Bius transcript. BIOS beeps when turning on the computer

Many people know that when you start a computer, the BIOS is first loaded, which immediately scans and checks all devices for serviceability and ability to function normally. BIOS when loading Windows are a consequence of the fact that some kind of error has been detected in the system.

Of course, it is almost impossible to remember all of them, so you should always have the instructions in front of your eyes. Or, for example, print this article and use it in the future.

It is worth noting that BIOSes differ from different manufacturers, and, accordingly, too.

For reference, I would like to say, how you can determine the BIOS brand so that you know, just in case something happens, and can correctly identify the initialization error. The name is visible when loading the PC, or using some programs, for example, Everest (Aida).

Let's start with the oldies. I don’t think it’s worth describing all possible signal options, but it’s worth mentioning only the most basic and frequently occurring ones.

1 short:

Blank screen and 1 signal: The video system is faulty and therefore no information is displayed on the screen.

2 short: monitor is not connected.

problems detected with motherboard.


A short signal that either repeats periodically or is simply continuous: any failures or defects motherboard or BP.

If there is no signal at all, then this means that you have a motherboard or a power supply.

SignalsAMI BIOS:

1 short: POST completed successfully. That is, no errors were found.

1 long and then 1 short: Some problems were discovered with the power supply.

1 long and then 4 short: video card not detected.

2 short: The printer or scanner is turned on.

3 long beeps: RAM problems. Try reinstalling it or replacing the rulers.

4 short: The system timer has failed.

5 short: Some problems have been detected with the processor.

7 short: at mat. problems have been detected on the board.

8 short: The video card memory generated an error.

1 long and then 2 short: the video card has some problems (Mono / CGA)

If 1 long and then 3 short: the video card has some problems (EGA / VGA)

1 long and then 8 short: There is no monitor or the video card is faulty.

Blank screen and no signal: the processor has failed, or bad contact at his feet.

The signal is continuous: The power supply is faulty or the computer is overheating

BIOS signals from Award:

1 short: POST completed successfully. No flaws found.

2 short sounds: Only minor interference was detected. It will be necessary to check the contacts and various fastenings of the cables, hard drives, etc.

3 long: an error caused by the controller for working with the keyboard.

1 short and then 1 long: error reading or writing information from RAM.

1 long and then 2 short: Video card errors detected.

1 long and then 3 short: error reading or writing information from video memory.

1 long and then 3 short: error reading or writing data from ROM.

A short signal that repeats periodically: Some defects were detected in the power supply.

A long signal that repeats periodically: Problems with RAM.

Repeated beep, sometimes at high, sometimes at low low frequencies: Problems with the processor.

Continuous signal: Malfunctions in the power supply.

And lastly... If you have some other version of BIOS, or you want to find out all the sound ones, then go to the manufacturer’s website and look at the instructions. If you don't find detailed instructions on similar sites, then try looking for more detailed information on the links that are provided in the Everest program.

Sound BIOS signals are among those things the knowledge of which will never be superfluous for a PC user. Why are they needed, in what cases are they used, how do sounds differ in different versions BIOS and what to do if the computer “beeps” differently than usual? We will try to understand these issues in this article.

One of the functions of the BIOS, as a hardware and software complex that links together all the components of a computer, is testing the equipment included in the computer. This check is carried out immediately after turning on the computer and is called POST. POST includes a number of tests hardware and checking the functionality of all computer components. If the check is successful, the BIOS transfers control to the operating system (of course, if the computer is equipped with it at all). And if the check reveals any malfunction, the BIOS usually displays a message about the nature of the error encountered. If it is serious, then the computer and loading of the operating system become impossible.

In some cases, errors can be so serious that the computer will be unable to even turn on the video system and display a message about the type of error on the monitor screen. It is for such cases that almost all BIOS provide a system sound notification user about the nature of the error found during the testing procedure. Thus, having heard that the computer “beeps” and determined the sequence of sound messages it produces, the user will be able to recognize the type of error by ear, even without looking at the monitor screen. But, of course, only if the user remembers by heart or has before his eyes a list of BIOS signal symbols.

Types of BIOS beeps

Unfortunately, since BIOSes are produced by different manufacturers, audio messages, published different BIOS, are not universal, and their codes may differ significantly from each other. Therefore, each user needs to know the signal codes corresponding to the BIOS installed on the motherboard of his particular computer.

