iTunes accounts with paid games. Why you shouldn't use Shared Account on your iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch

A shared AppStore account has many features. It gives users the ability to install games and applications and watch high-definition movies without having to burden their hardware with additional software. Shared accounts provide official access to download applications and games for Apple devices (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch).

What is this

A shared account in the AppStore gives the user access to a large number of applications. AppStore is a digital store or section that offers information resources for Apple devices. In such a store you can buy or download applications for free. AppStore is also called a supermarket, which is aimed at owners of iPhones and iPads. The store contains more than one and a half million applications and more than five hundred million users.

Each device runs the same version of the AppStore. Users have access to the "In-App Purchases" feature. For example, if someone downloaded a photo editor and started using it for free, after a while some filters or functions of the program become paid, that is, they will be able to fully use the photo editor after payment has been made. Some users encounter this problem: the store is in English. The reason is the interface language on the phone or the English-speaking country selected during registration. Please note that when registering a profile, it is important to indicate your country. It should be noted that more applications and updates are available to English-speaking users.

The AppStore store has cloud storage. For example, if a user downloads a game or application and then deletes it, the deleted file can be downloaded again from the cloud (if the store suddenly also deletes this application). The resource attracts users because most of the files here are downloaded for free. They pay for purchases in the AppStore using credit or debit cards. Apple specialists monitor the store's occupancy and smooth operation. Each application has its own electronic certificate. The peculiarity is that developers can post created applications here if the latter meet the requirements of the AppStore. The authors receive 70% of the profits, the rest is taken by the site.

How does it work

Using a shared AppStore account is easy. If you open the main page, you can see the first tab "Selection". It contains games and applications offered by Apple. At the top of the page there is a menu: New (new items), Hot (most popular among users) and Release Date (recently released by date). The second tab is called Genius and contains recommendations. They are based on the user's choice.

If you purchase games of a certain theme, the program will suggest this category. The third tab, Top Charts, is perhaps the most popular. It provides ratings of programs and games (paid and free) according to demand. Free ones are controlled by the FREE button. Applications have descriptions and you can rate them with stars or write reviews. Another tab, “Genres,” includes programs that are divided by genre. A free shared AppStore account allows you to download publicly available applications. The program contains a fifth tab "Update". Here users can update files that have a new version.


General accounts in the AppStore under official conditions provide the user with the following opportunities:

  • Download free games and applications that are presented in the store catalog without going through the Jailbreak procedure.
  • Participate in compiling catalog updates.
  • Update apps from the store as well as Apple devices.
  • Receive technical support as quickly as possible.

Several people can connect to one account at once. All purchases made with one ID automatically are made available on users’ smartphones. The peculiarity is that everyone who uses a common AppStore account has constant official access to the regularly updated store catalog.


How much does a shared AppStore account in VK cost? According to the latest data, 3 App Store will cost the user $14.99; iTunes - 11.99; for Mac - $29. The lowest price is considered to be 299 rubles for the opportunity to use the application store. In general, different price categories are available to the Russian user. In the store you will find very cheap offers ranging from 15 to 29 rubles. The average price is 66 rubles.

Not all iPhone and iPad users can afford to buy any content they want on the AppStore. For example, the prices for some games, especially new ones, are downright steep. This is where a shared account on the App Store comes to the rescue. Its advantages are obvious:

  • free access to paid games, applications and media content available in the AppStore public profile catalog;
  • downloading distributions from the official source, without modifications, hacking or Jailbreak procedures;
  • participation in the formation of the account directory (you can ask the owner to add an application of interest).

Operating principle

A shared AppStore account can be created by any user. After registration, he purchases paid content and then posts his profile credentials (login and password) on social networks (on a personal page or in a group) or on his website. To allow other users to access paid content.

Is everything really free?

Yes, some shared Apple accounts are completely free. This is done for advertising purposes, for example, to promote a VKontakte group or your own blog or web resource.

But there are also paid shared accounts. They are provided for a fee. Nevertheless, they allow you to significantly save on purchasing applications in the App Store.

