Knowledge Base - Powered by the Kayako system. DD-WRT

DD WRT is Unix-based firmware for routers. It is used for models running on BroadCom, Atheros, Xscale and PowerPC processors, and expands their standard functionality. An experienced user who needs to create and configure a local network almost always lacks the usual router settings to implement all the tasks, so this firmware is perfect for those who need fine-tuning of the functions and parameters of their home network.

Installing firmware allows you to expand the capabilities of the router

In addition to the usual settings offered by the official router software, DD WRT provides the following functionality:

  • Telnet and SSH access;
  • setting up the Cron task scheduler;
  • remote launch (Wake-on-Lan);
  • Samba setup;
  • virtual Wi-Fi points;
  • PPTP, VPN - server and client;
  • other options for flexible router configuration.

How to configure a router with DD-WRT

To open the settings page of a router flashed with DD WRT, you need to configure automatic assignment of IP and other values ​​on the network adapter of the PC from which you will configure. Then you need to go to the router settings using the IP originally specified in the instructions. Here the system will prompt you to change your admin username and password to more secure ones. Come up with new login details, enter and remember them - they will come in handy more than once when working with other functions of the router.

If desired, you can change the user interface language. We provide further instructions using the Russian example. On the “Administration” - “Management” page you need to find the “Enable Info Site” item and check the box Disabled. Here, in the Language Selection item, select Russian. Click Save.

After this, the actual setup begins.

Static IP

  1. On the “Installation” tab - “Basic settings”, select “Connection type” - “Static IP”.
  2. Enter the IP and other data provided by the service provider.
  3. Uncheck the boxes “Use DNSMasq for DHCP” and “... for DNS”. Save settings.
  4. Go to the “Services” tab, disable “DNSMasq”. Save settings.


  1. Go to the “Installation” - “Routes” page.
  2. Assign a name and route number (one for each of the created subnets).
  3. The "destination network" is (or your subnet range).
  4. “Subnet mask” -
  5. “Gateway” is an IP gateway issued by the provider.
  6. "Interface" - WAN.
  7. Save the entered values, repeat the steps to create the next route.

VPN connection (PPTP)

  1. Open the “Services” tab - “PPTP”.
  2. Enable "PPTP Client Options".
  3. “IP or DNS server name” - enter a numeric or alphabetic address.
  4. “MPPE encryption” is empty.
  5. Username and password are from the agreement.
  6. Save.

PPPoE connection

DD WRT has some difficulties with the implementation of the PPPoE protocol, so you will need to set some parameters manually:

  1. On the Services - PPTP tab, disable PPTP Client Options.
  2. On the “Installation” - “Basic Settings” tab, select the “PPPoE” connection type.
  3. Take the login password from the contract.
  4. "Service name" -
  5. "Static DNS1" -
  6. Uncheck the boxes next to “DNSMasq for DHCP” and “DNSMasq for DNS”.
  7. Save.

In order for the external and local networks of the router under DD WRT to work correctly at the same time, you need to configure PPPoE Dual Access. This is done in the form of text commands:

  1. Go to the page “Tech. service" - "Teams".
  2. Enter in the text field (vlan2 - the name of the interface allocated for the local area):

ifconfig vlan2 netmask [subnet mask] up
route add -net netmask gw [gateway address]

Repeat for and

  1. In the “Commands” text field enter:

iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o vlan2 -j MASQUERADE

iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o vlan2 -j SNAT –t WAN_IP

  1. After rebooting, the device will connect via PPPoE.

Wi-Fi network

The final touch is setting up the Wi-Fi network:

  1. “Wi-Fi” tab - “Basic settings”.
  2. Wireless network type - Access Point.

Wireless network mode - Mixed.

Channel width - 20 MHz.

SSID is broadcast - Enable.

Network configuration - Bridged.

  1. To assign a password to a Wi-Fi network, you need to go to the “Security” tab, select Security Mode - WPA Personal and enter a new key in the “WPA Shared Key”.
  2. Save the settings and reboot the router.


For an experienced user who is not satisfied with the standard functions of a router for convenient operation of a home network, we suggest trying to work with routers flashed with DD WRT. The wide functionality and correct configuration of this firmware will allow you to use the router’s functions much more widely than with standard software. Try our step-by-step guide to setting up DD WRT and share your results in the comments. There you can ask us questions about the topic of the article.

