Asus won't boot. Solving software problems that prevent you from turning on your laptop

For some people, a laptop is such a necessary thing that when it doesn't turn on, they feel hopeless. If you turn on the laptop and it shows no signs of life, then do not rush to panic. In this article we will talk about what you can do if such a problem occurs.

All problems with a laptop are divided into two groups: software and hardware. The first ones can be solved immediately, without getting up from your chair. This includes problems with programs, the operating system and BIOS settings. If the latter appear, then repairs are necessary.

Freezes showing splash screen

The situations when the laptop stopped turning on were described above. What to do if it freezes? In this case, a splash screen or some text may appear. Then nothing happens, the laptop writes an error or beeps. Most likely this is a problem with BIOS settings. You need to enter it and reset the settings. IN different versions this item may be located in different places, but it is called the same and contains keyword defaults. Then save the settings and exit. Please note that the system may report an error, but further downloading is possible. You just need to press the F1 button. This usually happens when the battery on the motherboard is dead. In this case, the BIOS settings and time are lost. It needs to be replaced (either yourself or at a service center).

This also includes the situation when, after an update, the laptop does not turn on or freezes. Reinstalling the system will help here. It's better to disable the feature automatic updates and choose from them only those that are really needed.

What should you do if the laptop does not turn on (or rather, does not boot) after you have used the tips above? Then the problems may be due to RAM or hard drive. And this is much more serious. Some laptop models do not have access to RAM. It is worth removing the strips and carefully cleaning the contacts. The problem with hard drive can be diagnosed by its clicks during the transmission of information.

Doesn't boot from disk

This can be indicated by inscriptions on the screen English language. For example, Error loading operating system or something similar. First, turn everything off external devices(flash drives, disks, etc.). Then reboot. If it doesn't help, then it's either a software or hardware problem with the hard drive. The first can be resolved by contacting service center, where they know exactly what to do if the laptop does not turn on. The second - by reinstalling operating system.


So what to do if your laptop won't turn on? The reasons may be different. First, it’s worth thinking about at what point this happened. That is, what latest actions could lead to damage. If it was a long game, the video card or other chipsets in the laptop may have overheated. This will require qualified repairs. If you installed some program, and after rebooting the laptop did not turn on, then these are operating system errors.

The most common problems and methods for diagnosing them were described in the article. And finally: do not make rash conclusions and do not disassemble the laptop without the appropriate knowledge.

The 21st century is considered the century of new technologies, and almost every person has a computer at home. Moreover, in Lately Most users prefer to use laptops. The popularity of laptops is quite understandable - they take up little space, are mobile and are not much inferior to ordinary personal computers.

Many mobile PC users have at least once in their lives encountered a problem when the laptop stops turning on for no obvious reason; this makes most people panic. In this article I would like to highlight this problem and try to solve it at home, without the help of a specialist.

So your laptop won't turn on, what should you do? The very first thing we must determine is at what stage of switching on the problem occurs, the degree of damage to the laptop depends on this. The hardest for home remedy Laptop failures are related to its internal parts, the so-called hardware. You can determine that the fault is so deep if no action occurs when you turn on your device - the screen does not turn on, the laptop does not make noise and does not light up LED indicators, showing the operation of the device. These factors indicate a fault in the power supply motherboard. In most cases, problems with motherboard cannot be fixed at home by a non-professional, but before taking your computer to a service center, you can check for several minor breakdowns that cause the laptop to exhibit the same symptoms.

The laptop won't turn on, what should I do?

  • Check Charger laptop - it often happens that the failure is precisely in such a small thing: a loosely connected cable to the network, lack of voltage in electrical network or failure of the charger. If your laptop suddenly turns off and restart does not give anything, pay attention to the charging indicator. If there is no charging, but the laptop continues to function, the charge indicator should blink when you try to turn on the device - this is the most reliable indicator of a failure of the charger. But be careful, if the laptop sits for more than a day without charging, the indicator may not light up due to the battery being completely discharged.

  • Check the laptop battery - just like the charger, the battery tends to fail and prevent your device from turning on normally. In order to check the performance of the battery, you need to disconnect it from your laptop and turn on the charger directly. If your laptop starts, then the problem is in the battery and it needs to be replaced, but until you replace it, you can use the computer by charging from the mains.

