Author's builds of ubuntu. Linux distributions – which one to choose? For weak computers

Jack says that in 2017, trends in the Linux world could be observed regarding the increase in the number of distributions. This year, he expects the ecosystem to become more stable and Linux to become more widespread in both server computing and desktop computing.

What to choose for someone who is going to switch to an open source platform this year, or for someone who wants to change what they are using for something new? If you go to Distrowatch and look at the ranking of distributions, the main thing you can see there is an unimaginable scope of possibilities. Having plenty of choice is good, but it means choosing exactly what you need can be challenging.

So, which Linux distributions should you pay attention to this year? Jack has thoughts on this matter, and he wants to talk about them in this material. As last year, systems divided into several categories will be considered here. Namely, we will talk about distributions for administrators, lightweight and desktop systems, Linux for professionals and for IoT, as well as server platforms.

Best distribution for system administrators: Debian

You don't often see Debian on lists of the best distributions. Why? When you consider that Debian is the basis for Ubuntu (which, in turn, is the basis for a lot of other distributions), it becomes clear that Debian should, in fact, rank high in many rankings. What does this distribution have to do with system administrators? I believe this is true for two important reasons:
  • Ease of use.
  • Extreme stability.
Since Debian uses the dpkg and apt package managers, the system creates an environment in which it is very easy to work. Additionally, Debian is one of the most stable Linux-based platforms. The result is a distribution that is well suited for a variety of environments and use cases. For example, here - servers and desktop computers, here - testing and software development. While Debian doesn't include as many applications as the admin distro featured in last year's similar review, Parrot Linux, Debian is very easy to add everything you need. The good thing is that anyone can install Debian using the graphical environment that suits them (Cinnamon, GNOME, KDE, LXDE, Mate, or Xfce). As a result, when choosing Debian, anyone can be confident that the interface will suit their needs.

Debian 9.3 with GNOME desktop

Currently Debian is in second place in the Distrowatch rankings. Download the distribution, install it, configure it according to your needs and enjoy stable and convenient operation. This system may not look so fashionable compared to others, but Debian is exactly the distribution that turns the dreams of system administrators into reality.

Best lightweight distribution: Lubuntu

Lightweight distributions serve a very specific purpose - to give a second life to outdated, usually not the most powerful computers. But this does not mean that these distributions should be considered only for old hardware. If your main goal is speed, a distribution from the lightweight category will come in very handy on a modern computer.

At the top of the list of lightweight distributions in 2018 is Lubuntu. While there are plenty of options, few come close to the distro's ease of learning. And although Lubuntu's system requirements are not as modest as, say, Puppy Linux, this is a member of the Ubuntu family, and the ease of working with it compensates for some of its gluttony. However, there is no need to worry that the Lubuntu distribution will be too slow on a not-so-modern computer. Still, the system requirements of Lubuntu are quite adequate. Namely, we are talking about a Pentium 4, Pentium M or AMD K8 processor, 512 MB of memory for working with local applications, or 1 GB for normal work on the Internet (Youtube, Google+, Google Drive, Facebook).

Lubuntu uses the LXDE desktop, which means that newcomers to Linux won't have any problems. The applications included in the distribution (such as Abiword, Gnumeric, Firefox) are characterized by high speed, convenience and simplicity.

Lubuntu and LXDE desktop

Best Desktop Distro: Elementary OS

For the second year in a row, Elementary OS tops my list of the best desktop distros. For many, the leader in desktop systems is Linux Mint (and this is understandable). However, in my opinion, it's hard to beat the ease of use and stability of Elementary OS.

This is confirmed by one story that happened to me. I was confident that the release of Ubuntu 17.10 would force me to return to Canonical distributions. Very soon after switching to the new Ubuntu from GNOME, I discovered that I missed the convenience and reliability of Elementary OS. As a result, after two weeks spent with Ubuntu, I returned to Elementary OS.

The Pantheon desktop in Elementary OS is a real work of art

Anyone who tries Elementary OS will immediately feel at home. The Pantheon desktop is an example of a great combination of attention to detail, user focus and convenience. Moreover, with each update it only gets better.
Although Elementary OS ranks 6th on Distrowatch's rankings, I believe the distro will reach at least 3rd place by the end of this year.

The developers of Elementary are very aware of what users want. They listen to those who run their OS and develop the system in the appropriate direction. However, Elementary OS is already in excellent condition. As a result, there is a feeling that developers can only make minor improvements to the system. Anyone looking for a desktop distro that offers a well-designed interface will be hard-pressed to find anything that can beat Elementary OS. If you're looking for a system that offers remarkable levels of reliability and ease of use, then Elementary OS is designed for you.

The best distribution for those who know what's what: Linux From Scratch

For a very, very long time, the Gentoo distribution was at the top of the list of distributions for those who are well versed in Linux and are not averse to demonstrating their knowledge and skills to others. However, I think it's time for Gentoo to give up the top spot to the true leader in the professional distro category: Linux From Scratch. You may think that this is not very fair, since LFS is not really a distribution, but a project that helps users create their own distributions. However, if you are serious about showing everyone how well you know Linux, regardless of the difficulties, what could be better than creating a distribution yourself? Thanks to the LFS project, you can create your system literally from scratch, compiling absolutely everything from source code. So, if you really need it, download the LFS manual and start working on your own distribution.