Over the entire existence of personal computers, their BIOSes have been developed by many companies, but the systems of the following companies have become the most common: American Megatrends(AMI), Award and Phoenix. Accordingly, most often the user may encounter the following sets of sound signals:

For each BIOS option There is a table that provides a breakdown of BIOS error signals. Deciphering signals successfully usually requires careful counting of how many times the computer beeps, and if you miss a single beep, it can cause the decoding to fail and have to start over.

Some features of BIOS beeps

A set of signals may consist of sounds various types. Based on their duration, computer BIOS sound signals are divided into short and long. Also, in some cases, the BIOS may emit one continuous beep.

Typically, BIOS signals are produced by the system board's built-in speaker. Some BIOSes also have the ability to output audio signals from the computer's motherboard through speakers connected to the audio line-out port.

As mentioned above, all BIOS manufacturers use their own own system sound signals, and in most cases these systems are not the same. However, almost all BIOS (with the exception of AST BIOS) have a signal that is decrypted in the same way. If the system speaker beeps once, this means that the POST procedure has completed successfully and the PC can continue to operate.

Some BIOS can send a single short beep to two addresses at once: one to the system speaker, the other to an external speaker connected to the audio output. In this case, a single squeak can sometimes sound like a series of two signals. You should be aware of this feature so as not to confuse this sound with a real double beep that is emitted if POST detects any errors.

The absence of any signals usually means that the BIOS is not working, which in turn could be caused by a faulty motherboard or power supply. However, do not forget that often this situation is just a consequence of a malfunction or absence of the system speaker. If you boot you hear how it works system unit, and you see that the usual messages are displayed on the monitor, but do not hear a squeak emitted by the speaker, then, most likely, this is the case.

If you hear a series of beeps indicating an error, but the computer continues to boot (in some cases it may continue after pressing a certain key), then this means that the nature of the error is not so serious that it would be impossible to computer functioning. However, your computer's performance may be limited in this case, and you should make an effort to understand the situation causing the error and take steps to resolve it. In many cases, the problem can be easily fixed on your own, but sometimes there is nothing left to do but replace the non-functioning computer components.


BIOS sounds are information messages of a special kind, supplied through the system speaker of the motherboard and occurring during the POST procedure. Based on the number and shape of BIOS signals, these messages are decrypted, and as a result, the user can judge whether the POST procedure was successful, and whether any error was detected during it, and if so, determine the type of this error. Various errors have corresponding sound codes. In most cases, these codes are unique to each BIOS manufacturer.

An attentive user may notice that the computer makes sounds when turned on. Usually this is one short squeak from the speaker (device on the motherboard). But during operation, other signals may be emitted. Read about what they mean and how to find out what to do with them in this article.

The first thing you need to do is find out which one you have. You can find out about this when you turn on the computer, when letters appear on a black background. Look at the top or bottom of the abbreviations AMI or AWARD BIOS.

Learned? Then let's go!


  • Two short beeps from the speaker indicate some kind of malfunction in the computer's RAM.
    How to solve a problem: remove the memory module from the slot, wipe it with a dry brush and insert it into place. If after starting the PC the signals repeat, then further testing of the memory or its complete replacement may be required;
  • Three consecutive short beeps from the speaker indicate an error in reading the first 64 KB of PC main memory.
    How to solve a problem: remove the memory module from the slot, if there is dust, wipe the strip with a dry brush and insert it into place; if the signals repeat, further testing of the memory or its complete replacement may be required;
  • Four consecutive short beeps from the speaker indicate a system timer malfunction.
    How to solve a problem: reboot the PC again, and if the signals repeat, then repair or replace motherboard;
  • Five consecutive short beeps from the speaker indicate a malfunction central processor.
    How to solve a problem: reboot the PC, if the signals repeat, replace the processor;
  • Six consecutive short beeps from the speaker indicate a malfunction of the keyboard controller.
    How to solve a problem: check the cable and connection of the keyboard to the system unit, check the keyboard on another computer. If after checking it turns out that the keyboard is working, then the only option left is to repair the motherboard or replace it;
  • Seven consecutive short beeps from the speaker indicate a malfunction of the motherboard.
    How to solve a problem: we produce reboot again and if the signals are repeated, then repair or purchase of a new motherboard will be required;
  • Eight consecutive short beeps from the speaker indicate a faulty graphics card memory.
    How to solve a problem: reboot. If the signals repeat after a reboot, you will need to either repair the old one or buy a new video card;
  • Nine short beeps in a row indicate a malfunction of the BIOS chip itself.
    How to solve a problem
  • Ten consecutive short beeps from the speaker indicate the impossibility of writing to the CMOS memory.
    How to solve a problem: Clear the CMOS memory. If after installation BIOS values By default, the signals will repeat, then the CMOS memory module must be replaced;
  • Eleven short beeps in a row from the speaker indicate a faulty RAM.
    How to solve a problem

