Accounting info. Accounting info Organization setting up program 1c 8.3

Through the accounting parameters, settings for accounting in the program are specified. In versions 8.3, and the newest, almost all parameters are configured using special forms, which are located in the section of the same name in the program settings on the “Administration” tab.

Setting up the chart of accounts in the 1C program can also be done from the setting of the same name on the “Main” menu tab in the “Chart of Accounts” section.

Here you can enable or disable subaccounts in analytical sections of accounting accounts. To go to change parameters, click on the link itself:

It is possible to configure:

    Accounting for VAT amounts on purchased values ​​- the default setting is initially specified “By contractors and invoices received”, cannot be disabled. The parameter is the manager for the subconto of accounting account 19.

    Inventory accounting – the default setting is “By item” and cannot be disabled. If necessary, you can set “By batches”, “By warehouses”. Also, for warehouse accounting, you can specify “By quantity and amount” or only “By quantity”. Settings for inventory accounts help you see the “Parties” and “Warehouses” subcontos.

    Accounting for goods in retail – there is a predefined parameter “By warehouses”, “By VAT rates”, “By item” is also available. Determines the movement of subconto according to accounts 42.02 and 41.12.

    Cash flow accounting – the main predefined parameter is “By current accounts”. It is also possible to include accounting for cash flow items 50, 51, 52, 55, 57, on which the subaccount “Cash Flow Items” appears.

    Accounting for settlements with personnel - you can set it to “Summary” or “For each employee”. Determines the movement of subconto according to accounts 70, 76.04, 97.01.

    Cost accounting can be specified “By departments” or “For the entire organization”. It is possible to set up a subaccount for accounts BU 20, 23, 25, 26.

Salary settings can also be found on the “Salary and Personnel” tab, then the “Directories and Settings” section.

General settings – indicate “In this program” or “In an external program” accounting is maintained.

The procedure for accounting for salaries after clicking on this link will take you to the “Salary Accounting Settings” form:

The form has several tabs:


    Taxes and contributions from payroll;

    Vacation reserves;

    Territorial conditions.

It is necessary to carefully fill out all information in accordance with the regulations of the enterprise for which accounting is maintained.

Payroll calculation - when accounting for an organization with a staff of no more than 60 people, the program can take into account: vacations, sick leave and executive documents, inclusion is done by checking the appropriate box. It is possible to automatically configure the recalculation of the “Payroll” document, go to the “Accruals” and “Deductions” directories, which can be viewed or filled out.

– through the links you can go to the directories “Methods of accounting for salaries” and “Items of costs for insurance premiums”.

Personnel records - indicated either “Full” (the necessary personnel documents are generated) or “Simplified” (without generating documents, the employee’s card is used to print the order).

Classifiers – parameters for calculating insurance premiums are set, the type of income and personal income tax deduction are also indicated.

“Payment terms for buyers” and “Payment terms for suppliers” - deadlines are set for use by default, unless others are specified.

Printing of articles - printable forms of documents are configured.

To set the “Income Tax” parameter, you need to go to the “Directory” menu tab, then the “Taxes” section:

In 1C programs of early configurations, setting accounting parameters is available on the “Main” menu tab, section “Settings”, item “Accounting parameters”.

The next topic to which I am going to devote several series of articles is working with the 1C:Enterprise 8 program, since fundamentally new configurations have appeared recently and users often contact me with questions regarding working with these products.

The complaints that you hear sound something like this: “It’s not convenient for me when the menu is on the left,” “I don’t see what windows are open in my program,” “I can’t find...” and so on.

But developers cannot please everyone equally. What some users like, others are hostile to. But developers can give users the opportunity to customize the interface for themselves. And in the case of Taxi, users received a choice that they had never had before.

The first thing I always do when starting to work with a new configuration is to activate the display of the “All functions” command. For beginners, this option is especially useful as it allows you to quickly find any configuration object. Document, journal, register, processing - whatever. For “1C: Salary and Personnel Management 3.0” (ZUP 3.0) this is all the more relevant, since this configuration is still being actively refined, and therefore it happens that after the next update some functions are moved to another section. The “All functions” command allows you to access the desired object directly.

In order to make this command active, you need to go to the settings, and in the “Service” subsection, select the “Options” item.

In the window that opens, check the “Display the “All functions” command” option and accept the changes.

The activated command will appear at the very bottom of the settings.

My second mandatory step is to activate the open windows control panel, which can be disabled by default. To do this, go to “View” > “Customize Panels”.

A panel editor will open in front of us, in which we can customize the appearance to suit our needs.

To change the interface, just grab the desired element with the mouse and drag it to where you would like it to be. I take the “Open Panel”, which is currently not active at all, and drag it to the bottom of the interface. Now I can always see which windows I have open, and also quickly switch between them.

For me this is quite enough. I'm used to working this way. But you may be more accustomed if in the Taxi interface of 1C 8.3 the section panel is at the top. Let's take it there and see what happens.

Accounting parameters are infobase settings that determine the order of accounting. In the release "1C: Accounting 8.3" and in later releases, the main part of the accounting parameters is configured through special forms "Setting up a chart of accounts" and "", available from the corresponding sections.

