The antenna does not receive a signal. Why did the TV signal after the antenna amplifier become even worse? Antenna problems

You can do without some things, but their absence causes some discomfort. The case when the TV shows poorly is an excellent confirmation of this. Constant interference is very annoying, so I want to get rid of it as quickly as possible and get a clear, beautiful picture.

Antenna and cable problems

If the TV worked fine all the time, and then the picture deteriorated greatly, then a reasonable question arises: why did this happen? To answer it you need:

  • check all connections;
  • check the condition of the cable, it may be pinched or broken;
  • make sure that the settings are not lost.

If the TV catches on the antenna, then you need to see if any trouble has happened to it. After strong wind, hail or snowfall, the antenna may change position, tilt, break, or a heavy object may fall on it. If you have an individual antenna, you need to check the reduction cable. It must be inspected visually and tested using an ohmmeter.

A satellite dish can also change its position under wind pressure, but it is very important for it to be oriented in a certain direction with great accuracy. When the position changes, the channels begin to show poorly or disappear altogether. To configure correctly satellite dish, one person should turn it, and the second should monitor the signal level.

It happens that the reason for a poor TV display is a breakdown of the receiver or converter. Check to see if the device light is on and if an access card for a coded channel is inserted. If the devices are under warranty, then you need to send them in for repair or replacement.

If you share an antenna with your neighbors, your neighbors show it well, but yours shows it poorly, then first check the cable. From the cable wiring in the panel parallel to the home cable, we throw a piece of another cable and connect it to your TV, bypassing the apartment wiring. If the TV starts to show better, then the problem is in the wiring, otherwise look for the reason in the TV or in the interference created by household electrical appliances.

Problems with cable TV

When connecting to cable television, when the signal is distributed via cable, the reasons for poor display may include incorrect setting channels. You need to reconfigure or contact your provider. If the image is clear, but the sound is wheezing, then in the settings you need to set the sound standard to DK.

After you have verified that everything is fine with the setup and the service provider has confirmed good quality signal, you need to check the condition of the cable. Perhaps it is too old, frayed in some place and needs to be replaced with a modern type.

There are statistics on the reasons why it shows poorly cable TV, and which very well answers the question of why communication problems occur. Here's most of them.

  • The TV plug is not fully inserted into the socket.
  • The integrity of the cable is broken.
  • Incorrect connection in wiring to TVs or apartments.
  • Using low quality dividers.

According to the connection diagram, the difference cable TV from antenna is that with cable, one transmitting node is installed in a small area of ​​several houses. If for some reason the power supply to the node is interrupted, then all users who are connected to it will not receive a signal. In this case it is necessary to eliminate main problem, providing power to the node. Such issues are dealt with by utility services, and nothing depends on the users.


Pay attention to the location of the antenna. The height at which the antenna is located plays an important role in signal reception. It doesn’t matter at all whether we are talking about radio or television. To amplify an indoor antenna, place it as high as possible. If the antenna is telescopic type, for best regards signal, it must be fully open.

Look where the antenna is pointing. If there are obstacles between it and the signal source, naturally the reception will be poor. Try to position the antenna so that there is no large tree, tall building, power line or any other structure in its path that could seriously interfere with signal reception. This way you can strengthen the antenna.

Use an antenna amplifier to make your indoor antenna more powerful. This special device, which facilitates signal reception. Also try using additional grounding. This will practically not change the antenna power, but the signal will be clearer. Any antenna is an open oscillating circuit. The larger the area oscillatory circuit, the greater the ability to receive a signal it has. Any long wire can serve as an antenna. Attach it to yours indoor antenna. This will increase its area, and therefore its power.

Use the last resort if none of the above methods help. Replace the indoor antenna with an external one. An external antenna is much better suited for high-quality signal reception, especially since there are many more possibilities for its configuration. Point the external antenna in the direction that is optimal for signal reception. This will save you from the need to constantly adjust it, as is often the case when using an indoor antenna.

The quality of television and radio signals does not always satisfy viewers and listeners. Moreover, there can be interference even when there is a seemingly powerful antenna. In order to improve quality reception, the antenna must be configured correctly.

You will need

  • coaxial cable, portable radios or cell phones.


If the antenna is directional, try repositioning it so that there are no obstacles between it and the signal source. Such obstacles can be high-rise buildings or other structures, power lines, and so on. You can try the exact direction to the signal source. To do this, you can use the help of an observer monitoring the signal at the receiver. To communicate with it, you can use portable radios or.