Best Distro for the Internet of Things: Ubuntu Core

For the second year in a row, the victory in this category goes to Ubuntu Core, I don’t see any other options here. Ubuntu Core is a minimalistic, transactional version of Ubuntu, created specifically for use with embedded systems and IoT projects. The reason Ubuntu Core is so well suited for IoT is that the system places a special emphasis on snap packages - universal packages that can be installed without interfering with the underlying system. These packages contain everything they need to work (including dependencies), as a result, when working with them, you don't have to worry about installing them breaking anything in the OS or any other installed software. Additionally, these packages are very easy to update and run in an isolated environment, making them a great solution for IoT.

Another security-related feature of Ubuntu Core is the login mechanism. Ubuntu Core works with Ubuntu One ssh keys, and everything is organized in such a way that the only way to log into the system is to use an Ubuntu One account and ssh keys. This helps ensure a high level of security when working with IoT devices.

Ubuntu Core screen indicating that remote access is enabled for the Ubuntu One user

Best Server Distro: Ubuntu Server

Things look a little confusing in this area. The main thing in server distributions is support. If you need commercial support, then, at first glance, your best bet is Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Red Hat, over the years of its existence, has proven that RHEL is not only one of the strongest corporate server platforms, but also the most profitable open source business in the world (with more than 2 billion annual income).

However, RHEL is far from the only server distribution. In fact, Red Hat isn't even the absolute leader in enterprise server systems. If you look at the cloud installation statistics for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud alone, Ubuntu is far ahead of RHEL. According to Cloud Market, EC2 data indicates that RHEL has less than 100 thousand deployments, while Ubuntu has more than 200 thousand. This is a very serious result.

As a result, it turns out that Ubuntu is the undisputed leader in the cloud server space. And if we add here the ease of working with Ubuntu and containers, it becomes quite obvious that the Ubuntu Server distribution has won a landslide victory in the server systems category. And if you need commercial support, Canonical offers the Ubuntu Advantage program.

The only feature of Ubuntu Server that some may not like is that by default this system uses only a text interface. If necessary, you can install a graphical shell here, but working with the Ubuntu Server command line is quite simple (perhaps this is one of those skills that every Linux administrator should have).

Ubuntu Server login screen containing information about available updates

The choice is yours

As already mentioned, the list of promising distributions presented here is based on very subjective criteria. However, if you are interested in a certain area of ​​​​activity, and you are looking for your first OS in this area, try the systems that were discussed. Each of them is designed for specific tasks, and each solves these problems much better than many others. While you may question what we've said here, you probably won't argue that everyone can find exactly what they need in the Linux world.

Dear readers! As is our tradition, we ask you to tell us what you use and for what purpose, and what Linux distributions you would recommend to others.

Many of those who switched to Linux now don't want to go back to the Windows operating system. This is due to the accessibility of this operating system even for novice users. If you want to install Linux, you need to download one of the many distributions that are written based on the Linux kernel. We will give examples of the best of them and tell you about the features of the system.

What is Linux and why are there so many operating systems based on it?

GNU/Linux was designed as a multi-user and multi-tasking kernel for various operating systems. For which programmers have created many graphical managers and software shells. The distribution (operating system) determines what you will use the computer for. Each Linux-based OS differs in its functional part. The only part of all distributions is the “Terminal”; this is their main part. With it you can:

  • install and launch programs;
  • add repositories for storing software;
  • configure configuration files and the distribution itself.

Now this system is especially popular among programmers; it is also very often used for servers.

It began to spread widely in home computers relatively recently, winning the love of users due to its extensive customization options: some versions of distributions can be run directly from a flash drive, others are suitable for weak computers. Distributions differ in their functionality, size and appearance.

Not all Linux-based operating systems can be downloaded. For example, Google Chrome OS (yes, there is such an operating system, not just a browser) comes pre-installed on some laptop models from Samsung, HP, etc. This operating system cannot be found in publicly available official distributions. But there are many forks and copies. We will not provide links to such sites in this review. For each distribution in the review, we provide a download link to the official website or official community.

Why are users abandoning Windows in favor of Linux?

Most often, the advantages of Linux-based operating systems are:

  1. Absence. This is not to say that this system is generally impossible to hack, but hackers rarely show interest in Linux. There are several routines that help penetrate servers, but they practically do not run on home PCs. The fact that the system is safe is also indicated by the fact that not a single anti-virus utility has databases specifically for Linux. Basically, the programs are configured to search for malicious code that was transferred from flash drives or disks.
  2. Almost all distributions are distributed free of charge, allowing people with multiple devices at home to avoid spending a ton of money on licenses. At the same time, you can regularly reinstall distributions, test them and change them. An additional advantage is that Linux software is also free. And a nice bonus is the absence of advertising inserts and third-party programs that are loaded into the PC memory along with the main utility.
  3. The system is diverse and has endless possibilities for customizing the appearance.. In addition to many distributions, you can install different desktop environments on your PC. This will help you change them according to need or mood.
  4. The system has a built-in repository. His idea formed the basis of the Google Play application store. From it you can install a variety of programs without resorting to the help of websites and third-party programs. The only inconvenience that is noticeable immediately after switching from Windows is the lack of familiar utility names.
  5. The system has a convenient external interface and division of programs in the menu. Each utility occupies its own section in the menu, which makes it easier to find. Small pleasant moments like these help make work much more convenient.
  6. Almost all necessary drivers are built into the Linux kernel for peripheral equipment. You can install any device and it will start working immediately. You don’t have to look for drivers, like for Windows, download them on another computer, so that later the equipment starts working without failures. There will be no inconveniences even when connecting a new network card.
  7. By default, the system automatically encrypts disks, which allows you to protect files if your computer falls into the wrong hands. On Windows, this option is only available using third-party programs.