In addition, there is a combined form of accounting parameters, which opens through “Administration” – Program Settings – Accounting Parameters. It also configures the printing of articles and the terms of payment from buyers and payments to suppliers.

(also available through the “Main” section – Chart of Accounts –). Enables or disables the use of subconto, i.e. analytical sections of accounting on accounting accounts. The names of the links indicate the current settings; to change, you must click the link. Here you can select the following options.

Accounting for VAT amounts on purchased assets

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Accounting for settlements with personnel

You need to choose the required accounting method - consolidated or for each employee. This setting controls the subaccount on accounts 70, 76.04, 97.01.

Cost accounting

You can choose how to account for costs – by department or across the entire organization. In this case, subaccounts are set up on accounting accounts 20, 23, 25, 26.

Salary settings

(also available in the “Salaries and Personnel” section – Directories and settings –). The following parameters can be configured here.

General settings

It is necessary to choose in which program the organization takes into account personnel and payroll calculations - in this or in an external one.

In this form indicate the following:

  • on the “Salary” tab – select the method of reflecting salaries in accounting; salary payment date; method of accounting for written-off amounts by depositors; data for the FSS pilot project;
  • on the “Taxes and Payroll Contributions” tab – indicate the type of contribution rate for compulsory insurance (set by default; in the case of a “special” rate, the desired one is selected); parameters for calculating additional contributions; the size of the contribution rate for insurance from NS and PZ; method of applying standard deductions for personal income tax;
  • on the “Vacation Reserves” tab – a note about the formation of a vacation reserve (if necessary) and the method for reflecting them in accounting;
  • on the Territorial conditions tab - if applicable, indicate the northern allowance, regional coefficient, data on work in special local conditions.

Salary calculation. In the absence of organizations with more than 60 employees, the program supports, which is enabled using the appropriate flag. Also here you can set up automatic recalculation of the document “” and go to the “Accruals” and “Deductions” directories to view or fill out.

Reflection in accounting. Here you can follow the links to the reference books “Methods of accounting for salaries” and “Cost items for insurance premiums” for setting up salary accounting and.

Personnel accounting. The program allows you to choose methods of personnel records - full (with the generation of all personnel documents in the program) or simplified (without personnel documents, orders are printed from the employee’s form).

Classifiers. Here you can find the parameters for calculating insurance premiums (types of income, tariffs, discounts, maximum base value) and types of income and deductions for personal income tax.

Setting up accounting parameters in 1C 8.3 is one of the first actions you must take before starting full-time work in the program. The correct operation of your program, the availability of various functionality and accounting rules depend on them.

Starting with version 1C:Accounting, the interface for setting up accounting parameters has changed. Also, some parameters began to be configured separately.

Go to the "Administration" menu and select "Accounting Settings".

This settings section consists of six items. Next we will look at each of them. All of them allow you to influence the composition of subaccounts for certain accounts and subaccounts.

Initially, we already have flags set in two items that cannot be edited. You can also additionally enable maintenance by accounting methods.

This setting was also completed. The item “By item” cannot be used, but other settings can be edited if necessary. The list of accounts and subaccounts that are affected by these settings is shown in the figure below.

Here the management of subaccounts 41.12 and 42.02 takes place. By default, only warehouse accounting was installed. It is predefined and we cannot edit it. In addition, this type of accounting can be maintained according to the nomenclature and VAT rates.

Cash flow accounting

This type of accounting will necessarily be carried out according to the account. It is also recommended to additionally take into account in 1C 8.3 the movements of DS according to their items for additional analytics on management accounting.

You can keep records of this type of settlement both for employees as a whole, and for each individual. These settings have a direct impact on subaccounts 70, 76.04 and 97.01.

Cost accounting will necessarily be carried out by item groups. If you need to prepare audited statements in IFRS, it is advisable to also keep records of cost elements and items.

Salary settings

To go to this settings package, you need to follow the hyperlink of the same name in the accounting parameters form. Many of the settings here should be left at default, but you still have a lot of room for action.

General settings

To complete the example, we note that salary and personnel records will be maintained in this program. Of course, there are limitations here, but if your organization does not have many employees, then the functionality of 1C:Accounting will be quite sufficient.

You will see a list of settings for each organization that is accounted for in the program. Let's open the settings for Confetprom LLC.

Here you can indicate how wages will be reflected in the accounting system, the timing of their payment, vacation reserves and any special territorial conditions.

Let's go back and follow another hyperlink.

Among other things, you can also change the way the list of employees is organized in documents and make settings for printed forms.

Allows you to configure lists of types of charges and deductions. Initially, they are already filled with some data.

Also, in this section 1C you can enable the availability of functionality for sick leave, vacations and executive documents. The setting is available only if the database does not contain organizations that employ more than 60 people.

The last setting is very useful, since when editing all its amounts will be recalculated automatically.

This section is necessary to indicate methods for allocating labor costs and mandatory insurance contributions from the payroll to accounting accounts. Initially, these settings are already filled in, but, of course, you can adjust them.

