The iPad takes a long time to charge, what should I do? Don't use iPad while charging

And is this a big problem? Let's figure it out. At some point, happy iPad owners are faced with the problem of no charge on their device. The iPad won't charge and at first it causes logical question– why isn’t it charging? Either there is no contact in the cord, or something is broken in the gadget, etc. No need to panic.
When faced with this kind of situation, of course, there is no need to fly anywhere headlong, since everything is normal with the device. The reason that the iPad does not have a charge lies directly in the computers themselves.
Apple tablets require more energy to charge than, for example, . That is why the iPad can only accept a charge from the computer in standby mode, locked.

Ipad is not charging, what should I do?

Holders MacBook Pro, Mac Mini, iMac, MacBook, which saw the world from 2011 onwards, do not face such a dilemma. Their devices are equipped with powerful ports that provide the iPad with the amount of power it needs. Well, you can play games at the same time.
The USB port, in standard mode, is capable of supporting the operation of all connected devices with a power consumption of up to 2.5 watts. This power is not enough for, because its charge is provided by a power supply with a power of 10 watts.
When the charging time of the iPad does not matter, you can safely connect it to the computer. He will take charge slowly, but don’t forget to press the sleep mode key (display lock), otherwise the problem will pop up again - why won’t the iPad charge?

What to do if your iPad is slow to charge

You need to try connecting USB cable to all free ports on the computer. Therefore, you should know exactly the characteristics of all USB connectors that the computer has. Modern hardware comes with three types of USB. Two of them 2.0 And 1.0 , provide current up to 500 mA, and 3.0 USB port they produce almost twice as much - within 890 mA. Naturally, from a 1.0 USB port the iPad will take a charge for as long as possible, but from a 3.0 port charging will be much more efficient, especially in terms of time.
You can purchase a double USB adapter - this is a Y-shaped wire, because it makes it possible to take 2 times more energy.
This kind of device solves the problem of practicality and mobility at the same time. Its name is dictated by the fact that the device has 2 inputs - for data and power, but there is only one output. It looks like letter Y.
To solve the problem when the iPad does not have a charge, the manufacturer has modified its motherboards. Special programs were also released. They are able to switch the USB port to a different mode, which provides the necessary power.
Based on all of the above, it is worth remembering:
- All iPad devices They take a charge from the computer quite slowly;
- the appearance on the iPad display of an icon indicating “no charging” is not a failure of the cable or device. When the iPad doesn't charge, it can be solved.

Video about why iPad won't charge

The autonomy of the “apple product” is known all over the world. Even during the presentation of this “miracle of technology,” the developers proudly announced: the tablet can work for up to 8 hours. But what to do if the iPad charges slowly and you don’t have enough patience to fully charge it with energy?

In order to determine whether there is a real problem, you need to find out how you charge the gadget:

  1. From a computer with via USB-cable.
  2. From the mains using Charger

In the first case, “feeding” the tablet is coming via port. The gadget is in sleep mode and charges, as a rule, up to 12 hours. This is the normal amount of time it takes to charge the device from scratch.

If it charges slowly from the network, then this fact should be taken as an alarm bell. After all, fully charging a device connected to an outlet should take no more than 5 hours.

Causes and possible consequences

The reasons for this type of problem may vary. This often happens due to incorrect use of Apple products. For example, the owner of a tablet is too lazy to carry it in a case (debris and dust gets into the connector) or to charge it on time. Often complete discharge devices or a constant lack of charge can “wear out” the battery.
When accepting a device for repair, specialists can first name the following causes of the problem:
  • damage to the cable or connector;
  • dust, debris or moisture getting into the tablet;
  • charger malfunction;
  • Inappropriate charging current.

Several more reasons can be added to this list. After all, only a professional can understand the complex structure of the device and understand why exactly the gadget is “sick.”

How can you help your tablet?

If your iPad takes a long time to charge, you can try to fix the problem yourself. But you need to realize that any wrong move can cause your device to break.

If you notice that your tablet takes a long time to charge, you can purchase a new charger (preferably an original one from Apple). If the cause of the problem was insufficient powerful charging, then this action should help you.

It is better not to make other repair attempts. Even cleaning the connector yourself can result in complete shutdown devices. In order not to tempt fate, it is better to trust the professionals. They have everything necessary equipment and experience to diagnose and completely repair the gadget.

What to do if iPad won't charge?

The iPad is a toy that not everyone can afford. But you finally decided and bought this tablet. Use it and enjoy the excellent quality of the product. But after a while you insert a USB cable into the synchronization socket, and nothing happens. The screen is not backlit and the charging icon is missing. Agree, a very unpleasant situation. But don’t despair, because there are several reasons for such a breakdown. Some of them can be solved independently without contacting service center. Let's look at the reasons why iPad won't charge and solutions to these problems.

Reasons and their solutions

There are several reasons for an Apple tablet not charging. Most often the cause is simple clogging of the nest. When you carry a gadget in your pocket or bag, various lint, dust particles, etc. gradually become packed into it. Layering and gradually compacting, they eventually begin to close the terminals, which leads to the system refusing to charge. To solve this problem, just take a toothpick and remove the resulting felt from the connector. But this is just one of the cases of malfunction that is easiest to fix. Let's look at more serious options when a simple toothpick is not enough.

Among the most common reasons are:

  • charger failure;
  • connector damage;
  • moisture penetration through and failure of the lower loop;
  • not original adapter;
  • condensation on the main board.

Let's look at these problems and determine what solutions are available to eliminate them.

Charger failure

This problem is the most common cause. In this case, be sure to check the functionality of the charger. It’s very easy to do this with the help of a tester or on your own. If you don’t know how to use it, ask someone who does. If the adapter does not work, you just need to purchase a new device.

