Make an archive copy of 1s 8.3. Uploading a copy of the database to a file

Whatever configuration you use, you need to periodically make backup copies of the information base (backups).

A backup copy of the 1C database is necessary to restore the working database with a maximum loss of a day due to such accidents as: virus attack, database error, data loss, sabotage, theft of commercial information, configuration modification. A backup copy, of course, is not a panacea for all ills, but believe me, when something happens, you will be immensely glad that there is at least something thanks to which you can restore your work in a matter of hours.

Most often, accountants who maintain accounting records for one or more companies on their own suffer from neglecting backup. home computer or laptop. One “fine day” the computer stops booting, the configuration does not start or errors appear... Even in such a situation, specialists will definitely help you, but why complicate your life so much? Let's learn how to use database backups.

How to make a backup copy of a 1C database?

A backup can be made in 2 ways:

1 way: copying the configuration file

This is the easiest way. If the configuration is stored on your computer or in local network in a separate directory (file version), then in order to make a backup copy we just need to copy the file 1Cv8.1CD from of this catalog or the entire catalog. For the convenience of storing backups, you can add the date when this backup was made to the file or directory name.

Method 2: by downloading the infobase

This universal method, which is suitable for any configuration.

1. Launch the 1C program in configurator mode.

2. In the main menu of the program, select “Administration – Upload information base».

3. Select the directory to save the backup and set a name for the file. The database upload will have the extension “.dt”. It is better if the file name contains the date when this backup was made.

Why do we need 2 ways to create backup copies?

If the information base is stored on a server using a DBMS database management system ( Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, IBM DB2 or Oracle), then there is no directory with the 1Cv8.1CD file, and we will not be able to use method 1. Method 1 can only be used for configurations operating in file mode.

Thus, method 2, by downloading infobases, is universal and allows you to make backup copies of any configurations that work in both file and client-server versions.

Both ways Reserve copy can be performed automatically using a standard scheduler Windows tasks or other operating system.
For this purpose it is created BAT file with the necessary set of commands that will help in automatic mode create a backup copy of the 1C file database.

Example for uploading a file database (second method):

"C:\Program Files (x86)\1cv82\\bin\1cv8.exe" CONFIG /F"C:\Users\Admin\Documents\InfoBase1" /N"User" /P"123" /DumpIB" D:\beckup\%date%.dt"

The meaning of autoarchiving comes down to running a command from logging into 1C in configurator mode and unloading the information base.

To copy your own database, you need to enter your details:

  • 1. Path to launch batch file 1C.exe programs (usually this is the standard path c:\Program Files)
  • 2. You need to indicate the version of the 1C platform under which the copying will take place.
  • 3. 1C launch mode (configurator, of course).
  • 4. Path to the *.CD file of the information base and its name.
  • 5. Specify a user and password with administrative rights to access the information base.
  • 6. The actual copying command itself.
  • 7. The name that will be assigned to the database copy. In the example, this is the date the copy was created.

There are some differences in execution for the server and file copies. Instead of the path for the server version, the IP of the server where the information base is located is written.

Whatever configuration you use, you need to periodically make backup copies of the information base (backups). This simple procedure will allow you in case of any problems (burned HDD, the configuration stopped running, etc.) quickly restore the configuration from a backup copy.

Most often, accountants who maintain accounting records for one or several companies on their home computer or laptop suffer from neglecting backup. One “fine day” the computer stops booting, the configuration does not start or errors appear... Even in such a situation, specialists will definitely help you, but why complicate your life so much? Let's learn how to use database backups.

How to make a backup copy of a 1C database?

A backup can be made in 2 ways:

Method 1: copying the configuration file

This is the easiest way. If the configuration is stored on your computer or on the local network in a separate directory (file version), then in order to make a backup copy we just need to copy the 1Cv8.1CD file from this directory or the entire directory. For the convenience of storing backups, you can add the date when this backup was made to the file or directory name.

Method 2: by downloading the infobase

This is a universal method that is suitable for any configuration.

1. Launch the 1C program in configurator mode.

2. In the main menu of the program, select “Administration – Upload infobase”.

3. Select the directory to save the backup and set a name for the file. The database upload will have the extension “.dt”. It is better if the file name contains the date when this backup was made.

Why do we need 2 ways to create backups?

If the information base is stored on a server using a DBMS database management system (Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, IBM DB2 or Oracle), then there is no directory with the 1Cv8.1CD file, and we will not be able to use method 1. Method 1 can only be used for configurations operating in file mode.