Personnel records and Classifiers

There is no point in describing these last two sections in detail, since everything here is intuitive. Classifiers are already filled in and often leave these settings untouched.

Other settings

Let's go back to the accounting parameters form and briefly consider the remaining settings items.

  • Payment terms for suppliers and buyers determine after how many days the buyer’s debt to us will be considered overdue.
  • Printing of articles– setting up their presentation in printed forms.
  • Filling in prices sales allows you to determine where the price will be inserted into the relevant documents.
  • Type of planned prices influences the substitution of prices in documents related to production.

Some of these 1C 8.3 settings were previously made in the accounting parameters. Now they are placed in a separate interface. You can also find it in the “Main” menu.

The setting form is shown in the figure below. Here, going through sections, you can set up income tax, VAT and other data.

How to set up the 1C Accounting 8.3 information base?

Accounting parameters are the settings of the 1C Accounting 8.3 information base, which determine the accounting procedure. In the release "1C: Accounting 8.3" and in later releases, the main part of the accounting parameters is configured through special forms "Setting up a chart of accounts" and "Salary settings", available from the corresponding sections.

In addition, there is a combined form of accounting parameters, which opens through “Administration” – Program Settings – Accounting Parameters. It also configures the printing of articles and the terms of payment from buyers and payments to suppliers.

Setting up a chart of accounts in 1C

(also available through the “Main” section – Chart of accounts – Setting up a chart of accounts). Enables or disables the use of subconto, i.e. analytical sections of accounting on accounting accounts. The names of the links indicate the current settings; to change, you must click the link. Here you can select the following options.

Accounting for VAT amounts on purchased assets

By default, accounting methods are indicated - by received invoices and by counterparties. These settings are predefined and cannot be disabled. In addition, you can enable “By accounting methods”. The setting controls subaccount 19.

Inventory accounting

By default, the predefined parameter “By item” is specified; it cannot be disabled. If necessary, include accounting by batches and accounting by warehouses. For warehouse accounting, you need to choose a method - by quantity and amount or only by quantity. Based on these settings, the “Parts” and “Warehouses” subaccounts can be installed on inventory accounts.

Retail goods accounting

In addition to the predefined parameter “By warehouses”, it is possible to enable accounting by VAT rates and by item (turnover). The setting controls the subaccount on accounts 42.02 and 41.12.

Cash flow accounting

A predefined accounting method has been established – “By current accounts”. It is possible to enable accounting for DS movement items. At the same time, a new sub-account “Cash Flow Items” will appear on the “cash” accounts (50, 51, 52, 55, 57).

Accounting for settlements with personnel

You need to select the required accounting method - consolidated or for each employee. This setting controls the subaccount on accounts 70, 76.04, 97.01.

Cost accounting

You can choose how to account for costs – by department or across the entire organization. In this case, subaccounts are set up on accounting accounts 20, 23, 25, 26.

Salary settings

(also available in the “Salaries and Personnel” section – Directories and settings – Salary settings). The following parameters can be configured here.

General settings

It is necessary to choose in which program the organization takes into account personnel and payroll calculations - in this or in an external one.

In this form indicate the following:

  • on the “Salary” tab – select the method of reflecting salaries in accounting; salary payment date; method of accounting for written-off amounts by depositors; data for the FSS pilot project
  • on the “Taxes and Payroll Contributions” tab – indicate the type of contribution rate for compulsory insurance (set by default; in the case of a “special” rate, the desired one is selected); parameters for calculating additional contributions; the size of the contribution rate for insurance from NS and PZ; method of applying standard deductions for personal income tax
  • on the “Vacation Reserves” tab – a note about the formation of a vacation reserve (if necessary) and the method for reflecting them in accounting
  • on the Territorial conditions tab - if used, indicate the northern allowance, regional coefficient, data on work in special local conditions

Salary calculation. In the absence of organizations with more than 60 employees, the program supports accounting for vacations, sick leave, and executive documents, which is enabled using the appropriate flag. Also here you can set up an automatic recalculation of the “Payroll” document and go to the “Accruals” and “Deductions” directories to view or fill out.

Reflection in accounting. The reference books “Methods of accounting wages” and “Cost items for insurance premiums” are available here via links for setting up accounting for wages and insurance premiums with payroll.

Personnel accounting. The program allows you to choose personnel accounting methods - complete (with the generation of all personnel documents in the program) or simplified (without personnel documents, orders are printed from the employee’s form).

Classifiers. Here you can find the parameters for calculating insurance premiums (types of income, tariffs, discounts, maximum base value) and types of income and deductions for personal income tax.

Buyer payment terms. Payment deadline to suppliers. The terms established here are used unless other terms are specified in contracts or documents.

Printing of articles. The form is used to configure the printing of document forms.

Rates for income tax in 1C 8.3 You can now indicate in the form accessible from the section “Directories” – Taxes – Income Tax:

In earlier releases and versions of the 1C 8.3 program, accounting parameters are configured in the form accessible from the “Main” section – Settings – Accounting parameters:

This is what the configuration form looked like:

Based on materials from: