An alternative to tricolor and cable television. Budget streaming device model - Google Chromecast

In the coming summer season for many Tricolor TV subscribers an unpleasant surprise What happened is that all-Russian channels have now become paid and are now shown only after paying 1,200 rubles for a year. For the dacha, where most people have Tricolor sets, the need to pay that kind of money for three to four months of viewing is too expensive. But there is nothing to do, the equipment has been purchased, it shouldn’t go to waste. So many people pay.

In fact, for Tricolor subscribers there are at least two options to optimize costs. Yes, both options involve replacing or buy satellite equipment another operator, more flexible in payments. Whether it is worth doing this is something everyone decides for themselves. But if you old radio, which does not support the MPEG-4 broadcast standard (DRE-5000, GS-7300), then you will still have to think about replacing it. This summer, around mid-July, these receivers will stop receiving satellite channels in general: the last remaining channels will switch to the MPEG-4 format, leaving owners of old receivers “without their noses.” The broadcaster is replacing equipment, but it is not free and gives a good reason to think about whether you want to continue to stay with this operator.

As written above, there are two alternatives for a summer residence. The first is to buy an NTV Plus receiver. For example, Opentech OHS1740V. The existing antenna is also suitable for NTV Plus; you don’t even have to move it. The build quality of the receiver Opentech OHS1740V even better than competitor's devices. Even the absence of a display does not spoil the impressions. But subscription fee You can pay monthly instead of a year in advance. Although such an opportunity is also provided, with good savings. List of broadcast channels in basic packages Both operators are similar, but NTV Plus offers a much larger selection of additional TV channels. The price of Opentech OHS1740V is comparable to the cost of replacing a tricolor set-top box. It’s just a pity that it won’t be possible to exchange the Tricolor receiver for an Opentech OHS1740V.

The second alternative eliminates the kit satellite equipment. It can be moved to another place, to a city apartment where you live permanently. This option is terrestrial digital television. Its main advantages: free broadcasting federal package of channels (20 – 30 channels) and low cost receiving equipment. Basically, you need to buy a DVB T2 receiver and decimeter antenna. Most people already have antennas, and if not, then take a closer look at the active ones street antennas. This is just right for a dacha.

Regarding the receiver. Buy DVB T2 receiver you need a modern one, definitely with an HDMI port, even if you don’t have this port on your TV. The receiver has additional videos outputs (low-frequency “tulips”, most often). Receiver without HDMI output should alert you - this is probably an outdated model that will not accept anything.

Now the main thing is about the price. You can buy a set of terrestrial television for two thousand rubles. The price is comparable to the annual Tricolor subscription, and shows the federal package of channels for free.

Buy satellite equipment from another operator, exchange the receiver for new model current broadcaster or buy DVB receiver T2 with antenna - everyone decides for themselves. You just need to think about the current situation, evaluate the prospects for using this or that set of equipment, and make the right decision.

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I decided to open this topic because people often call and want to get free satellite TV.
I hope everyone knows that free cheese only happens in a mousetrap. You have to pay for everything in this life.
Payment options, however, are different. This is either money, or wasted time, or ruined nerves.
So - the task. Select the cheapest possible set of equipment for receiving federal channels
Let's start selecting with the most popular operator - Tricolor TV.
“Basic” 11 main federal TV channels.
* - No additional charge for the entire duration of the subscription agreement
List of channels. Basic package
Set price: 8000 rubles.


3) When purchasing a new set, the price already includes a year of viewing about 150 TV channels.
4) If you want to watch more, you can simply pay 900 rubles for the Maximum HD package.
1) There is NO payment of 600 rubles per year on NEW equipment. Only 900 rubles per year.
2) Activation period for the Basic package = 5 years (registered on the access card). Then - exchange of equipment or payment for the Maximum HD package.
3) Much has been written about the glitches and freezes of official consoles. With every new software it gets worse and worse.
4) Impossibility of using ANY other satellites (limitation of the operator's set-top box).
5) Office repair. consoles is already a hackneyed topic. It's easier to buy a new one.

Let's continue the selection. Oldest operator satellite TV - NTV plus.
“Start” 16 main federal TV channels.
Starter package
NOT sold as a set. You can use used satellite receivers with a Viacess system card reader (almost all).
Plate + head = up to 1000 rubles (suitable from Tricolor).
Installation satellite dish= 1200 - 2000 rubles (it’s quite possible to install it yourself, pointing the antenna “like your neighbor’s”).
You can use a used access card, including one blocked for non-payment.
As an option, you can buy a kit with an MPEG-2 card (without connection to the receiver). I haven’t seen anything like this in Petrozavodsk yet.
On the Internet prices start from 1800 rubles without delivery.
The set with an MPEG-4 card is compatible only with recommended equipment from NTV Plus: VAHD-3100S, VHDR-3000S, Humax VA-5SD, Sagemcom DSI87-1 HD. But it will be possible at the office. the receiver can connect any NTV+ packages.
I have limited quantity MPEG-2 cards. With Starter activation - 1800 rubles. Without activation - 1200 rubles.

1) Small size satellite dish (55 - 60 cm).
2) High position of the satellite, which facilitates installation and reduces the influence of various types of obstacles.
3) Use of used equipment (very cheap).
4) Use any additional satellites in any combinations.
5) If you want to watch more, you can connect to these cards:
- Light package (42 channels) -99 rub/month,
- Light Plus package (57 channels) -149 rubles/month.
- Egoist TV package
- order films on Kinoreys 1-5 and “Sporting events to order”.
- Our Football channel.
- Leader TV-RF channel
- Armenia TV channel

1) According to the terms of the agreement, if there is a change in the coding system, then you will have to pay an additional 600 rubles for exchanging the access card - if for 3 years the amount of payments is less than 600 rubles.

Let's continue the selection. A new promising satellite TV operator - TELECART HD.
39 TV channels are always free.
List of Telekart channels on the website
List of Telecard channels in pdf
Receiver + card = 5000 rubles without delivery.
Price in the online store
Plate 90 cm + head = up to 1500 rubles. (it is impossible to use less in our area)
Installation of a satellite dish = 1500 - 2000 rubles (you can install it yourself, but it’s more difficult than NTV+ and Tricolor).
The access card can be used with most standard receivers.
Access card only = 2000 rubles without delivery.
Price in the online store

I have a limited number of new kits = GI HD mini receiver + access card - 4000 rubles. (1 year Standard package paid)
Separately, an access card costs 1,800 rubles.

1) Use of used equipment (very cheap).
2) Using the majority satellite receivers various brands.
3) Use of any additional satellites in any combinations.
4) According to the terms of the agreement, in order to prevent blocking of the access card, it is necessary to pay for at least one day of viewing (3 rubles) once every 6 months.
5) Possibility of payment by DAYS for the standard package (3 rubles per day, or 880 per year).
6) When using non-recommended equipment, the ability to view channels encoded in Biss encoding (Home +0, +2, +4; Pepper +0, +2, +4; STS +0, +2, +4;)
7) When using the recommended equipment, it is possible to switch to watching Continent TV.

1) Big size satellite dish (90 cm).
2) Low position of the satellite, which makes installation difficult and increases the influence of various types of obstacles.
Not every Tricolor bike installer will be able to adjust the antenna to 85 degrees (Telekarta).
3) When using non-recommended equipment, it is not possible to watch HD channels (KHL and Sport-1). And also the opportunity to switch to watching Continent TV.

Recently it became possible to watch 20 channels from Active TV (60 degrees) without an annual fee. But since I haven’t personally tried this combination yet, I won’t write anything. If anyone is interested, go to Google.

We read, think, count - draw conclusions.