The DIR-320 has 4 megabytes of flash memory installed, so the firmware should not exceed the specified size. You can use the standard version, but this leaves no room on the jffs file system for user files. It is preferable to use firmware from Eko - they can be found in the folder others/eko/V24_TNG/svnNNNNN (select the folder with the highest number). For USB support, you can select the NEWD_mini_usb_ftp or NEWD_mini_usb version.

If you require more functionality than what is provided in the mini or standard versions, use the method described on the page Installing DD-WRT mega on routers with 4 MB flash memory.

[edit] Preparing for firmware

If your router is already equipped with DD-WRT, then the new version of this firmware can be downloaded to it using the web interface. If the router has proprietary D-Link firmware, then due to the difference in file formats with firmware, DD-WRT can only be loaded using the TFTP protocol. The download procedure is described in detail below.

Create a folder on your C: drive (for example, C:\dd-wrt). Download the firmware file to this folder and rename it firmware.bin.

Set the IP address of your computer's network interface to and the mask to Connect the network connector of your computer to the LAN1 port of the DIR-320. Do not turn on the router's power yet.

[edit] Manual firmware

Before using TFTP, you should try loading DD-WRT via crash mode (less time will be spent). If problems arise, then proceed to flashing the firmware via TFTP.

The DIR-320 firmware is installed using the TFTP protocol. After turning on the power of the router for a short time (about 2 seconds), the built-in TFTP server starts, with which you can download new firmware to the device. The most difficult thing is to catch the right moment in time during which you need to issue a command to download the firmware. It rarely works the first time, so be prepared to take a few tries and be patient.

Important: Probably DIR-320 with the latest D-Link firmware does not launch the TFTP server at all and it is impossible to catch the right moment in time. In this case, in order to load your firmware the first time, you will have to do a complete reset of the DIR-320: turn off the power, press and hold the Reset button, turn on the power, wait 15 seconds, release the Reset button. After this procedure, the router should respond to ping with TTL=100:

Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=100

In this state, the router is non-functional; it waits for the firmware to be downloaded via the web interface (D-Link only) or via TFTP. Moreover, TFTP does not work all the time, but only for a few seconds (about 4 seconds) after turning on the power. This is not much, but enough to upload the firmware the first time. Turn off DIR-320.

Launch a command prompt on your computer, go to the dd-wrt folder on your C:\ drive and type the command below, but do not press the key yet . The screen should look something like this:

Microsoft Windows XP Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp. C:\Documents and Settings\someuser> cd c:\dd-wrt C:\dd-wrt> tftp -i put firmware.bin

(The commands you typed are in bold.)

Immediately before starting the firmware, it is advisable to reset to factory settings (Reset button, next to the power socket).

You must press a key to run the above command “tftp -i put firmware.bin” approximately two seconds after the DIR-320 is powered on (i.e. when the Ethernet connection indicator lights up). If the firmware is accepted by the router, the LED1 indicator on it will blink quickly and the command will be completed successfully in less than half a minute. A message indicating the successful completion of the command will appear on the screen:

Successful transfer: 3092480 bytes in 11 seconds, 281134 bytes/s

If you are in a hurry or late, press the key , the command will display a failure message after a while. In this case, simply repeat the process described above: turn off the router's power and literally a second later turn it on again, before again preparing the tftp command to transfer the firmware to it.

Keep in mind that the flashing process continues for several minutes after the file transfer command completes, so do not turn off the router's power or press Reset immediately after completing this command. Give the router 10 minutes to complete the flashing process. During this time, drink a cup of coffee and enjoy yourself - and only after that move on to the next point. If a new SSID “dd-wrt” appears in the list of wireless networks, it means that the firmware process has completed successfully.

To avoid having to manually catch the moment at which you need to issue the download command, use the method described in the next section.

Attention: In the latest versions of the router, if tftp the message is displayed : Operation canceled, then try flashing a smaller firmware. It has been experimentally established that dd-wrt VPN firmware cannot be flashed directly due to its volume; you need to use a smaller one (mini/micro), and then flash the required one from the mini or micro firmware via the dd-wrt web interface.

[edit] Firmware using a batch file

We write the flashing.cmd file to the C:\dd-wrt folder, where we previously wrote the file with the firmware. The contents of this file are as follows:

@Echo Off:BEGIN ping -n 1 -w 10 If errorlevel 1 Goto BEGIN If errorlevel 0 Goto FLASH Goto END:FLASH Echo *** Start Flashing **** tftp -i put firmware.bin: END

A more advanced version of the batch file with comments output to the console is given in the appendix (see below).

