Bq does not see the sd card. How to restore a microsd card if the computer does not see it

There have been cases when various problems arise when connecting MicroSD to a smartphone. The most common is when Android does not see the memory card. When we insert it, a message may appear indicating that the card is damaged.

In this guide, I will try to explain as simply as possible the actions that usually need to be taken in this situation.

We will use various settings Android systems. It is worth considering that the parameters will vary on different shells (their names or location), but not particularly much, so you can handle it.

Android does not see the MicroSD memory card, fix the problem

When we insert a storage medium into a smartphone and then turn on the device, a notification panel message may appear. It says that the SD card is not working because it is damaged. When you try to click on a notification, you will be prompted to format it.

Of course, I don’t advise you to immediately agree to format the card, since in most cases this does not solve the problem, and in the end you will end up deleting all the files in vain. This can especially happen when connecting a memory card using a special adapter to a computer.

If you look at the properties of the media through a computer and the file system is NTFS, then it is 100% not supported in Android system, so the phone will display a message indicating that the memory card is damaged.

What actions should be taken in such a situation?

Provided that the computer can easily see the files on the memory card, you should first transfer them to another medium. Then you can use standard Windows tools and format MicroSD to file system FAT32, or ExFAT. You can also insert the card into your smartphone and format it from there. There will be two options - as a portable storage device or internal memory. Their differences are already described on the screen.

It happens that the memory card is not displayed on the computer, if there are no important files in it, then we format it from the phone. It will also suggest formatting as portable media or internal memory. The first method will subsequently allow you to use the card even on a computer.

The problem will be more serious if formatting from the computer and phone does not help at all. This will mean that the reason is not file system errors, but something else.

It is also worth noting that when you connect a memory card to a PC, the memory card that was in the smartphone as internal memory may not be displayed.

Memory card not supported

Above we looked at the method when you have to format the media. If this doesn't help, then the reason may be something else entirely. For example, a memory card is simply not supported. This refers to the amount of memory. Existing on this moment smartphones can support a maximum of 32 GB to 128 GB or even 256 GB of memory. If you have any chinese smartphone or very old, then check what the maximum volume is external memory he supports.

It happens that the type of card supported is completely different. Of course, this phenomenon is rare, but it is worth paying attention to. Now, in addition to Micro SD, there are types SDXC and SDHC and others. Check online for the specific type supported by your smartphone.

The memory card slot or media contacts are covered in dust and dirt

This is also a fairly infrequent event, but it does occur. In this situation, you need to lightly wipe the contacts of the drive with a dry cloth and blow a little into the connector on the smartphone. Then reinsert the card, turn on the phone and make sure the media is working.

Other points

Above we looked at the main methods that help in most cases to fix the problem. If all else fails, then I will list other points that may be the reason when Android does not see the map MicroSD memory:

  • Use another card reader to format the memory card from a PC. After the procedure, insert the media back into mobile device and make sure it works. I repeat, format it in FAT32 or ExFAT.
  • If the memory card is not displayed, check its visibility in the Disk Management tool. From there, format it into the desired file system and use it again on your smartphone.
  • If it is not displayed in any device, even in other smartphones, and formatting does not help, then there are two options - either the contacts are damaged, or the memory card itself is already faulty and all that remains is to replace it.
  • Purchasing storage media from stores such as Aliexpress sometimes results in fake devices. Maybe they will really work for a while, but at one point they will refuse and you won’t do anything. In this case, you need to buy memory cards from trusted sellers and look at the reviews. We read: .

All of these methods help in most cases, but you should not hope that they are 100% effective. All you have to do is throw away the faulty cards. If you have any questions, write about it in the comments. Now you know what to do when Android does not see the memory card.

Quite often, users encounter the problem that their phone does not see the memory card.

In this case, the card can be completely new, undamaged, it can work on other devices, and so on. That is, everything will indicate that the micro SD should work without any problems, but in practice it turns out that this is not at all the case.

Therefore, it would be useful to look at some of the most effective guidelines on what to do in such cases. Their effectiveness has been proven by the fact that users of various forums have written about these methods.

Let's get started!

1. Simple ways

It is not always necessary to do something supernatural with a flash drive, such as formatting it or taking it for repairs.