If you have a directional antenna with flat polarization (type “Wave channel” and similar), check the polarization of the received signal. Adjust it according to the received data. To do this, you need to rotate the antenna relative to the axis directed towards the signal source. Most often, just trying to rotate the antenna 90° is enough.

Efficiency antennas can be increased by antenna amplifier. But in this case, the gain limit is set by the level of interference. To reduce their level, use shielded reduction, that is, the antenna is best using coaxial cable.

Efficiency antennas, especially when receiving on long, medium and short waves, can be increased by installing additional grounding. It should also be borne in mind that the antenna must be impedance matched with the input circuit of the radio receiver. That is, it must be connected with the type and cable recommended in the instructions for the receiver or.


Long, medium and short wave antennas can be long lengths of wire. It is also recommended to install the mounting points of such antennas based on the highest reception volume of the desired stations. That is, it is necessary to change the position of the antenna.

Helpful advice

If we're talking about about indoor antenna, then the best solution There will be installation of a stationary external antenna. This will dramatically improve the quality of reception. It is also recommended to connect portable mobile receivers and televisions during their operation in stationary conditions.

Receivers operating on ultrashort waves have long been commonplace. We use the radio at home, in the country and even in the car. But as you move away from the broadcasting station, the signal quality deteriorates noticeably. It is not always possible to install an effective receiving antenna, so using an antenna amplifier may be a solution to the problem. If you know how to use a soldering iron and understand the fundamental electronic circuits, then you can make one like this amplifier with your own hands.


Check out circuit diagram antenna amplifier. It is made using a low-noise transistor, providing a gain of approximately 20 dB. At the input, low-pass filters with a cutoff frequency of 115... 120 MHz and a high-pass filter with a cutoff frequency of 60... 65 MHz are connected in series. This allows you to amplify signals from broadcast stations operating in the VHF range.

Make a list of the required parts. In addition to the transistor, you will need several resistors and capacitors, as well as inductors. The parameters of the elements are shown in the figure for step 1.

Take the transistor type KT3120A or KT368A (the second option is less preferable). It is advisable to use imported capacitors in the device, similar in parameters to domestic K10-17. Resistors of the MLT and S2-33 types will be quite suitable for the amplifier. Wind the coils from PEV wire using a mandrel with a diameter of 4 mm. Coil L1 contains 3.5 turns, and L2 - 4.5 turns of wire.

If you plan to use amplifier in a car receiver, add two relays and an additional power filter to the circuit. When power is applied, both relays turn on amplifier between the antenna and the receiver. When the power is turned off, the receiver input is connected to the antenna. Be sure to equip the car version of the amplifier with a metal case.

Prepare for installation of device elements printed circuit board made of fiberglass, foil-coated on both sides. The pattern of the printed tracks may vary (depending on the part layout you choose). Leave the other side of the board metallized and connect it with foil along the contour with common conductor top side. Make the board for the automotive version of the amplifier more elongated so that you can easily place a power filter and relay on it.

Assembled amplifier connect between the receiver input and the antenna socket, and make the connection with a short shielded cable if possible. When installing the device in a vehicle, place it close to the receiver in a shielded housing.

Check how effectively the device amplifies the signal. If necessary, reduce the capacitance of the capacitors and increase the inductance of the coils (but not more than one and a half times). Keep in mind that in city conditions where the signal level of radio stations is high, the antenna amplifier should be turned off to avoid signal distortion.


  • make antenna amplifier

To improve the quality of the received image and “catch” previously inaccessible channels, it is not necessary to buy a new powerful antenna. The receiving ability of the antenna depends on various external factors, from the shape and design, changing which you can adjust the image quality.

Antenna location

Quality TV signal directly depends on the location of the antenna. Concrete walls, metal fences and structures greatly interfere with the passage of the signal, so most often it is located outside the house, on a wall or. If you know where the nearest transmitting tower is, the antenna should be pointed in its direction.

Changing the antenna design

Almost any antenna can be equipped with a special television signal amplifier. It operates on a 220 V network; you can buy the amplifier at most electronics stores. For the right choice it is important to know some parameters: noise figure (it should be as low as possible, preferably no more than 2 dB), gain Ku (calculated based on the presence of branches and its length).

