Free modules for PrestaShop.

Who would not say anything, but the current business is tied mainly to sales. Trade is perhaps the only industry within which it is possible to exchange goods on mutually beneficial terms, buy and sell, import and export goods, provide services on paid basis, share information and also get rewarded for it. Literally everything is traded today.

Offline trading no longer satisfies the needs of buyers. Any business now needs its own online platform and it is very difficult to argue with that.

However, in order to start selling goods via the Internet, you need a fully debugged mechanism that will allow you to perform all functions without failures and difficulties. Undoubtedly we are talking about a working engine created specifically for e-commerce. As you know, an online store consists of two parts - directly a showcase with goods that they see potential buyers, and an internal management system that only administrators have access to. The PrestaShop engine allows you to implement online stores in compliance with all these standards.

PrestaShop is a professional management system ecommerce and distributed free of charge. Thousands of stores are based on this system. Due to the block system, flexibility and ease of use, PrestaShop is gaining popularity every year among users of various skill levels. Thanks to the many useful features and properties, the engine is interesting not only for end users, but also for developers.

Shop on PrestaShop- this is popular goods on home page, the ability to scale all images, connect user accounts, various options payment for goods RSS feed. For those users who know a little more about the specifics of working with control systems, the PrestaShop engine has the ability to use a WYSIWYG editor. The system allows you to create an unlimited number of different store categories, set up currencies, use short text messages(SMS) sent to customers, notify about the delivery of goods, encrypt SSL and much more.

Below we have prepared a selection of those extensions and modules that you may need to customization your online store on PrestaShop.

Free modules for PrestaShop

Module for the eBay marketplace
Easily export products from PrestaShop to eBay - the world's largest marketplace for goods. It will help to attract new customers and accelerate sales.
Ogone module
Easy setup of payment methods. About 80 international and local ways payment.
Facebook Follow Button
Thanks to this module, your website visitors will be able to follow you on Facebook. This extension can be installed anywhere on your site.
1-Click Upgrade – AutoUpgrade Module
An automated method to update your store to latest version PrestaShop.
Facebook Send Button
A button that allows users to share information from your site on their social media profiles.
Shopgate M-Commerce Module
The module allows you to create a mobile version of the online store for IOS and Android Apps. This solution integrates perfectly into the PrestaShop system and ensures smooth operation.
Template Installer module
Easy installation of themes on your online store.
Skrill module
Module for making payments. Clients can receive and send money op around the world.
Module Pack E-merchandising 1to1 par Ezako
A module with which the system will recommend to buyers those types of goods that may be of interest to them.
Yotpo Social Reviews Module
A module that allows users to post product reviews on your site and share them on their social media accounts.
Backward Compatibility Module
Improving the compatibility of modules with each other.
PayPal Europe module
The module of the leader among payment solutions is the PayPal system.
PrestaShop Mobile Template Module
Sample mobile version Compatible with Android, Iphone, etc. module
Access to the online store with mobile device and their management. module
Module for displaying buttons as gifts.
Prestashop Products
PrestaShop module for CMS Joomla. An excellent online store on the best free engine.

The Faktiva Clean URLs module allows you to create shorter and SEO friendly URLs without identifiers (id numbers in address bar). The module can be used when creating or moving a site, it should not be installed on a ready-made indexed site. After installation and configuration, go to Settings> SEO and URLs, turn off CNC, save, turn on CNC, set up templates in the same place (an example of a template for a product: (category:/)(rewrite)).html). The module was tested with - it works).

We hide everything unnecessary from indexing, add the canonical, noindex and hreflang tags

The Faktiva SEO ToolKit manages several basic SEO-related enhancements such as: - to avoid duplication during pagination, for multilingual sites and to close PrestaShop controllers that should not be indexed by search engines.

Get rid of 404 SEO redirects module.

The seoredirections module allows you to manage 301 and 302 redirects, there is an import from a CSV file. It will be useful when moving a site or changing URLs. When testing, after deleting the URL in the module, the redirect for some reason remained working, maybe this is a bug, or maybe it should be. Use with straight arms and on a sober head.

Captcha module for Prestashop 1.6.x

The eicaptcha module will help protect against unwanted spam, adds captcha from Google to registration and form feedback. To work, you need to get an API key.

