BlueScreen what is this problem? BlueScreen problem event name - how to fix? Blue screen language code 1049 how to fix.

“Blue Screen of Death,” or as experts call BSOD, is a protective reaction of a computer that pauses system operations before potential failures or damage. In certain situations, BlueScreen (error) appears due to driver problems. In such cases, simply restarting the computer helps a lot. But situations often occur when it is no longer possible without additional actions and special programs. One of these popular applications is BlueScreen Viewer, which will be discussed in detail later.

It should be understood that a “blue screen” is not as scary as they say, but it is very unpleasant when it appears. To remove it, you need to have certain knowledge in computer technology and, of course, know the reasons for its appearance.

The event (problem) name is BlueScreen. Causes

The reasons for the appearance of such a problem on a computer are varied: from a virus and a power outage to the deletion of operating system files and incorrect installation of software. In most cases, you can cope with this problem without leaving your home. But to do this, you should at least approximately determine the reasons that led to the “blue screen”. These reasons can be briefly summarized as follows:

  • severe overheating of the motherboard or video card;
  • driver damage;
  • attempt to overclock the video card;
  • disturbance in working memory;
  • lack of power in the power supply;
  • failure of the device itself.

Most of the causes of blue screens lie in the computer's video card. For example, such a common problem as BlueScreen (code 1049) means that the video card is not working properly.

Diagnose the emerging problem

The most common cause of the blue screen problem is recent actions to replace or install new components on the computer. This means that either there are no drivers for the new components, or they are installed “crookedly”.

Sometimes a BlueScreen event occurs because the internal parts of the computer are not properly connected in place to the motherboard or other components. In order to check all the parts, you should open and inspect the cables, RAM and video card for correct connections. This check is harder to do on a laptop. The only thing you can do is open the back cover of the laptop and check the connections between the hard drive and RAM.

Due to severe overheating of the video card and central processor, system crashes can often occur. To find out whether the processor and video card are overheating, you can look at the BIOS menu, where the internal one is indicated, or use a special program that measures the temperature of internal components and components.

The next reason why the BlueScreen problem event name is displayed on the screen is a broken RAM stick. The operation of the RAM can be tested with the Memtest program, which within a few minutes will scan the memory and show whether the RAM is really causing the system to fail.

Also, the BlueScreen problem may appear due to problems with the hard drive. To check this option, you can use special programs for eliminating errors and failures in the hard drive or the chkdsk system function, which can be found in Windows, in the “Service” tab. When it starts, it will start checking for errors.

And the last common option is to scan your computer for viruses. Common antivirus programs such as Avast, Doctor Web, Norton, Kaspersky and others are suitable for this.

If BlueScreen (1049) error still appears, how can I fix it?

It happens that system failures that lead to a “blue screen” effect are caused by more serious problems than the reasons described above. Therefore, more radical means of correcting this error should be used.

If all of the above methods did not help, and the “screen of death” constantly appears on the monitor when booting or while the computer is running, then the most effective way to restore everything to working condition is to return the PC to the basic configurations and parameters, i.e., reinstall the system. Programmers often joke that this is the only effective way to solve all computer system problems, including BlueScreen (1049). Indeed, this method can solve almost all computer problems related to system failures, malfunctions or virus infections. However, this option has a serious drawback - it is the loss of all saved information on the hard drive during the reinstallation of Windows. Therefore, this is the most extreme way to restore your computer.

There is another way to eradicate BSOD, which may allow the user not to resort to radical methods such as reinstalling the operating system - special recovery programs.

Using utility programs

First of all, I would like to name a program such as BlueScreen Viewer, which deserves to take first place among computer users when they need to clean their PC or fix system errors. This program can be downloaded in Russian completely free of charge and installed on your device. It has a number of advantages and disadvantages compared to other similar programs:

  • scans minidump files created during a system failure that led to a blue screen;
  • provides detailed information in a summarized table;
  • shows the date/time the problem occurred;
  • shows error code;
  • displays the names of minidump files on the monitor;
  • provides information about modules and drivers that could cause the system to crash.

Advantages of the Viewer BlueScreen application

In addition, the program has the following advantages:

  • it's free;
  • does not require it to be installed on a PC;
  • there is a crack in the file folder;
  • lightweight and easy to use.

How the program works

When a system failure occurs, the program searches for files and drivers that could cause such a disruption in the computer. When it detects them, it creates a report in the form of a table describing the driver and its location.

The program can also find the real reason for the system crash and display a full description of this problem with the date it occurred.

In addition to the above program, BlueScreen (error) can also be diagnosed by such applications as WhoCrashed and WhatIsHang. These are free programs that detect faulty drivers that cause the operating system to crash.