These positive aspects are enough to make you want to try an operating system based on the Linux kernel. But before choosing a distribution, you should familiarize yourself with the features of each shell and carefully study the shortcomings of the OS.

Disadvantages of Linux

To begin with, we will present situations that the programmers who created Linux distributions could not cope with. Such troubles rarely occur, but for novice users they can be fatal.

  1. Poor compatibility with a number of modern devices. Most printers, scanners, routers and other devices are designed for Windows. Therefore, they may not always work correctly. Users can independently change the distribution so that connected devices work correctly. If you do not know how to independently adjust OS settings in the same terminal, then you should simply download and upload the modern version of the distribution.
  2. Incorrect operation of the graphics subsystem. After resuming from sleep mode, when using discrete video cards, a freeze may occur. The only way to get rid of this problem is to reboot. Problems with video cards most often appear after updating the kernel or components responsible for graphics output.
  3. Despite the fact that many are built into the core, they can stop installing automatically or deleted after a system update. This problem can be solved by rolling back to a previous version of the distribution or installing a new shell.
  4. Incorrect operation of the cooling system in laptops. Due to improper management, coolers begin to make noise or do their job poorly.
  5. Steam for Linux is developing very slowly, users cannot download or purchase any music and applications. If you choose a paid program, problems may arise when entering card data (not all plastic is accepted by the store). While it's worth noting that the Windows App Store is no better developed, you may encounter problems using it. But in the latter case there are many alternative sources for programs.

To avoid these problems, you should install only modern versions of operating systems. For most ordinary users, such troubles may be a reason to abandon the Linux OS.

Although it is worth noting that in recent years the shell interface has become more and more friendly. Developers are trying to solve the problems listed above, but so far they have not been able to completely get rid of them.

Review of the best Linux distributions with download links from official sites

Before installing Linux, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the features of its distributions. Each of them has its own pros and cons.

Elementary OS

If the design of the operating system is important to you, then you should opt for Elementary. Visually, the desktop resembles Mac OS, which makes it look expensive and beautiful. Among other distributions, this option stands out only in design and this is its drawback. Although this is precisely why users fell in love with Elementary.

This is a lightweight and convenient system, suitable even for low-power machines. By default, it does not have the largest, but well-thought-out set of programs:

  • Midori browser;
  • file manager Pantheon Files;
  • media player Totem;
  • Geary email client;
  • Shotwell photo manager.

This system performs everyday user tasks 100%. In addition, the support of fans of this OS led to the fact that they began to develop their own software products inside the shell. But at the same time, users do not yet have the ability to customize and fine-tune the shell.

Linux Mint

This option is convenient for onboarding users who have been working with Windows for a long time. They are similar in the taskbar area, navigation system and desktop. Several working environments have been released for this system, from which you can choose the most convenient one. Mint is a different variant of Ubuntu. It has several advantages over other distributions:

  • this assembly is quite common and has good support from users and developers;
  • free distribution;
  • Multiple working environments can be easily switched using a lightweight and user-friendly graphical interface;
  • there are several built-in functions: plugins for quickly loading applications, launching them and updating them;
  • frequently updated and modified.

There are two drawbacks: it is being developed by a team of enthusiasts and there are no public security bulletins for this system. These shortcomings do not affect the operation of the operating system. The absence of a company responsible for development can even be called an advantage - the creators of the system are closer to ordinary users.

Manjaro Linux

Several operating systems have been released based on Arch Linux. One of them was Manjaro. It has a number of features:

  • simple installation process;
  • automatic hardware detection;
  • extensive desktop customization;
  • stability of work;
  • the ability to install multiple cores;
  • special scenarios.

There are two versions offered for the desktop, one of them is used for advanced users. It is a fast and popular system with a large number of users, allowing for good community support. Inexperienced users of this system will find the tool for downloading programs – AUR – convenient. It allows you to do without repositories.


This distribution is the most widespread and popular. Almost all Linux users have tried it at least once. The system is ideal for beginners who just want to get acquainted with the capabilities of distribution kits. There is nothing superfluous in the interface, including the developers getting rid of the terminal. For inexperienced users, using the command line to work with the system may be a disadvantage.

Ubuntu benefits:

  • free distribution, programs and components can also be freely downloaded;
  • the installation process does not take more than 10 minutes;
  • the interface is easy to understand and understandable;
  • nothing happens in the system without the user’s permission, so the risk of virus infection is minimal;
  • can be used on one computer with Windows, the system has multi-boot capability built into it;
  • the assembly includes a sufficient set of programs;
  • communities and forums allow you to solve any problem.

The main disadvantage of this version is instability. Many people abandon the distribution due to failures that accompany almost every system update. New versions often produce errors that other users have not encountered before. After this version of Linux it will be difficult to use other distributions.


This version is most often used for commercial purposes. The developers have disclosed the source code of their system so that programmers from all over the world can improve it. This allowed new versions to be released frequently. First of all, the openSUSE product is interesting for beginners who have not used Linux before.

You can install the system even on weak computers. Its minimum requirements are: 3 GB of free hard disk space, a Pentium 4 1.6 GHz processor and only 1 GB of RAM. Management of this system is concentrated at the YaST center. Inexperienced users should not install the Tumbleweed version, as it often causes problems. It is best to work on Leap, which is updated less frequently and is more stable.

Steam OS - Linux for games!

A big problem for Linux users is that there are few games released for this operating system. For this reason, Debian-based Steam OS was released for gamers. It is used by those who want to reduce resource consumption while gaming. This version of the shell took advantage of the capabilities and functions of the Steam platform. You can play using the keyboard or joystick.

