Arduino nano programming for beginners. Projects using Arduino controller

Arduino represents small fee, which serves to create various devices, interesting gadgets, and even computing platforms. This board is called a microcontroller, which is distributed with open source codes and with which you can use many applications.

This is the simplest and most inexpensive option for beginners, amateurs and professionals. The programming process takes place in the Processing/Wiring language, which is quickly and easily learned and is based on the C++ language, and thanks to this it is very easy to do. Let's look at what Arduino is, how it is useful for beginners, its capabilities and features.

Arduino is a computing platform or board that will serve as the brain for your new devices or gadgets. Based on it, you can create both devices with simple circuits and complex, labor-intensive projects, for example, robots or drones.

The basis of the designer is the input-output board (hardware), as well as the software part. Arduino-based designer software is represented by an integrated development environment.

Externally, the environment itself looks like this:

The Arduino software is designed in such a way that even a novice user with no knowledge of programming can handle it. An additional success factor in using a microcontroller was the ability to work with development board, when the necessary parts (resistors, diodes, transistors, etc.) are connected to the controller without the need for soldering.

Most Arduino boards have a connection via USB cable. Such a connection allows you to provide power to the board and load sketches, i.e. mini-programs. The programming process is also extremely simple. First, the user uses the IDE's code editor to create necessary program, then it is loaded with one click in Arduino.

How to buy Arduino?

The board and many Arduino parts are made in Italy, therefore, the original components are quite expensive. But there are individual components construction sets or sets, the so-called kit sets, which are produced according to the Italian analogy, but at more affordable prices.

You can buy an analogue on the domestic market or, for example, order it from China. Many people know about the AliExpress website, for example. But for those starting their acquaintance with Arduino, it is better to order their first board from a Russian online store. Over time, you can switch to buying circuit boards and parts in China. The delivery time from this country will be from two weeks to a month, and, for example, the cost of a large kit kit will be no more 60-70 dollars.

Standard kits usually include the following parts:

  • bread board;
  • LEDs;
  • resistors;
  • 9V batteries;
  • voltage regulators;
  • buttons;
  • jumpers;
  • matrix keyboard;
  • expansion boards;
  • capacitors.

Do you need to know programming?

The first steps in working with the Arduino board begin with programming the board. A program that is already ready to work with a board is called a sketch. There is no need to worry about not knowing programming. The process of creating programs is quite simple, and there are a lot of examples of sketches on the Internet, since the Arduino community is very large.

After the program is compiled, it is loaded (flashed) onto the board. Arduino in this case has undeniable advantage– In most cases, a USB cable is used for programming. Immediately after loading, the program is ready to execute various commands.

Beginners with Arduino need to know two key functions:

  • setup()– used once when the board is turned on, used to initialize settings;
  • loop()– used constantly, is the final stage of setup.

Example of a function notation setup():

void setup() ( Serial.begin(9600); // Open a serial connection pinMode(9, INPUT); // Assign pin 9 as an input pinMode(13, OUTPUT); // Assign pin 13 as an output )

Function setup() is performed at the very beginning and only 1 time immediately after turning on or rebooting your device.

Function loop() executed after the setup() function. Loop is translated as loop or cycle. The function will be executed again and again. So the ATmega328 microcontroller (most Arduino boards contain this) will perform the loop function about 10,000 times per second.

You will also encounter additional features:

  • pinMode– information input and output mode;
  • analogRead– allows you to read the emerging analog voltage at the pin;
  • analogWrite– recording analog voltage to the output pin;
  • digitalRead– allows you to read the value of a digital output;
  • digitalWrite– allows you to set the digital output value at a low or high level;
  • Serial.print– translates project data into easy-to-read text.

In addition to this, Arduino beginners will like the fact that there are many libraries for boards, which are collections of functions that allow you to control the board or additional modules. The most popular include:

  • reading and writing to storage,
  • Internet connection,
  • reading SD cards,
  • stepper motor control,
  • text rendering
  • etc.

How to set up Arduino?

One of the main advantages of the designer is its safety regarding user settings. Key settings that are potentially harmful to the Arduino are protected and will not be accessible.