Most often, the antenna design is thought out taking into account standard search air signal. It can be changed using any metal object that conducts current: wire, cable, balcony dryer, central heating radiators, etc. Aluminum and copper items with a large surface area work best. Metal objects that are not in contact with the antenna, on the contrary, interrupt the signal.

Some antennas require special settings before use. You should check whether the correct frequency range is set to receive a particular signal.

Common-mode grating effect

If you take several identical antennas and space them horizontally so that the signal phases in them are the same, you can achieve significant amplification. For example, if a single antenna gives a coefficient of 7 dB, then a double antenna - up to 10 dB, consisting of four parts - up to 12 dB, etc.

Basic rules of the common-mode array: the parts can be purchased or made independently, but must be the same. It is important that the “floors” and “rows” are completely symmetrical, with the same length of lines and cable jumpers. For fixation, frames made of insulating materials, such as wood or plastic, are used.

We are so accustomed to the flow of information that without it we feel insecure. That’s why, outside the city, having more or less equipped a house, the first thing that appears is a television. And in order to rural areas he worked, necessary TV antenna for the dacha. It is selected depending on the location of the nearest repeater - television tower and the type of television signal that you will “catch”.

Today there are several types of signals, and accordingly, the same number of types of antennas:

Terrestrial TV antenna: what to choose for your dacha

You can say exactly which antenna to install at your dacha only in relation to each specific case. When choosing, take into account:

  • location - plain, hill, lowland;
  • the presence or absence of forests and large trees near the house;
  • distance to the nearest repeater.

The main importance is the distance to the TV tower and which one. height you can raise the antenna. Sometimes every meter matters.

Indoor or outdoor

Indoor antennas can only be installed if the repeater is in your direct line of sight. If you can see a TV tower from your summer cottage, you can try it. In order not to waste money, you can make the most simple antenna with your own hands: take a piece of wire, connect it to the corresponding connector on the TV, and walk around the room with this “antenna”, climb higher to the ceiling, closer to the window, etc. If at least some signals are caught, you can try or buy.

Outdoor antennas “catch” tens of kilometers from repeaters

If during all movements there are no signs of a clear signal, you need outdoor antenna, but for the zone confident reception(with less gain). For all other cases, when the distance to the tower is tens of kilometers, you definitely need external antenna.

Broadband or narrowband

Because terrestrial television is broadcast in two bands - UHF and meter, then there are antennas for these bands. If the receiver “catch” a signal in only one band, they are called narrowband. They are available only for UHF or only for VHF frequencies.

There are also broadband (also called all-wave) - their design is designed so that it is possible to normally receive a signal at all frequencies. They are usually bulkier and heavier and have a long shaft. But they put up with this - a broadband television antenna for a dacha can “catch” more channels. That's why they buy them most often.

Active or passive

More attention should be paid to whether it is better to install an active or passive antenna. An active device is a device with an amplifier built into the housing. Passive ones are just hardware for which you need to buy an amplifier separately.

Active receivers with a built-in amplifier are cheaper, receive more channels, but they have a significant drawback: amplifier boards often break. Any more or less serious thunderstorm, and channels that were previously clearly received begin to “snow” or disappear altogether. Replacing the board can help the problem. To do this, you need to climb onto the roof, remove the antenna, change the board, install it again and configure it. This procedure can be repeated after each thunderstorm.

Even if thunderstorms did not affect the performance of your country antenna, still after a year and a half the number of well-received channels decreases. The quality gradually gets worse, and sooner or later, you notice that it is no longer possible to watch. The reason is oxidation of contacts and elements on the board. The receivers on the antenna are far from sealed and dust and moisture get inside, destroying the contacts and tracks. Therefore, the average lifespan of an active antenna is about a year. If it's not a thunderstorm, oxidation will finish it off.

The best antenna for a summer residence: inactive with a separate amplifier

There is nothing to help with a thunderstorm, and oxidation can be significantly slowed down if immediately after purchase, the board is filled with silicone on both sides. This will protect contacts and elements from oxidation. No one will repair it anyway, if the board “flies”, you buy a new one and put it in its place. That's all the repairs. It is also useful to seal the cable connection point. Here, too, due to oxidation, there are large signal losses.

Passive antennas with separate amplifiers are good because the hardware is installed above the roof, and the amplifier is in the attic. Replacing a circuit board in the attic is much less of a hassle than replacing it on the roof. Especially in winter time. They “catch” fewer channels, but the picture is “cleaner”.

