Endless search for windows 7 updates solution. About interesting things from the world of IT, instructions and reviews

Problems with updates can definitely arise at inopportune moments. Moreover, there are a number of reasons for this, so we advise you to study the manual better!

Today this software is a little outdated. However, the popularity of the OS in question is still high. This article will tell you why Windows 7 won't update through Windows Update and how to fix the problem. Below are a number of methods.

Why are updates needed?

But first you need to understand what these updates are for and what role they play for the user:

  • the product ensures the integrity and security of the OS;
  • the update ensures compatibility with improved machine spare parts;
  • software optimizes program code;
  • The fix improves the performance and multitasking of the OS.

What updates are there?

All software components are divided into several types:

  • important;
  • recommended;
  • optional;
  • other updates.

Important updates are related to Windows system security. It is recommended to install such packages from the moment they appear in notifications. Recommended components will improve PC performance. Optional components include various drivers or updated software from developers. Others include those components that are not included in the above.

The OS distribution will not be reconstructed in the future, since Win 8 and then 10 were released. Developers will only support a special number of tools. Fans of the presented version still have a lot of time left.

Why are OS updates not installed?

Today, this may be due to the following reasons. Before you do anything, you should definitely leave the option of backing up your data with a subsequent system restore point. Otherwise, the system may not start up and the user will lose important data. That's why:

  • we will create a point for rolling back the OS;
  • or we will create an image for backup using native tools - the Win 7 archiver;
  • or we will use third-party software and create a similar copy in it.

Incorrect installation

Often, incorrect installation is hidden in an error in starting the “Update Services”. To enter the settings parameters, just launch the “Start” menu and enter “Services”, after which a dialog box will pop up with the configuration of the parameters.

The dialog box displays a list of local OS tools. In the list, we will find “Windows Update”. The list is displayed in alphabetical order, which means that the required element will be located at the very bottom. Click twice.

In some cases, the service tool is running offline. It also happens that the problem depends on the startup itself. It's worth checking if the service is running. This is most often observed on illegal (pirated copy) builds of the Win 7 distribution. Software makers turn off the service on purpose. So let's make sure that the local tool is enabled. If not, then turn it on.

The enabled OS update application should be turned off.

Without leaving the dialog box with properties, press the Win + R combination on the keyboard, after which the “Run” system window will pop up, where we will enter: SoftwareDistribution and click “OK”.

The OS Explorer will start with the subsystem folder “SoftwareDistribution” from which you will need to delete all existing folders and files.

Now let's go to the window with the Win 7 local tools configuration parameters and restart this element again.

After this operation, you will need to restart your PC and go to the Update Center.

When the working window opens, download the updates and install them. To quickly enter the configuration settings, you will need to call the Start menu and enter the desired service name in the search. In the dialog box, select the “Check for updates” option.

Install the required update package by clicking on the option of the same name.

When you need to install only special updates, you will need to click on the “Important updates” option.

Among the expanded list, let's tick off what we need.

Upon completion, return to the initial window of the service and enable the installation option.

Errors while downloading updates

One of the most common problems with the Win 7 update is a failure during downloading to the PC. This happens because the files are located and loaded into the OS cache. If the download is unsuccessful, the installation process will not be possible. It is worth considering that at the stage of downloading files, the update package will not be overwritten. Initially, you will need to uninstall the disk space containing the cache contents in which erroneous updates are stored and only then download the components.

To clear the cache, open the command line. In the Start menu search dialog box, enter the corresponding query - “Command Prompt”. Then, call the context menu and run it with administrator rights.

In the Windows command line you must enter the following combinations:

net stop wuauserv
ren %windir%\SoftwareDistribution SoftwareDistribution.OLD
net start wuauserv

Click "Ok". After the cache is cleared, we will proceed to updating the system, after restarting the PC.