Computer blue screen - request for help

Many people refer to this problem as the “death” of the PC, when in fact, the “death screen” is a cry for help from the user. When a person has something in pain, he can complain to his loved ones or a doctor about this pain, talk about the symptoms, and so on. What should a smart, but still silent device do when a serious problem occurs in its “organism”, which we call BlueScreen (error)? All it can do is show us a “blue screen” on the monitor, on which the computer’s “complaints” to the user will be written in white letters and symbols with a brief description of the problem containing only a few numbers.

These "complaints" are known as BlueScreen codes. Descriptions of these codes can be easily found. Each code is specifically responsible for a particular error and the reason for the occurrence of a malfunction in the system. If you do not understand the code description language, then it is better to go to some well-known programming forum, where experts can explain the system error and advise how to remove it.

If you have already tried everything, and the blue screen still appears, then you should contact a service center for the repair of personal computers and laptops.

Features and nuances of self-recovery of the system

  • If there was a recent video driver update, you should try to “roll back” it or restore the system to an earlier date. To do this, in the system options of your computer, you need to set the function to automatically fix a restore point when installing new software.
  • BlueScreen (error) may appear due to an attempt to overclock the processor, video card or operating memory - these processes must be stopped.
  • If this problem occurs during games, you need to lower the screen resolution and set the graphics to the minimum settings.
  • You need to update the Direct file.

There are different methods for solving the “screen of death” problem. Professionals recommend using them one at a time and not rushing to take radical measures, such as reinstalling the system, returning Windows to basic settings, or sending the computer for repairs at service centers.

Here is another option for restoring the OS.

If the blue screen does not allow the system to boot, then you should switch to safe PC mode. To do this, press F8 while the computer is booting. After this, the boot menu will appear, in which you can select the mode we need. The difference between safe mode and other boots is that it boots without using network drivers.

In this mode it is possible because they also often display the event name - BlueScreen. To do this, you should use anti-virus programs with an updated version of the database.

You can also try to restore the system in safe mode without reinstalling it. In this case, insert the disk with Windows, select the “System Restore” function and click “OK”. Thanks to this choice, old system files are erased and new ones are installed without losing personal information.

In the same mode, you can roll back drivers. Incorrectly installed drivers can cause system failure.

Secrets of programmers

There is another secret that reveals the reason for the appearance of BSOD - lack of free space on the hard drive. Many people do not know this, but if there is less than 15% free space left on the hard drive, this also often causes this problem. It is necessary to clean the hard drive from old and unnecessary files using special programs or a function of the system itself.

On some motherboards there is a special button located near the processor, which, when pressed, resets all recent installations and system updates. Therefore, as one option, you should open the computer unit and see if this button is there. If there is, then you should use it, holding it for 15 seconds, which will allow you to return the system to its initial state.


There is no need to immediately grab your head because the BlueScreen (1049) error message appears. How to fix the blue screen problem at home, while having basic knowledge of computer use, can be seen from the information described above. And it’s still too early to run to the nearest PC repair center; you need to try to restore the “fallen” system yourself, which will save quite a lot of money and give you confidence in your strengths and capabilities. And only if all methods do not bring results, you can take the computer for repair.

Hello! Today we will talk about the problem of the blue screen of death - BlueScreen. Many users encounter it while working or playing on a computer. We will tell you what “Problem Event Name: BlueScreen” is and what you need to do to fix it. We will also describe a solution to the problem with BlueScreen error 1049.

Almost all of us have encountered the Blue Screen of Death. Let's try to give a simple definition of this problem, so:

A BlueScreen is a “message” addressed to the user indicating a critical system error and that the computer will be rebooted with the loss of all unsaved data. The message also indicates the general causes of the problem and the error code. Experts call this problem BSOD (Blue Screen of Death).

For Windows 7, if a blue screen occurs, an error message appears after a reboot.

The causes of BSOD can be different, from physical to systemic:

  1. Problems with computer hardware - incorrectly installed devices;
  2. Overheating of the video card, processor or other components of the laptop or PC;
  3. Voltage drop in the network;
  4. Incorrectly installed Windows updates;
  5. Important system files or folders have been deleted;
  6. Incorrectly installed drivers are the most common mistake.

As a rule, in case of a Blue Screen, a simple reboot helps many users. After it everything returns to normal. But if the problem is with the drivers, then in certain cases, the problem will recur. This is possible when the user launches a game or program. Let's figure out what needs to be done in this case and how to determine what exactly the system does not like.

Very often, when a BSOD error appears, the screen appears literally for a second and then a reboot follows. To get acquainted with the problem and identify the code, you first need to remove the reboot. Sign in Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\System. Press Additional system parameters. In the window that opens, uncheck the Perform an automatic reboot.

After this, you can write down the error code. There can be a huge number of sources of problems and codes. Therefore, next, you should enter this code into a search query and find a solution on the Internet. There is no single solution to such situations; each problem must be solved separately.

