Alarm clock online even without connection. How to set an alarm clock on a computer using standard Windows XP tools

Hello everyone, dear users! Time is an integral part of every person's life. We are all tied to time, which only moves forward. To succeed everywhere, a person can only properly distribute his time, for which he cannot do without an alarm clock.

Almost every person wakes up to an alarm clock, and if this device does not work due to failure, then problems will arise unpleasant consequences. Alarm clocks today are found not only in watches, but also in many types of modern devices. Almost 50% of the entire planet's population wakes up to an alarm clock on mobile phone. Some people are used to starting mechanical watches, and for some it’s easier to set an alarm on the phone. Few people know that you can set an alarm on a laptop or computer. If you are interested in how to do this, then the material will discuss in detail two methods on how to set an alarm clock on a computer.

How to set an alarm on a computer: the traditional way

First of all, it is worth noting that setting an alarm on a computer does not depend on whether it is a laptop or a PC. The alarm clock is set in the operating room Windows system, so anyone can use this function. This is very convenient when you are not sure that the alarm on your phone or watch will go off, which, by the way, sometimes happens when the battery is low.

The first way to set an alarm clock on a computer involves using an “optional package”. This package is available for all operating systems, starting with Windows 7. Let's look step by step at how to set an alarm clock on your computer.

Initially, you need to enter the “Start” menu, where there is a corresponding option called “All Programs”. Actually, we need to go into it.

In the submenu that opens, you need to find the “Standard” folder, then go to “Service”, and then enter “Task Scheduler”.

A task scheduler window will open, in which the user needs to select the “Create task...” option.

After this, a new task creation window will open, in which you will need to enter all the necessary parameters. In the “General” tab opposite the “Name” field, you must specify any information, for example, Alarm clock or Time to get up. In the “Description” field, you can write any greeting text that will appear when the Alarm goes off. You can write a greeting text, or that it’s time to get up. The required items to fill out are highlighted below.

After this, you need to go to the second tab called “Triggers”. In the window that opens, you need to click on the “Create” button.

In the new trigger creation window, you need to configure our alarm clock. There are functions such as one-time, daily, weekly and monthly device activation. You also need to set the alarm time, then don’t forget to check the “Enabled” checkbox in the lower left corner and click the “OK” button.

The process of turning on the alarm does not end there. Next, you need to open the next tab called “Actions”. In the window that opens, similarly, you need to click on the “Create” button, and then in the “Program or script” field, select a file or application to launch. Most often, a melody is selected on the computer. If you specify a movie or program in this field, then when the alarm goes off, they will be launched.

Additional tabs “Conditions” and “Parameters” allow you to make some settings. If you only need an alarm clock, then you don’t have to go to these tabs. At the end of the process, click the “OK” button.

The alarm clock is now set on your computer. You can check its functionality by adjusting the response time approximately 5-10 minutes after setting new task. After double-checking that the alarm clock is functioning, you can go to bed peacefully.

It is important to know! For the alarm to work, the computer or laptop must be in either on or sleep mode. If the PC is turned off, the alarm will not work.

What other ways are there to set an alarm? If the above option seems difficult for you to implement, then you can use special applications. What are the advantages of applications, as well as the features of setting an alarm, we will find out further.

How to set an alarm on your computer using apps

Initially, it should be noted that there are many applications for creating an alarm clock, but not all are able to function 100%. If you don’t want your alarm clock to let you down, then trust only proven applications, even free ones.

One of the most popular programs is an application Free Alarm Clock. Advantage this application due to the fact that it is free, easy to manage and does not require machine resources. Setting up an alarm clock is very simple, for which you need to launch the application, set the required number of alarms, save them and close the program.

The application allows you to select the desired melody that the user wants to hear when waking up. Moreover, these can be not only melodies, but also applications. Free Alarm Clock works with these popular formats, like exe, mp2, mp3, wav, flac, ogg, bat, aiff and many others.