Errors in the system registry

Most often, errors when installing OS updates occur due to a failure - 80070308. This happens due to the fault of the system registry. To return the system to its original appearance in the registry, a number of changes must be made. Press Win + R. The Run dialog box will pop up. In the field, enter: regedit and click “OK”.

Go to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE section and select the COMPONENTS subfolder in which we will delete the PendingRequired. To delete a system file, open the context menu by right-clicking.

After the operation, we will restart the PC and manually install updates.

Fix It - automatic solution to OS problems

To make it easier for users to troubleshoot such problems, Microsoft has developed special Fix It software. It will automatically eliminate all possible errors with the OS. The utility can be downloaded from the link below.

Let's run the program installation file. The software will automatically create an OS restore point. After the above operations, detection and elimination of system errors will begin. After the program is running, close the utility and try to install the updates again.

What to do if there is no access to the Internet and the connection to the Microsoft site is blocked by an antivirus or firewall?

If there is no connection to the Internet, and this is usually a problem with proxy servers or the lack of the Internet itself, the download of updates will not start. If the problem is with the antivirus or firewall, then during installation you should disable them and manually install the appropriate updates.

Impossibility to update due to lack of memory

It is regularly impossible to install updates for the Windows 7 operating system due to the lack of free disk space on the hard drive of a personal computer or laptop. Please note that most often the average volume of updates takes up to 5 gigabytes. Before downloading and installing, you will need to free up the occupied disk space on drive C and repeat the entire process again.

Long search for updates

Recently, when installing a clean image of Win 7 OS, it takes a long time to search for updates. In this case, no errors are observed. The problem is solved as follows:

  • install Microsoft Fix It and reboot;
  • restart the PC and install KB3102810 (links are given below!);
  • We reboot again - everything should be fine.

This may be the reason why Windows 7 is not updated through the OS Update Center. This completes the entire troubleshooting phase. We will be glad if the information helped you. You can rate the article and write a comment! Share this tip with your friends. Thank you!

In modern realities, the Windows Update service is one of the critical ones, so problems with it should be resolved first, because timely receipt of updates is the key to system security. This is especially true for older systems, which simply due to age may have a larger number of potentially vulnerable services and components. Today we will tell you about one interesting case when Windows 7 completely stops searching for and installing updates, or rather makes this process endless.

Judging by reviews on the Internet, the appearance of this malfunction coincided with the transition of Windows 7 to , so many habitually blame Microsoft for what is happening, and those who are especially active even make lists of “not recommended” updates, which sometimes even includes Convenience Rollup for Windows 7 (KB3125574). This approach can hardly be called reasonable, since in our opinion many people confuse cause with effect.

The transition to a new update system is largely a forced measure, since the number of updates required for Windows 7, as well as possible combinations of them, has long exceeded all reasonable limits and it has become absolutely impossible to talk about any stability and predictability of this system. Our experience shows that much more often selective updates lead to such problems, but it’s difficult to blame users for this.

If the system has just been installed or automatic updating is turned off, then bringing it up to date can take a lot of time, at the same time, to work it is necessary to update some components, say Internet Explorer, as well as close the most critical vulnerabilities. As a result, the set of updates installed on the machine is more reminiscent of a hodgepodge and can lead to the most unexpected results.

One day, one of the virtual machines in the laboratory, which we updated from time to time, refused to install updates. The main symptom of this problem is an endless search for updates:

If you download and try to install updates manually, you will get a similar picture:

None of the most obvious ways to correct this system behavior, including those described on the Microsoft website, brought success, so we undertook a detailed study of the system logs, which can be found in the directory C:\Windows\Logs\CBS. Quite soon it became clear that the system could not complete the installation of a number of updates, leaving the following messages in the log:

CBS Appl: detectParent: package: Package_40_for_KB3210131~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~, no parent found, go absent

This is a typical example of broken dependencies: the update package tries to find the parent package and cannot do this, which results in an endless search loop.