In some cases, when micro SD is not detected on a mobile phone, it is enough to do the following:

  • Reboot your phone. Sometimes some minor malfunctions arise operating system and simply rebooting the device helps it see the flash drive. After rebooting, the phone checks all connected devices again and, most likely, finds a connected micro SD among them.
  • Remove and insert the flash drive. It is quite possible that the contacts have come loose somewhere or the card itself is not inserted tightly. Then like this simple procedure helps fix these problems.
  • Turn off and disassemble the phone. Usually you can remove the battery, all memory cards, SIM cards and back cover. So, in some cases, disassembling the phone into all these parts helps. Just take it all out and put it back in. The fact is that sometimes the contacts come off not in the card reader, but in some other parts of the device. So disassembling and reassembling can help.
  • Check if your phone can accept such flash drives. The fact is that some phones are simply not designed to work with memory cards larger than 16 GB or more. It may also be that the phone does not accept micro SD from certain manufacturers. You can check this information if you look at the instructions for your phone and search on the Internet, on forums. Usually, owners of such phones report their problem on the Internet.
  • Install another file manager. Most users recommend using ES Explorer (here is the download link). In some cases, it allows you to recognize all storage media that are connected to the phone, but are not recognized by other file managers.

Advice: Try several different file managers. If it's Android, then Play Market just search for "file manager".

In addition, pay attention to the age of the flash drive. It is quite possible that she has already served her banal purpose, and trying to get something out of her will make no sense.

Of course, you can use memory card recovery tools (which we’ll talk about later), but if it’s really time for the old lady to retire, it’s better not to touch her.

Important! The optimal service life of a memory card is 5 years. If your flash drive is already larger, then problems with it are quite normal. Better to paste it into your computer, copy all the information and throw it away. In return, buy a new, clean flash drive.

If all these simple steps do not help, it is necessary to resort to more serious measures. Some of them will require some computer skills.

2. Changing the save location

It happens that no program wants to see the connected memory card. In some cases, only some programs do not see it.

If this is the case, then in those programs that do not want to work with a flash drive, you need to change the path where the files are saved.

For example, if the browser does not want to see the flash drive, you need to do the following:

  • Open the browser (for example, take standard browser on Android). Click on the “Menu” button, and then on the “Settings” item.
  • In the settings menu, select “Advanced”.
  • Find there a line with the text “Default storage”. Click on it.
  • Among the two options, select the second one, that is, “Memory card”.

Exactly the same can be done in any other application that is somehow connected to a flash drive.

Perhaps the phone does not read the flash drive because the file manager does not want to read it.

Of course, if the memory card is not readable in certain applications, you need to change the storage location of files in these programs.

But if no application wants to open the flash drive, try the above operation in file manager or camera. This is especially true if you have installed root rights.

The file manager is the fundamental program for working with memory cards.

If the phone has root rights and some kind of good manager(for example, the same ES Explorer or Total Commander), it can affect other programs as well.

3. Send your phone in for repair

If the memory card is detected by all other devices except your phone, then this is the reason.

The phone may not detect the memory card for the following reasons:

  • the card reader is damaged (you need to replace it, which can only be done by a specialist);
  • the contacts in the card reader have come loose (they should be recorded, which is best done at a service center);
  • the operating system is not working correctly (then you need to reinstall it or change some parameters in system menu, which is also better to entrust to a specialist).

So take your phone to service repair and ask for diagnostics of the card reader and operating system.

4. Formatting a flash drive

If the above steps help, you should try formatting the memory card.

The clearest indicator for this would be the fact that the flash drive is not detected on the phone, but a computer or even another phone sees it and works with it calmly.

In this case, perhaps the reason lies in a mismatch between the file systems on the device and the flash drive. Accordingly, it must be formatted to suit the phone’s file system.

Even if the flash drive is not detected anywhere, it can and should still be formatted. True, if it is detected on at least one device, all information can be copied from it.

Attention! When formatting, all information from the flash drive is erased. Therefore, try to open it on at least one device to copy all the data.

But before that, the flash drive needs to be checked for errors.

It is worth saying that the computer will detect any memory card that is at least somewhat functional. If it is not detected on any computer, you can safely throw it in the trash.

Only if the flash drive is damaged, its contents will not be visible. In any case, the detected micro SD needs to be checked for errors standard means computer.

On Windows this is done as follows:

  • insert the USB flash drive, open “My Computer” (“This Computer” or simply “Computer”, depending on the system version);
  • click on the memory card right click mouse, select “Properties” from the drop-down menu;
  • in the window that opens, go to the “Service” tab;
  • click on the “Run check” button;
  • check two boxes in the next window that opens (“Automatically correct system errors" and "Check and repair bad sectors");
  • click on the “Launch” button;
  • wait for the process to complete.

