Quick earnings from scratch. Writing product reviews

Today I will tell you about 10 surefire ways to make money. These methods are very simple and accessible to everyone. Many of them have been tested in practice and have given good results.

Hello, dear readers! The founder of the business magazine HeatherBober.ru, Alexander Berezhnov, is with you.

We will look at the most proven and reliable methods of making money. I’ll say right away that most of these methods allow you to earn money from the first day after their implementation, so I wish you good luck and good income!

Ready? Then let's go!

1. The truth about making money that is rarely spoken out loud

Friends, as paradoxical as it may seem, the truth about making money is that there are no freebies and quick ways enrichment.

If you are offered to participate in a dubious project with the investment of a certain amount of money, and they promise that in just a few days you will become rich - run away from such people with their offers!

If you look closely at the contents of the article, you will not see headings like “We earn a million in 3 hours on the project “Horns and Hooves””.

The whole secret of making money is what you need work hard , and not wait for manna from heaven, thinking about “high matters” and constantly postponing decisive actions.

It is no coincidence that in this article I do not present ways to make money by investing money, much less large amounts of money, which would probably scare you away and make you wary. This is understandable, because the thought immediately creeps in: isn’t this just another scam they’re offering us?!

Wherever you invest something, especially large amounts, there is always a risk of losing money.

2. A simple formula for making money

It looks like this:

You are doing what you love (1) which is in demand by the market (2) , do it professionally (3) over a long period of time (4)

Let's take a closer look at why this formula works.

1) You are doing what you love

Obviously, if you try to make money by doing something you don’t like, then you simply won’t be able to achieve great results in it and will quit at the first difficulties.

Read articles about the most profitable types of business on our partner website startapoff.ru - only verified, relevant and expert information.

2) Which is in demand by the market

Why do I say that this business should be in demand by the market?

Imagine that you love to lie on the couch or cross stitch. But it is obvious that such favorite things most likely will not bring in a lot of money. At least, if you can theoretically earn something from cross-stitching, I have not met specialists like “professional couch potato”. I think you will too.

3) Do it professionally

Do your favorite thing that is in demand in the market professionally- perhaps the main problem of most people. After all, many, for example, love to sing or draw, but what percentage of these people gives out such a product for which exactly YOU ready to pay?

Obviously, the percentage of such specialists is extremely small. There are very few real professionals in any business and almost all of them earn decent money.

4) Over a long period of time

The final element of the simple formula for making money is amount of time, which you devote to this activity.

A good example

Let's assume that you are good at repairing cars. Yes, this is a sought-after business, you love it and even make good money from it at the moment you provide such services.

But you do this only 3 hours a week for a month and a half.

It is obvious that your skills have not yet developed sufficiently.

And even if you have a natural talent for car repair, you work a lot on yourself, drive healthy image life, in general, well done with a capital letter.

At the same time, you have a neighbor who is not very talented and occasionally likes to drink, although he loves his job just like you.

But the whole difference between you and your neighbor is that he is already 15 years is engaged in this and over the years of his work he has developed a good relationship with his clients, and in the field of auto repair he is like a duck to water.

It’s just that he started this activity much earlier than you, and even with all his positive qualities, you are unlikely to get ahead of him in the near future in terms of income and stability of earnings.

Dear reader, I hope that you now have a complete picture of the principles of making money and the basic essence of money.

3. How to make money for a beginner - 10 proven ways

If you were looking for the answer to the question “how to make money,” then most likely you need it now. Therefore, below I have described 10 proven ways to earn money with the fastest cash returns without investing your own funds.

Method 1. Earn online from $300 per month as a freelancer

Earning $300 or more online is not that difficult.

This has been proven by my own experience. I myself started working part-time as a freelance designer and text writer (copywriter), earning from 15,000 to 70,000 rubles and more, until my friend Vitaly and I started working closely on our website HeatherBober.ru, which is where you are now. Now this is our business.

During my work, I created more than 40 website designs and 100 texts for different customers.

Nowadays, many office workers and people in other professions choose the Internet as a part-time job or even their main job. This is not surprising, because here you can earn money from anywhere in the world, and even have a free schedule.

It's easiest to start earning an income if you already have some computer skills, creative vision, or experience with specialized software.

For example, you can:

  • write interesting texts;
  • create a design (photo retouching);
  • edit video;
  • program;
  • make up websites.

But even if you don’t have such skills, you can learn all this in two to three months with the help free videos on YouTube or articles.

When your experience is sufficient, turn to popular sites for freelancers work-zilla.com (for beginners), fl.ru (for more experienced ones).

You can start by completing small tasks for 200-500 rubles, and then, as you develop a name and portfolio, move on to larger and more expensive orders.

You will need to promote entrepreneurs and their businesses online, receiving a percentage of sales or a subscription fee for running their advertising campaigns.

This is all great - you say, but where can you learn this?

Dmitry himself opened a remote Internet marketing agency, where 19 people work, and in 2 years the income from this activity allowed him to visit 32 countries and live the life of his dreams in travel and constant development.

So if you are a freelancer or want to start earning good money on the Internet without leaving home, learn from the best the most promising professions. Internet marketer is one of them.

Method 2. We sell our own and other people’s things via the Internet (earn money on Avito.ru)

Surely you have things at home that for one reason or another are no longer needed. Not needed TO YOU! But I know for sure that someone is quite willing to pay good money for them.

All that remains is to find buyers and decide what we will sell.

The method works 100%- tested from my own experience.

So, we carry out an audit - we climb into closets, niches, disassemble the balcony, basement, attic, garage. In a word, we find everything that exists and has even the slightest value.

It is possible that while looking for things to sell, you will also find something valuable that will bring you significant profit in a short time.

It could be antiques, radio equipment with expensive components, and so on.

Then, with this idea of ​​​​selling unnecessary things, we go to our friends, acquaintances and relatives. We agree with them that you will sell their “junk”, but at the same time you will take a percentage for yourself.

Be sure that people will even give you some things for free, in exchange for the fact that you simply take them out, ridding your friends of junk they think is unnecessary.

Next, we place advertisements on bulletin boards on the Internet and free newspapers. In short, we advertise these products wherever possible. From my own experience, I can say that the site avito.ru works very well - this is an all-Russian free message board.

Next, we accept incoming calls, agree on the method of delivery of the goods and payment for it. If you find a buyer in your city, you can simply give him the goods when you meet. If your buyer is from another city, then delivery is usually carried out by Russian Post or transport companies, depending on the weight and dimensions of the goods.

You can accept payment for goods by cash on delivery if you send them by mail. If you are shipping transport company to another city, then payment can be accepted, for example, to a Sberbank card or electronic money (Yandex.Money, Webmoney, Qiwi).

If your buyer is in the same city as you, then he simply pays you in cash upon meeting.

With my friend Vitaly, we even managed to organize a small business on Avito.

We bought cheap Chinese goods and sold them through avito.ru. However, this requires money, and I immediately said that in this article we will look at ways to earn money without investments. I have already written a separate article about this in more detail.

Method 3. Especially for women - money on your skills tomorrow

If you are a girl or woman with experience, then the methods described below will suit you best.

Idea 1. “Paid nanny”, housekeeper, assistant

If you are a woman, you may know people with children who, due to their busy schedules, cannot spend time with them. Talk to these people. It is possible that you will become an hourly nurse for their children, and it’s not far from being a private housekeeper.