The disadvantage of this version is that the computer cannot be used to perform different tasks. After installing this operating system, it turns into a gaming machine. You can install software to perform other tasks, but it will not work correctly. Another drawback is the low prevalence of the system and poor support. In addition, your processor must support 64-bit architecture.

Tails – for complete anonymity on the Internet

Another Debian-based system has been released - Tails. It is intended for those for whom it is important to maintain anonymity on the Internet. Among the advantages of this system: it does not require powerful equipment, it is stable. Tails is ideal for surfing the Internet and solving everyday problems.

CentOS 7

If you want to find a free alternative to Red Hat Enterprise Linux, then you should download CentOS 7 to your PC. Most often, the choice of this system falls when the user has already worked with Red Hat, but was forced to abandon it due to a failure. In this case, you will be able to use the same programs in both versions. You don't have to modify the system or look for replacements for your favorite utilities.


This version is loved due to its stability and security. The development team is impressive, but updates to the system are rarely released. This system is convenient for remote administration, which is why it is often installed on servers. For beginners, the assembly is complicated, there are too many settings and programs. At the same time, the distribution has several positive qualities:

  • stability;
  • Multiple architectures supported;
  • safety during use;
  • more than thousands of software packages;
  • easy to update;
  • works quickly and efficiently even on outdated computers.

Unlike other versions of distributions, Debian will have to be configured immediately after installation. Only an experienced user can understand the number of options. The popularity of the distribution is maintained only due to its stability, but from the point of view of the interface and ease of use, it is outdated. Operating system updates are released rarely, but downloading and installing them is extremely simple.


If you want to be one of the first to test new products from the world of Linux, then you should install the Fedora distribution. It is also associated with Red Hat, which uses this version as a free testing ground for new products. Linux founder Torvalds Linus himself uses this distribution as his main one, and his choice should not be trusted.

The only drawback of this system is only a small number of errors after the update. The distribution is good for home use. It does not fail after the introduction of new products. It keeps up with the times and is suitable for computers with different power levels.

You should choose a distribution based on your wishes. Each version of Linux is good in its own way, but it is not without its drawbacks. You can write about your experience using distributions of this operating system in the comments. If you liked the article, share it with your friends.

Linux operating systems are gaining popularity every day. Users note their pros and cons, but are increasingly talking about an alternative to Windows. Which Linux to choose in 2019 is described in this article.

Criterias of choice

For newbies

If you have just learned the basics of Linux, then you should choose a clear and convenient distribution to work with.

The best distribution for new GNU/Linux users is Manjaro. It's based on Arch OS, so it incorporates how it works, but is designed for a general audience. Ranked #1 on Distrowatch for the last 6 months.

Manjaro has a rolling type of updates for its own repositories, which, along with support for the Arch User Repository (AUR), always provides new versions of programs without the need to reinstall the OS. The graphical software management utility is intuitive and allows you to install and remove all applications available for GNU/Linux from the store in a couple of clicks.

Since November 2017, only x64 systems have been released. There is a separate community-supported project for 32-bit.

  • support for multiple desktop environments;
  • floating update system;
  • ease of use.
  • lack of official support for x32 systems.

Made in Ireland, the distribution is Manjaro's closest competitor. Based on Ubuntu Long Term Support (LTS) and Debian OS.

Linux Mint has a simple and intuitive interface. The taskbar has a similar style to Windows. Advanced customization of the appearance or arrangement of elements is supported.

By default, non-free device drivers are available for installation, without the need to connect additional repositories.

There are several program managers available. Applications not available in the store must be downloaded from their official websites in the form of deb packages. Update type - APT.

  • support for x32 and x64 systems;
  • pre-installed components for working with multimedia.
  • lack of floating update type;
  • incomplete language support for the latest versions.

For games and multimedia

If you are a fan of computer games, then the choice should fall on a suitable distribution.

Included in the top 5 popular distributions. Made based on Debian.

Developers of modern games and multimedia programs focus primarily on support in Ubuntu due to its historically greatest prevalence.

The system has the necessary components for most programs installed by default; otherwise, they are prompted to be installed.

The update method is APT. To install programs, packages with the deb extension are used.

  • native support for games and multimedia.
  • lack of x32 systems;
  • increased demand for iron.

For weak computers

If you have a very weak or outdated PC, then you need to choose the appropriate system.

Building Ubuntu with the lightweight LXDE desktop environment.

The absence of complex animations and minimalist design makes the distribution suitable for computers with weak characteristics. The OS functions normally even with 256 MB of RAM.

  • lightweight and fast distribution.
  • mediocre appearance.

For laptops

Most often on laptops, interaction with the interface occurs without using a mouse. In this regard, it is worth choosing the appropriate software

Debian-based distribution with a compact and beautiful appearance. A good choice for installation on a laptop due to low power consumption.

Has a customizable native Pantheon desktop environment, which is similar in design to macOS. Supports installation of deb packages.

  • Beautiful design;
  • compatibility with Debian systems.
  • no x32 builds;
  • rare updates.

For server

When using a server, you must install a stable system.

One of the first GNU/Linux distributions aimed at server work.

The OS includes the necessary components and security settings to ensure stable and reliable operation of the computer.

The classic update system does not allow the use of unstable programs that have not been thoroughly tested. By default, only free programs and utilities are installed. It is possible to connect repositories with non-free, unstable and testing software.

An independent distribution whose goal is to create a perfect foundation.

The OS teaches the user to find information and use it correctly. Arch is installed via the terminal, without the help of graphical shells. Configuring and installing system components is also performed in console mode, forcing you to understand how the OS functions “beyond graphics.”