There is one more plus: individual amplifiers have two adjustments - separately for the UHF range and MV. This is useful, since sometimes some signals come with a much higher level and they “clog” weaker ones. Then there is an overlap of sound and/or image, in some cases, if some signal is very strong, it is completely “snowing”. By adjusting the sensitivity of the ranges you can save the situation. So passive antennas with separate amplifiers for the garden are the best choice.

Samsung and LG TVs generally have the “ weak signal" In this case, you may not need an amplifier at all. Install a passive antenna at your dacha, turn on the mode, and tune in the channels. It should be good to show at least 5-6 channels.

To ground or not

Another problem that needs to be solved is whether the TV antenna for the dacha should be grounded. On the one hand, this is often the most high point. On the other hand, if it is grounded, it will catch any lightning strike that is nearby. Accordingly, you will have to change the board every time, as it will fail.

For this reason, “antenna specialists” insist that they do not need to be grounded. Especially if the device is located below the power wires. Lightning will then strike the highest grounded point. The main thing is that it is not your antenna.

Which antennas are better?

As usual, in addition to the type of equipment, you have to choose a manufacturer. And this, perhaps, is no simpler. Recommendations can help. There are several popular manufacturers on the forums:

  • Locus (Locus). Antennas made in Russia. A wide range of, low prices(from 480 rubles to 1.7 thousand rubles). There are both active ones - with a built-in amplifier, and passive ones.
  • Harpoon. Also an antenna Russian production. Receives in UHF and MV zones. They are produced only in passive form and are intended for installation in areas of poor reception. Retail price— Harpoon-0416 — 1500 rubles, Harpoon-1028 — 2300 rubles.
  • Antennas "Delta" produced by JSC "NPP OST". The range here is very wide. There are both narrowly targeted ones only for VHF or only for UHF bands, and broadband ones. Moreover, UHF antennas can be used to receive a DVB-T2 signal digital television. Many models are equipped with an F-connector - a device through which the cable is connected: during installation, you do not need to disassemble it to connect it. Insert the conductor, stripped of insulation, into the socket. All. The cable is connected.
  • GoldMaster (GoldMaster). There are few reviews, but according to those available, it receives reliably even in the area of ​​​​uncertain reception. Even during rain, the signal quality hardly drops. The picture is still clear, without “snow”.

All other manufacturers are not particularly popular.

For inactive antennas, amplifiers are also needed. There are also preferences here:

  • LHA House Amplifier;
  • TERRA (Terra);
  • Powerful amplifiers with low level noise Breeze, Alcad (Alcad).

Antenna installation

Before starting all work, it is useful to lubricate all screws, nuts, and antenna connections with Movil or Litol, something similar in properties. If selected active antenna, it is better to seal the board with silicone. After such treatment, the antenna will last not a year, but much longer.

About which cable to use for connection. It’s better not to try to save money here: the losses will be too great. Therefore, take branded SAT 50 or SAT 703. The “picture” depends no less on the quality of the cable and the quality of connections than on the reception.

TV antenna for a summer residence: where and how to install

The installation location is selected taking into account where you will need to point the antenna. If the roof and wind loads allow, it can be fixed to the roof. In order to raise the receiver higher, the antenna is mounted on a mast. There are special clamps for this.

In some cases, you have to raise the antenna as high as possible - in lowlands or if trees block reception. Then telescopic rods will come in handy

There are prefabricated metal masts, and there are telescopic - folding masts. This type is more convenient, especially if the antenna is with a receiver - you will need to change the board periodically, and completely dismantling the mast every time is a pleasure. Telescopic masts can be lowered by unscrewing the locking ring. The antenna attached to the top will lower along with the top of the boom.

If you don’t need to lift it high, you can use a wooden beam or a sanded trunk of a young pine tree. This is a completely dacha option. You can use a steel pipe of not very large diameter or a corner. There are a lot of options. Selected support needs to be secured. Mounting methods are shown in the figure.

The most common antenna mount is on the pediment. It is the easiest to implement, but only if the decoration or material of the walls allows it. This is not how they are mounted on walls covered with siding, and it is too complicated. Then the option is to fasten the rod to the pipe, to the rafters, or on guy wires to the roofing material.

When attaching to the gable, the distance between the fasteners must be at least 1.5 meters. If none of these methods can be implemented for some reason, you can try to install the antenna on a powerful tree growing nearby. You can attach the antenna to the trunk and trim branches that interfere with reception. Sometimes this is the best way.