Some rich families pay girls well for various help around the house, and sometimes they can earn money on a rotational basis. That is, for example, you work for a month and rest for another month.

Idea 2. Specialist in manicure, pedicure, make-up

Do you like to look good and help others do the same? Of course, you are a woman! :) Why not make money by providing such services?

The principle of finding clients is the same as in any other business - we notify our friends, create a group on VKontakte and/or Odnoklassniki, write to everyone who might be interested, put up advertisements, post information on free Internet boards avito.ru, tiu. ru. I wrote more about this idea in the article “”.


If you have any special knowledge and skills, you can immediately offer them to your friends and earn money in an hour.

How else can a woman earn money?

For example, if you are a musician, offer vocal or instrument lessons.

  • Are you good at computer design? - create illustrations, websites and collages to order.
  • Do you know how to make interesting gifts with your own hands? - turn your hobby into a source of income!

In a word, look at what you can already do well and sell your talents.

Method 4. We engage in direct sales

Now in every small city there are a lot of commercial firms that will be happy to expand their market.

Here you can agree with the head of such a company and offer your services for selling anything - from advertising space in newspapers and magazines, to construction equipment and loan products from well-known banks.

Almost all companies will not mind working with a freelance sales manager.

All that remains is to find clients and receive your commissions. This method is especially suitable for people who know how to install business contacts and present any product or service well.

Direct sales can also be done via the Internet; to do this, notify your friends on in social networks about the products or services you offer, and place ads on all possible free boards. Tiu.ru and avito.ru are best suited for this.

Method 5. We make money by selling our knowledge, organizing training courses

If you are passionate about something and do it well, for example, cooking, studying English language If you love photography, it is only logical that there are people who also want to learn how to do it as well as you.

You can start packaging and selling your knowledge by teaching other people. This way of making money is called selling information.

And I'll be honest with you, some people will make a handsome profit from this.

If you want to find out how you can earn from 80,000 rubles a month by selling information, then read my article about ways to make money on the Internet. Examples are described there real people, who have been receiving tens of thousands for a long time and sharing their knowledge.

By the way, educational courses are now a very popular type of business, and if you really take this method of earning money seriously, then perhaps in a few months you will be able to not only earn money, but also open your own profitable one with incomes much higher than the average salary in your locality.

Method 6. Become a personal assistant to an entrepreneur

Do you have business skills, organizational skills and a desire to learn new things quickly?

Then you can become a personal assistant to an entrepreneur. The fact is that businessmen are quite busy people and cannot always manage to do everything they planned in a day.

But they have money and they will be ready to pay you for carrying out business orders.

How to find a person with whom you can become an assistant?

As always, newspapers and the Internet can help you.

For example, I have repeatedly seen advertisements with the following content: "Entrepreneur needs an assistant" or “I’m looking for a business partner, I’m ready to consider various options cooperation".

Especially many personal assistants for entrepreneurs are needed on the Internet. If you are good with a computer and have a burning desire not only to earn money, but also in the future, then I advise you to use freelance sites to find remote workers, such as fl.ru and work-zilla.com

These sites have a section with vacancies, where various entrepreneurs are looking for employees. You need to look for advertisements "I'm looking for a personal assistant" or "project manager required".

Method 7. We rent out our property

Remember, maybe you or your relatives have something that can be rented out and thus receive money in the form of passive income * ? This could be a room or apartment, garage, equipment, car, etc.

* Passive income- a type of income that comes to you 24 hours a day and does not depend on your daily efforts.

Typically, such income can be received in the form of rent from the letting of property, dividends from investments, interest on deposits or profits from a business.

By the way, if you wish, you can even rent out furniture, a bicycle or a computer.

If you have things that cost on average more than 1 average salary in your city, then it can act as a rental property. I also recommend that you read the ones described in my separate article.

Method 8. Borrow money against property

If you need money urgently and you are planning financial income in the near future, then you can borrow it by taking out a loan secured by property.

For example, if you have jewelry, you can pawn it at a pawnshop.

Nowadays, so-called car pawnshops have become quite popular, where you can borrow money at interest by mortgaging a car. Nowadays, you can even get a loan secured by an apartment. To do this, contact your nearest bank and its specialists will tell you how to do this.

As they say: “Any whim for your money (or rather for your property )!»

But I warn you, dear reader, that this method of “earning” money should only be used as a last resort , because if you don’t calculate something, you may lose your property or overpay large percentage for using the loan.

However, there is also positive point. If you still decide to use this method and borrow money, you can open your own microloan business.

Or maybe time will pass and who knows, in a couple of years you will become the owner of your own pawnshop.

Method 9. Get a job in 1 day

A classic of the genre - the most famous way to make money all over the world is to get a job.

If you already have experience in something, then simply open a local newspaper or the Internet and enter the phrase “work as such and such a specialist” into the search bar, for example, in Yekaterinburg.

Here you will see various offers from employers with relevant vacancies.

Of course, in order to get a job you will need to write a professional resume.

My article “” will help you with this. Also, as an example, in this article you will find a lot of ready-made resume samples for all the most common professions.

It is possible to get a job in 1 day if you have good recommendations from previous jobs and solid experience. Most likely, having sent a good resume to potential employers in the amount of 20-30 pieces early in the morning, you will receive several invitations for an interview on the same day in the afternoon, and if you successfully complete it, already with tomorrow you can go to new job.

This way of making money is suitable for everyone who is used to following the beaten path and is not going to “reinvent the wheel.”

Earn money by finding a part-time job

This method is somewhat similar to the previous “getting a job.” This is not accidental, since when we work, we somehow provide certain services to someone.

So, the easiest way to find a part-time job is do for others what you already do for yourself.

For example, you are a woman and you cook food for your family at home every day. Perhaps you have friends who also need to cook, but due to extreme busyness at work, they simply do not have time to do it.

The same applies to doing laundry, helping with your child's homework, ironing clothes, and so on. I think that the principle of this idea is clear to you.

If you are a man, then you can find part-time work as a night shift as a security guard in a private company, a waiter, a bowling club administrator, etc.

You can learn about other ways to earn extra money from our article.

Method 10. Earn money on the Internet: my experience - how to earn 250,000 rubles on the Internet in a few months

Let's start with how to make money online Can, this is what I say 100% !

I tested some of the ways to earn money from my own experience.

Therefore, I decided to talk about them here. These are the most popular ways that I and many of my friends are now making money on the Internet.

But before I describe the methods of making money on the Internet, I want to say that there is no freebie here, you will have to work hard and persistently to earn even the first thousand rubles. So don't expect a "magic pill" or a "super" revelation. secret way“how to make a million in a week.” There are no such methods!

So, now, how I personally managed to make money on the Internet:

1. Earn money by selling your own skills

You sell your skills by creating some kind of product for a customer (in my case it’s graphic design) and get money for it. At the same time, you work with different customers and projects.

2. Remote work (freelancing)

3. We organize the project and provide paid services

This is a more advanced version of Freelancing. Here you act as a firm (company), which in most cases provides comprehensive services and has the official status of a commercial enterprise, for example. This allows you to legally work with companies and accept payments into your bank account.

4. Create your own website and sell advertising on it

This method of earning money is clearly illustrated by the site “HeaterBober.ru”, where you are now reading this article. Such projects can bring in from several thousand to several million rubles per month.

I actually managed to earn more than this using these methods. 250,000 rubles in a few months.