The user can download games and utilities from the profile catalog, the cost of which significantly exceeds the amount spent for access.

There are special stores on the Internet that sell general profiles (,, etc.). On these sites you can select collections exactly according to your preferences (for example, Magazine, Games, Movies, etc.).

Have a successful and profitable purchase in the AppStore!

Hello! The title turned out to be a little epic (I tried), but overall, it really captures the essence of this article. After all, what is our task? Find out in detail what this thing is - a shared App Store account. Am I planning to deceive you? Of course not - I’ll tell you everything “as it is” and without any embellishment. Only the truth, only hardcore :)

Okay, enough of the jokes and beating around the bush. The topic is quite serious (). And in some cases, it is also dangerous for your device, wallet and nervous system. Yes, yes, yes, we need to be very careful with this shared App Store account, troubles can await us at every turn...

However, let's talk about everything in order. Let's go!

What is a shared App Store account?

A general App Store account is a regular Apple ID account, the owner of which has purchased a large number of games, programs, applications and now sells (gives away for free) information about it (login and password) to other users.

What's the trick?

The fact is that all purchased programs are “linked” to the account, and not to the iPhone or iPad.

That is, you bought, for example, some expensive game. And your friend also really wants to play it, but he doesn’t have money. You can give him your Apple ID username and password (think twice about the consequences of such a decision!), He will enter it on his iPhone, go to the “Purchases” section of the application store and download this game absolutely free.

A very important note right away! The login and password for a shared account can only be entered in “Settings – App Store and iTunes Store”. Under no circumstances should you change iCloud! Why? Details are a little lower in the text.

Actually, shared App Store accounts function in exactly the same way (as in the example with a friend). There are just a lot more games, applications and programs there.

What types of shared accounts are there?

It is clear that for each of these accounts there is a certain set of content (what was purchased by the owner will be available to you). There are various thematic collections - magazines, programs, racing, shooting games, etc. But in general, general App Store accounts are divided into two types:

  • Free.
  • Paid.

Let's start with the latter - since everything is more or less simple with them.

Paid account - buy access and rejoice

And indeed, there is nothing illogical in such a phenomenon. The account owner buys content from the App Store, spends his money and makes money on those who want to get everything at once and for a small price. As a rule, you can purchase access for 10-20 dollars - which is on average the cost of a couple of good games.

In the end, everyone is happy. The owner gains profit due to the large number of users, and users get a lot of interesting things for a minimal amount.

What is a free shared App Store account and why is it needed?

I’ll say right away that I don’t believe in such human altruism. A long-existing and free shared App Store account with a bunch of paid games and programs is something from the series “you need to buy a car, get a taxi and drive everyone around for free.” No, I do not rule out that there are such people, but how many of them are there?

But really, what can motivate a person to create, maintain and distribute an App Store account for free? Here are some reasons:

  1. Recruit a certain user base and then, when everyone hears about it, make the account paid.
  2. This way you can promote a website, group or some kind of application. They say, here we have a free account - come in and subscribe.
  3. Just “practice” and hone some aspects of interaction on a free account, and then create a new, good and paid one.
  4. Deception to get money.

And fraud, unfortunately, is very common...

“Smudges” and other dangers during use

Crooks are everywhere. If you want to use a shared App Store account, here are two main problems you may encounter:

  • The worst thing is to pay for access and not get it. Well, or the list of games and applications will not be the same as the seller assures.
  • The worst thing is that your iPhone or iPad will be blocked.

“Defeating” both problems is not difficult.

In the first case, read reviews before purchasing. Since sales most often occur through social networks, do not hesitate to ask the opinions of people who have already purchased.

In the second case, you need to follow one simple rule.

Never. Never. Never ever. Do not even enter the received link (username and password) for the general account in the iCloud section of the iPhone settings even for a few seconds. Otherwise, your device may be blocked using the Find iPhone service. .

In principle, respectable services that provide access to shared App Store accounts warn about this themselves, and several times.

Conclusions and is it worth using?

As usual, I will not impose my opinion on you, but will only tell you about the pros and cons of such an event.

