Safe mode for Windows 8.1. How to enter safe mode? Creating a new boot entry

Sooner or later this happens to all users. Yes, yes, whether we like it or not, everyone will have to deal with launching an operating system in safe mode, regardless of whether the latest version of Windows 8 or the old Vista is installed on the computer. However, if everything seems to be clear with time-tested operating systems, then many users can tinker with a brand new gift from Microsoft. Let's look at how easy and at the same time quickly to launch Windows 8 in safe mode on your computer.

Method #1: Launch from the Options panel

In order to use this method and enter safe mode, press the power button in the “Options” panel, and then, while holding SHIFT on the keyboard, select the “Restart” option on the screen:

After that, in the “Select Options” window, find and select the “Diagnostics” tab by left-clicking the mouse, and then select “Advanced Options”:

Our next step will be to select the “Boot Options” tab in the new system window:

As a result, Windows 8 will offer, in particular, to run safe mode on the PC. We take advantage of this offer and immediately click on the “Restart” button on the screen:

As a result, the PC will reboot. When you turn it on again, the system will display a number of options to enable, including safe mode. However, it will be presented in 3 versions:

  • standard (turn on by pressing the F4 button on the keyboard);
  • with the launch of network drivers (activated with the F5 key);
  • with a working command line (select with the F6 button).

We select the parameter we need and press the corresponding button on the keyboard. As a result, Windows 8 will restart in safe mode.

Method #2: Start from the command line

Those who have at least once loaded Safe Mode for Windows 7 or any other Microsoft OS know that you can perform this task through the command line. You can use it in Windows 8, however, taking into account the peculiarities of its operation.

The first thing you need, of course, is to launch the command line. In this case, you can use different methods. In 8, this is easiest to achieve by pressing the hotkeys and X on the keyboard, and then selecting the option to log into the command line with administrator rights in the menu that opens. After the command line loads, enter the value bcdedit /deletevalue (current) bootmenupolicy into it:

Please note that if the parameter is entered incorrectly, the system will write a corresponding message on the command line. If it does not appear, then everything is in order and you can restart the computer. As a result, during the next launch of Windows 8, press F8 and in the familiar system window select the required option to boot the system in safe mode:

Please note that if in the future you no longer need safe mode, do not forget to turn it off by entering the bcdedit /set (current) bootmenupolicy standard parameter into the command line.

Method #3: Boot using the System Configuration setting

To start safe mode on Windows 8 computers using this method, you first need to perform one of the following actions to choose from:

Use the Run program:

To do this, press the keys and R on the keyboard. Next, it’s a small matter - enter the msconfig parameter in the “Open” line and click OK:

Use command line:

We launch the command line (see method No. 2), enter the msconfig parameter into it and press Enter on the keyboard:

Whichever option you choose, the “System Configuration” system window should eventually open. In it, in the “Boot Options” section, select “Safe Mode” and click OK:

As a result, Windows 8 will prompt you to reboot. We, of course, do not refuse (why did we try so hard) and send the PC to reboot. The result of such actions is simple - the OS will start in safe mode without any unnecessary settings. Note that if you need to boot the operating system normally, you will have to go to “System Configuration” again. In this case, it will be enough to uncheck the “Safe Mode” item and save the setting using the OK button.

Method No. 4: Start using a boot disk or USB flash-card with Windows 8

If for some reason you were unable to start safe mode on your computer using the previous methods, but you still have an installation CD/DVD or flash drive with this OS, you can solve the problem with their help. Note that in both cases you will have to act in the same way. For example, let’s suggest starting Windows 8 on a PC in safe mode using a boot disk.

To do this, insert it into the drive and restart the PC. Then go to the BIOS, select boot from CD/DVD and run the OS installation program. Next, enter the settings (language, date, time, etc.) and wait until the following window appears on the screen:

Now, to open safe mode on your computer, click “System Restore” and perform the following steps one by one:

  1. In the “Select action” window, check “Diagnostics”;
  2. Select “Advanced options”;
  3. Click the “Command Line” tab;
  4. Enter bcdedit /set (globalsettings) advancedoptions true into the command line to execute, press Enter and close the tab;
  5. In the new window, click “Continue”.

As a result, the system will restart in safe mode. To return the operating system to its original state, enter the value bcdedit /deletevalue (globalsettings) advancedoptions into the command line.