An approximate scenario for this problem to occur is as follows: the system downloads a certain number of updates and tries to install them, but since this is a lengthy process, it most often fails to complete it. For example, a fairly common scenario is when users simply forcefully turn off the system unit, having received a message upon shutdown that a couple of dozen updates should be installed.

Then an update is manually installed into the system, which breaks dependencies for packages that have already been downloaded and started to be installed. As a result, the system unsuccessfully tries to resolve dependencies, completely paralyzing the service.

Also, if you forcefully shut down the system during the update process, a slightly different error may occur, which is associated with damage to the installed package, which leads to an endless installation process:

The mechanism of this problem is very similar to the previous one; before installing updates, the system tries to finish the already started process, but cannot do this, since the package is damaged, it also cannot fix the damage, so again everything results in an endless cycle, only preparing for installation.

Now that the causes and mechanism of the problem are clear, you should find a way to fix it. In this case, the DISM tool will come to our aid; launch the command line as an administrator and run the short command:

Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth

It may take a long time to complete and as a result you should receive a message that the operation was completed successfully. A detailed description of the errors found can be found in the log file at the specified path:

After which it is advisable to delete all the contents of the folder C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download and reboot the system.

Now we can try searching for and installing updates again, everything should work.

As you can see, we not only eliminated the problem, but also figured out the reasons for its occurrence, which is much more important. Since it is the understanding of the processes occurring in the system that provides the necessary knowledge and allows for a meaningful approach to diagnostic processes, as opposed to mindlessly copying commands found on the Internet.

Most often, the situation with an endless search for updates worries users who have recently installed Windows on their PC or laptop. The main problem is that this causes the computer to slow down greatly. Let's look at options for solving the problem, especially since there is nothing complicated about it.

Options for solving the problem

There are several ways that can help. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Installing Hotfixes

Microsoft is aware of the problem and has released a special patch. In 65% of cases, this method allows you to get rid of the endless search for updates. Download and install patches from the official website:

  1. For 32-bit version of Windows.
  2. For 64-bit version of Windows.

After installation, restart your PC and check if the search is running.

Installing updates manually

If the above method does not help, then you can try downloading the updates yourself. Microsoft has released two packages at once that solve problems with endless searches.

Attention! You need to install both updates in the specified sequence, rebooting your PC between actions.

Download from the official website and install:

  1. Update KB3020369: 32 bits or 64 bits.
  2. Update KB3172605: 32 bits or 64 bits.

Users say that after installation the problem disappears.

Fixing system files

In OS Windows, you can fix this error using the console. To use it:

The system will automatically scan the files and fix the problems. Once completed, restart your PC and check if the steps helped.

Constant search settings

If after all the actions you have a search, then it’s time to move on to radical actions, namely disabling the update service.

Note! Even without updates, Windows will work stably.

The first thing you need to do is turn off automatic search. For this:

By following these steps, you will prevent the system from updating.

Installing updates on your computer allows you not only to make the system as compliant as possible with modern requirements, but also to patch vulnerabilities, that is, to increase the level of protection against viruses and intruders. Therefore, timely installation of updates from Microsoft is a very important element in ensuring the performance and operability of the OS. But some users are faced with such an unpleasant situation when the system cannot find updates or searches for them for an infinitely long time. Let's see how this problem is solved on computers with Windows 7.

Especially often, users are faced with the fact that the search for updates does not end after installing a “clean” version of Windows 7, which does not yet contain any updates.

This process can take an indefinitely long time (sometimes, in addition, loading the system through the svchost.exe process), and may end with an error.

In this case, you need to manually install the necessary updates.

But there are also cases when the problem is caused by certain problems in the system or viruses. Then you need to take a number of additional actions to eliminate it. The most well-known methods are discussed below.

Method 1: WindowsUpdateDiagnostic

If you cannot independently determine the reason why the system does not actually look for updates, then a special utility from Microsoft – WindowsUpdateDiagnostic – will help you with this. She will identify and, if possible, correct problems.