In addition to the above, you will find out by reading our new article.

4. 7 common mistakes of beginners in making money

What could be such mistakes? Here I will describe the main ones with explanations. As always, I will give explanations from my personal experience and the experience of your immediate environment.

Mistake 1. The desire to quickly earn a large amount of money

The most common mistake. Popularly it sounds like this:

“Greed ruined the brother” or “free cheese only comes in a mousetrap”

I don’t know about you, but I regularly receive offers to participate in such and such a super profitable project, where, of course, you first need to invest your money.

These are various “mutual aid funds”, “investment projects” and other “loot generators” - a long-gone topic in which, by the way, a lot of money was lost due to inexperience several years ago.

If it seems to you that this is a gold mine where you will get rich in the blink of an eye, then in 99% of cases you will simply lose your money. Be careful!

Mistake 2. Trying to make money in cash-strapped niches

The second extreme is trying to make money where it is almost impossible to do so.

For example, you won’t make much money now by collecting and handing over bottles, although a few years ago this was still somewhat relevant.

You've probably seen grandmothers at crossroads selling herbs, seeds, indoor flowers, chocolates and cigarettes individually.

I think that it is unlikely that you will be able to earn money from this more than 2000-3000 thousand rubles per month in a small city, even devoting several hours a day to this.

Especially many people have problems making money on various services on the Internet that pay for completing tasks.

There, of course, it is possible to earn about 1000-2000 rubles a month, but at the same time you will devote almost the whole day to this.

When I say that it is impossible to earn money in this way, I do not mean that you will not earn a penny there, but that these efforts can be directed into a more monetary direction, receiving more income per unit of time.

Mistake 3. Making money dishonestly

This includes everything that is contrary to the law, and to universal human principles too. I also do not recommend contacting various casinos, slot machines and other gambling, since statistics in this case work against you.

Mistake 4. Looking for too exotic ways to make money

Especially if you need money in the near future. Choose to earn money what is already working for other people, so it will be much easier to succeed and get your first income. The more complex the circuit, the more likely it is to fail.

Mistake 5. Trying to earn significant amounts without working hard

Otherwise, this can be called “lazy person syndrome.” Money pays for something, and as I already wrote at the beginning of the article - there are no freebies! Don't waste your time looking for the "field of miracles" where trees with gold coins grow.

Mistake 6. Listening to whiners, losers and slackers

Know that nothing ruins all good undertakings like pessimists.

If they tell you that it won’t work, that you are doing nonsense, take it as a challenge! Don't let the ignorant bury your dreams and aspirations. Methodically go towards your goal and with due persistence, success is guaranteed to you!

Mistake 7. Grasping at everything at once

Alya is like that "Schwetz, reaper and trumpet player" in one person. Like “I dig potatoes and fly into space”. Stop at one thing and go deeper into it.

If other people are already making decent money doing what you're about to start doing, then it's only a matter of time before you reach the same level of income as them (provided you don't "merge" halfway)

Tip 1. Don't spread yourself thin
I assure you that concentrating on one thing and regularly working on it is guaranteed to bring your financial success closer, and adherence to this principle will give cosmic acceleration to all your affairs!

Tip 2. Make money on what is in demand

Improve your professional skills, be better than others in what you do. Then you will have no shortage of people wanting to pay you. Do something every day that will help you achieve your financial goals.

Tip 3. Strive to make money doing what you like

After all, if you can achieve this, then you will never have to “work” again. Yes, this is not easy to do and this is a big dream for most people, but if you are serious about changing your life, then do your best to make money doing what you love.

Tip 4. Save andmultiply

This is one of the essential qualities of wealthy people. Don't be a spender. Sometimes we ask ourselves where the money goes - I have no idea. Save part of what you earn and invest part of it in something that helps you earn even more money.

Tip 5. Be proactive

The city takes courage - says a well-known expression. If you are active and enterprising, then the money will come to you and you won’t have to run after it. This, by the way, is one of the iron principles on which not only financial success, but all other aspects of your life depend. Initiative is a basic quality that distinguishes winners from losers!

6. Conclusion

Take the time and definitely watch it, you won’t regret it!

Question for readers:

How do you make money? - tell us about it in the comments!

Share your ideas in the comments and don't forget to rate the article. Thank you in advance!

That's all, I wish you high income.

In what ways did I personally manage to earn more than 1,000,000 rubles? What do you need to do to get your first money today? What ways make quick money exist and how do you get started with them?

Hello, dear friends! Alexander Berezhnov, entrepreneur and one of the authors of the business magazine HiterBober.ru, is in touch.

To make a lot of money quickly, you need to have a clear idea of ​​how to do it.

In this article we will look at 7 proven methods available to the common person. They have been tested by me personally and have proven their effectiveness in practice.

All you have to do is study them and put the acquired knowledge into practice.

Here we will not consider getting a job or clever fraudulent schemes. We will rather talk about business ideas that can bring you profit tomorrow.

Make yourself comfortable! I promise - you will not regret reading this article to the end!

1. How realistic is it to earn 30,000 rubles? in 2 weeks

This is absolutely real, tested from my own experience! However, nothing happens for nothing and you have to work really hard, sometimes with your head, sometimes with your arms and legs, but the result is worth it.

This article will only talk about legal and morally normal ways to make relatively quick money.

Let me immediately give you guidelines on which areas (with the exception of standard work) you should pay attention to in order to quickly earn a lot of money:

  • selling unnecessary things from home;
  • earnings from mediation;
  • creating income using the Internet;
  • turning your hobby into a business;
  • consulting (teaching);
  • provision of paid services.

One way or another, I will tell you about all these areas of earning money in an article with examples and recommendations. During my experiments in making money using the above methods, I managed to make a profit of more than 1,000,000 rubles! I especially want to emphasize that I earned this money not from a classic job, but from doing business.

How did I earn this money:

  1. Opened a business on the Internet. I created my own profitable website on the Internet with a partner - HeatherBober.ru
  2. Provided paid services. Created websites and computer designs to order with my friend Vitaly (if you want to repeat our success, read my article “”)
  3. He was involved in mediation. I sold goods and services through the Avito electronic bulletin board (avito.ru) and found customers for familiar apartment renovation contractors.

These methods were enough for me to earn decent money by the standards of the provincial city of Stavropol, in which I live.

2. What you need to know to make a lot of money

To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Find out which ways to make money work and which don't. In this article I will talk specifically about working methods. If you have any questions, you can ask them in the comments to the article.
  2. Learn from the experience of people who are already making money and repeat what they do. It's always easier to follow the beaten path than to reinvent the wheel. Moreover, we are talking about how to make money in 2 weeks.
  3. Start acting immediately after receiving PRACTICAL knowledge. After all, your financial success depends only on you. If you are not lazy and understand this, then you should prove at least to yourself that you are capable of making money, and not just complain about fate.

That's all. Let's get to practice!

3. How to make money quickly - 7 real ways

The methods described below are suitable for people with absolutely average abilities.

Some of them will be connected to the Internet and some will not. Therefore, computer skills at the level of a confident user will give you great advantages.

Method 1. We sell unnecessary things (ours and others)

Have you ever thought that you can make good money on old things that you no longer need?

If you carry out general cleaning your apartment (house, office), as well as the garage and basement, then there is a lot of “junk”. In your opinion, these things may not have value, but someone really needs them and you can make money quickly from this.