Method #5: Launch using hotkeys

Why didn't we start with this method? Because it is not possible to use it to load safe mode on all computers with Windows 8. In particular, if the PC has a UEFI BIOS or SSD installed, it will not work, but in standard BIOS mode this method works without interruptions.

If this is your situation, let’s say that safe mode can be launched simultaneously with loading the OS by simply pressing F8 on the keyboard or combining this button with the Shift key. If you did it on time, a standard window will appear on the screen, as in method No. 2, in which you can select the appropriate system boot option.

As you can see, safe mode can be launched in Windows 8 in different ways. Just choose the method you like - and move on from dream to reality!

Sooner or later in the life of any user there comes a time when you need to start the system in safe mode. This is necessary so that you can competently eliminate all problems in the OS that may be caused by incorrect operation of the software. Windows 8 is quite different from all its predecessors, so many may wonder how to enter safe mode on this OS.

The user is not always able to start Windows 8. For example, if you have a critical error or the system is seriously damaged by a virus. In this case, there are several simple ways to enter safe mode without booting the system.

Method 1: Using a keyboard shortcut

Method 2: Using a bootable USB flash drive

The next time you start, you will be able to start the system in safe mode.

If you can log into Windows 8

In safe mode, no programs are launched, except for the basic drivers necessary for the system to operate. This way you can fix all errors that arose as a result of software failures or the impact of a virus. Therefore, if the system works, but not at all as you would like, read the methods described below.

Method 1: Using the System Configuration utility

Now, the next time you start, the system will boot into safe mode.

Method 3: Using Command Line

After you restart the device, you will be able to enable the system in safe mode.

Thus, we looked at how to enable safe mode in all situations: both when the system starts and when it doesn’t start. We hope that with the help of this article you will be able to return the OS to operation and continue working on your computer. Share this information with your friends and acquaintances, because no one knows when it may be necessary to run Windows 8 in safe mode.

Starting the operating system in safe mode is one of the most common ways to diagnose problems. Previously, you could get into safe mode by clicking on boot, but this triggers automatic recovery. What if you need safe mode?

It's still possible to boot into Safe Mode, but you'll have to delve into Windows 8's recovery settings to do so. The key now launches automatic recovery, but if you press + instead at boot, you can manually select recovery options. However, it’s even easier to hold down and select the “Restart” command in Windows itself or on the login screen.

There are several ways to get into safe mode - it all depends on whether the system boots and whether you can enter it. Let's start with the simplest.

If the login screen is available

If the boot successfully reaches the login screen, you can hold down the key and select the “Reboot” option from the shutdown menu. The Diagnostic Tools screen will appear, allowing you to enter Safe Mode. How exactly - read below.

If the system does not boot, but there is a recovery disk

If you have another computer on hand with the same version of Windows, you can create a USB recovery drive and boot the faulty PC from it to access diagnostic tools, including safe mode (more below).

If the login screen is not available

If the boot doesn't even get to the login screen, a recovery screen will usually appear automatically. If this does not happen, try holding down the key while booting and press until the new recovery mode loads. When the recovery screen appears, click the Advanced Options button.

The problem is that this screen does not always appear. Many computers, especially new ones, do not display it.

Using advanced options to boot into Safe Mode

Whichever of the described methods you use, on the recovery screen that appears, click the “Troubleshoot” button.

Now select Advanced Options.

Finally, click the Restart button.

After the reboot, by some miracle, the familiar boot options screen will appear, where you can select Safe Mode.

Launching Safe Mode directly from Windows 8

There is another way to get into safe mode, but it will only work if Windows is already loaded. Press the +[R] keys, enter the command “msconfig” (without quotes) in the window that appears and press .

In the window that opens, go to the “Boot” tab and check the “Safe Boot” checkbox.

You can also choose secure boot options:

"Minimal"– normal safe mode.
"Alternate Shell"– safe mode with command line.
"Active Directory repair"– safe mode for restoring a server that is a domain controller on a local network.
"Network"– safe mode with network connection.

Once you've selected the option you want, click OK and restart your computer.

The system will automatically boot into safe mode.

Windows 8 Safe Mode raised quite a few questions from a large number of users of the new operating system. Basically, questions like this: “How to enter Windows 8 safe mode if it cannot be loaded?” “Why did they cancel the F8 key at boot?” And in fact, now, in order to get into additional Boot Options, and then into safe mode, instead of F8, the keyboard shortcut Shift+F8 should work, but it is almost impossible to use.