  • How to solve a problem: we check the cable going from the video card to the monitor, if the cable is ok, you need to remove the video card from the slot, wipe off dust if necessary and insert it back. If these actions do not produce results, then you may need to repair or purchase a new video card;
  • One long and three short beeps from the speaker as well as one long and eight short beeps again indicate a faulty video card.
    Correct it in the same way as in the previous case.

  • How to solve a problem: we check the fastening of the power supply plugs to the connectors on the motherboard, and clean the power supply from dust. If these actions do not produce results, if possible, try to test the power supply on another computer. If such symptoms occur, you will need to either repair it or purchase a new power supply.


  • One short beep from the speaker means there are no errors in the system and the computer is in fully working order;
  • Two consecutive short beeps from the speaker indicate the detection of “minor” errors.
    How to fix the problem: check that the components and cables are securely attached to the PC motherboard, then set the BIOS values ​​to default;
  • A short, repeating speaker signal indicates a faulty power supply.
    How to fix the problem: check the power supply plugs to the connectors on the motherboard, clean the power supply from dust. If these steps do not produce results, if possible, test the power supply on another computer. If such symptoms occur, you will need to either repair it or purchase a new power supply;
  • A long, repeating beep from the speaker indicates a RAM problem.
    How to fix the problem: remove the memory module from the slot, if there is dust, wipe the strip with a dry brush and insert it into place; if the signals repeat, further testing of the memory or its complete replacement may be required;
  • Three long beeps from the speaker indicate a problem with the keyboard controller.
    How to fix the problem
  • One long and one short beep from the speaker indicates a faulty RAM.
    How to fix the problem: remove the memory module from the slot, if there is dust, wipe the strip with a dry brush and insert it into place; if the signals repeat, further testing of the memory or its complete replacement may be required;
  • One long and two short beeps from the speaker indicate a faulty video card.
    How to fix the problem: we check the cable going from the video card to the monitor, if the cable is in order, remove the video card from the slot, wipe off dust if necessary and insert it back. If these actions do not produce results, then you may need to repair or purchase a new video card;
  • One long and three short beeps from the speaker indicate a problem with the keyboard controller.
    How to fix the problem: check the cable and connection of the keyboard to the system unit, check the keyboard on another computer. If after checking it turns out that the keyboard is working, then the only option left is to repair the motherboard or replace it;
  • One long and nine consecutive short beeps from the speaker indicate a malfunction of the BIOS chip itself.
    How to fix the problem: flashing the microcircuit or replacing it completely;
  • The absence of speaker signals may indicate a faulty power supply.
    How to fix the problem: we check the fastening of the power supply plugs to the connectors on the motherboard, and clean the power supply from dust. If, as a result of the actions taken, when you try to turn on the computer again, there are no signals, the power supply needs to be repaired.

    Separately, it should be noted that the BIOS continuous sound signals vary in tone. This could be caused either faulty block Power supply, or PC overheating.

    Now you know about BIOS sounds and how to decipher them.

  • Greetings, friends! Today I will tell you about BIOS sound signals. You may have noticed that when you turn on your computer, it makes a beeping sound or, in other words, beeps. This actually beeps your computer's BIOS, thereby telling you whether everything is fine with your computer or if there is any problem. Let's try to understand this topic in as much detail as possible.

    What do the BIOS beeps mean when you turn on your computer?

    Whatever BIOS is installed on your motherboard, you should hear one short beep when you turn on your PC. This means that everything is working fine and after it will start Windows boot. However, sometimes the opposite is true. The BIOS beeps like crazy, and the computer either doesn’t turn on at all, or the startup ends on the very first black screen - the BIOS bootloader.

    This is where today's knowledge will come in handy. Because by this beeping you can determine what exactly is out of order in your PC.

    Well, have you already looked at what BIOS you have? Now you can look at the decoding of BIOS sound signals.