Diagnosis of overheating and physical problems is carried out very well by the AIDA64 program. In case of system problems, BlueScreenView is suitable for searching and identifying. It will list all the dumps (.dmp - error report) and analyze all the data, even indicating the driver that led to the problem. You can learn more about the BlueScreenView utility in this video (closer to the end).

BlueScreen code 1049 what is this problem

One of the most common reasons may be problems with video card drivers. In this case, the message “Problem event name: BlueScreen” (code 1049) appears, which means a problem with the video card. In this case, it is necessary:

  1. Disable the built-in video card (if any) in the settings;
  2. Completely update video drivers;
  3. Check the physical parameters - for overheating and whether it fits tightly in the slot;
  4. Use the BlueScreenView utility to determine.

Some Windows OS users may encounter the so-called BSOD (blue screen of death), after which the system reboots, and then the user is greeted with a window where it says Bluescreen problem event name and language code 1049. In this article, I will tell you what this Bluescreen language code 1049 problem is, in what cases it occurs, and what tools exist to fix this problem.

What is this BlueScreen 1049 problem?

To understand what “language code 1049” is, you need to determine what kind of BlueScreen problem this is and what are the reasons for its occurrence. Typically, a window with the message mentioned in the title appears after a system reboot that occurs after a system failure with the appearance of a “Blue Screen”.

Moreover, in the error window, in addition to information about BlueScreen and language code 1049, it contains information about the OS version and additional information about the problem, including links to memory dumps (they contain information about the stop code, error parameters, a list of drivers used by the system, and so on) .

The problem itself can arise in various situations - when launching any programs (often gaming), while watching videos, while surfing the Internet, and so on. There is no clear link to a specific problem point.

This is what the “screen of death” should look like according to some users

Causes Bluescreen problem event name

So what are the reasons for the event name of the Bluescreen problem to understand how to get rid of the Bluescreen error language code 1049? There are a significant number of them, and I would note the following:

Software reasons

  • Random failure of the operating system;
  • Incorrect or outdated drivers for various system components;
  • Incorrect installation of OS updates;
  • Damage to system files;
  • Activity of virus programs;
  • Problems with BIOS.

Hardware reasons

  • Power surge in the network;
  • Overheating of various computer hardware components (CPU, video card, power supply, hard drive, etc.);
  • “Dusting” of the computer due to lack of regular cleaning of the PC from dust;
  • Various malfunctions in the operation of the central processor (except for overheating - insufficient voltage, incorrect overclocking, incomplete compatibility with the motherboard, other reasons);
  • Malfunctions in the operation of the motherboard, damage to its individual elements or their failure;
  • Failure of RAM modules;
  • Partial failure of the hard drive (many bad sectors that cannot be restored);
  • Low power or faulty power supply, etc.

How to fix Bluescreen problem event name

After listing the reasons for this dysfunction, I will list ways to fix the Bluescreen 1049 problem. To do this, follow these steps:

Once you know the error code, you can determine what to do in your specific case (a list of all errors with possible solutions is available on many resources on the Internet).


Above, I described the essence of the dysfunction: the name of the problem event Bluescreen language code 1049, talked about the reasons for its occurrence and the tools to correct this error. The determinants of the occurrence of this problem can be varied; first, you should determine the error code, and then act in accordance with it, choosing the optimal mechanism for solving it and eliminating the problem that has arisen.

Today we will look at:

Every day, when working with the Windows operating system, absolutely any PC user is likely to encounter a system error, which can be caused by anything: a malfunction of working components, errors in operating system files, virus software, and so on.

One of these errors is the situation when “language code 1049” appears on the monitor, which not many people know how to fix. We dedicated today’s topic to this problem, and now you will learn how to fix the blue screen with error code 1049.

Blue screen “language code 1049”: reasons for appearance

There are plenty of possible options for why you are seeing a blue screen 1049. This can happen for the following reasons:

  • complete absence or outdated version of the necessary drivers;
  • overheating of computer components: motherboard, hard drive, video card, processor, etc.;
  • consequences of attempts to overclock a video card or central processor;
  • Problems with PC RAM.

Let's go through these problems one by one so that you know how to fix Blue Screen: Language Code 1049.

Faulty drivers

The first and simplest thing you can try is to remove the “broken” ones and re-install them.
Finding out which driver has failed is very simple:

  1. Open “Device Manager” (located along the path: “Start” button – “Control Panel”).
  2. Click through each category to find drivers that have a yellow icon (this means they are not working at the moment).
  3. Right-click on the non-working driver and click “Uninstall”.

Once you have done this with all the drivers, you will need to install them back. Of course, remembering the name and version of each is not the best option. Therefore, we recommend that you use special DriverPack Solution software, which will scan your operating system and automatically install or update the necessary drivers.