The simplest answer to these questions will sound like this, but this is my opinion, friends: “The developers have placed too much on the Automatic System Recovery Tool, which will start for you if Windows 8 for some reason refuses to boot normally.” And this once again confirms the fact that the eight is designed primarily for tablet computers. I don’t argue, the automatic system recovery tool is very convenient and starts at the slightest problem in Windows 8, but this tool does not always solve the problem and may show you this message: “The automatic recovery tool was unable to restore your computer.” What to do then?

And then friends, I advise you to refer to our article, in which we described various means of restoring Windows 8, for example, restoring using a restore point, restoring Windows 8 without deleting user files (Refresh Your PC) or restoring using a pre-created image, and so on Further. Only safe mode is not mentioned in this article, since for this we decided to write a separate article and now it is ready, we bring it to your attention, but at the beginning of the article, we will, as usual, publish one of the letters that came to us in the mail.

Windows 8 Safe Mode

Admin, answer me a question that I couldn’t find an answer to on the Internet - how to log in Windows 8 safe mode, if my eight does not load?
You have a good article on your website that describes all sorts of ways to restore Windows 8, but in my opinion you didn’t finish it. I tried all the methods that you suggest in your article, but I did not solve my question. This is the situation.
Windows 8 suddenly stopped loading on my laptop. Several times the eight itself launched the startup recovery tool, but it did not help. I have a Windows 8 recovery disc that I previously made on the system itself. I tried to boot from it. In the recovery tool menu “Select action”, I tried to apply system restore, but as soon as I select a restore point and click Next and Finish, a black screen appears and that’s it.
I also tried to enter Windows 8 safe mode this way. I boot from the recovery disk again, select Diagnostics ->Advanced options ->, but then Boot Options should go (safe mode, etc.), but I don’t have them,

See for yourself, the last resort is the command line.

I tried many times to enter safe mode using the keyboard shortcut Shift+F8, but also to no avail.
As I already said, I carefully read your article Restoring Windows 8, but did not make a full recovery image (I was too lazy). As I understand it, now all I have to do is apply Windows 8 recovery without deleting user files (Refresh Your PC). But first I want to try to enter the safe mode of Windows 8 and remove the latest installed programs and drivers in it, maybe there is a problem with loading eight into them?

  • So, friends, let's first consider this question - How to get into Windows 8 safe mode from a running system. Next, we will think about how to get into the safe mode of Windows 8 if our eight does not boot at all and the Automatic System Restore tool could not do anything.

Method No. 1

If your Windows 8 boots normally, but for some reason you need to enter safe mode, do this. While pressing the Shift key, select Reboot,

Advanced options–>

Boot Options–>


The download options will open. Use the number keys F1-F9, that is, to get into safe mode we need to press the F4 key

And please load Windows 8 Safe Mode.

Method No. 2

Open command prompt as administrator

And enter the command: msconfig.

We enter the system configuration, select the Boot tab, check Boot Options - Safe Mode. Apply and OK.

Method No. 3

There is another way to get into Windows 8 safe mode by editing the BCD boot configuration data file. In this way we will return the F8 key to its purpose. Open a command prompt as administrator and enter the command:

bcdedit /deletevalue (current) bootmenupolicy

if an error occurs, enter

reboot. When loading Windows 8, we often press the F8 key and the already familiar additional boot options appear; select the mode that you need.

If you want to cancel everything and return to the new boot menu, enter the command on the command line as an administrator:
bcdedit /set (current) bootmenupolicy standard

Method No. 4

The same applies to changes in the BCD boot configuration data file. Open a command prompt as administrator and enter the command:

bcdedit /set (bootmgr) displaybootmenu yes

and we can select safe mode.

If we want to return everything to the way it was, open the command line as an administrator and enter the command:
bcdedit /set (bootmgr) displaybootmenu no Method No. 4 or How to get into safe mode if Windows 8 won't boot Let's say you have a serious problem and loading Windows 8 ends with an error. The automatic system startup repair tool does not help, and a simple system restore does not work.

Then the thought comes to you to use Windows 8 Safe Mode.
In this case, we will have to take advantage of the hidden features of Windows 8, but we cannot do without a recovery disk or a Windows 8 installation disk. For example, a Windows 8 recovery disk can be made in 8 itself in 5 minutes, read our article - "Restoring Windows 8"
So, boot the computer from the recovery disk or Windows 8 installation disk. Click Next.

System Restore.


Extra options.

