A quick way to find out who you are on VKontakte bookmarks. Several ways to find out: Who bookmarked us on VKontakte How to find out if you have been bookmarked

Official version

The development team has been declaring for quite some time that Contact will never have open “guests” - people who visited the page. On the one hand, this is convenient, because without embarrassment you can view the profiles of everyone, even those people to whom we would not like to show our attention. To make it more convenient to go directly to a page of interest, a bookmarking service was invented. You don’t know how to bookmark VKontakte? Everything is very simple: you need to go to the person’s page and select the corresponding button under the avatar. You can add an unlimited number of all users to bookmarks, no matter whether you have them as friends or not. Just like the guest list, people who have bookmarked you cannot be viewed. There are special applications, but their effectiveness is low, because the user himself must allow the publication of his page statistics.

Is there a mirror site for VKontakte?

Old-timers of the social network remember the site with the domain durov.ru. This is an alternative project by the creator of VKontakte Pavel Durov, an English version of the main site. If you believe the rumors, you could log in to it using an account from a Russian-language social network, after which a menu similar to VKontakte would open and you could select the “bookmarks” tab. It displayed not only the users you added, but also those who added you. If today you enter “durov.ru” in the address bar, you will be taken to the main page of VKontakte and will not notice anything unusual. “It turns out that you won’t be able to find out who has me in your VKontakte bookmarks this way?” - you ask disappointed. Indeed, this is impossible now. Remember that all advertisements for “new” sites like this one are distributed by scammers. When you enter such a resource, the system will ask you to enter your login and password for your page. If after this procedure your profile is stolen, you shouldn’t be too surprised.

Programs for viewing guests and bookmarks

Question: “Who has me bookmarked on VKontakte?” - worries many network users. And if there is demand, there will be supply. In addition to VK clone sites, it is easy to find links to download special programs on the World Wide Web. Their developers promise not only to show bookmarks, but also to all visitors to the page. Is it really that easy to find out VKontakte bookmarks? The developers of the social network categorically do not recommend installing third-party software on your computer to work with your website. Almost all clients and programs for Contact are dangerous viruses that can not only steal authorization data, but also damage the computer’s operating system. Those that do not cause serious harm are simply useless. You say: “It turns out that you won’t be able to find out who has me in their VKontakte bookmarks?” Probably yes. There are currently no technical methods available to all users. We can only be content with our own guesses on this matter. If you are sure that you have identified someone close to you, you can always just come up and ask: “Is it true that I’m in your bookmarks?”

?. This question often comes from novice users of the social network. However, some of those who have been communicating on VK for a long time do not know all the intricacies of this process.

In fact, there is simply no official and absolutely working way to get to other people’s VKontakte bookmarks, since confidentiality principles are strictly observed here.

Some time ago, this could be done through the website durov.ru, which was made some time ago by the creator of VK, Pavel Durov. However, now when I try to log into the site, I get a 403 “Login Denied” error. Thus, you can no longer rely on this method.

In addition, on the Internet you can find many different programs that offer to “hack” other people’s bookmarks. Of course, you shouldn’t trust these promises, since seemingly safe programs can infect your computer with all kinds of viruses and Trojans.

Expand bookmarks by deleting a page

However, there is one way that most likely allows you to find out who added the user to . However, it cannot be called guaranteed to work. The bottom line is this: through the account deletion procedure, you can identify users who visit the page especially often. Perhaps they will be the ones the user is looking for.

So, here's a little instruction:

  • While on your page, click on the round avatar in the upper right corner.
  • In the drop-down menu, go to the settings section.
  • Go to the very bottom of the tab that opens and click the phrase “Delete your page.” Don't worry about your account being deleted right away. There is still a long way to go.
  • A form will appear on the screen listing the reasons for deletion. Here you need to note the point about no comments.

Now a phrase will appear in the text field in which some users will be mentioned. They are the ones who most often visit the deleted page and presumably added it to their bookmarks.

Thus, there is no official and fully working way to recognize other people’s VK bookmarks. However, you can try to do this through the page deletion procedure.