Thus, method 2, by downloading infobases, is universal and allows you to make backup copies of any configurations that work in both file and client-server versions.

For information on how to restore configuration data from a backup copy, read the following article.


From time to time it is necessary to make a backup copy of the 1C: Accounting database. Then, if something happens to the database, you will have options to roll back to previous versions. How to do it?

1. Launch the 1C:Accounting 8.3 (revision 3.0) database in configurator mode:

2. From the menu, select "Administration" - "Upload infobase...":

3. Select a location (for example, "Desktop") where to save. Enter the name of the archive (it is customary to indicate the name of the database and the date of archiving):

4. Done! The file "Confetprom_10.18.2013.dt" appeared on the desktop. This is a backup copy from which we can restore the database if necessary.

If possible, back up your database every day or at least 2 times a week.

At the same time I want to draw your attention to the fact that 1C does not recommend using “uploading the infobase to dt” as the main backup method. For file databases, archiving the entire folder with the database is considered correct. I understand that archiving a folder manually every time is inconvenient, so below we will look at how to create backup copies using my program.

The method is correct

The correct method involves, as I wrote above, archiving the entire folder with the database (or rather the database data file with the name 1Cv8.1CD in this folder).

I’ll show you now using my program as an example, but you can easily find a dozen more similar programs in the Internet. The main thing to note is that it is the archive of the database file that must be created, and not just a dt upload.

To archive the database from the updater:

1. Select with a checkmark the necessary base and click the "Archive" button:

2. In this case, the updater:

  • it will kick users out of the database (if they are there);
  • will archive the database file itself;
  • will name this archive correctly and put it in the desired folder to other archives;
  • will let users back in.

Which is exactly what we needed.

Read the article about restoring from backups.

That's all

Sincerely, Vladimir Milkin(teacher and developer).

Without the help of programmers and consultants. One of important points that lesson was obligatory creation 1c database backup before the update. However, I would like to immediately draw your attention and advise users software product 1s. Regularly reserving bases will help save time, money and, most importantly, nerves. This is especially true for those cases when the organization does not have a full-time system administrator who could be entrusted with this task. Although from experience it happens that in large companies it is not clear where the system administrator saves copies and can find them in right moment quite problematic.

Three come to mind available methods 1s database reservations:

  • copying the folder with the database itself,
  • uploading through the configurator,
  • database reservation during the update process via the Internet.

ATTENTION! Here you should be very careful and not select the “Load information base” option, this happens automatically and as a result, instead of creating a backup copy of the current database, you load a copy from, say, a week ago and voila, there is something to do overtime. Such cases have happened to my clients more than once. So be careful.

This creates one file with the extension .dt, which is a compressed copy of our information base. I recommend writing the date the backup was created in the name of this file. It is very convenient and visual. As you probably already understood, if there is a need to restore an infobase from a backup copy of the .dt format, you must also go through the configurator and select the menu item Administration -> Load infobase, then select the .dt file in the window that opens and load the database.

Creating a copy of the 1c database during the update process

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Relatively recently, in 1C Enterprise it became possible to update the configuration via the Internet directly from the program. I don’t know about anyone, but it’s more convenient for me to update the old fashioned way through the configurator, although in fairness I note that this is a very convenient innovation for the user. So, at the stage of preparing the program for such an update, there is a configuration option in which the program, after launching the update, will itself create a backup copy of the database with the extension .dt in specified folder. I will not repeat in detail how to get to this setting, since I wrote about this possibility in detail in the article in the section on how to update 1c via the Internet.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in creating an archive copy of the database and the process takes little time, but you can feel calmer when working with 1c and, if something happens, you won’t tear your hair out, but calmly restore the database from a backup copy. That’s all for today, I hope this article helped you learn something new!

That's all.

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The 1C system provides the ability to create a copy of the database existing in it. This allows you to keep the necessary information intact in the event of an unexpected shutdown of the program. You can set up automatic 1C backup by following a few simple steps.

If a backup fails, it will not restore the system. Why is it needed?

There are several myths surrounding the backup feature. One of them is related to the purpose of such an option. Many believe that automatic archiving of the 1C database helps:

  1. deploy a copy of the entire system;
  2. restore its functionality.

The second option is fictitious. The presence of a backup copy does not affect the performance of 1C in any way. This is, rather, the very last barrier to ensuring the safety of information available in the system. Ideally, it is better not to restore 1C from saved copies at all (to do this, the product itself must be properly configured and regularly diagnosed for correct operation). But if, nevertheless, a failure occurs in the program and it has to be reinstalled, then the created reserves will allow you to save accumulated information and data about counterparties, work performed, invoices posted and much more.

