Anchors and their correct composition. How to get free non-anchor links

To understand what it is non-anchor promotion , you should decide what anchor promotion is. a keyword or phrase that provides a link to a page promoted to the top of search engines.

Thus, anchor promotion – bringing the site to the top PS for the necessary queries. An example is below.

Logically, it turns out that anchor-free promotion means getting to the top without anchors. But how is this possible? Let's say thank you to the web resource optimization specialists for the term; it was they who decided that if the anchor is not a query, but an adverb, page address or domain, then such promotion should be called anchorless.

What does non-anchor promotion give?

Can it help bring this or that query to the top? Why do you need to put a link from the words here, here, here, here, from domains and full page addresses? Let's figure it out.

IN lately this type promotion has become very popular among webmasters, and it’s all to blame Penguin . Not a cute black and white animal, but a Google filter. Search engines They are getting smarter day by day, and they don’t like link boosting PR, TIC, conquering tops with the help of paid links and other optimization tricks. As a result, Penguin threw out many pages optimized for key queries. We had to solve the problem - and a solution was found: non-anchor promotion.

Links from adverbs and domains look natural, and if they are placed on thematic resources of the acceptor, not a single Yandex or Google filter will find fault with the site. The link looks as if you shared it from the heart: you threw in an address or an offline word that you use to mention something in a normal conversation.

Is it possible using this method promote a keyword? Numerous experiments have shown: yes, it is possible! But there is one limitation: search engines “eat” from 5 to 12 words of text along with the link, and it doesn’t matter whether they are located before or after it. Attention: words for promotion must be in the text of the page to which we are placing a link!

I offer it as homework determine which queries will be fed into the text in the picture. I'm waiting for answers in the comments :).

As you understand, today non-anchor promotion is an important component of website promotion, receiving traffic and conquering the top for the right queries. But here it’s worth remembering that everything is good in moderation, and you don’t need to rush right now, dear readers, to buy bundles of non-anchor links and promote only with them.

Follow our advice and you will be happy:

  • Do not write the same text around the link. Show your imagination and please the search engines.
  • Don’t forget about the title – you can insert a key phrase here.
  • When posting, dilute non-anchor links with anchor ones - at least 50 to 50.
  • Link not to one or two pages of your site, but to more - you have something to offer readers!
  • Reference words should be as unique as possible. One post will be with the word “here”, the second - “here”, the third “this” and so on.
  • And most importantly: link as naturally as possible. Read other people's comments, posts, watch how information is shared on forums - and learn.

Well, a little about the disadvantages of non-anchor promotion . There are not many of them: it’s difficult to choose different unique reference words, because with all these here, there, here, here, etc. you can’t do much, and the need constant monitoring links so as not to overdo it with non-anchor promotion. Good luck!

SEO specialists know that Google is suspicious of sites whose anchor list contains too many links with anchors in the form of direct entry keys. Let's not lie and admit that in most cases such links are obtained in an unnatural way. Accordingly, search engines are fighting this phenomenon by rolling out algorithms that pessimize sites that abuse such direct entry links. For example, the algorithm from Google: Penguin.

What is the way out of this situation? After all, the link factor is one of the important factors in ranking a website in search engines. And the solution is this: you need to bring the site’s link profile closer to the natural one. Therefore, non-anchor natural links should dominate this profile.

List of non-anchor anchors:

In this article, I will not talk for a long time about how to get such links naturally. First of all, you need to do quality content to be referred to. In addition, there is useful tool from SeoPult (it’s called “Natural Links”), which allows you to fully automatically receive backlinks from authoritative sites. So, a sample list of non-anchor anchors looks like this:

like this
this one
like this
There is
like this
my link
right here
more details
like this
follow this link
detailed description
this link
like this
here she is
These ones
right here
for example
that's what
description here
like this
this option
like this
like this.
this one
follow the link
more details...
visit the author's website
I recommend
here is the link
like this
here, for example
something like this
like this
like this one
detailed description here
full description
watch here
link to description
like this.
this model
it's a miracle
here they are all
all reviews
all parameters
for example here
this list
For example.
for example
of these
for example
For example.
this device
look here
see link
this type
like these
here is the description
like this.
here it is.

from here
author's words
printable version
right here
like this
right here
this one
more details here
taken from here
this is it
here he is
like this
from here
thanks to the source
right here
like this
like this
That's why
this site
the rest are here
from here.
come here
like this
this way

For the list, by the way, thanks to Viktor Karpenko, author of the blog

You need to parse the statistics of the counter installed on the site. For example, using KeyCollector. And in these statistics you will find a lot of micro-low frequency queries that led to transitions to your site. These are the phrases that can be used as anchors.

Infographics: types of non-anchor anchors

Well, for a visual representation, a small infographic:

I hope the article was useful to you. Good luck!

Anchor - the text between tags used by the webmaster when setting a link. Accordingly, in non-anchor links the anchor acts as Page URL, and the link itself will look like this in code:

A promoted key is most often used as an anchor, therefore, increasing the link mass to receive traffic for the request “ plastic windows inexpensive”, would set this link in the following version:

href=””> inexpensive plastic windows - this is an anchor link.

So, we have already talked briefly about how the two types of links differ. Now let’s take a closer look at their features, especially since questions often arise about what is considered an anchor.

For example, some SEOs classify links with anchors #here# or #here# as non-anchor links because they do not use a keyword phrase. However, I (and most of my colleagues) disagree with this statement, since a simple anchor will still remain that way, no matter what word is used. And if you place hundreds of links to a page with such keys, you may well receive sanctions from the search engine for “anchor spam.” In general, despite all the controversy of the moment, from my point of view, the use of natural anchors should not be confused with anchor-free promotion. But we'll talk about this a little later.