As you can see, when booting from a recovery disk, the already familiar Boot Options are missing. Select Command Line. Enter:

bcdedit /set (globalsettings) advancedoptions true

Exit the command line. Click Continue (exit and use Windows 8).

Safe mode loads.

If we want to boot the system in normal mode, then we boot into the command line again and enter the command:
bcdedit /deletevalue (globalsettings) advancedoptions

How to enter safe mode in Windows 8!?

Safe boot mode of the operating system is an option to load the minimum required number of functions and software.

When you log in using Safe Mode, labels appear in the corners of the screen.

This is used to diagnose system problems. The absence of a problem when running in safe mode allows you to exclude essential services from the suspected causes.

Also, a large number of problems can be resolved only from .

There are several options available to initiate system startup in this format. This can be done using either a simple keyboard shortcut or a bootable optical/flash drive.

Method #1: Keyboard shortcut during boot

This option is known to most confident users of earlier versions of the OS who know how to enter safe mode windows 8 while loading.

It consists of several quick presses of “F8” before the system boots.

In some cases you will need to use “Shift + F8”. As a result, a screen should appear with a list of download options.

Using the arrow buttons, select “Safe Mode” and confirm your selection with the “Enter” key.

In the latest version of the operating system, this option may not be compatible on all PCs.

If you cannot use the combination of buttons mentioned above, then you should take the following actions:

After these manipulations, loading can be done using hot keys.

The described method will help answer the question of how to enter Windows 8 safe mode on an HP laptop.

Method #2: OS Configuration Tool

To call the utility to configure operating system settings, you will need to press “Win ​​+ R”. This action will open a execution line in which you will need to enter “msconfig”.

After pressing “Enter” or “OK” the settings window will appear directly. In it you need to open the “Download” tab.

At the bottom of the window, in the “Boot Options” field, you must select the “Secure Boot” and “Minimum” items.

After agreeing to all the above settings, you will be prompted to reboot.

It can be confirmed, or it can be postponed. This will allow the computer to apply the settings after the first OS restart.

Note! The system will always boot in Safe Mode until the user deselects the boot options. After fixing problems, it is important not to forget to return the settings to normal.

Method No. 3: Diagnostic tools

If you need to activate the buffer format of a running OS, then it is better to use the following method. To do this, you will need the “Options” button on the sidebar.

Then you will need to select “Shutdown” and, while holding down the “Shift” button, click on the “Restart” item.

These steps will launch the diagnostic screen. On the “Select Action” screen, click on “Diagnostics”.

In the Diagnostics window, you will need to open Advanced Settings.

On this screen, you need to select the “Download Options” option.

Here you will see a list of conditions under which the OS will boot. After familiarizing yourself with the parameters, you need to click the “Restart” button.

In the next step, the diagnostic program will present several boot options. The selection is made using the “F1-F9” keys.

The list requires a fourth item, that is, you will need to press F4.

After these manipulations, the computer will boot into safe mode and you can perform the necessary actions.

Some users think: “how to enter Windows 8 safe mode through BIOS?”

So this is impossible to do, because the BIOS is not connected to the OS.

Method #4: Bootable optical or removable disk

This is the most effective way to enter Windows 8.1 safe mode if the system does not start. You don't need to boot your system to use it.

You will need to prepare the appropriate media with installation files.

Then you will need to connect a removable disk (insert the optical drive) and boot from it.

In the window for setting the time and date, you will need to click “Next”. Then, when the installation window loads, you need to click on “System Restore”.

This will bring up the diagnostic screen. It was already used in one of the previous methods, but this one is somewhat different from the previous one.

In the “Select an action” section, click on the “Diagnostics” item.

Then, on the “Diagnostics” screen, select “Advanced Settings”.

On the next screen you need to select an item that will launch the command line.

A window will appear where you need to enter the following: bcdedit / set globalsettings and confirm the command using the “Enter” button on the keyboard.

After troubleshooting, you will need to write the following line in the command editor: “bcdedit /deletevalue (globalsettings) advancedoptions”.

This will cancel the transition to the diagnostic screen during boot.

Then the command line can be closed. Then select “Continue”.

Rebooting the system will lead the user to the already familiar diagnostic screen with a selection of options using the “F1-F9” keys. After pressing “F4” the system will boot into safe mode.

One of the methods described above will certainly help for both PCs and laptops.

Therefore, the question of how to enter Windows 8 safe mode on an Asus laptop or how to enter Windows 8 safe mode on a Lenovo laptop does not make sense, because the OS does not differ from the brand of hardware.