storage diagnostic utility can be used to analyze the hard drive. Actually this is not true. The storage diagnostic utility is indeed present on the hard drive, but it starts automatically, and you will not be able to perform analysis through it. This way you can only find out the results last check hard drive status.

If you just want to run an analysis, use the previous method, but instead of “Optimize,” click “Analyze.”

Via command line

This method eliminates the restoration of order on the hard drive, which is done during regular defragmentation. Due to this, the process proceeds much faster. Correcting errors this way is recommended if you need to quickly recover information from damaged sectors.

To check without using the Internet, use the command chkdsk C: /F /R /offlinescanandfix.

Via PowerShell

Windows PowerShell is a powerful new command-line shell. She does the same thing as her predecessor, but has much more powers. PowerShell allows you to quickly and easily perform actions that are difficult or impossible for a regular command line. In our case, this will help avoid the need to restart the computer to check the sectors in use.

To check without using the Internet, use the command Repair-Volume -DriveLetter C -OfflineScanAndFix.

Video: how to check your hard drive for errors

How to check the registry for errors

The Windows Registry is a complex database of the operating system that stores all settings, changes, information about the computer and installed programs. If a registry error occurs, the consequences can be very different: from blue screen when turned on and the system is completely inoperable until the shortcut cannot be removed and other little things.

The most annoying feature of registry errors is their layering. One minor error in the registry can lead to several others, which will ultimately lead to dire consequences. This is why regularly scanning the registry for errors and eliminating them early is extremely important to keep your computer running at peak performance.

Through built-in tools

Windows 10 has a built-in utility for checking the registry for integrity, but it is quite weak and does not find most errors. It would be best to use one of third party programs which are described below.

This method can only fix critical errors: many registry errors will remain untouched.

Open a command prompt as an administrator, type scanreg /fix and press Enter.

Enter the scanreg /fix command to check the registry through the built-in Windows utility 10

Via CCleaner

CCleaner is the most popular and reliable program for cleaning your computer. It is designed to clean debris from hard-to-reach places that the system itself cannot reach. However, CCleaner has earned its popularity precisely for its registry cleaning function, which allows you to quickly find and erase registry errors without affecting anything important.

Via Glary Utilities

Glary Utilities- Very functional program, which will work in the tray and keep your computer clean and tidy. Cleaning the registry is just one of the available functions to improve the performance of your computer. Glary Utilities may seem intrusive to many, but for less experienced users it will be a very useful assistant.

Via Wise Registry Cleaner

Wise Registry Cleaner is a program designed not so much to treat the registry, but to complete cleaning from stale and unclaimed parameters. Cleaning the registry with Wise Registry Cleaner is quite serious and can hurt important files, which will seem unnecessary to the program. When you launch Wise Registry Cleaner for the first time, you will be prompted to do backup copy registry, which is better to agree to. If important files are affected, you can always rollback.

Wise Registry Cleaner is available only on the English version of the official website: if you change the page language to Russian, you will be offered another Wise program Care 365.

Even if you don't see any errors on your computer, it's best to scan it periodically. This will ensure stable work system and will help solve most problems before they become noticeable.

This article shows the steps by which you can recover damaged Windows system files using the SFC utility

If operating system works unstable and has been noticed in its operation various errors, then for troubleshooting, you can use the SFC command line utility to restore the integrity of damaged system files.

SFC ( System File Checker - system tool Windows System Integrity Check and Repair, which scans and checks all protected Windows system files for errors and replaces damaged or missing files with a copy of Windows files located in the WinSxS directory.

How to check and repair damaged system files using the SFC utility

To scan and repair damaged system files, run the following command as an administrator:

Depending on the scan results, you will see one of the following messages:

Protection Windows resources did not detect any integrity violations. This means that no damaged or missing files were found on the system.

Windows Resource Protection cannot perform the requested operation. This message means that an error occurred during scanning. If you encounter this issue, try running the command sfc /scannow

Windows Resource Protection detected corrupted files and successfully repaired them. See CBS.Log WinDir%\Logs\CBS\CBS.log for information. This message appears when SFC utility was able to fix the problem. Detailed information You can see about the files that were recovered in the log file stored in C:\Windows\Logs\CBS\CBS.log

Windows Resource Protection has detected corrupted files, but is unable to repair some of them. See CBS.Log %WinDir%\Logs\CBS\CBS.log for information. In that Windows case Could not fix some files. Again, you can see the list of files in the log file stored in C:\Windows\Logs\CBS\CBS.log. In this case, the user will have to manually replace the missing or corrupted files.

You can also check and restore damaged system files using open as administrator.

How to check and repair damaged system files if the system does not boot

If the operating system does not boot, then you can also use the tool to restore the integrity of damaged system files, since the SFC utility supports offline scanning and recovery of damaged system files.

To do this you will need a (disk) with . Boot from the installation media and on the regional settings selection screen, launch the command line by pressing the combination Shift keys+ F10

Now you need to find out the letter of the partition on which the operating system is installed Windows system which needs to be checked. This must be done because the drive partition letters in the boot environment are often different from those used in the running system.

There are several ways to do this, such as diskpart, wmic or the dir command, but we will use another method.

At the command prompt, run the following command:

In the Notepad window that opens, select from its main menu File - Open...

In the Explorer window, you will see the available sections and the letters assigned to them. IN in this example The partition on which the operating system is installed has the letter C. The Explorer and Notepad windows can now be closed.

Knowing the letter of the partition on which the operating system is installed, run the following command at the command line:

sfc /scannow /OFFBOOTDIR=C :\ /OFFWINDIR=C :\Windows