  • learning how Linux works;
  • control of all system components.
  • Difficult to install and configure.


The question of which Linux to choose in 2018 includes several answers. The main selection criteria are the popularity and support of the distribution by the community. Each OS has a number of advantages for a specific application.

A user who just wants to get acquainted with operating systems based on the Linux kernel can easily get lost in the assortment of various distribution kits. Their abundance is associated with the open source code of the kernel, so developers around the world are diligently adding to the ranks of already known operating systems. This article will discuss the most popular of them.

In fact, the variety of distributions is only beneficial. If you understand the distinctive features of certain operating systems, you will be able to choose the system that is perfect for your computer. Weak PCs receive a particular advantage. By installing a distribution kit for weak hardware, you will be able to use a full-fledged OS that will not load your computer and at the same time provide all the necessary software.

To try out one of the distributions presented below, just download the ISO image from the official website, burn it to a USB drive and start the computer from the flash drive.

If the manipulation of writing an ISO image of the operating system to a drive seems complicated to you, then you can read the guide on installing Linux on the VirtualBox virtual machine on our website.


Ubuntu is rightfully considered the most popular distribution based on the Linux kernel in the CIS. It was developed on the basis of another distribution - Debian, but in appearance there is no similarity between them. By the way, users often have disputes about which distribution is better: Debian or Ubuntu, but everyone agrees on one thing - Ubuntu is great for beginners.

Developers systematically release updates that improve or correct its shortcomings. It is distributed free of charge online, including both security updates and enterprise versions.

The advantages include:

  • simple and easy installer;
  • a large number of thematic forums and articles on configuration;
  • Unity user interface, which differs from the usual Windows, but is intuitive;
  • a large amount of pre-installed applications (Thunderbird, Firefox, games, Flash plugin and many other software);
  • has a large amount of software both in internal and external repositories.

Linux Mint

Although Linux Mint is a separate distribution, it is based on Ubuntu. This is the second most popular product and is also great for beginners. Has more pre-installed software than the previous OS. Linux Mint is almost identical to Ubuntu in terms of internal system aspects that are hidden from the user's eyes. The graphical interface is more similar to Windows, which undoubtedly tempts users to choose this operating system.

The advantages of Linux Mint are the following:

  • It is possible to select the graphical shell of the system when loading;
  • during installation, the user receives not only software with free source code, but also proprietary programs that can ensure optimal operation of video-audio files and Flash elements;
  • developers improve the system by periodically releasing updates and fixing bugs.


As the CentOS developers themselves say, their main goal is to make a free and, importantly, stable OS for various organizations and enterprises. Therefore, by installing this distribution, you will receive a system that is stable and protected in all respects. However, the user should prepare and study the CentOS documentation, since it differs quite significantly from other distributions. From the main thing: the syntax of most commands is different, as are the commands themselves.

The advantages of CentOS are the following:

  • has many functions that ensure system security;
  • includes only stable versions of applications, which reduces the risk of critical errors and other types of failures;
  • Enterprise-level security updates are released to the OS.


openSUSE is a good option for a netbook or low-power computer. This operating system has an official wiki website, a user portal, a service for developers, projects for designers, and IRC channels in several languages. Among other things, the openSUSE team sends emails to users when updates or other important events happen.

The advantages of this distribution are as follows:

  • has a large number of software delivered through . True, there is somewhat less of it than in Ubuntu;
  • has a KDE graphical shell, which is in many ways similar to Windows;
  • has flexible settings performed using the YaST program. With its help, you can change almost all parameters, from wallpaper to settings of internal system components.

Pinguy OS

Pinguy OS was developed with the goal of making a system that was simple and beautiful. It is intended for the average user who decides to switch from Windows, which is why you can find many familiar functions in it.

The operating system is based on the Ubuntu distribution. There are both 32-bit and 64-bit versions. Pinguy OS has a large set of programs with which you can perform almost any action on your PC. For example, turn the standard Gnome top bar into a dynamic one, like in Mac OS.

Zorin OS

Zorin OS is another system whose target audience is beginners who want to switch from Windows to Linux. This OS is also based on Ubuntu, but its interface has much in common with Windows.

However, the distinguishing feature of Zorin OS is the package of pre-installed applications. As a result, you will immediately be able to run most Windows games and programs thanks to the Wine program. You will also be pleased with the pre-installed Google Chrome, which is the default browser in this OS. And for lovers of graphic editors, there is GIMP (analogous to Photoshop). The user can download additional applications independently using Zorin Web Browser Manager - a kind of analogue of Play Market on Android.

Manjaro Linux

Manjaro Linux is based on ArchLinux. The system is very easy to install and allows the user to start working immediately after installing the system. Both 32-bit and 64-bit OS versions are supported. The repositories are constantly synchronized with ArchLinux, so users are among the first to receive new versions of the software. Immediately after installation, the distribution has all the necessary tools for interacting with multimedia content and third-party equipment. Manjaro Linux supports several kernels, including rc.


Solus is not the best option for weak computers. At least because this distribution has only one version - 64-bit. However, in return, the user will receive a beautiful graphical shell, with flexible settings, many tools for work and reliability in use.

It is also worth noting that Solus uses an excellent eopkg manager for working with packages, which offers standard tools for installing/uninstalling packages and searching for them.

Elementary OS

The Elementary OS distribution is based on Ubuntu and is a great starting point for beginners. An interesting design that is very similar to OS X, a large amount of software - this and much more will be acquired by the user who installs this distribution. A distinctive feature of this OS is that most of the applications that come with it are developed specifically for this project. Because of this, they are ideally comparable to the overall structure of the system, which is why the OS runs much faster than Ubuntu. In addition, thanks to this, all the elements are perfectly combined in appearance.