Old tires, broken household appliances, unnecessary furniture, accessories that you are tired of - these are thousands, and sometimes tens of thousands of rubles!

Before such things become completely worthless, let's implement them and replenish our budget.

Some will say that he doesn't have many old things to sell. This usually happens because you simply did not audit your property.

Personally, I found more odds and ends at home than in 40,000 rubles.

Among them:

  1. Professional Santa Claus suit, which was made to order. Cost in used condition - 10,000 rubles
  2. The clothes, including very good ones, are almost new. Cost in used condition: approx. 8,000 rubles.
  3. Car tires with rims for VAZ. Cost in used condition: approx. 5,000 rubles.
  4. Unnecessary electronics and household appliances (laptop, camera, juicer, food processor). The cost of everything together in used condition is approximately 15,000 rubles.
  5. Accessories, figurines, old furniture. The cost of used items is approx. 10,000 rubles.

How to quickly sell unnecessary things and earn 30,000 rubles in 2 weeks? - further we will talk about the methods tested by me personally.

Method 1. We hand over old things to a thrift store in your city

In almost every city there are so-called “thrift stores” (thrift stores), where you can bring a lot of things at once and sell them in a fairly short time.

In this case, the store will take a percentage from you for the fact that you earned money with its help. Typically the store commission is 20%.

By the way, there are industry consignment stores, such as computer or furniture stores, that deal only with certain categories of goods. Accordingly, here they will be able to evaluate your things more objectively.

Method 2. We provide free advertisements in local newspapers

Each locality has its own free newspapers like “Everything for You” or “From Hand to Hand”.

You can submit advertisements there in several ways: call, come to the office and fill out an application, place your advertisement in a newspaper via the Internet.

Method 3. Posting advertisements around the area

This is one of the best ways to sell old furniture, refrigerator, washing machine, piano, bicycle and other relatively large things.

Since a person who saw the ad and became interested in your offer can immediately come to you and look at this thing.

If you have good presentation skills and are pleasant to talk to, you will most likely be able to easily find a buyer and sell your product at a good price.

Method 4. The best way is to sell things through free Internet boards

I single out this method as the best, since it has almost all the advantages of the previous ones, and at the same time has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • The site's audience is already looking for your product. Unlike newspapers, where the reader sees all the advertisements in a row, the user of the site (electronic bulletin board) specifically goes there and goes to a certain category, where you place your advertisement.
  • Detailed positioning of your offer. If newspapers often have a limit on the number of characters, and adding photographs is generally a problem, here all these possibilities are fully available to you.
  • Huge audience. Every day everything more people They look for information on the Internet, and newspapers and magazines fade into the background, becoming obsolete. By posting your ad on the site, you greatly increase the chances of selling your product.

The best site for selling things is Avito (avito.ru). This is the most popular electronic free bulletin board in the Russian-language segment of the Internet.

I promised to periodically give examples from personal experience.

So, with the help of the Avito website, I managed to earn 10,000 rubles in 1 week.

When they call you based on an ad, you find out the person’s name, find out his needs and say that a specialist (specialist) will call him back and your client will continue working with him.

Remember, perhaps you have familiar entrepreneurs who sell something and agree with them on a percentage of sales if you find them a client.

You can also negotiate with third-party companies whose managers you did not know before. Become their freelance sales manager, and in just a couple of days you will earn your first money.

Method 3. We sell things made with our own hands - “Handmade”

As you know, our people are creative and for some people making crafts, souvenirs, and gifts with their own hands is a hobby from which you can quickly earn quite a lot of money.

You've probably seen ads like:

  • “Making bouquets of sweets and soft toys”
  • “Original gifts to order” and others

This type of income is especially popular among girls. It is possible that you are also interested in making handmade items*.

Handmade(from the English “Handmade”) - made by hand. Crafts and other handmade arts and crafts.

I have a friend, his name is Yura, who makes custom designer watches, bracelets and other popular accessories.

Another friend of mine, Anna Belan, teaches handicrafts to children and makes custom-made crafts. I even took it from her and posted it on the website.

So Anya turned her hobby into a good business. Our local Stavropol television even filmed several stories about this girl.

Here is one of these videos about Anya:

Therefore, guys, if you have a craving for creativity and a desire to create something with your own hands, feel free to start making money this way.

You can also become an intermediary, selling handmade crafts from familiar craftsmen. These people can be found on the Internet, because here on “handmade” forums a huge number of “handy” creators hang out.

Offer them to sell their crafts for a percentage, I’m sure they won’t refuse.

Let's move on to the review of the next method for making money quickly.

Method 4. We train (consult) people for money

If you are professionally versed in something and can teach it to others, then why not make money this way?

You can organize your own paid courses, advise people individually, or become a private tutor, like my friend Alexey, who helped me learn English. This young man teaches languages ​​via Skype with his wife; they teach adults and children.

That is, you can earn money without leaving home and you can start quickly - new technologies will only help you.

So, think about it, maybe your knowledge can be “monetized”.

By starting small and learning how to make your first money from your talents, you can make the World Wide Web your main source of high income. If you are interested in this topic, then read our article about it. This is the dream of many people and a modern trend especially among young people.

Method 5. Borrow money (against your income or property)

If you need money very urgently, and you know that you can pay it back in the near future, then you can borrow it. And even though this is not a way to earn money, but rather a way to get money, it still solves the problem of their absence. You can also read our article on the topic “”, it describes the most popular methods.

A loan is one of the opportunities to quickly get money. But how to do that?

There are several ways to do this:

Method 1. Take out a consumer loan

Typically, such a loan is issued without problems to people with a permanent job for 6 months or more. Loan interest rates range from 15% before 30% in different banks.

Here, your salary income will be the guarantor of loan payments. By the way, if you have some passive income, it will also be taken into account by the bank and will positively influence the decision to issue you a loan.

Method 2. Take advantage of quick loans

This is the same loan, only it is issued much faster and often with one document - a passport, and you do not need to confirm income from your place of work.

Unlike banks, quick loans issued by so-called microfinance companies.

However, this method of receiving money has its own small drawback - an inflated interest rate, which usually amounts to tens of percent per year.

Such loans are specifically designed for citizens who are about to receive a salary or sell something.

Method 3. Borrow money against property

If you have any property: an apartment, a car, a garage, retail space or equipment, then most banks will be willing to give you a loan against it.

To do this, you must have documents confirming ownership of such property.

Naturally, in any case, the property against which you want to take out a loan should not itself be encumbered with a loan.


Try to repay the money you borrowed from the bank on time, because if you do not repay it or are late in repaying the loan, you will face legal proceedings and financial penalties from your creditors.

In addition, you will have a bad credit history, which means that your chance of getting a loan in the future will be much less.

Method 6. Find a part-time job on the Internet

Earnings in Internet will do people who are good at computers, since some ways of making money here will require special technical knowledge.

As in real life, there are many ways to make money on the Internet:

  • Provide paid services. If you are a designer, programmer or writer (), register on remote work sites such as Freelancing (fl.ru) and Workzilla (work-zilla.com), take orders, complete them and receive your honestly earned money for completing them.
  • Start your business online. In this case, you will not make a profit the very next day, but in the long run your income will be large and stable.
  • Engage in the resale of advertising, websites and information on the Internet. By becoming an intermediary on the global web, you can earn money from anywhere in the world if you have a computer and the Internet. Again, I tested this method of earning money myself. My personal result: 28,000 rubles per month. I earned this money from affiliate programs. By the way, for most ways to make money through online mediation, you don’t even need to have your own website.