— In order to add an alarm clock, you need to click on the “Add” button, which translates as “Add”. The advantage of the application is the ability to wake the computer from sleep mode, as well as turn on the monitor. If you are afraid of oversleeping, then be sure to install this application on your device.

- Except Free apps Alarm Clock, you can set an alarm using such a popular audio player as AIMP. To do this you need to do the following:

- Click on the round icon located on the right side of the audio player.

- After this, you need to open the second tab “Alarm Clock”.

— On the left side of the tab name, you need to click on the square to set an alarm.

— All that remains is to choose the time for the alarm, as well as the composition to be played.

All methods for turning on an alarm are quite simple, so no matter which option you choose, you will definitely cope with the task.

In our world, time plays a huge role, because it not only allows you to live in the same rhythm with other people (come to work at the same time, break for lunch, attend any events), but also provides the opportunity to plan your life.

In addition to the clock, every home must have an alarm clock, which can be either an independent device or part of a device (tablet, smartphone, stereo system, etc.).

Despite the fact that devices that allow you to install required time, a lot, computer owners are constantly trying to find ways to “install this mechanism” on their unit.

In this article we will try to explain how to set an alarm clock on a computer or laptop. In this case, two methods of performing this operation will be described, so that everyone can choose the most acceptable one.

Method number 1.

This option involves the use of a pre-installed “option package”, which is available on all devices based on Windows 7 and 8.

1. Go to the Start menu and click on All Programs.

2. Then select the “Standard” folder, and in its submenu select the “Service” folder. Click on "Task Scheduler".

3. A window will appear in front of you, in which you need to click on the “Create task” option.

4. Another window will pop up, in which you will have to configure your task. In the "Name" field, enter any word, for example, alarm clock. You can enter any set of letters in the “Description” field.

5. Go to the “Triggers” tab. Click on the “Create” button.

6. In the pop-up window, you can set the alarm time, its frequency (call only today, weekly, etc.), and also set Extra options(repeat playback and the like). Enter the required parameters and click “Ok”.

7. Now go to the “Actions” tab. Click on "Create". Now click on the “Browse” button and select required file, program to run. If you want to certain time you had music playing, then you should select the song file itself. In addition, you can set your alarm clock so that instead of the usual music, you will start a movie or some program. After you have selected the file, click on “Ok”.

8. There are also two tabs: “Conditions” and “Parameters”. They allow you to produce additional settings, however, if you only need an alarm clock, then you don’t even need to go to them.

Click on the "Ok" button.

That's it, you have set an alarm clock on your computer! If you doubt that you can do everything right right away, try setting the “task” so that it starts in about 10 minutes. This will allow you to make sure that the installed “clock mechanism” will work in the morning.

The main condition for the alarm to work is that the PC/laptop is turned on. It can be in sleep mode, but must be turned on.

Method number 2.

This method involves installing third party program to your device (if you do not trust programs downloaded from the Internet, use the first method).

There are many programs and utilities that allow you to quickly set an alarm clock on your unit, but not all of them are distinguished by their rich functionality.

The most popular programs among users are “Cool Calendar” (suitable only for Windows 7) and “Alarm Clock”. They are quite lightweight and easy to use.

Download utilities/programs only from trusted sources to protect your PC from possible infection.

We will not describe the installation and use process, since even an inexperienced user can figure it out. And setting up programs is practically no different from setting a real alarm clock.

That's all, now you know how to set an alarm on your computer or laptop.

The modern computer has become important part human existence and it is difficult to imagine human activity without a computer, to find a replacement for it. The word computer can mean not only system unit, monitor, keyboard, mouse, but also any other computer technology.