    BIOS AMI beeps. Full transcript

    1 short Everything works fine. Don't pay any attention to him.
    2 short The RAM is not working properly or is faulty. Try disassembling the system unit, removing the RAM from the slots and inserting it back. Perhaps this will solve the problem. Otherwise, you will have to contact a service center or buy new RAM.
    3 short Almost the same as 2 short beeps. Do the same as in the previous paragraph.
    4 short There is something wrong with the system timer on your motherboard. Try resetting the BIOS to factory settings. If that doesn't help, try replacing the battery, it's inexpensive.
    5 short One of the worst mistakes. Your central processor is faulty. A simple reboot of the computer may or may not help.
    6 short Check if the keyboard is connected properly. If yes, but the BIOS still beeps, then you will have to either replace the keyboard or repair the connector on the motherboard.
    7 short This is also scary. The motherboard is faulty. And it would seem that 7 is a lucky number. Such a surprise.
    8 short Transmitter your video card. Although, try pulling it out and inserting it back into the slot, maybe this will help. In the same case, if the video card is integrated, you will have to replace the entire motherboard or take it to a service center. Although I wouldn’t recommend it, if they fix it, it won’t be for long.
    9 short You need to update or flash the BIOS of your computer.
    10 short Error in operation CMOS memory. Take it to the service center, they will help you.
    11 short This error is also RAM related.
    1 long and 1 short The power supply is not working correctly (or not working at all, you know better).
    1 long and 4 short The video card is not connected. Have you forgotten anything?
    1 long and 8 short You have not connected a monitor or the video card has a problem with outputting images to the monitor.
    3 long RAM is working with errors.
    5 short and 1 long There is no RAM. Please insert it.
    Infinitely long This is either the computer overheating or problems with the computer's power supply. This is how the BIOS squeaks when it is under stress, shock and severe panic.

    Decoding sound signals BIOS AWARD

    1 short Everything is fine, don't worry.
    2 short Minor error in BIOS settings. Enter BIOS settings and reset it to optimal settings or undo your last setting if you remember what exactly you changed.
    3 long This is the keyboard. Try restarting your computer.
    1 short and 1 long RAM memory is not working properly. Disassemble the system unit, remove the RAM from the slots and insert it back. If the problem is not resolved, then you will have to contact a service center or buy new RAM.
    1 long and 2 short Problems with the video adapter, or more precisely video memory. Perhaps everything will be fixed if you remove the video card from the slot and insert it back. If the video card is integrated, you will have to either switch to a discrete one or replace the motherboard.
    1 long and 3 short Keyboard connection error. Try connecting a different keyboard if you have one. If the BIOS continues to beep, then most likely the problem lies in the motherboard.
    1 long and 9 short You need to flash the BIOS. It's better to do this in service center, if you are not sure that you can handle it yourself. Otherwise you may lose your motherboard forever.
    Infinitely repeating short signal Problems with the power supply. It works with errors and can burn other components of your computer.
    Infinitely repeating long signal BIOS AWARD beeps this way if your RAM is damaged. Perhaps only one of the planks. Try one by one

    This is how the Phoenix BIOS beeps in a special way

    BIOS Phoenix squeaks a little differently than its brothers. It is more melodic, so to speak in this context. Dotted sound signals from the Phoenix BIOS alternate with pauses between them. And absolutely all signals from that BIOS are always short.

    1-1-2, The BIOS has detected errors in the operation of the central processor.
    1-1-3 Error reading information from the CMOS memory of the motherboard.
    1-3-2 Unable to run RAM test.
    One of the RAM controllers is damaged.
    1-4-1, These BIOS beeps indicate errors in the RAM.
    3-3-1 The battery on the motherboard is dead or low.
    3-3-4, BIOS errors indicating that proper operation video adapter.
    4-2-3 Check the keyboard connection.

    BIOS does not beep when you turn on the PC

    Quite often it happens that when you turn on the PC, the BIOS does not beep at all. Why? Depends on the specific situation. To be in the know, first you need to know what a speaker is and why it is needed.

    What is a motherboard speaker?

    Motherboard speaker is a miniature high-frequency speaker that warns the user about malfunctions in the operation of your computer even before it is turned on. In other words, a speaker is a means of displaying information about the state of the computer. Also, a speaker is a device that produces BIOS sound signals!