Cable fastening

When installing the antenna, the cable is lowered down along the rod. It is secured with clamps every 50-80 cm. Having lowered the cable to the level of the roofing material, it is led along the ridge (so that it is not torn off by the snow) to a bracket, with the help of which it is lowered from the roof. The bracket is mounted above the window near the TV. The cable is brought into the room through a hole in the window frame. With an upward slope, drill a hole with a slightly larger diameter than the diameter of the cable. This will prevent raindrops from getting inside the frame. The cable in front of the frame should sag slightly - this gives freedom to temperature changes.

If the television antenna for the dacha is inactive, the amplifier is installed in the attic, the cable from the antenna is led to it, and from the amplifier to the TV.

One tip: when laying, you need to avoid sharp bends. The minimum radius is at least 5 cable diameters. When fastening with staples, do not pinch it.

Watch the video to see how to cut and connect antenna cables.

Every car these days is equipped with a radio, which no driver can do without. Regardless of what media you like to listen to in your car, virtually every driver uses the radio in their car from time to time. But sometimes the radio receiver lets us down, receiving the radio signal poorly. This is of course very annoying. What to do in such a situation and what is the reason for the poor performance of the car radio?

If the radio in your car begins to poorly receive a radio channel, this does not always mean that the radio antenna is to blame. After all, the source of interference can be tall buildings, towers mobile operators standing along the road and even a flash of sunlight, which can cause electromagnetic radiation.

In most cases, when there is poor reception of radio channels, the reason is precisely external interference, and not a breakdown of the car’s radio equipment.

So don’t rush to contact electricians with complaints about your car’s radio equipment. First you need to find out what is the reason for the bad radio receiver. Here are five ways you can improve the reception of your favorite radio channels.

1) Check the car antenna

If your car is equipped with an external metal antenna, there is always a risk of damage to it, which will lead to deterioration in the quality of radio reception. For example, the external retractable antenna can become damaged (car wash workers often move the antenna to avoid damaging it and then simply forget to retract it again). It can also be damaged by a bird in the parking lot. Or the machine's antenna may be damaged due to ice formation in the winter. Especially during freezing rain, which can easily bend the antenna and even break it completely. Remember that even minor, unnoticeable damage to the external retractable antenna can significantly affect the quality of radio signal reception.

Therefore, at the first sign of a drop in the quality of radio reception of the radio, check the condition of the external car antenna.

It is quite possible that your antenna is simply not extended all the way and therefore radio channels are received with interference. In this case, you only need to extend the antenna according to the vehicle manual.

If your car is equipped with an electric antenna that extends using a button, then due to ice formation, the antenna may not extend completely. In this case, the signal will be received with interference. Unfortunately, on many cars, antennas are usually installed out of the driver's field of vision, and you may simply not notice that the antenna is not fully extended. Therefore in case bad reception radio signal, be sure to check the condition of the antenna.

If your antenna is frozen and does not extend, do not try to pull it out of the car body with pliers. This way you can not only damage the antenna housing, but also the electromechanical mechanism that extends it out of the car.

2) Check antenna connections

The most common cause of poor radio reception in a car is a poor connection between the car radio and the antenna connector. The fact is that if the antenna cable has a poor connection to the radio (with radio tuner), then the quality of radio transmission from the antenna to the receiver will be low. As a result, you will hear interference or only radio noise. Unfortunately, over time, body vibration causes many wired connections machines weaken and are also susceptible to corrosion from moisture. This also applies to the connectors connecting the radio receiver to the antenna. As a result, the driver begins to experience difficulties in setting up high-quality radio channel reception.

So if you encounter poor-quality sound when listening to the radio in a car, then immediately after checking the antenna for damage, inspect the cable connecting the antenna to the radio. To do this, you will need to remove the radio from the car or push it forward from the center console to inspect it. back tuner, where the connector for connecting the antenna cable is located.

If during visual inspection If you find no problems with the connector, do not rush to install the radio back. Please note that the cable or connector may have hidden damage. So turn on any radio channel that has interference and turn up the volume to listen extraneous noise. Then move the antenna cable (for example, you can move the radio antenna connector). If the connection is reliable and tight, then you should not hear any changes in the sound of the radio channel. If you hear noise, crackling, etc., then most likely either the antenna cable or the connection connector is damaged.