Launch the command line, go to the c:\dd-wrt folder and run the flashing.cmd command file.

Turn on the power to the router.

We observe the firmware process:

C:\dd-wrt>flashing.cmd 32 byte packets exchanged from Request timeout exceeded. Ping statistics for Packets: sent = 1, received = 0, lost = 1 (100% loss),<<< SKIP >>> <<< SKIP >>> <<< SKIP >>> <<< SKIP >>> Exchange of packets from to 32 bytes: Reply from number of bytes=32 time=4ms TTL=100 Ping statistics for Packets: sent = 1, received = 1, lost = 0 (0 % loss), Approximate round-trip time in ms: Minimum = 4 ms, Maximum = 4 ms, Average = 4 ms *** Start Flashing **** Successful transfer: 3092480 bytes in 11 s, 281134 bytes/s C:\ dd-wrt>

After the status indicator lights up (~1-2 minutes), you can connect to the router at

Another option for the command file (the first one did not help in my case) is to call several tftp processes in a row from the moment the router is turned on, with an interval of, for example, 500ms. Accordingly, one of them will arrive at the moment when the router “agrees” to accept the firmware. How to organize a pause, I used nircmdc.exe (

For /l %%a in (1, 1, 10) do (nircmdc.exe wait 500 start cmd.exe /ktftp -i put firmware.bin)

Run this batch file simultaneously with turning on the router. 10 console windows will open, and in one of them the file will be downloaded, all the others will time out. If you still can’t get into the required interval, you can additionally disable IP address reset in Windows when there is no cable connection (this will speed up interface initialization). Create a reg file with the following content:

REGEDIT4 "DisableDHCPMediaSense"=dword:00000001

Add information to the registry, reboot the computer and try to flash the router again.

[edit] Connecting to the DD-WRT web interface

After successful flashing, configure your computer's network interface to receive an IP address from the DHCP server and enter in the address bar of your browser. By default, the username and password for accessing the web interface are “root” and “admin” (without quotes), respectively.

If you still see the D-Link web interface, repeat the flashing procedure.

P.S. Another simple and convenient way to catch the moment the firmware mode is turned on is to use the arping command (*nix systems already have it), for Windows you can google it or try this link , as soon as there is the first response, you need to send the file to the router and everything will be sewn :)

[edit] Restoring firmware

Restoring proprietary firmware after DD-WRT is again done using TFTP.

[edit] Applications

[edit] Appendix 1. Extended version of the flashing.cmd file

An extended version of the flashing.cmd batch file with comments output to the console:

@echo off echo ============================================================= ==================== echo This batch file will upload dd-wrt firmware in the current directory to echo during the router"s bootup. echo. echo * Set your ethernet card"s settings to: echo IP: echo Mask: echo Gateway: echo * Unplug the router"s power cable. echo. echo Press Ctrl+C to abort or any other key to continue... pause > nul echo. echo * Re-plug the router"s power cable. echo. echo ================================================================= ================= echo Waiting for the router... Press Ctrl+C to abort. echo. set FIND=%WINDIR%\command\find.exe if exist %FIND% goto PING set FIND=%WINDIR%\system32\find.exe if exist %FIND% goto PING set FIND=find:PING ping -n 1 -w 50 | %FIND% "TTL=" if errorlevel 1 goto PING echo *** Start Flashing **** tftp -i put firmware.bin if errorlevel 1 goto PING set FIND= echo. echo ================================================================= ================= echo * WAIT for about 2 minutes while the firmware is being flashed. echo * Reset your ethernet card's settings back to DHCP. echo * The default router address will be at echo. pause

[edit] Appendix 2. Bash script similar to flashing.cmd batch file

A Bash script similar to an extended version of the flashing.cmd batch file.

#!/bin/bash echo "========================================================= ========================" echo "This script will upload dd-wrt firmware (firmware.bin)" echo "in the current directory to 192.168. 0.1 " echo "during the router"s bootup. " echo "" echo "* Set your ethernet card"s settings to: " echo " IP: " echo " Mask: " echo " Gateway: " echo "* Unplug the router"s power cable. " echo "" echo "Press Ctrl+C to abort or any other key to continue... " read echo "" echo "* Re-plug the router's power cable. " echo "" echo "===== ===================================================== ===========" echo "Waiting for the router... Press Ctrl+C to abort. " echo "" try())( ping -c 1 -w 1 ) try while [ "$?" != "0" ] ; do try done echo "*** Start Flashing **** " atftp --no-source-port-checking -p -l firmware.bin echo "Firmware successfully loaded!"