Ways to make money online through mediation:

Method 1. Selling links

This is a whole market in which you can become an intermediary. Sell ​​links on large sites for a percentage. To do this, write to the owners of such sites a proposal for cooperation. By selling several links a day, you can make money quickly. Moreover, the cost of one link on good sites starts from 30 00 rubles .

It is quite possible to agree on your commission in 20% and more. So from the sale of one link you can earn from 600 rubles.

Method 2. Selling banners

The same situation is with the sale of banners. There are sites whose banner prices are tens and hundreds of thousands of rubles per month.

That is, for 1 transaction you can earn from several hundred rubles before several tens of thousands!

Imagine, it’s like realtors (intermediaries in the real estate industry). We rented out some real estate or sold it and made good money from it. Only the realtor needs to move around the city all the time, and this is a big expense.

You can engage in mediation in the field of Internet advertising even from home, and your income can be comparable to intermediaries in the real estate sector.

Method 3. Intermediation in the sale of websites

Relatively recently, a market for the purchase and sale of websites began to emerge as ready-made business. A good website can bring its owner no less money than large store in a city with over a million people.

And as you know, where there is money, over time people appear who want to get it.

In the previous method, I already compared a person in Internet mediation with a realtor. The situation here is exactly the same.

Bring together sellers and buyers of sites and get your percentage. On average it is 10% from the cost of the site. If you think that this is mere pennies, then I assure you that it is not so.

If the site brings its owner an income of 30,000 rubles, then it can already be sold for 750,000 - 1,000,000 rubles. Calculate how much you will earn from this if you find a buyer for such a site with your commission of 10%.

This the method will work you, if you are fairly well versed in websites and can correctly calculate their cost, based on the average monthly income of the project and other important indicators, which affect the cost of the site.

Method 4. Participation in affiliate programs

Nowadays, many products and services online have their own affiliate program. This is an opportunity for you to make good money.

And you can do it like this. You register in the affiliate program and receive a special link.

In different affiliate programs they range from 10% before 90% .

All payments and calculations are carried out automatically. That is, you can even sleep at the moment when someone orders something according to your affiliate link, and wake up in the morning and receive a letter that you have been awarded a commission in such and such an amount.

I recently wrote a very detailed article, which contains all the technology for making money on affiliate programs, be sure to study it “”.

How to find affiliate programs - there are 2 ways:

  1. Use search engines by entering “affiliate programs for earning money” or “affiliate program aggregators” into the search bar.
  2. Take advantage of well-known and proven affiliate programs from the JustClick.ru service (affiliate programs of information goods and services) or the largest Internet megamarket in the RuNet, Ozon.ru.

Method 7. Pawn valuables (jewelry, electronics, car)

Another way to quickly get money is to urgently sell valuables at a pawnshop. Getting money here for jewelry, digital and household appliances, and even a car is now not a problem.

If some time ago a pawnshop meant organizations that bought gold, silver and precious stones, now industry-specific pawnshops are becoming increasingly popular: car pawnshops, pawnshops household appliances and electronics. Here you can literally get money for your iPhone, computer or LCD TV in just 10 minutes.

At your discretion, you can either get a loan secured by your valuables, or simply sell the item. At the same time, you must understand that the pawnshop will value your item below its real market value. But you will get your money quickly. To do this, it will be enough to present your passport. This is how the pawnshop insures itself against transactions with stolen items.

This concludes the review of the main ways to earn quick money. Below I will talk about how to avoid falling into the hands of scammers, and then I will summarize the entire article.

4. Scams and scammers - how exactly you won’t be able to make money

In search of an answer to the question “How to quickly make a lot of money,” people unwittingly become victims of scammers who play on our greed and naivety.

Earn “quickly and a lot” - under this motto, dishonest people are trying to get money out of us.

Be careful! Especially where you are asked to invest something, promising quick and big earnings.

The saddest thing is that in almost all scams it is not the richest people who end up in it, who need money so badly that they are ready to give their last savings to the scammers.

Especially often our citizens end up in the so-called. And if the times of their mass distribution in real life occurred in the 90s, now they are increasingly appearing on the Internet.

You've probably heard about various MMMs and other similar projects.

It is known that only the organizers and the lucky ones who managed to withdraw their money before the collapse of the pyramid make money from them.

Now the matter is complicated by the fact that financial pyramids have begun to skillfully disguise themselves as network marketing companies and distinguish a decent network company from a disguised scam it becomes more and more difficult.


  • Before you invest your money somewhere, study this project very carefully.
  • Understand where the profit promised in it will come from and only then make an informed decision.
  • Remember that risks are always proportional to profitability; the higher the potential dividends, the higher the chance of losing your investment!

Don't play gambling and do not purchase techniques for beating casinos. Often these “magic pills” are distributed by the organizers of sweepstakes and other fraudulent projects themselves.

5. Conclusion

In this article, I reviewed the most accessible ways to make money in all respects.

I am sure that the most ordinary person can earn at least half of the methods described.

All you have to do is work through the most common ones:

  • mediation;
  • provision of services; How and where to earn bitcoins without investments - instructions for making money on the Internet from scratch + reviews from real users

While you are going for interviews, thinking about changing your profession or starting your own business, don’t wait for the money to fall into your hands, take on any part-time job. Earn money while driving public transport and even just walking down the street.

Sell ​​your time

Wait in line. Take a place in the crowd for a new exhibition at the Tretyakov Gallery or for new iPhone- such tasks are found on the online service of household services YouDo.com and help you earn money without doing anything. If you have a free afternoon, take a thermos of tea and sandwiches with you and stand in line. For a quick purchase of a ticket to a concert or exhibition, they will pay from 700 rubles, and a night at the visa center or the Federal Migration Service will bring you about 3,500 rubles.

Adopt an animal. Look after a dog, cat or parrot while the owners are away.

Maxim is looking for a new job

He loves dogs and takes in someone else's pet a couple of times a month. She rarely goes out for a walk just with him, and at the same time takes an order from the “Dog-Gulyaka” service. For walking he receives 590 rubles, for supervision - up to 3000 rubles. And one day he found a runaway dachshund at his entrance and received a reward of 7,000 rubles.

Walk more. Ever heard of money paying for steps? This idea was going to be promoted by the SweatCo service. It was assumed that the application would pay with virtual currency: for a thousand steps you get 1 “sweatcoin”, with 35 virtual coins you can buy yourself shorts, a drink with protein, and aloe vera cosmetics. The service, alas, is not yet operational, but follow the news: maybe there is more to come.

Download apps. Installing programs and watching videos in the applications Uento, AdvertApp and the like will help you earn money. The fees are meager, at best enough to pay mobile communications, but you can download and watch at any free minute.

Earn money on a car

Turn your car into an advertising platform. The StickerRide service pays for the kilometers you drive with a sticker on your car. You choose the brand and image size yourself. They don't pay much, but it's enough for gas. If you appear in the city center more often and participate in advertising quests, you will earn more.

Become a car courier. Deliver cakes, parcels, bouquets, gifts. Thousands of courier jobs are being created in the city; there will definitely be work.

Anatoly received the order

It was necessary to deliver 70 balloons inflated with helium for filming commercial. The bundle fit into his car, but one ball kept getting in the way along the way. Windshield, and the guy almost got into an accident. But such a trip brought 3,000 rubles.