It is difficult to objectively say which of the presented distributions is better and which is somewhat worse, just as it is impossible to force someone to install Ubuntu or Mint on their computer. Everything is individual, so the decision about which distribution to start using is up to you.

When a person does not want to shell out money for an operating system, he looks for a free one. There are actually a lot of such OSs. They are classified as Free Software (Open Source) and most of them are actually given away for free. However, the choice is not easy to make, which is why a site like is needed. Well, since it is in English, we will help you understand its contents.

Latest Distributions

Let's go to the resource under discussion. Scroll down the page a little and in the left column we see the “Latest Distributions” block, which means “the latest distributions”. There are presented:

  1. The so-called release candidates (Release Candidate, abbreviated RC). It’s as if they are no longer beta versions, but something more finished, but catching glitches has not yet been completed.
  2. Ready operating systems. For example, at the time of writing, the BSD-based DragonFly 3.0.1, GNU/Linux distributions PCLinuxOS 2012 02 and ConnochaetOS 0.9.1 are still being announced there.

Latest Packages

Just below is a block with information about the latest software. Naturally, also Open Source. It’s called “Latest Packages”, that is, “the latest packages”. The information is provided mainly for those who cannot imagine their life without the latest software, which is something of a mania for many Free Software supporters.

Other blocks on the left side of the main page offer to connect podcasts and subscribe to the newsletter, but, alas, all this is provided in English. Therefore, we look at the right column.

Page Hit Ranking

It is here, in the right column, that is the reason for the sleepless nights of developers eager for attention to their creations, the reason for holy wars on the forums and the headache for advertising managers of commercial distributions.

Yes, this is a rating. As you have already noticed, today’s life is impossible without ratings. They are everywhere, on almost any forum, on any social network. Even where they are completely useless. The population likes medals, even virtual ones.

Now, if you were the owner of a site dedicated to Open Source and free OS, how would you organize the rating calculation?

Rating of the best Linux distributions: which is better

Probably, with the help of publishing the data that the server sees, they would show the world the number and percentage of operating systems of visitors. Or they would arrange a permanent survey, as they do on an innumerable number of sites. You can combine both criteria into a single visual graph - and there you have the rating.

But no, for some reason decided that it was better to count the number of clicks on sections with OS descriptions!

That is, if Canonical advertised its Ubuntu (a terribly buggy and slow GNU/Linux distribution for hamsters), then the population, naturally, will click on the description of this product in order to read what kind of product it is.

When thousands of people became disillusioned with Ubuntu because of the Unity shell imposed on users, Linux Mint began to be recommended to them on forums. So this distribution came out on top, since not everyone knew the address of the official website of the developers and went to the usual

No, of course, the demand and interest of visitors is also a criterion by which something can be judged. However, such information is not enough for an objective rating.


The popularity rating of free operating systems on should not be taken too personally. This is just the number of requests for pages with descriptions of operating systems. But certainly not the systems themselves.

Well, and a convenient catalog of links to official sites, among other things. Perhaps someone didn’t even suspect the existence of some OS, but immediately shows a whole hundred in the list, no need to rummage through search engines for a long time.

One way or another, supporters of Free Software focus on the above “Top 100”, in the absence of any other ratings. Apparently, very few people can live without them.

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Last edit: 2012-03-05 04:00:22

Material tags: com, rating, OS, distrowatch, popularity, popularity,, popularity rating, free, free OS, the most popular free programs, free software portals, the best software, operating system, software, online services, distributions

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Guest Sergey

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Which Linux should I choose?

The first step is to decide what you will use Linux for.

Before installing the system on your hard drive, you can try to run it in an emulator (virtualbox, qemu or any other) or write it to an optical disk/usb flash drive and boot from cd/dvd-rom/usb.

If you are a beginner and have never dealt with Linux, then it makes sense to install the distribution kit that a familiar Linux user has.

Now I will try to go over the most popular distributions and describe the advantages and disadvantages of each.

Time-tested, old-school pieces


One of the most famous LiveCD distributions. Based on Debian. Lots of hardware supported. Like any other liveCD/liveUSB distribution, it can be suitable for getting acquainted with Linux or for performing any tasks (for example, data recovery, bootloader recovery, network access) without installing the distribution on your hard drive and setting it up. You can read more at


Very good and convenient distribution. Suitable for both server and desktop. Huge development team, many packages available. Debian has a very convenient APT package management system and is quite flexible in configuration. When accessing the Internet, you can choose one of five branches in the main directory tree - "oldstable" (previous stable), "stable" (stable), "testing" (testing), "unstable" (unstable, also known as "sid" ) and "experimental", which is not a full-fledged branch - it contains packages that require careful testing or that will entail major changes in the distribution.
Among the shortcomings, it can be noted that the stable version does not contain the newest versions of programs (who would have thought?). - official website.


Source-based distribution.

Top 10 most popular Linux distributions

The distribution has a convenient package and dependency management system, which cannot be said about binary distributions.

One of the disadvantages is the tedious process of compiling large packages and the non-zero probability of a system breakdown after the next update with insufficient knowledge of this system.
Another drawback is the need to connect to the Internet to download updates (I think this can be neglected these days).

The advantages are a huge amount of documentation, latest software versions, good hardware support, incredible flexibility in configuration.

I recommend this distribution as a home distribution, provided that your hardware is not very weak. Also used on servers or as a distribution for embedded systems (thanks to the customization flexibility I mentioned above). In the case of low-power hardware, packages are compiled (cross-compiled) on the host system and then simply installed on the target system. - official website.