Therefore, even an inexperienced programmer can safely experiment and change various options, achieving desired result. But just in case, we highly recommend reading three important materials on how not to damage the board:

The classic Arduino program setup algorithm looks like this:

  • IDE installation, which can be downloaded below or from the manufacturer's website;
  • installation software to the PC you are using;
  • launch Arduino file;
  • entering the developed program into the code window and transferring it to the board (using a USB cable);
  • in the IDE section you need to select the type of constructor that will be used. This can be done in the “tools” - “boards” window;
  • check the code and click “Next”, after which the download to Arduino will begin.
Version Windows MacOS Linux
1.6.5 Zip
Installer 32 bits
64 bits
1.8.2 Zip
Installer 32 bits
64 bits
1.8.5 Zip
Installer 32 bits
64 bits

Let's train our hand

In order to confidently implement complex ideas, use the software environment and Arduino, beginners need to get their hands on it. To do this, it is recommended to master easier tasks and projects first.

The simplest project you can do is to make the LED, which is located on the Arduino board opposite the port, blink every second.

To do this you need:

  • connect the designer to the PC,
  • open the program, in the “service” section we look for the “serial port” block
  • select the required interval
  • after which you need to add the code that is in the Arduino IDE in the "Examples" section.

The first projects in Arduino for beginners can be:

  • flashing LED;
  • connecting and controlling a temperature sensor;
  • connecting and controlling a motion sensor;
  • connecting a photoresistor;
  • servo drive control.

First project

Now we have reached our first project. Let's connect Arduino, LED and button. This project is perfect for beginners.

Our scheme will be like this:

The LED will light up after pressing the button, and will go off after the next press. The sketch or program for Arduino itself will be like this:

// pins of connected devices int switchPin = 8; int ledPin = 11; // variables to store the state of the button and LED boolean lastButton = LOW; boolean currentButton = LOW; boolean ledOn = false; void setup() ( pinMode(switchPin, INPUT); pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); ) // function for debouncing boolean debounse(boolean last) ( boolean current = digitalRead(switchPin); if(last != current) ( delay (5); current = digitalRead(switchPin); ) return current; ) void loop() ( currentButton = debounse(lastButton); if(lastButton == LOW && currentButton == HIGH) ( ledOn = !ledOn; ) lastButton = currentButton ; digitalWrite(ledPin, ledOn); )

You may have noticed the debounse function, which we haven't written about yet. It is needed for.

After you have mastered the initial skills of working with a board, you can begin to implement more complex and multifaceted tasks. The designer allows you to create an RC car, a controllable helicopter, create your own phone, create a system, etc.

To speed up your mastering of working with the Arduino board, we recommend that you start making devices from our section, where the processes for creating the most interesting devices and gadgets are described step by step.

The Arduino programming language for beginners is presented in detail in the table below. The Arduino microcontroller is programmed in a special programming language based on C/C++. The Arduino programming language is a variant of C++, in other words, there is no separate programming language for Arduino. You can download the PDF book at the end of the page.

In the Arduino IDE, all written sketches are compiled into a program in C/C++ with minimal changes. The Arduino IDE compiler greatly simplifies writing programs for this platform and creating devices on Arduino becomes much more accessible to people who do not have extensive knowledge of the C/C++ language. Below we will give a short reference describing the main functions of the Arduino language with examples.

Detailed reference to the Arduino language

The language can be divided into four sections: statements, data, functions and libraries.

Arduino language Example Description


setup() void setup()
pinMode(3, INPUT);
The function is used to initialize variables, determine the operating modes of pins on the board, etc. The function runs only once, after each power supply to the microcontroller.
loop() void loop()
digitalWrite(3, HIGH);
digitalWrite(3, LOW);
The loop function loops around, allowing the program to perform and react to calculations. The setup() and loop() functions must be present in every sketch, even if these statements are not used in the program.