Take travel companions. Register for taxi services and give people rides in your car. BlaBlaCar will pay 1000-1300 rubles for a trip from Moscow to St. Petersburg, but you can choose the passenger yourself based on reviews on the website.

Kirill needed additional income

Friends advised him to register with Uber. He was so fascinated by the rating system that now he takes night orders to reach 5 stars. For him, this is a hobby, not his main income. To earn 40-50 thousand rubles a month from a taxi, you need to drive 8 hours a day, 5-6 days a week.

Become a babysitter. If you know how to communicate with children, drive schoolchildren to school in the morning or pick them up from training, and you will receive 700 rubles for the trip. Keep a tablet in the back seat or come up with another form of entertainment for them so that the guys don't get distracted from the road.

Where to look for orders: StickerRide, delivery services for flowers, baked goods, gifts, Uber, GetTaxi, Yandex. Taxi", BlaBlaCar.

Become a helper

Get the house in order. After returning from work, office employees are not ready to clean the apartment or fix annoying breakdowns. Help people cope with household chores: sort out the trash, nail a shelf, hang a mirror - and make money from it. You don’t have to travel far; even your neighbors may need help: subscribe to your area’s VKontakte group and look through the advertisements. Minor repairs cost from 1,000 rubles, larger tasks - assistance with moving, garbage removal, installation of doors, locks - from 1,500 rubles.

Take over the dacha. If at times you feel drawn to nature, offer to help at the dacha. Outside the city it’s easier to breathe, and no one controls. Digging up a garden, taking it to grandma, picking it up, trimming trees - although the work is seasonal, it pays decently. For one such service they will pay about 1000 rubles. At the same time, you will fill your belly with fresh berries and vegetables.

Become a mentor. If you're great at playing the drums, chess or mafia, your skills will help you make money. If you are interested in sports, look for students in the gym or on the ski slope, offer tutoring services to friends, in groups on social networks or on online services.

Arrange a surprise. Tell me how to romantically propose marriage, help you choose a ring, organize a candlelit dinner on the roof of a high-rise building - they also pay well for these pleasant chores. Help in organizing a holiday costs from 990 rubles.

Bring food. Make life easier for office workers and single girls: bring lunch from a snack bar, sweets to the office, or help with grocery shopping at the supermarket. True, such services are inexpensive, about 500 rubles. Take the task on the road, at a time convenient for you, and you can slightly replenish your budget.

Where to look for orders: word of mouth, groups of Moscow districts in social networks, YouDo.com.

Become a landlord

Lend things to other people for a while. Fashionistas will be happy to take your Valentino jacket and Giant bicycle for the weekend; advertisers will find vintage binoculars, a Polaroid camera and other retro items useful. And there will certainly be people who want to play Mortal Combat X on your PlayStation 4. On the services Locolo, Rentmania, Arendorium you can even rent out an electric generator and a car. What about the prices: a professional camera lens will bring you 3000 per week, a drill - 350 rubles per day.

Rent out your property. Even if you have no plans to move to Thailand for the winter, consider that it might be beneficial for you to move tenants into your apartment.

Yaroslav has two one-room apartments in Moscow

He rents out both, and he and a friend rent a two-room apartment. Yaroslav furnished one of his apartments with furniture from IKEA, they live in it permanently, he decorated the other with souvenirs from his travels and rents them out through Airbnb to tourists, who have become more numerous in Russia due to the cheap ruble. There is enough money for life and a second education - Yaroslav is studying to become an architect.

Where to look for orders: Locolo, Rentmania, Arendorium, Airbnb, Cian, The Locals.

Complete urgent tasks

Help out in difficult situations. Every day people lose their wedding rings, are left locked in the office after work and are left without gas on the road. Offer help, and the reward will not be long in coming. For one rescue operation you will earn from 500 to 3000 rubles and will do a good deed.

Make reports. Something is constantly happening around. Pay close attention to your surroundings and have your smartphone ready with the camera turned on. After you upload the video to the Lifecorr application and it passes moderation, you will receive a fee of up to 2,500 rubles.

Monetize your own hobbies

Restore antiques. Repairing vintage items is a fun and rewarding activity. For restoring an antique chair you will earn about 4,000 thousand rubles, and if you manage to inhale new life in a chest of drawers from the beginning of the last century - 25,000 rubles or more. Look for retro items at flea markets, and sell finished products to designers and collectors.

Get rid of brands. Do you have an eccentric Dries Van Noten bomber jacket and a Denis Simachev shirt hanging in your closet that you’re proud of but don’t wear? Now is the time to sell them and free up space in your closet.

Travel. If you're going to Europe, you want to bring your compatriots some jamon, a couple of bottles of wine and a few pieces of cheese. Users are willing to pay 1,000 rubles for an AppleWatch from the USA and pomegranates from Yerevan, and 1,500 for tangerines from Abkhazia. Look for orders in advance on the Grabr and YouDo.com services. When you return from your trip, you can earn extra money by helping those who wish to buy tickets and make travel plans.

Become a secret shopper. Taste cocktails, check the layout and expiration dates of goods in stores, buy food for home, and earn money. Dozens of similar tasks are published in the TopMission application. If your friends listen to your opinion, recommend them brands and products you trust through the Teller app - you can earn up to 10% of the cost of the product.

Become a model. If you are a slender, two-meter tall, blue-eyed blond or proud of your thick beard, try yourself as a model. Other features will also come in handy: for filming on television, they look for anyone: thin, fat, with moles, bald, often blinking - and pay from 700 rubles per hour.

Prepare food. Making perfect steaks and serving them only to loved ones is unfair to other people. If you have five signature dishes in your collection, it's time to open an Instagram account and offer the services of a chef for an hour. For dinner you will pay from 1100 rubles.

Where to look:"Fair of Masters", SecondFriendStore, Grabr, TopMission, Teller, thematic groups on social networks, websites of TV channels and modeling agencies, Instagram, YouDo.com.

10 964 0 Hello, dear readers of our site. In this article we will talk about how you can make money without the help of the Internet. Today you will learn: where to start? How to quickly earn money without the Internet from scratch. Can a schoolchild earn money without the Internet.

How to get started outside the World Wide Web

Not everyone is suited to working on the World Wide Web. Many citizens simply cannot sit in front of a monitor all day and perform necessary work. It is also worth considering that profits on the World Wide Web, although large, are far from constant.

It is precisely restless people who are suitable for working offline. Where to start working without the Internet? Before looking for a job you will need:

  • take a piece of paper and write on it the desired salary;
  • write down all your talents and abilities;
  • determine what you do best.

You must clearly understand what you want to do and how much you will receive for your work. Of course, you can always go to work for “someone else’s uncle” and carry out all the instructions, as practically many citizens do. But if you want to achieve great success, you need to put in maximum effort and think things through.

If necessary, you can set a goal and write step by step plan its implementation. Every step must be under control, only then will your income be good.

How to make money quickly without the Internet

To make it easier for you to make a choice, here are some popular ways to make quick money without the Internet when you needed money yesterday.