    This is what the speaker looks like on the motherboard. It is he who helps emit BIOS signals!

    Some reasons why your PC may not beep at startup

    It often happens that manufacturers budget computers(and not only budget ones) either forget to install the speaker on the motherboard, or deliberately save on this spare part. Accordingly, the BIOS does not beep, because there is simply nothing to beep. If you urgently need to diagnose a problem with your computer, you can simply borrow your friend's speaker for the day. Fortunately, pulling it out and inserting it will not be difficult for you.

    Another reason why you may not hear BIOS beeps when you turn on your computer is that you accidentally touched it or pulled it, and it just became a little disconnected. In this case, insert it more tightly and everything will beep. By the way, there are also motherboards in which the speaker is not disconnected at all.

    The BIOS does not beep on laptops, because they do not install a speaker on them for aesthetic reasons. Imagine if every time you turned on your laptop, it gave you a characteristic, high-frequency signal. It's annoying.

    Especially if your wife has already fallen asleep, and you decide to play tanks in secret, you turn on the laptop, and here you are wearing BIIIIIIIP!!! Your wife immediately woke up and hit you with a star. In general, the speaker is not so relevant on a laptop.

    Although some laptops can produce similar audio signals through external speakers and even headphones. Everyone who encounters this is trying to get rid of this squeak (pipiska) as soon as possible by any means.

    Where and how to connect the speaker on the motherboard?

    This will be useful for you to know if you decide to borrow the missing speaker from a friend or buy it. When you removed the speaker from a friend’s motherboard, you should have noticed that the place where it is connected is marked with characteristic inscriptions, most often it appears there Speaker or spk or spkr. The polarity of the speaker does not matter, so you can connect the speaker without error.

    Several examples of motherboards with designated places for connecting a speaker.

    Let's summarize

    The article turned out to be quite lengthy, but I hope it helped you understand today’s topic. At a minimum, you can now connect the speaker to the motherboard and know why it is needed. We also looked at the decoding of sound signals for the main and most popular BIOS versions. If your BIOS version differs from those considered, then simply specify your request in a search engine, for example “ decoding BIOS sound signals IBM/DELL».

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    Many motherboards come with built-in system speaker on board. When you turn on the computer, one short signal usually sounds, which indicates that there are no errors, as a result of which the equipment continues to operate and boots operating system. The sound signal becomes an integral part of the successful startup of the PC and after a while the user simply stops noticing it.

    But, unfortunately, it may happen that when you turn on the computer, a non-standard signal will be heard or it will be completely absent. This may indicate either partial or complete PC malfunction due to problems in various equipment. In order for the user to find out exactly where the problem occurred, BIOS technical signals are provided, which will help identify the malfunction of a specific computer module.

    What is BIOS

    Before moving on to considering the features of certain types of BIOS, it is worth telling what they are in general. Basic Input Output System is a program written on a chip located on the motherboard itself.

    The BIOS is responsible for all low-level hardware settings. Without it, the computer simply will not know the principle of its operation: where to boot from, what functions of the motherboard need to be activated, what the rotation speed of the coolers should be, and much more.

    BIOS tasks and functions

    • At the very beginning of booting the computer with basic software The CMOS is checked for user settings.
    • Interrupt handlers and device drivers are loaded.
    • The registers and power management are initialized, as well as self-testing when power is applied.
    • After this, the screen displays system settings and bootable devices are determined.
    • The final stage of preparing the equipment for loading the system is the initialization of the bootstrap program.


    The abbreviation AMI comes from the name of the company American Megatrends Incorporated, which is the owner of this development.

    The main menu is presented with a convenient list of settings in two columns.

    On this settings tab you can change system date, and also select the order of boot devices.

    Depending on the company specific model and versions BIOS location items may be slightly different. The AMI BIOS menu is quite simple, and it will be difficult to get lost in it. Detailed information The locations of menu items and settings can be found on the manufacturer's website or in the documentation that came with your motherboard.

    AMI signals

    The developments of each BIOS manufacturer have their own unique system alerts, which will help determine the malfunction. Below are the sound signals ami bios with a description of the problems and their possible solutions.

    Designations in the table:

    BIOS beeps

    Are common

    No signals

    If there are no beep sounds when booting up, this may indicate a problem with your computer components. incorrect connection power supply, incorrect installation or missing system speaker.

    The presence of one short signal during startup informs the user that the computer hardware is operating correctly.