Control statements

if(x< 100) digitalWrite (3, LOW );
The if statement is used in combination with comparison operators (==, !=,<, >) and checks whether the condition is true. For example, if the value of the variable x is greater than 100, then the LED at output 13 turns on; if it is less, the LED turns off.
if (x > 100) digitalWrite (3, HIGH );
else digitalWrite(3, LOW);
The else statement allows you to make a check other than the one specified in the if, in order to perform several mutually exclusive checks. If none of the checks receive a TRUE result, then the block of statements in else is executed.

case 3: break ;

Similar to if, switch statement controls the program, allowing you to specify actions that will be performed under different conditions. Break is a command to exit a statement; default is executed if no alternative is selected.
for void setup()
pinMode(3, OUTPUT);
void loop()
for (int i=0; i<= 255; i++){
analogWrite(3, i);
The for construct is used to repeat statements enclosed in curly braces. For example, smooth dimming of an LED. The for loop header consists of three parts: for (initialization; condition; increment) - initialization is performed once, then the condition is checked, if the condition is true, then the increment is performed. The loop repeats until condition becomes false.
while void loop()
while(x< 10)
x = x + 1;
The while statement is used as a loop that will execute as long as the condition in parentheses is true. In the example, the while loop statement will repeat the code in parentheses endlessly until x is less than 10.
do...while void loop()
x = x + 1;
while(x< 10);
The do...while loop statement works in the same way as the while loop. However, if the expression in parentheses is true, the loop continues rather than exits the loop. In the example above, if x is greater than 10, the addition operation will continue, but with a pause of 1000 ms.
case 1: digitalWrite (3, HIGH );
case 2: digitalWrite (3, LOW );
case 3: break ;
case 4: continue ;
default : digitalWrite (4, HIGH );
Break is used to force exit from switch, do, for and while loops without waiting for the loop to complete.
The continue statement skips the remaining statements in the current loop step.



digitalWrite(3, HIGH);
A semicolon is used to mark the end of a statement. Forgetting a semicolon at the end of a line results in a compilation error.
void setup()
pinMode(3, INPUT);
The opening parenthesis “(” must be followed by the closing parenthesis “)”. Unmatched parentheses can lead to hidden and unintelligible errors when compiling a sketch.
(a comment)
x = 5; // a comment

In this article, I decided to put together a complete step-by-step guide for Arduino beginners. We will look at what Arduino is, what you need to start learning, where to download and how to install and configure the programming environment, how it works and how to use the programming language, and much more that is necessary to create full-fledged complex devices based on the family of these microcontrollers.

Here I will try to give a condensed minimum so that you understand the principles of working with Arduino. For a more complete immersion in the world of programmable microcontrollers, pay attention to other sections and articles of this site. I will leave links to other materials on this site for a more detailed study of some aspects.

What is Arduino and what is it for?

Arduino is an electronic construction kit that allows anyone to create a variety of electro-mechanical devices. Arduino consists of software and hardware. The software part includes a development environment (a program for writing and debugging firmware), many ready-made and convenient libraries, and a simplified programming language. The hardware includes a large line of microcontrollers and ready-made modules for them. Thanks to this, working with Arduino is very easy!

With the help of Arduino you can learn programming, electrical engineering and mechanics. But this is not just an educational constructor. Based on it, you can make really useful devices.
Starting from simple flashing lights, weather stations, automation systems and ending with smart home, CNC machines and unmanned aerial vehicles. The possibilities are not even limited by your imagination, because there are a huge number of instructions and ideas for implementation.

Arduino Starter Kit

In order to start learning Arduino, you need to acquire the microcontroller board itself and additional parts. It is best to purchase an Arduino starter kit, but you can choose everything you need yourself. I recommend choosing a set because it's easier and often cheaper. Here are links to the best sets and individual parts that you will definitely need to study:

Basic Arduino kit for beginners:Buy
Large set for training and first projects:Buy
Set of additional sensors and modules:Buy
Arduino Uno is the most basic and convenient model from the line:Buy
Solderless breadboard for easy learning and prototyping:Buy
Set of wires with convenient connectors:Buy
LED set:Buy
Resistor kit:Buy

Arduino IDE development environment

To write, debug and download firmware, you need to download and install the Arduino IDE. This is a very simple and convenient program. On my website I have already described the process of downloading, installing and configuring the development environment. Therefore, here I will simply leave links to the latest version of the program and to

Version Windows Mac OS X Linux

Arduino programming language

When you have a microcontroller board in your hands and a development environment installed on your computer, you can start writing your first sketches (firmware). To do this, you need to become familiar with the programming language.