Ways to make money quickly Approximate income
Car washup to 1000 rubles per day
Donating blood or spermup to 2000 rub.
Posting leafletsup to 800 per day
Selling something to a thrift store, pawn shop, or flea marketDepends on the product
Taxiup to 200 rubles for 1 trip
Collection and delivery of waste paper, glass, metal to receptaclesDepends on volumes
Performing urgent work: at a construction site, cutting the lawn, cleaning and removing snow, unloading goods, laying out goods, etc.Piece-work payment
Working in a call centerPiece-work payment
Street performer: puppeteer, musician, artist, etc.Depending on the traffic of the place where you will stand.
Carrying out work for students: translations of texts, writing coursework, essays, diplomas.Piece-work payment
Copywriting and rewriting.Depends on your qualifications. From 100-200 rubles per article and to infinity.
Other freelance.Piece-work payment

If you have a little time, and you need money not urgently, but in the near future, then the following ways to earn really fast money will help you with this. But they will take a little longer.

Insurance agent

This is a great job with flexible hours. All you need to do is contact the office of the insurance company and conclude agency contract. Next, you will need to attract clients and sell insurance contracts.

First of all, services can be offered to family and friends, since many have a car that must be insured annually under the MTPL program. Additionally, it is worth offering clients life or apartment insurance.

For each completed contract, the agent receives a reward. The more policies he takes out, the more funds he will receive. The main thing is to maintain your own client base and constantly expand it.

For one completed contract you can get from 500 rubles.

Private teacher

If you know a foreign language well, you can offer the services of a private tutor. To find regular customers, you can post regular advertisements near educational institutions.

If necessary, you can print small booklets and distribute them to mailboxes in homes in your neighborhood. If you do your work efficiently, there will be no end to your clients.

For an hour of work you can earn from 300 to 1500 rubles.

Nanny job

If you get along well with children and have necessary knowledge and skills, you can offer nanny services. You can find an employer in a newspaper with free advertisements. It is worth considering that in most cases you will have to sit with the child five days a week.

This is a very responsible job, but well paid. If additional training sessions are conducted with the child, the fee for nanny services may be significantly higher.

You can earn from 1,500 rubles per day of work.

Animal Nanny

Oddly enough, but this direction in Lately is very popular. Almost every family has a pet. But what if the long-awaited vacation has arrived and you want to spend it abroad?

In this case, you will need a so-called animal nanny. At the same time, many offer to look after pets on their territory.

As a rule, the services of such specialists cost from 300 to 500 rubles per day. Do not forget that food is not included in this amount; you will need to buy it yourself or prepare pre-prepared food in special containers.

Real estate services

One of the most profitable and in-demand professions is working as a realtor. A realtor is an agent who helps you find the property you need and receive guaranteed payment for it.

To get started you will need:

  • fill out a resume and send it to real estate companies;
  • receive an offer and undergo free training;
  • start working actively.

It is worth considering that this is a difficult job that requires stress tolerance, since you will have to work with clients.

Income up to 100,000 rub. from the concluded deal.

Network marketing

If you know how to communicate well with people and sell various products, then you should pay attention to working in network marketing. You can sell: cosmetics, everyday products, sports writing and much more.

The main advantage of this type of activity is that you can offer several types of products at once. To get started, you will need to select a supplier and enter into an agency agreement.

Income depends only on you, on how you know how to sell.

Mystery shopper

This is an excellent and well-paid direction with a flexible work schedule. All you need to do is:

  • visit various stores, banks, insurance companies or car dealerships under the guise of an ordinary buyer;
  • purchase goods or receive services;
  • describe the quality of service in the report;
  • record communications during the visit using a voice recorder or hidden camera.

Many companies are willing to pay for such an inspection visit from 500 to 2000 rubles to check the quality of service or your employees.

Own business

You can really make money without the Internet with the help of your business. At the same time, in order to receive money, you can choose the type of activity that suits you.

To become the owner of your own business you will need:

  • decide what niche you will work in;
  • determine the initial capital, since your business requires investments;
  • draw up a business plan;
  • work hard and grow your business.

Experienced businessmen advise choosing the direction in which you are well versed. If you can cut hair well, then it's worth opening hair salon and offer quality services to the population.

How to make money for a schoolchild without the Internet

But what should a schoolchild who wants to earn a little money during the holidays or free time from school do? Where can a teenager under 18 make money without the Internet? Actually exists a large number of income options.

First, a little motivation about how schoolchildren became millionaires.

For those who are inspired, we have selected several relevant and in-demand business or income ideas that a schoolchild can easily implement.

Master of manicure and pedicure

Of course, this option is well suited for the fair sex, who can do high-quality manicures and pedicures. All you need is:

  • special set;
  • lamp;
  • set of varnishes.

Initial investments can be no more than 10 thousand rubles. You can ask your parents or beloved grandmother for these funds.

For manicure services you can earn up to 1000 rubles per client . The main thing is to do your job well and constantly offer your services to family and friends.

Distribution of promotional products

To start earning money in this direction, special experience and knowledge are not required at all. This is easy money that a student can get for a few hours of work. To get money you need to deliver leaflets to mailboxes or hand them out on the street.

The payment, of course, is small, but anyone can start it, even a schoolchild.

Selling jewelry

Today things made with your own hands , are in good demand. You can make designer jewelry from beads, special jewelry or decorative ribbons. Various baubles and bows can be sold to friends or sold on the street, in places with high traffic. The more unique your work is, the more expensive it will be.

You can purchase materials on Aliexpress for a fair price. favorable prices. The markup for exclusive jewelry can reach up to 1000%.

Hairstyles to order

Do you know how to do good hairstyles? Then you can earn good money while sitting at home. You can start with friends and family, and then word of mouth will work and there will be no end to clients.

Exquisite braids or classic hairstyles can be done at home for 300-500 rubles , while in a beauty salon such services cost more than 1000 rubles.

Useful articles:

Hello! Today you will learn how to make money for a beginner at home and more.

In this article I will give you many different ways to earn money. All the methods listed below are working and have been personally tested by me.

Reselling goods on bulletin boards

This way of making money really works because many people do not know the real cost of goods or simply sell cheaply in order to get rid of this or that product faster.

Many collectors look for unique items in this way and are willing to offer good money for them. You won’t believe it, but things left in grandma’s closet can benefit someone else, thereby freeing you from junk and bringing in a good profit. Soberly evaluate the old things in your pantry and you will certainly make money by selling them. Perhaps somewhere in the bins lies the first Soviet camera, a Singer typewriter, a tablecloth with unique embroidery, or a record player.

Some photo studios, as well as theaters and even hand-makers look for goods in this way and are happy to buy interesting retro items.

On Avito you can find many things that are sold at a reduced price. You just need to buy them and sell them at a higher price, and the difference in price is your earnings!

I’ll give you an example from my life, because I’m talking about proven methods.

One day I accidentally saw how much moose antlers cost, average price was 5000 rub. Then I found the horns on Avito for 3,000 rubles, bought them and after 4-5 days they bought them from me for 5,000 on the same Avito. I just did better photo and description. Net profit 2000 rub. in 5 days. I agree that it’s not enough, but if you do this fully, you can sell more.

Also, I tried to buy MacBooks in Moscow with Avito, and sell them in my city, because in our city there are few advertisements and they are more expensive, but in Moscow there are many and the prices are cheaper;) The conclusion is simple - you can make money!

Shipping and payment:

  • In your city, you can make a sale through a personal meeting. Orders can be sent to other cities by agreement. But most often by Russian Post. Transportation costs are most often borne by the buyer. But again, as agreed.
  • Payment can be accepted either by transfer Money to a bank card or e-wallet.