[edit] Appendix 3. sh script for FreeBSD, similar to the flashing.cmd batch file


Preparing to configure the router.

Connect the router to the power supply. Connect the cable from the entrance to the WAN (Internet) connector.
Connect the router to the computer using the short cable that comes with the router.
Install one connector into the computer’s network card, the other into one of the router’s LAN ports.

For Windows XP:

Start -> Control Panel -> (Network and Internet Connections) -> Network
Connections->Local Area Connection ->Properties -> Internet Protocol TCP/IP.
Set the point "Obtain an IP address automatically" ->

Some people mistakenly believe that since you do not have authority over incoming traffic queues in routers on the Internet, you cannot do this to improve your behavior.

  • You really need to fill it out before the firewall starts.
  • The first rule that matches sets the class.

The following recommendations assume that you have some traffic that is critical and cannot tolerate lag, such as online gaming, and at the same time some other traffic that is saturating your outbound channel and adversely affecting critical traffic. For example, every time one user downloads a file, another user experiences unacceptable lag in an online game.

For Windows 7:

Start -> Control Panel -> (Network and Internet) -> Network and Sharing Center
-> Changing adapter settings -> Local area connection -> Properties
-> Internet Protocol TCP/IPv4.
Set the point "Obtain an IP address automatically" -> OK, in the previous window it is also OK.

Enable "Reset class when settings change" as this will help you test the impact of changes to your settings. This has no effect unless you change any settings, so it can usually remain enabled. The "default class" is the one that includes all the connections that don't fall into any of your rules. Use the option that requires the minimum number of rules. If you don't know, try "Medium".

So anything not specifically specified by a rule bypasses the rules and ends up in the default class. If the setting is too large, you will see too many unacceptably long turnaround periods. You may have to set it to 33% of the achievable maximum data rate to achieve uniformly low ping times. The left figure defines the guaranteed bandwidth, which is distributed fairly to all connections in the class. If the 10 digits in the left column are more than 100%, the router is still performing well, but the bandwidth allocation is difficult to predict, so it is not recommended. On the other hand, you can get numbers less than 100% without any problems if you only want to guarantee low throughput. Don't worry, the router will still allocate all the remaining bandwidth. The router determines the bandwidth for each class as follows. The router determines how much of the allocated bandwidth is used on each link, and from there it determines the remaining unallocated bandwidth. The router again determines how much bandwidth is actually being used in the Superior class and how much is not being used. All lower classes for which there was no additional bandwidth retain only their guaranteed bandwidth. The router repeats this procedure regularly at short intervals and redistributes the bandwidth in accordance with changing requirements. If you don't know what guaranteed bandwidths should be set, just allocate 100% equally. Often, by using all classes, you will be able to provide more information about what is happening through pie charts and details. Under no circumstances will connections in this class provide more data throughput. Unless you have a reason to throttle specific classes absolutely, leave this setting at 100% for all classes.

  • Each channel is allocated a guaranteed bandwidth.
  • The correct figure is the absolute limit of throughput.
The maximum throughput value was not a general limit.

To enter the router settings in the address bar of the browser (Internet Explorer,
Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Google Chrome), enter the address and press Enter.

(Other options are possible, so it would be a good idea to look in the Local Area Connections settings, or enter ipconfig /all in the command line)

It was just a figure used to calculate class percentages. There were separate restrictions on certain classes. You must use them carefully to prevent incoming link overload. Be aware that since there is no overall limit, the sum of the individual class limits may exceed 100%, causing overload.

Therefore, it is often necessary to set incoming limits to a lower value than desired, making a throughput trade-off for low latency and better stability. The original "reserved" class bandwidths and maximum class bandwidths are respected. Individual class restrictions are now applied correctly. This firmware also has the ability to use your own names for individual classes.

If everything is done correctly, the router settings will open.

Select Setup and you will now need your router username and password. Standard data: username - root and password - admin

Network connection configuration

Failure to do so often results in erratic behavior and instability. If you save your bandwidth history, don't forget to back up your data somewhere else! The original equipment firmware is so soft and feature-rich that it cannot take full advantage of the router's hardware.

Convenient alternative to blinking your own router

Before you begin, note two things. Secondly, just because you want to customize the firmware doesn't mean you have to install it yourself; The process can be done for you, as we will discuss next.