Arduino programming uses a simplified version of the C++ language with predefined functions. As in other C-like programming languages, there are a number of rules for writing code. Here are the most basic ones:

  • Each instruction must be followed by a semicolon (;)
  • Before declaring a function, you must specify the data type returned by the function, or void if the function does not return a value.
  • It is also necessary to indicate the data type before declaring a variable.
  • Comments are designated: // Inline and /* block */

You can learn more about data types, functions, variables, operators and language constructs on the page on You do not need to memorize and remember all this information. You can always go to the reference book and look at the syntax of a particular function.

All Arduino firmware must contain at least 2 functions. These are setup() and loop().

setup function

In order for everything to work, we need to write a sketch. Let's make the LED light up after pressing the button, and go out after the next press. Here's our first sketch:

// variables with pins of connected devices int switchPin = 8; int ledPin = 11; // variables to store the state of the button and LED boolean lastButton = LOW; boolean currentButton = LOW; boolean ledOn = false; void setup() ( pinMode(switchPin, INPUT); pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); ) // function for debouncing boolean debounse(boolean last) ( boolean current = digitalRead(switchPin); if(last != current) ( delay (5); current = digitalRead(switchPin); ) return current; ) void loop() ( currentButton = debounse(lastButton); if(lastButton == LOW && currentButton == HIGH) ( ledOn = !ledOn; ) lastButton = currentButton ; digitalWrite(ledPin, ledOn); )

// variables with pins of connected devices

int switchPin = 8 ;

int ledPin = 11 ;

// variables to store the state of the button and LED

boolean lastButton = LOW ;

boolean currentButton = LOW ;

boolean ledOn = false ;

void setup() (

pinMode(switchPin, INPUT);

pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);

// function for debouncing

boolean debounse (boolean last ) (

boolean current = digitalRead(switchPin);

if (last != current ) (


current = digitalRead(switchPin);

return current ;

void loop() (

currentButton = debounse(lastButton);

if (lastButton == LOW && currentButton == HIGH ) (

ledOn = ! ledOn;

lastButton = currentButton ;

digitalWrite(ledPin, ledOn);

In this sketch, I created an additional debounse function to suppress contact bounce. There is information about contact bounce on my website. Be sure to check out this material.

PWM Arduino

Pulse width modulation (PWM) is the process of controlling voltage using the duty cycle of a signal. That is, using PWM we can smoothly control the load. For example, you can smoothly change the brightness of an LED, but this change in brightness is obtained not by decreasing the voltage, but by increasing the intervals of the low signal. The operating principle of PWM is shown in this diagram:

When we apply PWM to the LED, it starts to quickly light up and go out. The human eye is not able to see this because the frequency is too high. But when shooting video, you will most likely see moments when the LED is not lit. This will happen provided that the camera frame rate is not a multiple of the PWM frequency.

Arduino has a built-in pulse width modulator. You can use PWM only on those pins that are supported by the microcontroller. For example, Arduino Uno and Nano have 6 PWM pins: these are pins D3, D5, D6, D9, D10 and D11. The pins may differ on other boards. You can find a description of the board you are interested in in

To use PWM in Arduino there is a function. It takes as arguments the pin number and the PWM value from 0 to 255. 0 is 0% fill with a high signal, and 255 is 100%. Let's write a simple sketch as an example. Let's make the LED light up smoothly, wait one second and fade out just as smoothly, and so on ad infinitum. Here is an example of using this function:

// The LED is connected to pin 11 int ledPin = 11; void setup() ( pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); ) void loop() ( for (int i = 0; i< 255; i++) { analogWrite(ledPin, i); delay(5); } delay(1000); for (int i = 255; i >0; i--) ( analogWrite(ledPin, i); delay(5); ) )

// LED connected to pin 11

int ledPin = 11 ;

void setup() (

pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);

void loop() (

for (int i = 0 ; i< 255 ; i ++ ) {

analogWrite(ledPin, i);



for (int i = 255; i > 0; i -- ) (

Arduino is an open platform that allows you to build all kinds of electronic devices. Arduino will be of interest to creatives, designers, programmers and all inquisitive minds who want to build their own gadget.