Selling goods from abroad

This is also an excellent option, which I have been doing and continue to do, but on a more official and large-scale basis. Now there are opportunities to buy goods from Taobao, Aliexpress, 1688 etc.

Almost everything is cheaper there. You can simply buy there and sell on the same notice boards in your city. You can order from Ebay and Aliexpress to absolutely any city and any country, so this type earning money is available to everyone! I have tried to sell many products, but now I am focusing on bags from China, but more on that later.

My friends sell phone cases, other friends sell unusual gifts and home decoration, and still others sell iPhones and other Apple equipment. So try it too ;)

Provision of services

We all know how to do something, and these skills can be easily sold. If you know foreign languages, then you can teach it to others. Or, for example, you know how to repair plumbing, so why not do it for money.

That's all today more girls prefer to work with a flexible schedule. What could be better than not regulating your working day yourself? In the service sector, you can make good money from hairdressing and makeup. Having completed special courses, more and more girls I know are making money doing manicures, depilation, hairstyles and makeup, preparing girls for important events (weddings, anniversaries, graduations, etc.). Providing your services is great way earn money quickly.

How to make money from this? Easily! Just start telling everyone about your services, make your own website, place an ad wherever you can and everything will go well for you;) But what am I telling you...

For those who are interested in this topic, I wrote an article on how to get started. Read it, everything is explained there step by step! I also provided website development and configuration services contextual advertising and much more.

How to make money on a website or blog

It’s easy to make money on the Internet, the main thing is to decide on your niche: your website, blog, online store, selling goods from a one-page website etc. But more about everything.

This is one of my favorite activities and for me it is not only a source of income, but also a favorite hobby. I am happy to run this blog site that you are on now and write articles for you, this is truly my hobby. Also, I had and still have blogs to earn money, on which I earn money from advertising, affiliate programs, and so on.

A blog differs from a website in that most often it is tied to the personality of the author, his worldview and life position. It is worth noting that these are the blogs that are most popular. But not either last place SEO optimization plays a part in their promotion. Read more about this in the “Business Promotion” section.

Blog is an information site where you write interesting and useful articles on topics that interest people. If your articles are well written, search engines show them in search results, thereby giving you visitors. But you can also promote your blog yourself.

When you have a lot of readers on your blog, you can easily make money on it from advertising, from affiliate programs or from posting links and paid articles. This is a working way to make money online.

Additional part-time jobs

If you work or study and your schedule allows for additional work, do not miss this opportunity. Me too, when I was a schoolboy and student and also worked part-time to earn money.

You can babysit your children or work in a store doing loading and unloading jobs with pay at the end of the day, or you can do work in your main field of activity. Roughly speaking, “to the left,” but not to steal, but to the left, to serve some clients yourself, and not in the company for which you officially work. There are also many options for courier and all sorts of general labor positions.

  • If you are a student at the Faculty of Foreign Languages, then your knowledge is quite enough to give additional lessons to schoolchildren. The modern approach to teaching foreign languages ​​through Skype lessons is an excellent opportunity to recruit a group of students not only in your city, but also in other areas.

You can package your knowledge into a training course and thus sell it, getting good money from it. If the information you collect helps someone, it will quickly spread among potential clients.

  • As an additional income for successful people, during a financial recession, you can organize the sale of seasonal goods: “anti-freeze” in the autumn-spring period or flowers, on the eve of the spring holidays, as well as live and artificial Christmas trees a couple of weeks before the New Year.
  • If you inherited an apartment from your grandmother, then in order to earn money to repair it, you can, at first, rent it out on a daily or monthly basis.
  • If you live in a resort area, then organize a business for tourists. Tents with souvenirs and goods of local origin (honey, fish, sweets) will allow you to earn decent and real money during the influx of tourists.
  • And if you are the owner of a luxurious premium car, then why not offer your services to the newlyweds to accompany them on their special day to the registry office or banquet hall.

Receiving dividends or interest on deposits also applies to additional income. But first they require some investment.

Open your online store

After I started selling from China, I soon opened my own online store. Thus, the second point of this article can be legalized and turned into a full-fledged business. An online store is quite a profitable business, it pays for itself quickly, requires small start-up investments and is quite simple to organize. Overall, you can make a lot of money! At the start, you can work alone or with your spouse, as I did. When turnover increases, you can think about hiring employees (call center, driver, loader).

Now everyone is very actively buying on the Internet, besides, you can test a niche on some goods by first purchasing a small batch and selling it on Avito (point 1).

I already wrote an article about how. You can sell almost anything in an online store!

Sell ​​products from one-page sites

Through sales through Landing page you can earn a lot of money faster than with an online store. The whole point of making money is that you analyze demand, select a product to sell, test it for sellability, and create a one-page website ( landing page) and sell throughout Russia. This type of business is trending now!


In continuing sales in online stores and on bulletin boards, it is worth mentioning that you can make various products with your own hands and sell them. There is a project called “Masters’ Fair”, where they sell similar goods and buy them very well.

You can also sell your homemade products in an online store, on social networks and on message boards. Many people like something different and this theme works very well. Therefore, if you know how to make something or are a jack of all trades, then this is your way of making money!

How to make money freelancing

How you can't make money

Well, now I’ll tell you about ways in which you will never make money.

Be careful! If you are looking on the Internet for ways to make money, then you often come across advertisements for some kind of quick money-making, such as pyramids, MLMs, get-rich-quick schemes, and so on. Don't believe it! In many of them you are asked to invest a little money, then invite friends and acquaintances and earn money for each person who comes. To a greater extent, these are deceivers, in some cases you will sell crazy goods at high prices (they often do this in MLM), the pyramids will collapse and you and your friends will be left without money.

There are also all sorts of sites offering gold trading, but all this is a lie and the earnings there are not from gold, nor from invited people. In general, where you are asked to pay money to join somewhere and then invite people, then most often this is a scam. Just remember one thing... there are no get rich quick schemes, they simply don’t exist and that’s it, it’s a scam!

You can't make money by risking your health. This includes making money by donating blood, donating cut hair, and other absurdities and experiments that can be offered to you for money. All this is not worth it. You will receive little money, but the consequences can be very different.

Earnings on computer games . If you are a schoolboy or a slacker, then of course you can try to make money on it. But it is important to understand that you can spend a lot of time on this and still not achieve results.


Perhaps I have not listed all the ways to make money, but I have listed what I am really confident in and tested on myself, what helped me out in difficult times, except for hand-made ones. But more importantly, I warned you about all sorts of scammers in the last paragraph.

Let's use our brains! Only your ingenuity will help you make money quickly and easily! So let’s use our imagination and go ahead! At one time, sellers of “sea air” and “medicinal” mud made decent money from tourists. A good razvodilovo - good money!

It's never too late to learn! If your career has reached a dead end, you feel hopeless, then perhaps it’s time to radically change your life?! Get additional education or take advanced training courses, learn something new, fortunately, today this is easy to do without even leaving home, through online learning.

Saving. Sometimes all you need to do to make money is simply cut down on your expenses. Have you tried counting your monthly expenses? I advise you to do this and you will be horrified at how much you spend on unnecessary things.

What is left for you now? Try yourself in everything possible! The main thing is not to sit still, but to constantly move forward and do, do, do, then everything will work out for you! Think bigger, take risks, create your own business, test niches, generally move, and don’t sit still;)

I look forward to your additions, objections and questions in the comments! Thank you for your attention!

2023 gtavrl.ru.