But there are also situations when WindowsUpdateDiagnostic cannot solve the problem on its own, but nevertheless issues its code. In this case, you need to enter this code into any search engine and see what it means. Perhaps after this you will need to check the disk for errors or the system for file integrity and then restore it.

Method 2: Install the service pack

As mentioned above, one of the reasons why updates do not arrive is the lack of certain updates. In this case, you need to download and install the KB3102810 package.

  1. But before installing the downloaded KB3102810 package, you need to disable the service "Windows Update". To do this you need to go to "Service Manager". Click "Start" and choose "Control Panel".
  2. Go by item "System and safety".
  3. Open section "Administration".
  4. In the list of system utilities and tools, find the name "Services" and move along it.
  5. Starts "Service Manager". Find the name in it "Windows Update". If the items in the list are arranged in alphabetical order, then it will be located closer to the end of the list. Select the specified element, and then on the left side of the interface "Dispatcher" click on the inscription "Stop".
  6. The service deactivation procedure will be performed.
  7. The service is now deactivated, as indicated by the status disappearing "Works" opposite its name.
  8. Then you can proceed directly to installing the KB3102810 update. To do this, double-click the left mouse button on the pre-downloaded file.
  9. The Windows offline installer will launch.
  10. A dialog box will then automatically open in which you must confirm your intention to install the KB3102810 package by clicking "Yes".
  11. After this, the necessary update will be installed.
  12. After it finishes, restart your computer. Then don't forget to re-enable the service "Windows Update". To do this, go to "Service Manager", highlight the desired item and press "Run".
  13. The service will start.
  14. After its activation, the status should be displayed opposite the element name "Works".
  15. Now the problem with searching for updates should disappear.

In some cases, you may additionally need to install updates KB3172605, KB3020369, KB3161608 and KB3138612. Their installation is performed according to the same algorithm as KB3102810, and therefore we will not dwell on its description in detail.

Method 3: Eliminate viruses

Virus infection of your computer can also cause problems with searching for updates. Some viruses specifically create this problem so that the user does not have the opportunity to patch system vulnerabilities by installing updates. To scan your computer for malicious code, you must use special utilities, not a standard antivirus. For example, you can use Dr.Web CureIt. This program does not require installation, and therefore can perform its main function even on infected systems. But still, in order to increase the likelihood of detecting a virus, we recommend running the scan via LiveCD/USB or performing it from another computer.

As soon as the utility detects a virus, it will immediately notify you about it through its working window. All that remains is to follow the advice that is displayed in it. In some cases, even after removing the malicious code, the problem with finding updates remains. This may indicate that a virus program has violated the integrity of system files. Then you need to check using the sfc utility built into Windows.

In the vast majority of cases, the problem with finding updates is caused, no matter how strange it may seem, by the lack of necessary updates in the system. In this case, it is enough to simply update manually by installing the missing packages. But there are times when this problem is caused by various glitches or viruses. Then, accordingly, a specialized utility from Microsoft and anti-virus programs will come to your aid.

Installation of update packages is provided for all operating systems of the Windows family. The seventh version of the operating system, although considered the most stable, is no exception among all existing ones. However, this system first performs a search. Updating the Windows 7 operating system can take forever for various reasons. Let's look at all the aspects that are associated with this. The solutions proposed below help in 99% of cases to eliminate an unpleasant situation. All of them are quite simple so that even the most inexperienced user in system setup can use them. But let's talk about everything in order.

Why does the search for updates in the Windows 7 operating system take so long? Let's start looking at the main issue by finding out the reasons for problems with the update service. Many experts attribute failures in the operation of the Update Center itself and the operating system system services that are involved in this process to the main reasons. Today we will not consider situations related to virus exposure, since each user must independently take care of protecting their PC. Let's look at how you can eliminate the endless update of the Windows 7 operating system on your own. There are at least three ways to do this.