  1. Lots of content for little money.

That's where the positives end :)

  1. The general account may not contain all the games and applications that you want to see.
  2. Sometimes, access is provided only for a while - and then you have to pay again (some kind of subscription fee :)).
  3. Everything can end at any moment - for example, if the owner changes the password.
  4. If access to your account is closed, you will not be able to update previously downloaded games and applications!
  5. You shouldn’t rule out the possibility of fraud – be sure to read reviews and be as careful as possible!

As you can see, not everything is so simple and there are certain risks. Although, it is worth noting that in some cases, and with a competent approach, certain benefits can still be achieved. What to do in the end? It's up to you to decide!

After buying a new iPhone, and even using an old one, I really want to try playing paid games. But I don’t want to spend money. What to do?


In this article we will tell you what a free shared Apple ID account is and how and what it can be used for.

What is a shared AppStore account?

Everyone already knows that there are many paid programs and games in the application store and not everyone has the opportunity to purchase them, especially in a situation where the dollar exchange rate is unstable.

A shared account is an account with paid applications included in it. Where is he from? For example, you created an account, bought games, and then, in order to get back what you spent, you started selling access to it to people. It turns out that you will have money, and the client will receive paid games at a favorable price.

Everyone is allowed to make such a recording and it will become profitable in the future. Registration is usually quick. Also, when creating such an account, you can change the password for it at any time to limit access from third parties.

Pros and cons of shared accounts

At first you might think that such accounts only have advantages, but you are wrong:

  • A common Apple ID can be linked to a maximum of ten devices
  • If the application is downloaded more than ten times, the account will be blocked and you will lose access to it
  • Every time you make an update, you will have to constantly log into your account again, and if they manage to change them during this time, you will also lose access

There are also plenty of advantages:

  • You can download new games for free
  • There is no need to jailbreak for these purposes.
  • It’s quite easy to find such accounts.
  • The method is absolutely honest and can work on any Apple device

How to find a shared Apple ID?

Shared AppStore account - what is it?

If you want to find such an account, you need the instructions described below and just a little patience. This is the only way you will find what you are looking for.

  1. Launch VKontakte from your desktop
  2. Go to the search section
  3. Enter
  4. Find the current post and write down your login information

How to download applications and games?

To do this, go to the AppStore in the updates section, and then purchases. This will be all the applications and games that can be installed.

Video: How to get a shared App Store account for free?

The first “Shared Accounts” appeared with the release iOS 5, but at that time this phenomenon was not widespread, because only a few knew about it. Then the popularity of such accounts began to increase, and the number of services that offered such accounts increased significantly.

Using the “General Account” made it possible to purchase Apple ID with already purchased programs, games, music and movies, and then completely legally, without jailbreak, install all this content on your iPhone And iPad. Of course, using such a scheme violated the license agreement iTunes, but users of this method were little concerned about this.

By purchasing a “Shared Account” once for a small amount, you can get access to a huge number of applications and games from someone else’s Apple ID, however, this method has a number of disadvantages. Around April last year Apple blocked hundreds of such accounts, so buyers actually wasted money.

Of course, no one will return the money to you for a blocked account, so you will have to buy access to a new account using a new one or be left with nothing. If you download the application from some Apple ID, then its further updating is possible only from the same “Apple” account, so the user is tied to the service almost forever.

Passwords in such accounts change every day, and sometimes several times per hour, so you will have to find out the password each time before logging into your account. Recently, accounts have begun to be blocked very often, and cases of fraud have also become more frequent, so it is impossible to say exactly how long one such account will last Apple ID.

The main danger when using someone else's Apple ID is a service iCloud, through which your device can be blocked. Of course, it is unlikely that an experienced user can be persuaded into iCloud and enable the item "Find iPhone", but there are only a few such people and scammers take advantage of this. By blocking the device through the service "Find iPhone" it will be possible to restore it only by learning the new password from Apple ID, which you will be offered to buy for a large amount.

Don’t fall for scammers’ tricks and don’t use a “Shared Account”, because it’s much more effective to honestly buy apps and games on Apple ID, which will remain with you forever and no one will block or steal it.

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