Connector damage

The iPad battery may not be charging due to: mechanical damage the connector itself. This occurs due to careless use. If it is confirmed that this particular malfunction is the cause of the breakdown, then you cannot do without a service center. Professionals will replace the connector with a new one and the gadget will charge again.

Ingress of moisture from outside and failure of the lower loop

In some cases, water can enter through the connector itself, which ultimately leads to failure of the lower loop. Also, the reason may be the same carelessness in using the tablet. The only solution is to completely replace the cable at a service center.

Using a fake adapter

Very often, in an effort to save money, owners purchase a cheap “Chinese” adapter. It does not always correspond to the required parameters and as a result the power controller fails. This breakdown can only be corrected by replacing this part, which is also done only at a service center.

The appearance of condensation

In some cases, with sudden temperature changes, inside the case. Condensation forms on the board, which leads to breakdowns. This problem can be solved by properly blowing the smartphone with warm, dry air. In this case, you need to take your iPad to a service center as soon as possible to clean the board from salts and other contaminants.

Other faults

In some cases, when connecting iPad to the computer via a USB cable, a message appears on the tablet screen that charging has not started. IN in this case There is no need to look for a problem, since everything is charging, but very slowly. Yes, you will have to wait longer for the battery to be fully recharged than with a standard adapter.

In some cases, a broken cable may also be to blame. But this immediately becomes noticeable if you move it a little to the sides. If there are charging surges, then this is the reason and the cable needs to be changed.

Finally, I would like to give some recommendations. First, never open the tablet yourself. You could void your device's warranty and break something else in the process. Secondly, try to handle the gadget carefully, because it is an expensive and fragile thing with many small parts. And thirdly, if you suspect an adapter failure or a broken cable, try to sample similar working elements from friends. This will allow you to more accurately determine the cause, and there will be no need to contact service centers.

Many people believe that charging and discharging Apple devices you can do exactly the same as other tablets, but everything is different. This technique differs in its use and care. It’s a pity that owners of Apple products only think about this when they notice how long it takes to charge the iPad.

We have long been accustomed to the fact that a new device needs to be completely discharged and charged several times in a row. This tactic is good for phones with nickel batteries, which have a “memory effect” of the charge point, but is unacceptable for lithium ones, which can be recharged at any time. It is recommended to never discharge it below 10%. This way you can protect your device’s battery from premature failure.

New versions of Apple tablets use an improved version of the battery, but some owners have questions about why it takes so long to charge. With the addition of new functions and an increase in the gadget's memory, it requires much more energy than other tablets. It takes several times longer to charge it.

The charging process becomes longer each time, and the time active work gadget is shrinking? Worth contacting experienced specialist who will hold high-quality diagnostics and identify the causes of the malfunction.

In our service center you can use the free diagnostic service. It is useless to “guess from the tea leaves” when your gadget requires urgent repair.

Causes of the problem and how to fix it

Why does my iPad charge slowly? The reasons may be different:
  • using an uncertified charger or USB cable;
  • purchasing an inappropriate charging model or cable;
  • using an adapter from the “American” input to the “European” one;
  • constant discharge of the battery, which is highly not recommended;
  • long-term inactivity of the iPad.
When your gadget does not charge completely, you should not think for a long time about the reason; it is better to immediately turn to professionals.

The need for qualified support and repairs may arise completely unexpectedly. This is why some clients contact the first service center without even inquiring about the professional reputation of its employees. To avoid mistakes, we advise you to contact our technicians who have extensive experience working with new products produced by Apple.

Agree, modern mobile device batteries do not hold a charge as long as old ones. Cell Phones. Rarely when the charge mobile device, with constant use it can last more than a day. Today, the operating time and battery life of smartphones and tablets is decreasing so quickly that we charge our smartphone more and more often. However, if your device cannot charge fast enough, then it becomes a problem. If you are experiencing slow charging, then here are some tips that can help you charge quickly.

There is no single solution for how to quickly charge an iPad, but we can offer methods that reduce charging time.

Make sure you are using an official Apple connector or cable

Before iOS 7, users could use third-party cables to charge and sync their devices without any issues. However, that all changed with iOS 7. Now, when you use a third-party/unofficial iPad cable, you will see an error message that the cable is not supported (although there is a Cydia tweak that bypasses the error message). Even with the error message, you can sync or charge your iPad, but it will be significantly slower.

Avoid third-party/counterfeit cables to quickly charge your iPad, it's safer and will improve battery life.

Turn off iPad

Turning off the device while charging is definitely the most quick way to fully charge your iPad. Since the iPad does not use any resources when it is turned off, it will charge to 100% faster.

Enable Airplane Mode

Enabling Airplane mode will prevent the iPad from performing constant search cell phones and Wi-Fi signals, which will also reduce your iPad's resource usage. With iOS8, you can easily enable/disable Airplane Mode via Control Center.

Charging from regular outlets

The wall charger is in a great way fast iPad charging. Many people constantly charge their devices from a computer/laptop using USB, but they don't realize that charging from a wall outlet is generally faster. In case you have no other choice but to charge your iPad through your computer, make sure you remove other connected USB devices for faster charging.

Maintain proper battery maintenance

For achievement maximum performance batteries in iPad (including charging time), you must exercise proper Maintenance batteries. Here are some general tips for improving productivity:

  • Upgrade to latest version software
  • Don't use or store iPad in extreme temperatures
  • When charging, remove the device from the “battery case” (which must be charged separately)
  • Carry out according to at least one full cycle charges per month (charge your iPad to 100% and run it to 0% until it turns off due to discharge)

Don't use iPad while charging

Many people tend to stick with it when it comes to charging, even while charging. Give your iPad a break, refrain from checking your iPad every hour to check your social media And so on. And also stop watching movies, listening to music and playing games while charging.