    Motherboard failure. You need to restart your computer. If the error recurs, the board may need to be repaired or completely replaced.

    Validation error checksum BIOS chips. You need to restart your computer. If it happens again, the chip will need to be replaced or re-flashed.

    Cannot write to CMOS memory. It is necessary to reset by removing the battery. If this does not help, you may need to replace the memory chip.


    Problem with the central processor. You need to restart your computer. If the error occurs multiple times, the CPU will need to be replaced.

    Video equipment

    An eight-fold signal is associated with a video memory error or a complete malfunction of the video card. The solution is to replace the video adapter.

    I d. and II or III k.

    I d. and VIII k.

    The error indicates a faulty video memory or incorrect installation of the video card in the slot.


    RAM malfunction. Appears in cases incorrect installation modules or their malfunction. If this situation occurs, it is recommended to check all memory modules one by one. .

    Error in the first 64 KB of RAM. The solution is identical to the previous point.

    Motherboard timer system error. In many cases, the solution is to replace the battery.

    Input Devices

    Keyboard controller error. It is necessary to check the connection, and also exclude the possibility of a malfunction of the keyboard itself by connecting it to another computer.


    AWARD BIOS, owned by Award Software International Inc, California, is visually similar to the American Megatrends Incorporated software, but has a number of its own features.

    The AWARD main menu is also a two-column list.

    A user-friendly interface allows you to easily make the required settings.

    AWARD signals

    Although Award BIOS signals are less varied, this will not interfere with accurately determining the malfunction.

    Designations in the table:

    • “k” - short BIOS signals;
    • “d” - long BIOS signals.

    BIOS beeps

    Description and possible solutions errors

    Are common

    No signals

    Malfunction or incorrect connection power supply.

    There are no errors.

    There are minor errors related to CMOS settings. Solutions - resetting settings to factory defaults, as well as checking the connections of the loops hard drive and motherboard.


    The error is related to the microcircuit permanent memory. The solution is to restart the computer, and in some cases, reflash or replace the microcircuit itself.


    CPU malfunction. You need to restart your computer. If the error occurs multiple times, the CPU may need to be replaced.

    Video equipment

    Video memory error. The solution is to check the connection to the monitor, remove and reinstallation video cards. In some cases, complete replacement of the video adapter.


    RAM error. The solution is to check the modules one by one, as well as replace the faulty ones.

    I d. with repetition

    The error appears due to incorrect installation memory sticks.

    Input Devices

    Error related to keyboard controller. Solution - complete shutdown power supply and restart the computer.

    Keyboard initialization error. The solution is to check the connection to the connector.

    In the Award structure BIOS long the signals are succinctly combined with short ones, which greatly simplifies their recognition.

    Phoenix BIOS

    The Phoenix interface is represented by horizontal tabs, which provide extensive options for customizing the equipment.

    Phoenix bios signals are more difficult to perceive than previous representatives. It's worth paying attention to Special attention to avoid false “diagnosis”. All Phoenix bios alerts are short signals with a certain frequency.

    The table below shows the main signals symbol"-" means pause.

    BIOS beeps

    Description and possible solutions to the error

    Are common

    The BIOS chip controller has failed. The solution is to reset the settings.

    Incorrect CMOS settings. Solutions - Reset BIOS settings.

    Error related to system timer. Replacing the battery (battery).


    Motherboard failure. The solution is diagnostics by specialists or its replacement.


    Failed to access memory.

    RAM regeneration error.

    Various RAM errors.

    Input Devices

    Incorrect operation of the keyboard controller. Solution - checking connectors and cables for integrity, eliminating possible malfunction the keyboard itself.


    CPU malfunction. It will very likely need to be replaced.

    Video equipment

    The problem is related to the video adapter. You need to remove and reinstall the video card into the slot. If the error recurs, it may need to be replaced.

    It is worth remembering that in this type of BIOS there are no long signals at all, thereby complicating the task of identifying errors. In most cases, solving problems related to RAM, is to check and replace faulty modules one by one. For a more detailed check of the computer for errors, POST cards are used, which can provide comprehensive information about faults.

    Modern BIOS replacement

    Nowadays it is becoming increasingly popular UEFI system, replacing the usual BIOS. It has a clearer graphical interface with mouse support and has many advantages, some of which are increased loading speed, support for new hardware, and new data protection methods.