Advice: In some cases, although very rare, defragmentation helps. To perform it, you need to click on the corresponding button in the properties window, in the “Service” tab.

It is possible that after performing these steps, the phone will begin to detect the flash drive. This means that the cause was damaged sectors or system errors.

So try reinserting the memory card into your phone and checking if it starts seeing it. If not, formatting should be done.

To do this, you need to do the following on your computer:

  • in “My Computer” right-click on the inserted flash drive;
  • select “Format”;
  • in the window that appears, click on the “Start” button;
  • in the warning window, click “Yes” (this window contains information that all data will be deleted during the formatting process);
  • wait for the process to complete.

Attention! In some cases, the operating system automatically checks the “Fast...” item in the formatting window. So, this checkbox needs to be removed, because we need full formatting memory cards.

Now you need to try again to insert the USB flash drive into the phone.

Does not help? You can try formatting it on a device without an operating system, for example, a camera.

The advantage of this approach is that such devices ignore all kinds of errors and perform forced formatting.

If all this does not help, all that remains is to use one of the memory card recovery tools.

5. Memory card recovery

This action is intended for those cases when all the above operations do not help and the flash drive is still not detected on the phone and other devices.

Then all that remains is to try to recover the data from the flash drive and throw it away. Unfortunately, there are no other options for their situation.

One of the most popular programs for memory card recovery is CardRecovery.

To use it, you need to do the following:

  • Download the program and install it (here is the link). In the welcome window, click “Next”.
  • In the “Drive letter” section, select the desired card memory (you can recognize it by the letter in “My Computer”). In the section “Camera Brand and File type» select the device type and check the boxes next to the types of files that will be recovered. Click on the “Next” button.
  • Wait for the process to complete. "Next" button.
  • Check the boxes next to the files that you want to save to your computer. "Next" button.

Here are other file recovery programs:

  • PC Inspector Smart Recovery;
  • R-Studio;
  • Easy Recovery;
  • Flash Memory Toolkit.

What to do if Android does not see the microSD flash drive? This question often worries owners of smartphones and other gadgets, regardless of manufacturer and cost. Problems of obtaining data from a DVR or installing software on a tablet or smartphone can be solved independently if you know the main causes of the malfunction and how to solve them.

How the problem manifests itself

The malfunction manifests itself as follows: after replacing the micro-SD card, after rebooting, flashing or simply turning on the device, the gadget does not see the flash drive or its contents. As a result, data or installed software is lost, the camera and programs begin to write information to internal memory devices. The latter quickly becomes clogged, there is no space left for recording OS service information, and the gadget loses performance and begins to freeze.

As a result, if the internal memory is small, it becomes impossible to work without a memory card.

To fix the problem, you need to determine the cause of the breakdown. Very often it is possible to eliminate a defect yourself, without going to a workshop.

The phone does not see the flash drive due to formatting problems

The partition table can become corrupted on any file system (NTFS, ExFat, Fat32). As a result, Android cannot read files written to SD. Most often this happens when the user tries to format the memory card himself and incorrect actions. Another option is to insert a card with a different file system, for example, from a camera. You can restore the card's functionality by formatting it again. This can be done either with the phone itself or another Android device, or using a computer with a card reader.

The menu of some phones allows you to format the SD card by selecting the appropriate item in the settings. If it is not there, you can reboot the phone, enter “Recovery” mode and format the file system of the card by selecting “ Wipe cache partition".

Important: errors when working with the device in “Recovery” mode can lead to the loss of all data and even inoperability of the OS. That's why inexperienced users not worth adopting this method.

It is easier and safer to format flash drives on a computer. To do this, you need a card reader and a formatting program (standard, built into the OS, or any other). You need to remove the flash drive from the device, insert it into the card reader and format it in exFAT or FAT32 format. After formatting, Android should begin to “see” the flash drive. If this does not happen, the problem is more serious.

The memory card has failed

Flash memory has limited quantity write-read cycles. In addition, the device may be damaged due to microcracks on the board or under the influence of static voltage. In this case, after installation in the card reader, the computer does not detect the flash drive. It is also not readable on other devices.

It is impossible to restore a damaged memory card or the data on it. This cannot be done either from the Android device itself, or by connecting it to the computer as a flash drive via USB, or from the computer via a card reader. All that remains is to purchase a new flash card compatible with your device.

Important: sometimes, due to a board malfunction, phones and tablets can “burn” memory cards. Therefore, if a short time after replacing the flash drive it fails again, it is necessary to diagnose the Android device.