After completing these steps, there is a high probability that you will be able to fix the blue screen “language code 1049”.

Checking PC components for functionality

It is very easy to check working elements for functionality. To do this, take several steps to collect information about your hardware:

  • if during or after using the computer you smell a bitter smell from under the system unit, take a look there yourself to find out the condition of the components;
  • download and install the CPUID HVMonitor utility, leave the computer turned on and after 20-30 minutes of active PC operation, launch this application - it will show you the temperature of all hardware components of your computer.

If after checking the temperature it turned out that this was the problem, then the blue screen “language code 1049” will help you fix it by purchasing new parts and replacing the old ones with them.

Consequences of overclocking the OS

Overclocking an operating system is a very delicate matter and one wrong step can lead to the fact that you will soon see how your computer begins to show various errors, one of which may be a blue screen: language code 1049. A way out of this situation may be to roll back all settings overclocking to those specified by default.

One of the most stable and safest options for doing this may be to reset the operating system settings through the BIOS. To do this, just go to the main menu and reset all settings. Even if you used additional overclocking software, and did not just use the BIOS, this should help.

RAM errors

Random access memory (or RAM) is memory on a computer that is used to temporarily store files for the purpose of running software. In other words: errors in the operation of RAM or physical damage to the sticks with this memory will definitely negatively affect the operation of the computer system (including, this will most likely cause a blue screen: language code 1049).

Checking your RAM is very easy:

  • carefully inspect the RAM strips for damaged parts;
  • open the computer properties and make sure that the displayed amount of RAM corresponds to reality;
  • Check your RAM for system errors.

Once you have done all this, check if the blue screen “code 1049” now appears.

Application initializes with "language code 1049" error

There are frequent cases when a blue screen “language code 1049” appears immediately after launching an application (especially if it was downloaded in an unofficial way). The remedy here is very simple: close the program and completely remove it from the computer.

To remove all traces of a deleted application, you can use CCleaner or .

Bottom line

We have just told you about the most effective ways to deal with the “language code 1049” blue screen, which you should now know and be able to fix. If you doubt your ability to solve this problem, you can take your computer with this error to a service center, where specialists will most likely fix the problem without harming your PC.

Dear friends, today’s article will be devoted to one common error in the Windows operating system. Problem event name: "BlueScreen. Language code: 104."

Often, when using an unlicensed operating system, many users encounter a blue screen. Usually, this happens as follows: the user is playing a game or working in some program, when suddenly a blue screen of death pops up. Of course, it will no longer be possible to minimize or close it and the user will restart the computer. After restarting the computer, the Windows operating system displays the following error. Problem event name: “BlueScreen. Language code: 104."

Additional information about the error contains the following information: OS version (for example - 6.1 7601.2 1.0 256.1) and BCCode (can be different 116, 124, 50, 19, d1, f4, a and other values).

Problem signature

Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS version: 6.1.7601.

Language code: 104

More information about this issue:

BCCode: 1000008e

OS Version: 6_1_7601

Service Pack: 1_0

What is the “BlueScreen. Language code: 104"? Let's try to figure it out.

If we talk about the error “BlueScreen. Language code: 104” in general, it turns out that she is swearing at the driver, which was unable to respond to the operating system call in time and it would seem that the reason must be looked for in the driver, which is actually true, but partly. The problem may not only be with the driver.

The main reasons for the error “BlueScreen. Language code: 104" are as follows:

1. The corresponding driver is problematic;

2. Problems with overheating of the hardware parts of your personal computer (motherboard or video card);

3. Unsuccessful attempts to overclock your video card;

4. Problems with personal computer RAM and other malfunctions.

If you overclocked your video card, then simply return all values ​​to their default state and check if the error has disappeared. Often, it is overclocking the video card that causes the “BlueScreen. Language code: 104." Since it, in turn, can overheat or cause other disagreements with the system.

RAM can also be an issue. Simply remove your RAM sticks and clean them using an eraser. Perhaps due to loose contact, errors occur.

However, in most cases, the problem of the error “BlueScreen. Language code: 104" is located in the video card driver. You need to remove the current video card driver and clear the registry of tails. Next, either automatically or manually install a new video driver. Keep in mind that automatically installing a video driver using the Windows operating system is not the best thing, since the system does not install the latest version of the driver. It's best to go to the manufacturer's website and download the latest version of the video driver. Make sure the video driver matches your video card model. After installing the video driver, be sure to restart your Windows operating system.

Thus, we have figured out the main reasons for the appearance of the “BlueScreen. Language code: 104." If this article was useful to you, then do not forget to visit us as often as possible, because we publish new articles every day, thereby expanding your database, giving you the opportunity to solve your computer problems.