The archive that is created by 1C is complete system backup copies. This does not include logs and display type configurations different tabs. There are two archiving options: manual and automatic according to schedule. The first method is rarely used; it is much more convenient for the system itself to automatically update the created copies at specified intervals. This is done using MS SQL tools. Previously, in version 1C: Enterprise 7.7 it was not full-fledged, but with the release of versions 8.1, 8.2, 8.3 this functionality works exactly like a Swiss watch.

But for this to happen a number of important conditions must be met.

  1. The historian and system must be configured accordingly in advance.
  2. To use backup archives you need to have some theoretical and practical skills.
  3. The system itself should include the most reliable and simple components.

So, it’s worth taking a closer look at how to set up automatic backup for 1C version 8.3 (in versions 8.2 and 8.1 the algorithm is identical).

Setting up automatic autoarchiving in file mode

To complete this task, you will need the “Support and Maintenance” item, which is located in the tab called “Administration”.

Setting up automatic copying 1C is carried out in the drop-down menu item of the same name.

At this stage it is necessary to decide where they will be stored. copies created. Several options are available:

  • external hard drive;
  • in the memory of a desktop computer;
  • using a service called “1C Cloud Archive”.

By opening the “Backup and Restore” tab, you can also use the option manual start archiving. Automatic copy bases of the 1C program will be carried out after setting the appropriate parameters in the paragraph that is dedicated to the settings of this option.

Automatic backup in 1C version 8.3 can be set under different conditions:

  • Scheduled;
  • when closing the program.

If the product is used by different users, then it is best to choose the first option. So, by checking the “Regularly scheduled” option, you can specify the archiving period, for example, every day. So in 1C a backup copy will be created when automatic update archive according to the parameter you specified.

In addition, while in the configurator, you can specify cloud storage to create an archive and the number of copies.

Configuring database autosave using MS SQL tools

There is another option for solving the problem under consideration - using backups using DBMS tools - Postgre, MS SQL. Automatic saving 1C data using these tools allows you to work with both files and groups, creates several mirror copies, and also always compresses archived materials to save space.

First you need to open the autoarchiver called SQL Server Studio. It is available in the general list of all computer utilities.

If you use Microsoft Windows Server 2008 (R2), then you need to go to the “Start” button menu, then select “Microsoft SQL Server 2012”, and then “SQL Server Management Studio”.

After this, in the Object Explorer you need to expand the tab called “Databases”. Must click right click mouse over a database that contains necessary information. In the context menu that appears, select the “Tasks” option, and then “Create a backup copy...” (the so-called backup).

After completing the previous step, a settings window will appear where you can set properties for copying existing data. Here you can choose:

  • database;
  • backup type (full, partial, etc.);
  • components for archiving (only selected files or the entire database);
  • the period for updating copies (if you select 0 days, then the data will not be overwritten);
  • archive storage location.

Here you will also need to check the “Backup only” checkbox. Then, the resulting automatic 1C archive will be isolated from the usual sequence of backup copies of the SQL Server manager.

Also here you can change or add a different location of the reserve, name created file. To do this, click the “Add” button. Select the directory and file name in the drop-down window and click the “Ok” button to confirm changes.

This important step, on which you need to check the box confirming that after completing the creation of the archive, the system should check it.

The database will be even more secure if you check the box next to the copy compression option. This will save memory space. By clicking the “Ok” button, you will start the archiving process.

After successful completion, the corresponding system message.

How to use backups

In MS SQL there is a special report with which you can see the time and date when the last automatic unloading of the 1C database version 8.3 (as well as others) was carried out. It also helps to recover information from the received copy. To create it, you need to go to the so-called “Object Browser”. By hovering the cursor over the desired base and thereby calling context menu, you need to select the “Reports” item, then the option called “Standard Report”, and then click on the proposed type called “Backup and Restore Events”.

This document includes information such as:

  • average time spent creating the archive;
  • a list of successful operations in the process of creating copies;
  • archiving errors encountered;
  • list of successful recovery operations.

Uploading this information requires disclosing the grouping within the report that corresponds to the request.

Thus, setting up automatic backup is not difficult. To implement this, you can use file mode, then the process will be completed in a couple of clicks. It is also possible to carry out configuration using client-server saving, which will require a slightly larger number of actions, but the result of such archiving will be of higher quality and more reliable.

1C + MSSQL server: automatic creation backup copies