Full product export Prestashop 1.6.x

This is not quite a module, but also very useful, you need to copy your project file and if everything is done correctly, then when you unload goods by clicking the button from the administration panel, we get full version export (all available fields that can be imported using the CSV Import tool). The necessary conditions: Settings>Performance>Disable all overrides-None.

Order number in digits.

bnorderreferencenumeric module to generate an order code consisting of nine random numbers instead of upper case letters.

Google Tag Manager for Prestashop 1.6.

gtagmanager module for easy integration with Google Tag Manager. Want to focus on marketing instead of marketing technology? Google's JS Tag Manager allows you to add and update your website's JS tags, easily and for free, whenever you want, without having to edit your code.

Let's add some effects.

The free product image rollover module for Prestashop adds a slide effect when you hover over a product image in a category. It is desirable that the product had 2 pictures. For the module to work, you need to insert the code into themes/yourtheme/product-list.tpl:

(hook h="productImageHover" id_product=$product.id_product)

( hook h = "productImageHover" id_product = $product . id_product )

It should turn out like this:

getProductLink($categoryProduct.id_product, $categoryProduct.link_rewrite, $categoryProduct.category, $categoryProduct.ean13))" class="lnk_img product-image" title="($|htmlspecialchars)">!} getImageLink($categoryProduct.link_rewrite, $categoryProduct.id_image, "home_default")|escape:"html":"UTF-8")" alt="($|htmlspecialchars)" /> {hook h="productImageHover" id_product=$categoryProduct.id_product} !}

< a href = "($link->getProductLink($categoryProduct.id_product, $categoryProduct.link_rewrite, $categoryProduct.category, $categoryProduct.ean13))" class = "lnk_img product-image" title =>< img src = "($link->getImageLink($categoryProduct.link_rewrite, $categoryProduct.id_image, "home_default")|escape:"html":"UTF-8")" alt= "($|htmlspecialchars)"/ >

( hook h = "productImageHover" id_product = $categoryProduct . id_product )

< / a >

approximately line 54, after the img image inside the link ,

Before considering the localization of your own modules in PrastaShop 1.6, let's consider how localization is usually arranged in other CMS. Most often, each language is presented in the form of separate files, which the author of the module fills in on his own. Usually, files are presented in the form of ini-files or something similar, where code variables are assigned a value (this approach is typical for Joomla). It can also be xml files. Or the files can be php constructs, for example, like localization in OpenCart . In especially perverse variations, localization can be stored in the database (inconvenient and slows down the CMS).

No matter how the files look, their translation by the author of the module is a manual filling and creation of files. And this is a common pattern. Its advantages are simplicity and lightness. The main disadvantage is that many ordinary users who are far from programming languages ​​simply cannot correctly cope with editing the translation (quotes will not be closed somewhere, a separator will not be put somewhere, and so on), which leads either to output errors (for example, squares or codes instead of phrases), or to a temporary breakdown of the module.

Module localization support in PrestaShop 1.6

In this sense, PrestaShop 1.6 has a rather interesting approach to automating support for localization for several languages, while ordinary users can easily create localizations for their languages. Localization files are still used here, however, compiling them manually is not recommended and is somewhat pointless. Firstly, this is a very difficult and routine task (file names and the MD5 hash sum of each phrase are used), so mistakes can be made. Second, built-in standard tool PrestaShop makes this task much easier and simpler (including ordinary users, which do not need to know anything about your module).

Translation example from Cron support module (Standard PrestaShop 1.6 package):

cronjobs_682ee2e41e510efdbced967430173c66"] = "Cron Job Manager"; $_MODULE["<{cronjobs}prestashop>cronjobs_c75e110ddb05aea61563c50d7baf0ae0"] = "Manage store automation tasks from a single interface."; $_MODULE["<{cronjobs}prestashop>cronjobs_4093808c9781fb6ca2ed5ade71deff4d"] = "To use this module, enable the cURL PHP extension."; $_MODULE["<{cronjobs}prestashop>cronjobs_035d5cdab2c65ad42b303f8125025160"] = "Cron jobs"; $_MODULE["<{cronjobs}prestashop>cronjobs_6588952424b58b4c9fc9df026b668991"] = "Create a new job"; ....