The oldest distribution that has survived to this day, the choice of Russian physicists (meme from lore). Its main differences are the complete absence of any unnecessary embellishments and graphical settings, a simple text installer. All settings are made by editing text configuration files. This is one of those distributions that has maintained a strict adherence to UNIX principles. Try it if you are not afraid of the command line and prefer manual editing of configs to graphical utilities.

For a long time it was only available for x86 architecture, but now a version is available for x86_64 - official website.

Arch Linux

Lightweight, simple and flexible distribution. Optimized for i686 and x64, using the latest stable versions of packages.
This is a binary distribution, but it is possible to build packages from sources.

Very similar to Slackware, but has a much more powerful package management system (pacman) and is more liberal with new package versions.

Among the disadvantages: the number of packages is smaller than in Debian and Gentu, the lack of such powerful configuration tools as, for example, YaST in Suse.

As an advantage, you can add a more relaxed attitude towards non-free packages than, for example, in Debian.

This is a general purpose distribution. Successfully used on both workstations and servers. But, like any other distribution, you need to get used to it.


A well-tested distribution that is more suitable for a server than a desktop.
CentOS differs from Red Hat only in the lack of support.

More popular

Ubuntu Linux

Probably the most popular Linux distribution in existence. Ubuntu is based on Debian Sid (unstable branch), but with more modern packages, including the latest version of GNOME.

One of the most interesting features is the fact that the "root" account is disabled by default; The first registered user after installation receives superuser rights using the "sudo" command.
Pros: large community of developers and users, fixed release schedule and support period, 'user friendliness' in the form of additional graphical customization tools, excellent work out of the box.
Cons: often unstable versions of software are used in stable releases of the distribution. Also disliked by some experienced users due to its obvious focus on housewives.


Advantages: Professional attention to detail, easy to use YAST installation and configuration system.
Disadvantages: Like other distros developed in the US, media support out of the box is limited.


The distribution was formed as a Red Hat-sponsored and community-oriented distribution. It contains the newest versions of packages. And since a significant part of the Linux world’s technologies is born in the depths of RedHat, the first thing they naturally end up in is Fedora.

Pros: extremely innovative, latest software versions, good localization.

Cons: Unstable versions of the software result in a number of bugs (redhat testbed).

ALT Linux

This distribution is developed in Russia and is traditionally considered to be focused on excellent support for the Russian language. In addition, it has a FSTEC certificate, if this is important to anyone.

The server versions of the distribution place great emphasis on the security of network services. Pros: excellent Russian language support, good community support.

Cons: Not always the latest software.



A distribution developed in the depths of the company sun microsystems, which gave the world such free products as mysql, virtualbox, java. In 2010, Oracle bought Sun and “went its own way.”

Better suited for desktop opensolaris- open version (the project was closed).

Advantages include zfs, dtrace, good hardware support, convenient service management (Solaris SMF) and volume management (Solaris Volume Manager)

*BSD Family - the most popular among the BSD family. - safety comes first. - will run even on a toaster.

freebsd, openbsd, netbsd are “amateur” systems, more suitable for a server than for a desktop, although there are some attempts to adapt these systems to the desktop:


These operating systems are used mostly for educational purposes or as a hobby.


An operating system developed by Bell Labs to overcome fundamental design flaws in UNIX. All resources are represented as files and are available in a hierarchical file system.


Allows you to build your Linux distribution step by step from the very beginning. After installing it, you can really say that you know how Linux works.
Ingoda, it’s just useful to read the instructions for assembling LFS, for general development.


This is not a complete list of Linux distributions. A detailed description of each distribution can be found on the website or even on Wikipedia

But you should still choose a distribution based on personal preferences, and not based on its rating on some site or popularity.

There are many varieties of the Linux operating system. Almost all of them are free to use.

While Linux is unlikely to become the most popular platform, free and open-source operating systems are a great chance to take full control of your own computer, as well as breathe life into old hardware. After a week-long test drive, I selected four of the best Linux distributions, which, in my humble opinion, are the best choice for the beginning of summer 2013.

Ubuntu 13.04

Today it is the most famous Linux distribution. Ubuntu is designed with beginners in mind and ease of use in mind. It is easy to install. The kit comes with a good set of necessary utilities and applications. Here we see a clear and pleasant Unity interface, thanks to which program windows are placed in the most optimal way on the screen.

Read also: Can Linux replace Windows?

New versions of Linux Ubuntu appear every six months, and every two years developers release a long-term support (LTS) variant. Free updates and support for LTS continue for five years. Whether you want to experience the enormous potential of modern technology, or want a stable system for business, Ubuntu is the best choice.

Linux Mint 15

The Linux Mint code is based on Ubuntu, so these distributions support an identical set of hardware and programs.

But we find more applications in the original Linux Mint bundle than in Ubuntu. The developers' idea is that immediately after installation, the user will have at his disposal a system that is completely ready for work and entertainment, without the need to download additional packages from the Internet.

The key difference between Mint and Ubuntu is also the interface. Mint gives us the opportunity to choose between two types of desktops. But whichever one you choose, you'll end up with a system that looks more like Windows than Ubuntu. Therefore, Mint may appeal to those who are tired of the Unity interface.

In addition, this distribution does not need to be updated as often as Ubuntu. People who value stability will be pleased with this decision.


Fedora offers us a fancy interface that emphasizes free space.

Which Linux to choose?