3) Buy a new radio antenna for your car

When checking the connection between the antenna and the radio receiver, you may find that your antenna has signs of rust, dents or even breaks; in this case, without installing a new antenna, you will not be able to return the quality of signal reception to the previous level. Please note that it can damage not only the antenna mast itself, but also its connectors at the point of connection with the cable that goes to the radio tuner in the car's head unit.

Also, many modern cars in currently began to be equipped with new types of radio antennas. This type of antenna is a mesh sticker that is glued to the rear or side windows of the car. These flat panel radio antennas have some aesthetic advantages over external metal car antenna masts. Firstly, the mesh antenna is glued inside the car and cannot be damaged at a car wash, by birds in the parking lot or from the formation of ice.

But unfortunately, such flat antennas do not receive the signal very well. Especially in big cities and hilly areas. Also, the main disadvantage of an antenna on glass is the need to purchase a new one if it is damaged on the inside. Moreover, it can be damaged very easily by simply touching the glass with something sharp.

So, despite the new external antenna on the car body, it still has a number of advantages in terms of the quality of radio signal reception.

4) Install a radio signal amplifier in the car

Usually, in the case of poor-quality radio signal reception in a car, radio amplifiers are not very effective. Especially if the reason for the poor quality sound of the radio channel is related to a broken antenna or wear antenna cable and connectors. But usually with this type of damage, poor reception of all radio channels is observed.

But sometimes, even with working radio equipment, each driver is faced with uncertain reception of just a few radio channels. What to do in this case? Indeed, the power of the radio signal from all radio stations is different and radio channels can indeed be received differently by our car radio equipment. How, then, can you tune your favorite radio channel to high-quality sound?

In this case, radio amplifiers can come to your aid. But remember that if interference when receiving a radio station is associated with high-rise buildings or terrain features, then a radio signal amplifier will not help you.

5) Change the radio

In general, the radio tuners in the music head units of modern cars, which are installed at the factory, are of sufficient quality for reliable reception of radio channels. But unfortunately, not all radios are created equal. For example, it is not uncommon for even expensive digital audio units, providing incredible high-quality sound from CD/DVD media, to be equipped with a not very high-quality radio tuner. Moreover, low-quality radios are even found in expensive premium cars. Sometimes the quality of radio signal reception in economy class cars is even better than in luxury ones.

So if you have checked all the radio equipment and have not established the cause of poor-quality radio signal reception, then most likely, if you cannot do without the clear sound of radio channels, you will have to change your standard radio to a better one, which has a more advanced radio tuner.

When choosing a radio, pay attention to the brand and its cost. Remember that cheap units will not be able to provide you with high-quality radio reception in your car.

  • do not use the one bought when your grandfather went to first grade;
  • don't buy the cheapest one with virtually no braid. Choose normal ones;
  • do not shorten as much as possible;
  • do not make sharp creases;
  • Do not roll the excess into a coil.

Even if you connect the pieces with a standard coaxial connector, the signal quality is guaranteed to deteriorate.

Using the amplifier

This inexpensive antenna for the garden gives good results. If you plan to receive only with this antenna, then its two long side “whiskers” can be unscrewed.

Wave channel

They give good results, especially for remote signal reception when it is quite weak.


Many TV viewers use the “Polish” antenna - a grid and four rows of antennae. It doesn’t matter where it was made, they used to call it “Polish”, and sometimes “mesh”. Very often she demonstrates not the best best characteristics for reception digital signal.

In general, for reception at the dacha , very sensitive too. If the reception of the digital signal on it in your area turns out to be normal, then you are just lucky. The amplifier of this antenna can operate from a 5 Volt power supply, which can be taken from digital tuner, and then there is no need to use additional block nutrition.


indoor antenna shows good results for . Even if you paid dearly for it, the result may be zero.

If you only want an indoor antenna as an on-air antenna for your dacha, you may be “advised” to buy it more expensive and “better”. But if you hope that she will start giving you a wonderful signal in your room, then this hope is in vain. If in the house bad signal, no antenna will help. External - this is the solution to the problem if there is no reception in the room.


Remember? We're talking about ethereal, so forget about satellites. You won't be through satellite tuner receive terrestrial television in the DVB-T2 standard. You will not connect the T2 tuner to the . We receive the T2 signal from the nearest broadcast tower in decimeter range. To normal terrestrial antenna for the dacha, not a “plate”.