What is the essence of the PrestaShop localization mechanism and how does the whole process work? To ensure that translation is possible, it is enough to use only built-in functions for outputting phrases:

In php it is:

// For main module file and back office controllers $this->l("My comment"); // For front office controllers $this->module->l("My comment");

In the Smarty template this is:

(ls="My Comment" mod="mymodule")

It is important to immediately note a few points (written in the PrestaShop documentation):

1. All phrases must be in Latin, otherwise there may be errors in localization. By the way, these same phrases are the default value (in the absence of translation files), which allows you to get rid of php errors like "Warning" / "Notice:" and the output of codes. In other words, no matter how many languages ​​you have, the module will open everywhere.

2. Absolutely all texts and parameters (mod for Smarty - a parameter where the name of your module is indicated) must be enclosed in single quotes. Otherwise, the localization tool will not find the phrase. In addition, there is one interesting point. In Smarty, if you use double quotes for the mod parameter, then the phrases go into the general list of translation phrases, and not into the phrases of the module. If you use single quotes, then the module is defined correctly and, accordingly, the phrases themselves. At the same time, an error with double quotes for the text itself (parameter s) is detected only by their validator (while the translation itself is carried out correctly).

It is worth noting that if the first point is somewhat understandable - the absence of problems with encoding, then the second is rather introduced to simplify all the points associated with the alternation of single and double quotes. Nevertheless, the second point is still debatable, because if you write modules for other systems, then this is very inconvenient, especially considering that the Smarty engine itself reacts normally to single and double quotes.

But returning. If you adhered to these constructions in all your php files and Smarty templates, then all further translation will not require you to make any changes to the files, they will be generated by the PrestaShop 1.6 tool.

It is worth knowing that all translation files are placed in the "translations" directory of your module (or in templates, if you have several templates and a translation is planned for each), and the name of each file is formed as "%language code%.php" (for example , ru.php for Russian and so on). By the way, all translation phrases inside files are wrapped in single quotes.

Translation (localization) of own modules in PrestaShop 1.6

Now, let's look at how the translation (localization) of your own modules is carried out in PrestaShop 1.6 in stages:

0. First, make sure that the "max_input_vars" parameter in php.ini is set to at least 3000 elements (or better, immediately to 10000, so as not to ask this question again). Otherwise, when you open the translation, the page will fall out with errors. Unfortunately, all phrases for translations are displayed immediately on one page (in the standard package for templates, they get about 1900 +/-; the usual php limit on the number of parameters is 1000). As such, there is no way to view the translation of just a single module.

1. Open the admin panel. Then, in the left menu, expand the "Localization" item and select the "Translations" item.

2. In the window that appears, select the field "Translation type" as "Translations of installed modules", the field "Select a template" as "Core (regardless of the template)" (then translation files will be created directly in the directory with your module), and then in Select a language in the "Select a language" field. Finally, click on the "Change" button.

Note: Only those languages ​​are displayed whose translations are installed in PrestaShop 1.6 itself, so if you want to support any additional languages, you must first install them in the store.

3. A window will open listing all installed modules and all translations within each module's files. You just have to fill in the fields of the module you need and use the "Save and stay"/"Save" buttons. Please note that your module (regardless of the name) will be at the very bottom. Well, or use the standard search on the page.

Note: Please note that single quotes must be escaped with a slash. For example, Vasya was walking in a place called "Edge" and was glad about it.

List of 55+ Best Prestashop Modules, Add-ons & Plugins. You’ll find Prestashop social modules, Prestashop security modules, Prestashop notification modules, Prestashop seo modules, slider modules and much more. Choose the right module from these best Prestashop modules.

Instauro Maintenance / Coming Soon

Instauro is a good way to show something new to your customers during a maintenance or before the shops launches.

PS Social Blocks

Prestashop social blocks module. Includes facebook like box, Twitter timeline.

Prestashop Cookies Law

Make sure your prestashop store meets European Law cookies before using this module.

PrestaShop – Simple Blog

PrestaShop – Simple Blog allows you to create a simple blog for your shop.

Prestashop Request Information

Request product info allows you to add a contact button on the product page to request more information on it.

Prestashop Popup Notification

Products page popup (possible to add different popups for each product, or the same for all)

Prestashop SEO Manager

This Prestashop SEO Module provides a comprehensive tool to generate the meta tags for your shop resources with just 1 click.