The application launcher and search interface are hidden by default. They only appear when you move the mouse to one of the corners of the screen or click on the icons. This seems quite interesting and helps to focus on the work at hand.

The range of programs here is not the largest of all Linux distributions, but the applications are easy to install and are compatible with each other. Overall, Fedora should be the choice for people seeking minimalism.


openSUSE, like Linux Mint, offers two desktop options to choose from.

Classic KDE and Gnome are available here. There is also a wonderful program called YaST (Yet another Setup Tool). With its help you can configure the smallest details in the operation of the system. Another nice feature is the availability of collections of themed software. In a few clicks we can install a set of programs designed to solve a specific range of problems.

openSUSE is both a stable and flexible Linux distribution. If you have certain skills in working with hardware and software, then in the form of this operating system you will receive a powerful tool.

The Best Linux Distributions for a Newbie

Which Linux to choose?

Those who are just starting to use Linux always face a difficult choice: which Linux to choose? After all, there are hundreds of different modifications and assemblies! And every Linux has its ardent fans and supporters. And every sandpiper praises its swamp. How can we figure this out and which Linux is better?

I have already tried dozens of them over the years and now I have settled on some of the most optimal on my part, and simple for beginners. Although now for me the computer is just a tool for working on the Internet. And this is what I can advise you.

Yes, and I highly recommend purchasing a separate one for tests with Linux. THIS IS THE MINI COMPUTER so as not to harm your main system. And this way you can experiment painlessly on this baby :) It is absolutely silent, since there are no fans in it. (I wrote an article about such a mini computer here)

Of course, a lot depends on the goals you are pursuing. If you decide to learn how to compile a kernel, then you need to look towards Gentoo. If you want stability, then install Debian. If you want something very light for your old hardware, then download Puppy. If you are a patriot and love everything Russian, then install Alt Linux.

Well, if you just want to keep up with the times, then download Ubuntu. This list can probably be continued indefinitely, but you, like me, just need Linux for home. Which is the best Linux for a beginner to choose for everyday tasks?

1. Which Linux to choose, maybe Linux Mint?

I used Linux Mint for many years and really liked it. There is no doubt that it is the most popular Linux OS in the world today.
And for a Russian user, the best choice would be its Russian clone - Dewdrop Linux.

Unfortunately, in recent years, Rosinka has stopped developing, so the best option for beginners at the moment is Linux Mint. But if you have a very old laptop, then you can put an old dewdrop - it will fly!

The Linux Mint interface seems to be designed specifically to lure Windows users into its camp. And they succeed quite successfully. The green color itself is very attractive, but this is certainly not the most important thing.

Linux Mint has its own repository, which contains many interesting programs and utilities. But I think you need to try installing Linux Mint yourself to appreciate its beauty and power.

But unfortunately, my friendship with Linux Mint has not worked out lately; it stubbornly did not want to be friends with my hardware. (No longer relevant, the friendship has been renewed :) And besides, they abandoned the classic Gnome that I was so used to.

Popular Linux distributions

But to my joy, I found a wonderful alternative - Ubuntu 12.04 OEM from

2. My Linux today - Ubuntu OEM Pack

Ubuntu OEM is a build based on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, but has additional ones (its own repositories) and, most importantly, classic Gnome.

Here are the main changes in the OEM Pack compared to the original distribution.

All official updates for January 2013 are integrated;
full support for Russian, Ukrainian and English languages;
full multimedia support (audio-video files of various formats, such as: avi, divX, mp4, mkv, amr, aac, Adobe Flash and many others), as well as Bluray;
a full set of Libre Office components including support for importing MS Visio files;
3D effects control panel (including desktop 3D cube support);
applet for convenient removal of USB drives;
support for additional archive types (RAR, ACE, ARJ and others);
full support for Windows network and a convenient tool for setting it up;
expanded support for NTFS and BTRFS partitions;
support for multimedia keyboards;
convenient graphical Firewall control system;
Java is present;
additional drivers for printers;
video device management system including web cameras.
(Ubuntu only) in addition to the standard Unity interface, also added Gnome Shell And Classic, the default desktop is Gnome Classic.

Personally, Ubuntu OEM Pack works fine for me on all three of my computers and everything is just like in good old Ubuntu. As they say, I use it myself and recommend it to you.

I think now it won’t be difficult for you to choose Linux to start your journey into the world of free OS...

3. And yet Linux Mint...

I eventually switched back to Linux Mint because the disadvantages of moving to new desktops disappeared and the system became stable. Personally, I chose Linux Mint Cinnamon. Mate is also a good desktop, but the names of some applications confuse me - Caja instead of Nemo and so on.

Cinnamon looks great and has been running consistently lately.

I recently reviewed Linux Mint 17 Cinnamon, described everything I like and what I don’t, you can read it. So far this is the best choice, in my opinion, and I advise you to install this Linux, you won’t regret it :)

What other Linux can I choose?

But these are my preferences, which can change at any time. You have the opportunity to choose your Linux. You can download a new one every day and try it for “taste and color.”

The easiest way would be to install Linux on a virtual machine first, and if you really like it, you can install Linux on a flash drive and run it live.

But where can you find the Linux you need? There is a wonderful site that presents almost all Linux options, and even has a rating of their popularity. Remember this site -

If you want to choose Linux according to some parameters, then you can visit this page and according to the search conditions, select your option:

I set out to regularly download new distributions and run them on my computer, and then describe my feelings. If you are interested, then subscribe to my blog to receive the latest articles.

For now I have switched to pure Ubuntu with classic Gnome2 installed. In this article, I wrote in detail about how to install Ubuntu and then configure it in the best possible way.