Most pages on the site have internal anchor links: from the menu to linking in articles. Therefore, when filling the site with materials, it is better to use non-anchor links. I would recommend, for example, instead of the option:

"I wrote how href=””> buy children's dresses on the Internet"


“I wrote how to buy children’s dresses on the Internet: href=””>»

So, from my point of view, for non-anchor links, only the address of the page to which the author is linking can appear between the tags.

We've already talked enough about what the two types of links look like and how they differ, but let's get it out of the way. For example, if we wrote an article on the topic “Moscow buy roses wholesale,” what anchor links can be used in the text:

We offer the service:< ahref=””>Moscow buy roses wholesale.

In our store you can< ahref=””>buy roses wholesale in Moscow.

If you are looking for where< ahref=””> in Moscow buy roses wholesale, contact us.

Moscow buy roses wholesale:< ahref=””>http://mysite.coma>.

You can buy roses wholesale in Moscow here:< ahref=””>http://mysite.coma>.

We sell roses wholesale in Moscow -< ahref=””>http://mysite.coma>.

Well, a natural anchor:

If you are looking for where to buy roses wholesale in Moscow, take a look< ahref=””>herea>.

I think there are already enough examples so that no one has any questions about how these two types of links look and are compiled.

Once upon a time, anchor promotion “ruled”, as did the exact entry of keys. However, the constant desire of search engines to fight link building has also affected them. And today, an optimizer whose 100% of links have anchors can only count how long his brainchild will live before receiving a ban - there is no hope of reaching the TOP. But this method is so attractive that few people are ready to give it up. What rules must be followed in order not to fall under sanctions? Let's figure it out.

So, it is recommended to use only those queries that should bring you traffic as an anchor. If the link is placed for the sake of increasing the “belly” or really as a natural one, you should abandon the anchor. Therefore, never include expressions in anchors that you do not use to promote the page.

Origin unnatural links quite obvious if you use a direct occurrence of the key. For example, the phrase “Moscow install air conditioning” used in a lot of links may cause a filter to be applied. You can avoid this:

a) diluting the key (“Moscow install inexpensive air conditioner”);

b) using a morphological entry (“Installation of air conditioners in Moscow”).

However, you shouldn’t include a whole sentence in the anchor - you need to find a balance between two extremes, in one of which optimizers even refuse to use prepositions and conjunctions, and in the other they include it in the key extra words, pulling the weight on themselves.

To understand whether the used version of the word “knows”, you can use the query: “!!install -!install”. If a page appears in the results that uses the desired form, you can apply it in your text.

Using synonyms and abbreviations in queries will also help optimize your link mass. For example, Yandex will equally understand the request “Buy chipboard” and “Buy chipboard”.

Links that have anchors that have errors (“how to make money on YouTube” and “how to make money on YouTube” look more natural). In addition, when creating an anchor list, you need to take into account the need for surrounding text: a link without it does not look natural.

Be that as it may, even with a dilution of requests, anchor promotion should be combined with non-anchor promotion. Why? Everything is logical: regular user simply inserts a link into the text without enclosing it in tags. And if there are no such links, then naturalness reference mass appears to be in question. What ratio of link types should there be?

In order to decide what “anchor-free” website promotion is, you need to understand what “anchor” promotion is.

Anchor– this is a key phrase that serves as text for a link to the promoted page. It turns out that anchor promotion means getting to the TOP search results pages for the required keywords.

Based on the above, we can conclude that there is no anchor promotion.

– bringing the page to the TOP without using keywords. Anchors for such links exist, but they look something like this: “you can read the details here” using the link on the word “here”.

Why use anchor-free promotion?

Many people are probably asking the question: “What is the point of promoting a website without using keywords in the anchor?” The answer to this question lies in the search engine algorithm. Google systems called Penguin.

Search engines and their algorithms are becoming smarter every year, and the purchase of links with keywords in anchors will be increasingly suppressed. After one of the Penguin updates, many sites promoted by anchor links with keywords were kicked out of the top of the search results.

In connection with this turn, I had to look for alternative methods promotion without using keywords in link anchors.

A link using adverbs looks more natural, since the anchor uses ordinary colloquial speech and does not use keywords. Some may think this is science fiction, but using this method you can promote your page using key phrases.

The thing is that search engines index not only the link and its anchor. Search engines also index the text around the link from 5 to 12 words. Thus, for successful non-anchor promotion, you simply need to put keywords in the text before or after the link.

Today, the use of anchor-free website promotion is simply necessary and in the future this need will only grow. Search engines have long declared war on purchased links, and non-anchor website promotion may well replace anchor promotion, which is so popular today.

However, you should not rush headlong into the process of promotion without anchors. This type of promotion has its own nuances that you need to know about before starting promotion.

  • The adjacent text should be varied on all sites where a link to the promoted page is placed.
  • Non-anchor promotion must be diluted with anchor promotion. No more than 50% of all links should be without anchors with keys.
  • Place links on several pages of the site; users will “walk” on other pages of the site on their own.
  • Links should be as natural as possible. Study the promotion process of other webmasters, read forums and draw appropriate conclusions.
  • Adverbs used in promotion should be varied. And also don’t forget to put key phrases in the page title.

Despite the advantages of non-anchor promotion, this method of reaching the top of search results also has several disadvantages. There really aren't as many of them as you might think. The main drawback is the limitation of adverbs.

You need to monitor all non-anchor links on other resources and apply all available adverbs evenly. This simple activity can significantly increase the site’s credibility with search engines.