Programming of micro-controller boards Arduino/Freduino is considered. The structure and functioning of microcontrollers, the Arduino programming environment, the necessary tools and components for conducting experiments are described. The basics of programming Arduino boards, program structure, commands, operators and functions, analog and digital data input/output are discussed in detail.

The presentation of the material is accompanied by more than 80 examples on the development of various devices, temperature relays, school clocks, digital voltmeters, alarms with a motion sensor, street lighting switches, etc. A list is provided for each project necessary components, wiring diagram and program listings.

Chapter 1. General information about microcontrollers
Chapter 2. Programming microcontrollers
Chapter 3. Short review Arduino microcontroller family
Chapter 4. Arduino expansion boards
Chapter 5. Accessories
Chapter 6. Electronic components and their properties
Chapter 7. Preliminary preparation
Chapter 8. Arduino Development Environment
Chapter 9: Arduino Programming Basics
Chapter 10. Further experiments with Arduino
Chapter 11. Bus 1 2 C
Chapter 12. Arduino and LM75 temperature sensor with 1 2 C bus
Chapter 13. Port 1 2 C expander with PCF8574
Chapter 14. Ultrasonic Ranging Sensor
Chapter 15. Interfacing the Arduino Board with GPS
Chapter 16. Servo Drive with Servo Board for Arduino
Chapter 17. Liquid Crystal Displays

On practical examples talks about how to design, debug and manufacture electronic devices at home. From the physical foundations of electronics, descriptions of the device and principles of operation of various radios electronic components, tips for equipping a home laboratory, the author moves on to specific analog and digital circuits, including microcontroller-based devices.

Basic information on metrology and theoretical foundations electronics. Given a set practical recommendations: from principles proper organization power supply before receiving information about devices and purchasing components in relation to Russian conditions. The third edition is supplemented with information about the popular Arduino platform, with which the most modern radio electronics become available to any radio amateur.

Contents of the book "Entertaining Electronics"

Part 1 . Basics

Chapter 1. What is the difference between current and voltage?
Chapter 2. Gentleman's set
Chapter 3. A good soldering iron is half the success
Chapter 4. Trigonometric Electronics

Chapter 5. Electronics without semiconductors
Chapter 6. The invention that shocked the world
Chapter 7. The Stunning Diversity of the Electronic World

Part 2: Analog Circuits

Chapter 8. Audio amplifier without chips
Chapter 9. Proper nutrition is the key to health
Chapter 10. Heavyweights
Chapter 11. Slices that became chips
Chapter 12. The most universal
Chapter 13. How to measure temperature?

Part 3. Digital Age

Chapter 14. On the threshold of the digital age
Chapter 15. Mathematical electronics, or the game of squares
Chapter 16. Logic Devices
Chapter 17. Where do the numbers come from?

Part 4. Microcontrollers

Chapter 18. Beginnings of microelectronics
Chapter 19. Personal Computer instead of a soldering iron
Chapter 20. Reinventing the wheel
Chapter 21: Arduino Basics
Chapter 22. Weather station on arduino


This wonderful book covers the main Arduino boards and expansion boards (shields) that add functionality to the main board. The Arduino IDE programming language and environment is described in detail.

Projects using controllers of the Arduino family are carefully analyzed. These are projects and areas of robotics, creation of weather stations, smart home, vending, television, Internet, wireless communications (bluetooth, radio control).

Schematics and source code are provided for all projects. Also provided is the source code for Android devices used in projects to communicate with Arduino controllers. The publisher's website contains an archive with source codes of programs and libraries, descriptions and specifications of electronic components, etc.