Bookmarks are a popular function of the VKontakte social network. Thanks to it, you can keep interesting people, and even groups, quickly accessible. Of course, everyone is interested to know if someone has added it to their bookmarks. Is there any way to do this?

Unfortunately, not at the moment. But this was possible only recently, on the website durov.ru, which has now stopped working. In case it starts working again, we will tell you how to use it, as well as how to avoid scammers and find out who visited your page, which is often even more interesting than bookmarking it.

How could this be done?

Previously, when a person visited the durov.ru website, he ended up on the English version of “Contact”, where on the “Bookmarks” tab, in the line “Who bookmarked me” you could see everyone who had added you to bookmarks. Not everyone could find this tab, but the problem was solved simply - these people themselves did not have anyone in their bookmarks, as soon as they added at least one, the problem disappeared. Now Durov has deleted his website and this loophole has closed. It is believed that this happened due to the fact that the information about who bookmarked you is personal and it is illegal to distribute it.

Programs from the Internet

However, on the Internet you can find a huge number of programs that claim that they will help you recognize both the guests of the page and those who have you in your VKontakte bookmarks, and will even add votes and ratings to you. Do not believe these promises - not only will you not receive reliable and desired information, but you also risk losing your account and being blocked, but even offending your friends who may be deceived by the person who stole your password. Why do people do this?

The answer is simple:

  1. Advertising placement.
  2. Sending various spam.
  3. Fraud (for example, asking your friends to send money, fraudulently buying votes).
  4. Identity theft.
  5. Normal human curiosity.

Remember that even reviews on forums and pages with the program do not give you any guarantee; they could be written by the developers themselves. Therefore, download any programs only from trusted resources and do not enter your password and login “just anywhere”.

Let's recognize our guests on VKontakte

But here there are several safe ways. Perhaps, by using them, you will receive the desired information and the question “How to find out who has bookmarked me” will disappear by itself.

To do this, there are two options - install one of the popular VKontakte applications: “My Guests” or “My Friends: Connections, Guests”. Unfortunately, not all of your visitors will be reflected there. Therefore, in addition to this, you can put a link specially generated in the application on your page, for example, in the “Personal site” line. Now whoever clicks on it will appear in your application.

Recently, another opportunity has appeared that is available to those who have more than a hundred subscribers - statistics. It is located on your main page, under photos, videos and audio recordings. There are graphs by age, gender, country and city of those who visited you. And you will be able to understand who exactly it was if, for example, he has a city that is rarely found among your friends.

Friends, use the opportunities of VKontakte, but be careful and do not lose your pages!

Several opinions

Why would anyone even know this? Or is that just what social media was invented for? networks. For that matter, there is an administration group on VKontakte where you can write your proposal, and let them do it like in Odnoklassniki.

I remember writing a parser to pull texts from groups (this was before search engines started indexing contacts). At the same time, I made a video about “how I wrote it” and uploaded it to YouTube... And then I was horrified by how many mentally retarded people there are in the world asking: “make us a program for free.”

Accordingly, interest is growing among users who want to know everything that happens on their pages. And so, one of the pressing issues today remains “ How can I see who has bookmarked me?”.

Just 6 months ago, this could be viewed on the official website of Pavel Durov ( durov.ru). Today this site does not work and redirects all users to the official domain VK.com.

But, despite this, there is still a working method and we will talk about it below!

Let's find out using personal page statistics

In every profile that has at least 100 people as subscribers, there is a button “ " No one except you has access to it. And so, let’s figure out how you can use it to identify the person whose bookmarks you are (you can read about what bookmarks are and how to work with them).

On the statistics page you can view the country and city from which you logged in, male or female gender and age of our guests.

That is, if you know approximately the age, place of residence and gender of a person, after a little thought and analysis, you can understand who exactly visited your account. This method is more suitable for those who do not have many friends. With the help of such simple monitoring, the percentage of successful determination still remains equal to 50. The next option will help you solve this problem with a higher percentage (with a probability of 70 to 100%).

Find out who has bookmarks using the VKontakte application

The wonderful application “My Guests” will allow you to identify the person who has you as a bookmark. It has been done, but despite this you can understand who you are on the list of favorites.

2024 gtavrl.ru.