Memory card and Android devices are not compatible

A smartphone or tablet may not see the flash card if it is simply not designed to work with modern storage media. When there is a suspicion that the card does not correspond to a tablet or phone, then you should try to read it on a computer with an adapter for memory cards. If the gadget does not see the card, but the computer does, the reason is incompatibility.

All gadgets have limitations on maximum size memory cards: 16 GB, 32 GB, 64 GB, 128 GB. This happens if, for example, you bought a 64 GB card, but the limits of your smartphone (tablet) are 32 GB.

Another option is a flash drive made using technical specification, unknown to your device. In this case, the gadget does not recognize it. Therefore, before buying a memory card, you need to study the documentation of your tablet or phone to buy an SD card of the appropriate size and type.

In addition to incompatibility, the device may be damaged or software glitch. In this case, the computer will also see the flash card, but the phone (tablet) will not.

Software error

In this case, the gadget either does not see the memory card at all, or it is not visible certain programs. If you know, the card is empty, although it shows that the space is occupied, the problem is in the settings or performance of the OS and software of the phone (tablet). If Android does not see the SD card in applications, but does see it in recovery, try looking at the settings first. It is possible that the save path for applications is not set to the card, but to the internal memory. Fix it.

Another solution when only one application does not see the card is to reinstall or update it, and also check it own settings.

Important: often the phone OS begins to see the inserted card only after a reboot. If the flash card is not visible without rebooting, and then works fine, nothing else should be done.

When the above does not help, you should try updating the firmware of your tablet (phone). Often after updating the OS to more new version the device starts working correctly with the SD card.

Broken SD card slot

If the smartphone does not see a flash drive installed from another smartphone, it matches technical requirements device, the problem is in the smartphone itself. In this case, you can try to insert the card so that the contacts in the phone fit tightly to its tracks. To do this, you should try to clean and bend them a little. If the problem is not with the contacts, but with damage to the controller or card slot, all that remains is to send the gadget for repair or replace it with a new one.

For example, the HTC workshop repairs all models of this manufacturer, as well as other brands. Search in your city service center for your phone.

A memory card (not to be confused with a flash drive) is the most common storage medium. It has long eclipsed CD and DVD media, and the popularity of the drive is only growing. Engineers manage to endow a small piece of plastic with such an impressive amount of memory that soon even the need for bulky HDDs will disappear.

Today standard cards SD, SDHC And SDXC used in the following gadgets:

  • smartphones;
  • tablets;
  • cameras;
  • cameras;
  • readers;
  • VR glasses;
  • players and more.

But sometimes incidents occur during operation: the computer does not see a memory card that has just been removed from a device, although it previously worked properly. What is the reason? Let's try to figure it out.

Types and standards of drives

First, let's look at the purpose and specifications of the cards, and also consider the dimensions. There are currently 3 different standards on the market:

  • miniSD;
  • microSD

What is this gradation for? It all depends on the speed of reading and processing data by the drive itself. Let's say mobile phone or smartphone, as well as a portable player does not need high memory performance. Here the main criterion is minimum size flash drives (the term is not entirely correct, but familiar to the average person).


Cards of this form factor are popular among developers of portable electronic devices. Dimensions of 11x15 mm allow the memory to be used in any device. A small piece of PCB can significantly expand the total memory pool of any device up to 128 GB (or even 256, if the device supports such capacity).


This standard has long lost its former popularity, but is also used in portable electronics. It was pushed out of the market by a “competitor” in the form of microSD. The dimensions are 21.5x20 mm.


Cards of this type with dimensions of 32x24 mm are used in the dominant part of devices that require a large amount of external fast memory. Main scope of application:

  • video cameras;
  • registrars;
  • professional and consumer photographic equipment.

Such cards have several generations, characterizing the maximum amount of stored information and speed when reading/writing:

  • SD 1.0 – 8 MB – 2 GB (almost never used);
  • SD 1.1 – up to 4 GB;
  • SDHC – up to 32 GB;
  • SDXC – up to 2 TB.

Other important selection characteristics

Volume isn't everything. There is also “coolness” - minimum speed reading and writing information. Now the most common type is “class 10”, i.e. data transfer speed of at least 10 MB/s. If you record video in 4K resolution, then purchasing “class 6” and even more so “class 4” is simply useless - the delays will be enormous.

The second point is adapters and adapters. You can insert microSD into a special SD adapter (may be included) and use such memory in everyday life, but the speed delay will immediately come back to haunt you.