Projects added in the second edition voice control With using Arduino, working with addressable RGB strips, controlling iRoboi Create on Arduino. Projects using the Arduino Leonardo board are considered. Given step by step lessons for beginner developers.


Chapter 1: Introduction to Arduino
Chapter 2. Overview of Arduino family controllers
Chapter 3. Arduino expansion boards


Chapter 4. Wednesday Arduino programming IDE
Chapter 5. Arduino Programming


Chapter 6. Arduino and the Serial Feature Set
Chapter 7. Arduino and character-synthesizing liquid crystal displays
Chapter 8. EEPROM Library
Chapter 9 Using Arduino Leonardo as a USB device
Chapter 10. Arduino and 1-Wire
Chapter 11. Arduino and DS18B20 Digital Temperature Sensor
Chapter 12. Arduino temperature and humidity sensors DHT
Chapter 13. Network communication using Arduino
Chapter 14. Arduino and SD Memory Card
Glani 15. Arduino n LED matrices
Chapter 16. Arduino and controllable LED strips RGB
Chapter 17. Arduino operation with wendigation devices
Chapter 18. Arduino and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
Chapter 19. Arduino and distance sensors
Chapter 20: Arduino and Infrared Communications
Chapter 21. Creating a robot
Chapter 22. Arduino and Stepper Motors
Chapter 23. Arduino and servos
Chapter 24. Arduino and Bluetooth
Chapter 25. TV output on Arduino
Chapter 26. Arduino and radio control
Chapter 27. Arduino and the NRF24L01 wireless rad module
Chapter 28. Working Arduino with USB Devices
Glani 29. Arduino and ROS
Chapter 30. Voice control


Appendix 1. List of sources used
Appendix 2. Primary school
Appendix 3. Description of the electronic archive

4. We make sensors. Projects of sensor devices based on Arduino and Raspberry Pi

This amazing book contains more than 440 pages on which you will find the most interesting and applied knowledge for designing a Smart Home using Arduino.

Chapter 1: Introducing the Raspberry Pi
Chapter 2: Introducing Arduino
Chapter 3. Distance
Chapter 4. Smoke and time
Chapter 5. Touch
Chapter 6. Movement
Chapter 7. Light
Chapter 8. Acceleration
Chapter 9. Identification
Chapter 1O. Electricity and magnetism
Chapter 11. Sound
Chapter 12. Breed and climate
Appendix A. Quick reference By Linux teams in Raspberry Pi
Subject indication

The Arduino platform has become a de facto standard when talking about microcontrollers. With a wide range of different board models, it can cover a wide spectrum of projects, and its ease of use has made it the preferred platform for those starting out in the microcontroller world. If you are a hobbyist wanting to develop projects based on Arduino as its main microcontroller platform or an engineer interested in knowing what the Arduino platform offers, then this book is ideal for you.

If you have little or no previous experience in these kinds of tools, this book will help you get a complete view of the platform and the wide peripherals it has to offer by following a carefully designed set of project examples that cover the most important platform features .

Whether you have never written a line of code or you already know how to program in C, you will learn how to work with Arduino from the point of view of both hardware and software thanks to the easily understandable code that accompanies every project that has been developed exclusively with that premium in mind.

This will be easy for those who don"t have previous experience in programming. This book was written with the aim to present the Arduino platform to all those wanting to work with Arduino but without any great knowledge of the microcontrollers scene.

It will gradually develop a wide set of projects that have been designed to cover the most important aspects of the Arduino platform, from the use of digital and analog inputs and outputs to harnessing the power of interrupts.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Meeting the Arduino Family
Chapter 2: The Arduino Development Environment
Chapter 3: Interacting with the Environment the Digital Way
Chapter 4: Controlling Outputs Softly with Analog Outputs
Chapter 5: Sensing the Real World through Digital Inputs
Chapter 6: Analog Inputs to Feel Between All and Nothing
Chapter 7: Managing the Time Domain
Chapter 8: Communicating with Others
Chapter 9: Dealing with Interruptions
Chapter 10: Arduino in a Real Case – Greenhouse Control

In this article, I have collected for you the most popular books on designing devices based on Arduino microcontrollers. After reading one of these books you will be able to create smart gadgets and automation systems. Starting from simple devices displaying sensor values, and ending with smart home systems or CNC machines. All this can be done without reading books, but then it will take much more time, effort and money. The books cover general concepts of electrical engineering, principles of operation of microcontrollers and connected sensors and mechanisms.