Endless update: diagnostics of the Update Center using built-in system tools

Since the endless process of searching for update packages is associated specifically with the Update Center, it is quite logical to assume that this service needs to be checked for functionality. If you use the software of the operating system itself for this purpose, then the problem associated with the endless updating of Windows 7 can be eliminated using the built-in debugger. It can be called from the Run console by entering the line msdt/idWindowsUpdateDiagnostic. After this, a window will appear in which you will need to use a link to additional settings. In the new window, you will first need to check the box next to Allow automatic application of patches, and then click on the run as administrator link. Next, you need to click on the continue button. After this, the user will only have to wait for the diagnostic process to complete. Next, you need to go to the “Update Center” and set up a manual search with installation confirmation.

Using special utilities to diagnose problems

If someone is not satisfied with the method proposed above, or you simply do not want to delve into the debugger settings, then you can take a different path. From the official Microsoft website or any other trusted Internet resource, you can download a small program called Windows Update Diagnostic. By the way, this program is also suitable for more recent versions of the operating system. After launching the utility, you need to select the Update Center line and start troubleshooting. Problems will appear in the results. The problem may be caused by the drivers or the hard drive. Please pay special attention to the following point: this program does not fix the problem in the Windows 7 operating system. The endless update is only detected, and the user is indicated for what reason it might have occurred. You will have to install drivers and check the hard drive yourself. Drivers can be installed from Device Manager, but this is a very lengthy process. It is better to use automated tools for this purpose like Driver Booster with automatic search and integration of drivers into the system.

If the problem associated with Windows updates persists, then you will again have to pay attention to the Windows 7 Update Center. You can fix the endless search using another method. To do this, you need to download the so-called standalone package under the number KB3102810 to your computer. When downloading, you must select the appropriate bit depth - 32 or 64 bits. You can download this package either on the Microsoft website or on other resources. This is only half the battle.

Stopping the Update service

In the Windows 7 operating system, you can fix endless updates only by deactivating the service that is responsible for searching for updates. You can try to end the active process in the Task Manager, however, as a rule, this does not lead to anything. The service will be activated again. Its complete disabling can only be done in the corresponding section of services, which can be accessed using the services.msc command, which must be entered in the corresponding “Run” menu line. Here you need to find the update center line and right-click to open the context menu. Next, you need to select the stop command. In order not to rummage through the services catalog, you need to use the command line with administrator rights, where you need to enter the netstopwuauserv combination.

Manual search for updates and installation of the package

Now let's talk about the most basic thing - installing a standalone package. It must be launched by a standard double-click on the downloaded file and agree to the installation offer. After this, the installation process begins. Once this process is complete, you will need to restart your computer. If errors occur during the process of integrating the package into the system, it means that something was done incorrectly at the stage of disabling the update service. You must repeat all these steps and run the installer again. It is also possible that the standalone package installation file itself was not fully downloaded (this happens). In this case, as should already be clear, you need to repeat the download of the file or download from another source. When the package is successfully installed and the system is rebooted, you need to go to the “Update Center” and use a manual search for updates there.

What to do if nothing helps

What should you do if none of the procedures described above helped to fix the Windows 7 never-ending update problem? You can remove the endless update by installing the UpdatePack 7Live service pack (build version 07/31/2016). After its integration into the system is completed, the search for updates will automatically start. Most likely, a huge number of them will be found. In some cases their number reaches two hundred or more. You should not be surprised by this, because after installing the package, the user essentially receives an almost “clean” system into which no updates have been installed. It is worth noting that this pack can only be installed on top of an existing ServicePack 1. If it is missing, the updater will not be installed. In this case, the way out is to install SP1.


As you can see for yourself, there is nothing critical in the problem described above. It can be eliminated quite simply using the methods suggested above. Such solutions, of course, only apply to a system in which no potentially dangerous or active threats have been detected. In other cases, such solutions turn out to be quite effective.

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