Facebook Login & Facebook Promotion

Your customers get incentives for promoting your products among their friends.
Fully Customizable
Generate voucher codes for sharing products or their shopping carts to get instant voucher.
Instant voucher for facebook registered users.

Prestashop Presta Social module

Prestashop Presta Social module is a prestashop module that manages a social networking tab and calculates the number of fun each network automatically in real time.

Aqua Slider Prestashop Module (PS 1.2/PS 1.5)

Sick of his slider Prestashop images? Don't hesitate. Use our first class: AquaSlider

Prestashop Content HTML Editor

Prestashop module html in category description. Allows you to add html in category description.

Nivoshop for Prestashop

NivoShop is a powerful slider module for prestashop. With Nivoshop you can organize any type of web content into a beautiful and user-friendly slider.

Welutions Size Chart for PrestaShop

Welutions Size Chart is a PrestaShop module for displaying the measurement of a product.

Mini Slider Pro for Prestashop

An eye-catching and dynamic banner/slideshow is a great way to introduce and advertise your specific products or specific offers.

Disqus Comments

The module allows you to connect the commenting system Disqus for you store

Prestashop Responsive Seo Slider

Slide show on the home page of your store.
Allows you to add any content in a text editor to improve SEO of your shop.

Prestashop Elastic Slideshow

A module for prestashop, capable of displaying images to fit the resolution of your screen (the images are rescaled).

Wpress Show WordPress Post on Prestashop

The module can be shown in the home page or in the columns. You can configure the number of post to show, order of the post, colors, and much more!!!

CSS3 Slider

CSS3 Slider for Prestashop allows you to create on your homepage a slideshow using the latest CSS3 techniques.

Prestashop LegalWarning Module

Limit access to your website with a warning. You can place images, videos, and text in the warning, and redirect to another site if you do not accept the terms.

Prestashop MassPriceupdate Plus Module

MassPrice update is a module that allows you to change the price of its products by selecting them by category. The module also allows you to change the prices of products with combinations.

TinyMCE Plus for Prestashop

This module allows you to customize TinyMCE, the text editor used by Prestashop.

Prestashop Improved Product List

It allows you to see the unit profit, the units sold in the last month and the stock coverage of each product in the product list.

Prestashop Fullscreen Background Slideshow

Social Tech Prestashop Module

SocialTech is a module for Prestashop, that will allow visitors to your site, access to your company's social networks (facebook, twitter, linkedin, google +1 and Pinterest) or share the content of your site.

Popup advertising for Prestashop

This module allows you to easily display promotions in Prestashop. Upload image or use TinyMCE editor to display any content.

Prestashop Orders List Improved

This module reduces the time you spend working with orders. It allows you to see order details in the orders list.

home advertisement

Prestashop Home Advertisement block module lets you display various advertisement blocks in your home page.

Prestashop Vertical Carrousel

VerticalCarousel is a module that allows you to display products on your site in a striking and elegant.

Last Order Prestashop Module

Last Orders is a module that allows you to display on your site, the last orders placed by customers.

Facebook Like Box

PrestaShop Friendly URLs

A module to generate SEO friendly URLs for your PrestaShop store. Its easy to use and lightweight.

Ajax Live Search Prestashop

Ajax Live Search module allows to search products quickly and easily for your customers. It will display the results instantly while typing in an inputbox.

PrestaShop Cloud Flare Manager

CloudFlare Manager is a module for PrestaShop. It can integrate your PrestaShop to CloudFlare platform.

Prestashop Tracking Number Import

Prestashop Tracking Number Import allows you to import all your tracking numbers at once. Orders will be updated and your customers will receive an email with the tracking URL of their parcels.

Modellium – videoSlider HQ for Prestashop

With modellium, you can organize any type of web content into a beautiful and user-friendly slider.

PrestaShop Smart Prices – Dynamic Pricing System

Increase your profit with Smart Prices! It allows you to adapt automatically your prices using smart pricing algorithms.

Prestashop Order Pdf Email / Download

PrestaNitro Print PDF Order allows you to download your order in pdf format. It also allows you to send an email to a customer attaching the pdf.

Youtube Wall Prestashop module

Show Youtube videos from your channel, on your Prestashop home page.