Nowadays, a computer is synonymous with an electronic computer, and their application is simply enormous, ranging from ordinary electronic watch, smartphones, tablets, ending with supercomputers and equipment on the international space station, for example. But in the pursuit of new, exotic opportunities, sometimes the simplest and most required functions. Now, opening a browser on your phone and going to a website will take less time than setting, say, an alarm clock. But not many people know about the existence of such a feature on a computer, and even fewer use such a function. But for some it may turn out to be irreplaceably necessary.

However, it is still worth knowing how to set an alarm clock on your computer. There are several programs and utilities to perform this task. The difference between words such as utility and program is minimal, so they can act as synonyms. Below will be presented a sequence of actions for the answer - how to set an alarm clock on a computer, for several programs, it is worth noting that in addition to performing the work of the alarm clock, they have a number additional features.

Alarm Clock program

Quite simple and reliable to use. It is necessary to remember about reliability; utilities of this kind are quite primitive in terms of creation, but some simply do not perform their functions or act incorrectly. The installation process of this program does not differ in any difficulties, as usual, you just need to click the “Next” button several times in a row.

After launching the program after installation, click the “Add” button. We choose the time when they will take place sound alerts and days of the week. You can select any other audio recording available on your computer as a ringtone by clicking on the “Browse...” button and selecting the desired one. sound file. You must check the “Show message” checkbox.

Necessarily! You need to check the box next to “Turn on sound” and select the volume level by changing the position of the slider, which is located to the right of this item.

A checkmark in the “Repeat sound” item will help those who do not wake up after hearing one thing sound signal. The checkbox in the “Delay button” item will be useful if you need to reschedule the notification time.

You must also check the box next to “Wake the computer from sleep mode”, this will allow the computer to wake up along with the program.

And the “Turn on monitor” item can be left blank, depending on the user’s preferences. By clicking the “OK” button, the alarm setting can be considered complete.

But don't forget, if the computer is completely turned off, the alarm will not work, you need to put the computer into sleep mode.

Download alarm clock to computer windows any version, you can follow this official link Alarm program Clock is completely free, but the creators of this utility would appreciate some kind of user support.

Alarm clock program

The name of the program does not shine with originality, but sometimes the name does not match the content. According to numerous reviews, this computer alarm clock is the most popular.

  1. During the installation process, you should change the item " Full installation» to “Setting parameters” and uncheck all three values ​​that became available after changing the value.
  2. Then, by clicking the “Next” button and going to the next step, you need to uncheck all the boxes.
  3. We continue the installation by clicking the “Next” and “OK” buttons several times.
  4. After the installation is complete, turn on the program, click the “OK” button in the upper right corner, and a window will open where you will set the alarm.

By pressing the button in the form of a plus in a circle, an additional window will open where you need to set the parameters of the future alarm clock. In a combination of fields such as “Hours”, “Minutes”, “Seconds” we select the time when the notification will occur in the form of a sound signal. We set the value of the days of the week; this can be done by clicking the “Select” or “Daily!” button. This value means that the alert will occur every day by clicking the "Once!" the notification will occur once at a given point in time. In the “Select action” menu you need to select “Play melody”, there are quite a lot of actions in this menu, so this program can act in other roles besides alarm clock.

You need to select a sound file that will serve as a melody for the alarm clock. This can be done by clicking the button in the form of a folder and selecting required file.

Three items will be presented below; select “Repeat playback” and set the number of repeating melodies, or select “Repeat endlessly”; the melody will repeat until the user turns off the alarm.

The “Smoothly increasing sound” option can be left unchecked, depending on the user’s needs.

Download the alarm clock for your computer for free at

Alarm clock on computer online

Some users find it difficult to download an alarm clock to their computer. There are websites that you can use to set an alarm clock on your computer online. For example, you can use the site; this site will allow you to set an alarm clock on your computer online.

Everything is quite simple, set the time for the notification to occur and select a melody. We press the “Run” button and that’s it, the rest is a matter of technology.

But the obvious disadvantage of this notification option is the requirement for a constantly connected Internet. An alarm clock program on your computer will be more useful; you can download them from various resources.