  • Eliminate the possibility of a failure of the internal software (Bios) of the laptop - problems loading your device may be caused by a failure of the internal software that is used to control the laptop devices; Bios failure may occur due to a voltage drop or improper shutdown of the device. In order to de-energize the motherboard capacitors and make hard reset you need to disconnect the laptop battery, turn off the charger, i.e. disconnect the laptop. After you turn off all power devices, press the power button several times and hold for an average of 10 seconds. This procedure will remove all static from the computer motherboard and de-energize the BIOS. The next step is to connect the laptop charger, but do not connect the battery. If your device turns on, the problem is resolved and you can connect the battery.

If all else fails...

If the methods described above do not help to start your laptop, then it is highly recommended to visit a laptop repair center. This suggests that most likely the problem is in its hardware, and it is better not to repair the internal equipment of the laptop yourself.

If your laptop turns on - the screen lights up, the laptop makes noise and the LED indicators are on, it means it’s vital important devices laptop is ok. We move on to the next stage of turning on the laptop - this is loading. The download can be divided into 2 parts. The first part includes the initial boot of the laptop, it occurs immediately after turning on the device and configures internal devices laptop. Loading is controlled internally software devices - BIOS. The second part includes loading Windows directly.

Problems with hardware configuration are quite common. You can understand this if, when you turn on your device, the initial screensaver appears (a black screen with white letters) and nothing further happens, i.e. laptop won't boot.

Reasons why such a malfunction may occur:

  1. Strong voltage drop;
  2. Incorrect shutdown of the device;
  3. BIOS malfunction;
  4. Failure or failure of laptop hardware.

To eliminate this problem You need to carefully read the inscriptions on the screen. If the failure occurs due to an improper shutdown or due to a voltage drop, the BIOS reboots and resets to initial settings. Most often, to continue loading, you need to press the “F1” key, this is indicated by a message in the lower left corner of the screen - something like “PressF1 to continue” or “Press F1 to load default settings”. For each BIOS version, these messages are different, so you just need to pay attention to the presence of the inscription and press the suggested key to continue.

It happens that internal program laptop crashes and interferes normal loading computer, but does not display any error messages. In order to fix this error, you need to set everything to default BIOS settings. To do this, you need to enter the BIOS using the “F2” key (for most modern laptops) or the del key (found in laptops from 2000 to 2008) and find the line “Load BIOS default”, in different versions BIOS this line can be located in different places. Then exit and save the parameters “Save Settings and Exit” or press F10.

If the methods described above did not help, then there is a very high probability that your equipment is malfunctioning, in particular in 90% of cases the hard drive is to blame.

After several initial boot screens, the computer displays the Windows boot screen, after which the desktop loads and the user is able to use his device. Many problems also occur when loading the operating system, but this is the most minor and easily solvable problem with your laptop, which can be solved by reinstalling the operating system. We will consider the most common problems problems in Windows boot that can be resolved without reinstalling the system. If the screen appears Windows screensavers and nothing happens or the computer reboots - this problem can be fixed with varying degrees of success, the most the best option- this is to reinstall Windows, but you can try to boot using the built-in debugger.

To do this, after the initial boot of the laptop, before the splash screen should appear, we press the F8 key, in the menu that appears, select the line “Last good configuration" IN latest versions Windows (Vista, 7, 8, 8.1) have the ability to resurrect your operating system using restore points - through the system restore interface. After several unsuccessful Windows downloads itself will offer to use a system rollback, which can also be called through extra menu boot the system using the F8 key.

P.S. The laptop does not turn on, what to do and who is to blame?

After carefully reading this note, you understand and understand the reasons for the breakdown of the laptop. Even if you do not have any problems, it is better to be aware of the most popular problems in order to prevent them during operation.

In contact with

If won't turn on Asus laptop , then first check if it is well connected to the power supply. Next, make sure that it is turned on, this will be shown by the indicator located on the front panel. If the light doesn't light up, then check that the battery is placed correctly, and also make sure that there are no disks in the drive. If you are connecting your mini computer via an extension cord or source uninterruptible power supply, then make sure that they are connected to electricity and turned on accordingly. Now try turning on the Asus again and see if any changes appear. During the cold season, when you bring your laptop home, it is advisable not to turn it on for an hour or more. This is due to moisture condensation, which also negatively affects the device, which can cause various operational problems.

If Laptop turned off and won't turn on, try removing all additional memory modules that you installed after purchasing the laptop. Also extract USB devices and try to turn it on laptop again. If it's all the same indicators do not light up, then check whether you are using the adapter that was included with the purchased Asus laptop.

You can detect and fix the mild faults listed above on your own, but with complex faults we advise you to immediately contact the gsmmoscow service center.