Alternatively, check out our recommendations for. You may be thinking that purchasing a flash router is useless because you still need to configure the router for your home environment.

A short description:

Connect on Demand: Max Idle Time You can configure your router to turn off your Internet connection after a certain period of inactivity (Max Idle Time). If your Internet connection was interrupted due to downtime, Connect on Demand allows the router to automatically restore your connection as soon as you try to access the Internet again. To use this option, select Connect on Demand. In field Max Idle Time Enter the desired number of minutes after which your Internet connection will be interrupted. Default time period - 5 minutes.

Prerequisites for the update process

Plus, the service will pre-configure wireless routers, making them ready to use right out of the box.

  • An intermediate router costs more.
  • Takes the time for the router.
  • Additional costs and services may apply.
Naturally, as with any project, people who want to get their router up and running will need to gather the necessary resources before getting started.

Enable Boot Wait to protect against device damage

However, these are general steps and may vary slightly between different router models. If you look at the back of the router, there will be a small reset button.

This reset button is tiny to prevent it from being pressed accidentally, so you will need a paperclip or pencil to remove it.

Keep Alive(recommended): Redial Period, If you select this option, the router will periodically check your Internet connection. If the connection is lost, the router will automatically restore your connection. To use this option, select Keep Alive. In the Redial Period field, specify how often the router should check the Internet connection. Default time interval - 30 seconds

Press and hold the reset button for 30 seconds. Then, after pressing the reset button, turn off the power to the router and wait another 30 seconds. Finally, while holding the reset button, power on the router again and wait another 30 seconds. You must keep the reset button pressed the entire time or perform the reset procedure.

Login to the web interface

If the admin page does not load properly, try a different browser.

It is extremely important that the setup procedure does not interrupt the process when the router flashes. This can result in a "bricked" router, rendering it useless. Interrupting the installation process may result in the inability to download new firmware or reset to factory defaults!

After this, if you wish, you can clone the MAC Address.

and enable UpnP.

Let's move on to the Wi-Fi settings. Wireless - Basic Setting.

Wireless Network Name (name of the Wi-Fi network) - enter a name convenient for you.

Turn off the router's power. Keep in mind that each router has a different configuration interface. However, the configuration options for router flashing are almost always contained in the "administration" section. If the firmware update option is difficult to find, consult your router's manual, which you can access online.

Setting up a Wi-Fi connection in Linksys WRT54GL with DD-WRT firmware

During the installation process, the lights on the router will usually blink. Remember not to accidentally unplug your router or interrupt its installation procedure, otherwise it might just bite the dust. Once complete, a pop-up should appear indicating success. Wait about 5 minutes before continuing.

The rest of the data is as in the picture. Wireless - Wireless Security.

Security Mode - select the encryption type, WPA2 Personal is recommended.

WPASharedKey - network key (password) from your Wi-Fi network

The router setup is complete.

So, how can you increase the range of your network? Of course, using dd-wrt and WDS :)

Firmware update for Linksys WRT54GL router

Waiting is a precaution that helps prevent incorrect user intervention situations. The most important thing to keep in mind is not to interrupt the update process. However, your router blinking is just the beginning. After the update, you will be able to disable the full potential of the router and make better use of its hardware with additional features and functionality.

Setting up a second router as an access point

Subscribe to our newsletter to hear about new releases and more. Could you fix it, or did you give up and throw away your router? So if your main router is 1, you will make this access point.

Monitoring and logging your network activity

Is anyone streaming a movie on the weekend? This tool may not tell you why your traffic is scrolling in

Please enter at least 3 character of the router's name, manufacturer and/or revision.

For users interested in DD-WRT but afraid of flashing a router due to concerns about warranty and bricking, FlashRouters offers pre-flashed routers with recent, stable DD-WRT releases for purchase


Many of the website"s visitors want to find out if a specific router is supported and which files they need to download to install dd-wrt. Many of them were contacting us asking if their router is supported or which of the many files in the downloads sections is the right one.

With this router database we want to give to the users a simple tool that allows an instant search for the routers and a fast solution for finding more information and the related downloads. We hope you like it - feel free to give us feedback and suggestions.

For those looking for a complete list or search features by hardware specs we are working on extending the router database to provide these features. In the meantime there is the Supported Device List in the DD-WRT wiki that provides you most of these information. But please take care - everyone can edit the information there so we cannot prove that they are correct in every case.

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