Download books on Arduino in Russian.

Below are the 5 most popular books on Arduino. I advise you to read, if not all, then at least the first of them. Among these books there are books for both beginners and people already familiar with the topic of Arduino. Anyone can find something new and useful for themselves. All books below have been translated into Russian.

This book describes aspects and principles of device design using Arduino. Talks about the hardware and software of Arduino. This book explains the principles of programming in the . Shown how to read correctly technical descriptions, selecting parts for your own projects and how to analyze electrical circuits ready-made devices. The book also describes examples of using various sensors, indicators, different interfaces data transmission and actuators. For all examples, the book contains a list of necessary parts, wiring diagrams, and code examples with full descriptions.

Projects using the Arduino controller. Petin V.A.

This book focuses on the practical part of creating your own devices based on Arduino microcontrollers. Connection diagrams are provided, detailed description software logic, list of required sensors and modules. This book is intended for those who already have an idea and are familiar with the basic functions of the Arduino programming language.

This publication is dedicated to programming microcontrollers using Arduino based. The book discusses examples of sketches and principles for writing your own firmware. After studying this material, you will be able to write firmware for the most complex devices, which include many technical elements. The book also discusses popular libraries for comfortable work in Arduino IDE. The page will help you understand and remember the basic functions and constructs of the Arduino programming language.

Arduino and Raspberry Pi in Internet of Things projects. Victor Petin

>Arduino and Raspberry Pi in Internet of Things projects

Description: The creation of simple devices within the framework of the concept of the Internet of Things (IoT, Internet of Things) based on the popular Arduino platform and the Raspberry Pi microcomputer is considered. Shows installation and configuration of the Arduino IDE application development environment, as well as the Frizing prototyping environment. Described technical capabilities, connection and interaction features various sensors and actuators. The organization of access of developed projects to the Internet, sending and receiving data using popular cloud IoT services is shown: Narodmon, ThingSpeak, Xively, Weaved, Blynk, Wyliodrin, etc. Attention is paid to data exchange using the GPRS/GSM Shield card. The project to create own server for collecting data over the network from various devices on the Arduino platform. Shows how to use the WebIOPi framework to work with Raspberry Pi. Examples of using the ESP8266 Wi-Fi module in Smart Home projects are given. The publisher's website contains an archive with source codes for programs and libraries.
— Installation and configuration of the Arduino IDE application development environment and the Frizing prototyping environment
— Sensors and actuators for Arduino and Raspberry Pi
— Sending and receiving data from IoT services Narodmon, ThingSpeak, Xively, Weaved, Blynk, Wyliodrin
— Creating a Web server to collect data from Android devices
— Data exchange using GPRS/GSM Shield card
— WebIOPi framework for working with Raspberry Pi
— WiFi module ESP8266 in “Smart Home” projects

Practical Encyclopedia of Arduino The book summarizes data on the main components of designs based on the Arduino platform, which is represented by the most popular version of ArduinoUNO today or numerous clones similar to it. The book is a set of 33 experimental chapters. Each experiment examines the operation of an Arduino board with a specific electronic component or module, from the simplest to the most complex, which are independent specialized devices. Each chapter provides a list of parts needed to practical implementation experiment. For each experiment, a visual diagram of the connection of parts is provided in the format of the Fritzing integrated development environment. It gives a clear and accurate representation of what the assembled circuit should look like. The following provides theoretical information about the component or module used. Each chapter contains sketch code (program) in the built-in Arduino language with comments.

Fast start. First steps to master Arduino

Starter kit with Arduino board - your pass to the world of programming, design and electronic creativity.
This booklet contains all the information you need to get familiar with the Arduino board, as well as 14 hands-on experiments using various electronic components and modules.
The knowledge gained will, in the future, make it possible to create your own own projects and easily implement them.