We will now take a closer look at what the reasons for non-inclusion are and why they appear in the first place.

Reasons why an Asus laptop won't turn on.

If stopped turning on mini-computer, you should contact the service center, where they will immediately provide you with diagnostic services. After all, if you have a guarantee, then it’s better not to fix anything yourself, you’ll make it worse.

Causes are different, we will list some:

1. If the north and south bridges break down, it is better to simply replace them with new ones in our service center;

2. When the video chip does not work Asus, it cannot be repaired and needs to be replaced with a new one, we can easily do this, since we have such spare parts in stock;

3. If the lights don't light up, the power button may be broken, which can be easily fixed in just a few minutes.

If there are suspicions about the motherboard, the best option to find out its condition is a regular check.

An Asus laptop computer will not turn on if it is discharged; it simply may not be charged through a non-working connector contact group. That's why it refuses to work due to lack of charge. Our technicians will quickly restore the torn connector so that it works like new. The problem can also be found in the power supply, if it is there, by doing a preliminary diagnosis. Well, if the power connector is broken, you need to replace it with a new one.

You don’t have to worry, because the quality of our specialists’ work is excellent and, if you wish, you can even improve your Asus laptop, and it will work even faster and better.

Asus laptop won't turn on? Want to know how long the repair will take?

If you have Laptop won't turn on, then our craftsmen will repair it efficiently. The main thing is to make a diagnosis. You can help with this, because the more accurate the description of the observed problem and the circumstances preceding its occurrence, the easier the work will be done. And if something beeps or the Asus laptop is not charging, you must tell about it. After all, an accurate diagnosis of the problem is considered half the success of the repair.

The repair time directly depends on the complexity of the fault and the model. For example, you can replace a video chip in 4 hours, and repair a board in 2 hours. If you have the right power connector, you can replace it in one hour. You will have to spend at least 4 hours to replace the southern and north bridges. Diagnostics is free and will take only 1 hour, but we will find out for sure what to do with a symptom such as refusal to turn on.

Try not to drop your device so as not to have to repair it later, because it’s your time and money.

Video tutorial on how to fix a black screen on an Asus laptop

In this article, we will look at the most common problem associated with Asus laptop. We'll talk about what to do if your device suddenly stops turning on, and you only see a black screen in front of you.

The reasons can be very different, we will look at several ways to fix your Asus laptop yourself.

Step-by-step instructions for fixing a black screen on an Asus laptop

ATTENTION!!! The methods described below will not help you if your device has been affected mechanical impact, for example, filled with liquid. If you are not confident in your abilities, then it is better to contact a service center, where they will first figure out the cause of the laptop malfunction and then fix it.

Method 1. Reset hardware settings.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • turn off the laptop, disconnect the charger from it and remove the battery located on the back of the laptop;
  • hold down the laptop power button for 20 seconds to directly reset all settings;

  • return the battery and charger to their place;
  • then turn on the laptop, selecting normal boot.

If this method does not suit you, then try the next one.

Method 2. Laptop display.

ATTENTION!!! Typically, a faulty display is indicated by hearing the laptop running when you turn it on, but the screen remains black.

Method 3. Through BIOS settings.

To implement this method, you just need to reset the settings in the BIOS.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • turn off the computer;
  • further, including, before loading, press the “Delete” or “F2” button several times (in newer Asus models, press “F10”);
  • wait for the BIOS window to appear;

  • then press “F9”, then “Enter”, thereby returning the device to factory settings;

  • to save changes, press “F10”, then “Enter”;
  • If everything is done correctly, the laptop will automatically reboot.

If this does not bring the device screen back to life, move on to the next method.

Method 4. Reinstall the RAM module.

ATTENTION!!! This method may be effective if liquid gets on the device. Be sure to completely dry the laptop before performing any actions.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • turn off the laptop, disconnect the charger from it and remove the battery located on the back of the laptop;

  • Unscrew the RAM storage container using a screwdriver. If you have a model like the one below, you will have to unscrew the entire back panel laptop;

  • bend the fasteners on both sides of the RAM and take it out RAM;

  • Wipe it carefully with a dry dust cloth. You can also swap the connectors;

  • put the RAM in place by pressing slightly from above until you hear two clicks;
  • we assemble the laptop, insert the battery into place and connect it to the network;
  • If you did everything correctly, the laptop will turn on.

We hope that our step-by-step instruction helped you deal with this problem. If you still fail to bring the device back to life on your own, our specialists service center We are always ready to repair your laptop of any complexity in minimal time