Apple hotline phone 8800. iPhone support service in Russia phone number

Every week, Apple top managers make serious statements; something is constantly happening in the Apple world. But what if you look inside the company from the other side, from the side of ordinary employees? We managed to contact one of the people close to Apple(he does not work for the company, but asked to leave his name behind the scenes) and ask him about the peculiarities of working in the most expensive company in the world.

It turned out that Russian support has four departments, each with almost a hundred people, all of them are located in different countries EU. These departments deal exclusively with support iOS users. They serve everyone who speaks Russian and calls a Moscow number. If they call even from Montreal, they help him too.

Extreme situations also happen - for example, it takes 2 hours to create an Apple ID for a user, then search in the application, wait for it to load. People who have “suddenly” lost contacts and calendars often contact us; many simply call to find out about the condition of their phone (is it new, is it with a guarantee, PCT). Most often there are no stupid calls.

Support uses 21.5-inch iMacs in a wide variety of configurations. Quite powerful devices. The work schedule is agreed upon in advance taking into account the employee’s wishes. All the employees are Russian; even during the interview they check their level of Russian language proficiency. Well, you need to know English, of course.

Used for work special application iLog. It compares favorably with Salesforce, Oracle and even SAP. He's like anyone software Apple is notable for its intuitive simplicity and versatility: you type the name of a case (situation), and at the same time it displays articles on solving the problem in real time.

Using iLog, you can disconnect from the operator in one click, get data about the device, including its entire repair history, and use diagnostics to find out what’s wrong with it this moment not this way: detailed information about any component. Take it and turn it off FaceTime to user You can use another utility: iCloud Support App. Disable iMessage, FaceTime, Keychain and so on. But in fairness, support does not see any user data, which should not concern them: it sees how many photos, how many contacts, and so on, but not the photos and contacts themselves.

It is impossible to track the device even with the user’s knowledge. If an Apple ID is stolen, support looks to see what's wrong with it and asks questions to verify the identity of the caller. If everything is ok, then the letter is sent to the specified mailbox. If a thief even changes the Apple ID himself, then all this is visible and quickly recorded. So they have no chance.

The number of calls depends on the day: Friday is quiet, everyone has turned to their phones and is rushing out into the countryside to “fry meat.” On Monday it’s sold out - everyone remembers their phones. If we take the average - 10 calls per day per person.

On average, Apple support staff earn between €1,000 and €3,000 depending on country and experience. About the ban on Android devices - everyone is free to choose what they like best. Many workers use Android smartphones and feel great.

With the release of iOS 9, support requests have increased - many requests from those who imagine themselves to be designers and engineers, and give instructions to fix certain bugs operating system. But there are also complaints about the case: for example, iOS 9.0.1 was released due to a bug that caused the iPhone to freeze when updating the device.

We'll continue to take a look behind the scenes at Apple, with more to come.

Apple Company famous brand in the mobile device market. They deliver quality products and provide a highly professional level of support to their customers.

The user relations department occupies a special place in the company. Let's tell you more about it.

Apple Contact Center

The company is international, which means it has its own representative office in each country, which is a completely autonomous unit and is capable of solving the problems of all citizens of the country.

Apple cares about its customers, so the contact center operates around the clock. Employees come on line in shifts to help solve user problems.

Alternative methods of communication

Information about others is available on the official Apple website telephone numbers. In the section responsible for support, numbers of all representative offices in the world are available.

The site visitor enters the address or postal code. Next, he selects the product on which he would like to receive information.

A map will be displayed on the screen indicating the nearest sales points and service centers. Addresses and opening hours will be provided.

For the convenience of users, the company uses a unique code for each user. It's called Apple ID. Linking is carried out after purchasing the company's first device.

The client will need to register and link bank card to your account. This must be done to pay for a purchase in the Apple store.

In the future, when contacting the customer service department, the user will only need to voice his identifier. The system will recognize him and provide information about his devices.

Given account name can be used to get into a private part of the Apple website.

Hello! Despite numerous instructions posted on the Internet and on this blog, there are issues regarding iPhone and iPad that can only be resolved with the help of technical support Apple company. For example, unlock iCloud, . Who can do this? Nobody! Only specially trained company employees. And it’s not just a matter of blocking; you never know what other questions might require an answer from a competent specialist?

And after all, it would seem that technical support itself is not hiding from anyone, there are quite a lot of ways to contact it, but people still ask in the comments how to call or write to the Apple operator? And since they ask, we will answer!

Here are all the ways to reach technical support, no matter where you are.

Apple technical support phone numbers in Russia

Apple, like any normal company, has its own hotline whose employees will answer any question related to iPhone and iPad. Here are the phone numbers for the Russian Federation:

  • 8-495-580-95-57 (Moscow number).
  • 8-800-555-67-34 (Toll-free number for calls from any region of Russia).
  • 8-800-333-51-73 (Customer support service Apple store Store).

At any of these numbers, Russian-speaking employees will be ready to advise you from 9.00 to 21.00 on weekdays.

Other ways to talk to Apple technical support in the Russian Federation

When you call any of the phones, you are greeted by an answering machine. If for some reason you cannot get through his commands or do not want to do this, then you can order a call back - the company itself will call you. To do this, go to this page and:

The incoming call will not be from the numbers listed above, but from others. This can be a number from any country (I received calls from the Philippines, Bangkok and somewhere else in Asia). There is no need to be afraid - a Russian-speaking employee will talk to you and this call will be free.

For some reason you don't want to talk? You can always communicate with technical support through a special chat. To do this, we repeat all the steps indicated just above, the only thing is that on the third point we select: “Chat”. The approximate waiting time is also shown here, which is convenient.

In 2018, Apple launched an application that contains various articles and instructions on the company's products. Cool? Not bad!

However, you and I are interested in another opportunity of this program - getting help from a technical support specialist. What should be done?

All you have to do is select the device and the problem you are facing. The application will suggest various options solutions:

  • Articles and instructions.
  • Chat with a specialist.
  • Call support yourself.
  • Order call back.

Agree, the choice is simply excellent. Let's use it!

How to contact Russian Apple technical support if you are in another country?

Exists a large number of countries where there is either no technical support at all, or there is, but in a language that the Russian-speaking user does not know. How to be in this case? How to contact and talk specifically with Russian technical support if you are in another country?

There is nothing complicated about this, there are several ways:

But ordering a call back if you are in another country will most likely not work (unless, of course, you have a Russian SIM card). The fact is that the call back form requires specifying a number starting with +7 (the prefix for Russian numbers). You cannot erase it and replace it with another.