Since the basics have been studied, we will figure out why the computer does not see the memory card. Consider the following reasons:

  • compatibility;
  • incorrect volume letter;
  • drivers.

Compatibility issues

All card readers, whether built into the PC or laptop case, or external device, operating via USB, have backwards compatible. In other words, if it is designed to read data from SDHC cards, it will work with SD 1.0/1.1 without any problems. But you won’t be able to “make friends” with SDXC - the technology is different, although the card looks identical to the others.

The problem is solved quite simply. It is enough to have at least one working connector in use USB 3.0(version 2.0 does not have enough speed) and an external card reader, which is sold in any electronics store for a penny price.

Drive letter conflict

An SD card is the same disk, only solid-state. It is detected by the system like a HDD, SSD and DVD drive, i.e. receives its “letter”. Often registration is automatic and you won’t even notice it. The problem can occur in two cases:

  • 26 logical devices are connected to the PC (the number of letters of the alphabet);
  • The system refuses to register the drive on its own.

In the first case, you will have to disconnect at least one disk/drive/flash drive; there are no other solutions. In the second, everything is a little more complicated, but fixable. If you are sure that the card is fully functional and visible on other devices, but is not displayed on the working machine, do the following. Press the Win+R combination and enter the command “ diskmgmt.msc»

We get to the Disk Management Manager. All drives and other “letter” devices will be displayed here. It is typical that you will not see A and B, since these letters are reserved for Floppy drives. Even those units that are not formatted and not recognized by the system will be shown. Have you found your card (which it is advisable to rename first)? We do the following:

We change the letter to a unique one by right-clicking on the device and selecting the desired item in the context menu.

We format the card if it is new or does not contain any important data. If there important information– reset it to a PC/laptop that can read the information. Formatting removes absolutely everything from the surface - remember this.

Don't forget to change the file system to NTFS (reads files larger than 4 GB) and rename the disk itself (this makes it easier to recognize).


Another popular problem that is also being solved. Most often she “suffers” new technology, just purchased in a store, or you installed a new one Windows version, but all components were not installed. Often included installation disk with all drivers and utilities. What should you do if you didn’t put it in, or if there is no disk drive at all?

In this case, look at the name of your motherboard(PC) or laptop model. In the first case, we go to the website of the “mother” manufacturer and select the software necessary for our OS. In the second case, we do the same, but on the laptop manufacturer’s portal.

The second option is to open the device manager using Win + R and write “ devmgmt.msc».

We look for “USB controllers” and see a yellow warning triangle saying that the drivers are not installed. We update and use it. If the card reader is external, try looking for a driver for it - this can also solve the situation.

But if nothing saves you, then the time for the card has come.

Some smartphones do not have a memory card slot. Usually, we're talking about about flagship devices, where, according to the creators, there is no room for a flash drive. Still, most smartphones support a memory card. This is good, you say, and you will be right. But sometimes the device may not see this same memory card. Why and what to do in this case?

Restarting the device

The first step is to restart your device. For what? If your phone or tablet uses a tray where a micro SD card is inserted, that is, the procedure does not require rebooting the device, this problem can be attributed to the most common failure. Therefore, the first thing you need to do is reboot the device.

The problem is with the contacts

If you have another device at hand, be sure to insert the memory card into it and look at the result.

Format the card

But often everything is much simpler and the problem is related to formatting. You need to format micro card SD. To do this, insert it into the card reader and connect it to the computer. When the card appears in the list, right-click on it and select Format.

In the new window, select the FAT32 file system and click on the “Start” button.

Unfortunately, this will delete all your data, so we highly recommend moving it to another location if you need it.

After formatting, insert the memory card back into the device.

Another option is to format the card on your phone (if possible). Please note that in this case all data will be deleted.

Go to the "Memory" section.

Then select "Empty SD Card".

Confirm the action if you agree.

The memory card will be formatted.

The problem is in the phone

If the card works on other devices (for example, the computer sees it), but does not work on one device, then the problem may be related to the device itself. For example, something was damaged when the phone fell. In this case, the only thing that needs to be done is to repair the device, having previously diagnosed it.

Memory card problem

This makes it even easier. We insert the micro SD card into other devices and check its functionality. If she shows no signs of life or shows errors, she may be life cycle came to an end. And the only thing that remains is to try to “get” it out of it important files, if any are available on the map.

Incompatibility of the memory card with the phone

It could also be that the memory card is incompatible with the phone. Such cases are rare, but still occur, if you believe the reviews. In case of incompatibility, the phone simply cannot read information from the card. There is only one way out - replace the memory card.

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