iPhone 7 still needs to drill a hole for the headphones. No need for brains

Well just imagine modern man without a gadget like headphones. Today the world of sounds is filled with car horns and talking loudly people on the phone. For a long time now, you can’t sit down in the heart of the city and go into your thoughts if you don’t have headphones with you. But did you know that long-term use without proper maintenance can lead to damage to such a wonderful device as the headphone jack in a smartphone? It needs to be cleaned regularly, and if it starts to function poorly, then do it immediately. How to clean the headphone jack on your phone yourself? Let's spend a little time on this procedure and understand its nuances.

Cleaning the headphone jack on your phone

Permanent active use smartphone may lead to unstable work with headphones and other headsets. There are cases when this component refuses to work at all and it turns out that the sound appears and disappears on its own without our knowledge. Even in such cases, do not despair, since most problems can be eliminated on your own with the help of the most ordinary cleaning. Yes, and doing all this is not so difficult.

Important! Do not forget to turn off the device before carrying out all manipulations. If you don't do this, you risk burning the port or damaging something.

How to clean the headphone jack on a mobile device? Before you begin cleaning the connector, you need to understand that the entire procedure must be performed with special attention and caution. Be careful not to damage the outlet itself or other fragile components located near it. For cleaning, you should use only those products recommended by the manufacturers.

Important! When you're done removing dirt from the connector itself, take a critical look at the headset itself. Depending on your gadget model and the accessories used, we suggest you use following instructions:

Basic methods for cleaning the 3.5mm jack

In order to clean the output for a 3.5 mm minijack, it is customary to follow the following two methods.

We use cotton wool and a toothpick

The essence of the first method lies in the following nuances:

  • First you need to get yourself a regular toothpick, a piece of cotton wool and a small amount of alcohol.
  • A piece of cotton wool should be carefully moistened with alcohol.
  • Then this piece is inserted into the connector. It is necessary to make several rotational movements for cleaning.

Important! If the cotton wool becomes very dirty, which happens in all cases, use a new piece.

  • Repeat the manipulations until complete cleaning. Clean cotton wool after one of the repetitions will give a sign that it is time to stop.

Important! Make sure that no cotton particles remain inside the connector.

You can use a toothpick even without cotton wool. This small, sharp stick is just perfect for removing various fibers, lint and other debris that very often gets stuffed there from our pockets.

Important! Also, some experienced users advise using a technical vacuum cleaner or a can of compressed air, with which you can blow out even the smallest dust particles.

There are more a budget option, which can compensate for the lack of a technical vacuum cleaner and a can of compressed air, is an enema. Actions should be intuitive to any user.

We use a headphone plug and a cotton pad

This method requires you to:

  1. Make sure you have a cotton pad. Before cleaning, divide it into two parts along its thickness.
  2. Take the side that has the highest density and lightly moisten it with alcohol. Now wrap it around the headphone plug.
  3. Insert the plug into the connector and make circular movements until the need to replace the dirty cotton wool with a clean one disappears.

This method should also be carried out with extreme caution.

Now you know how to clean the headphone jack in the two most convenient ways.

Important! Appearance your gadget also deserves attention. If it looks a bit worn out, try to tidy it up using the methods we suggested:

  • Some models mobile phones a built-in water sensor is installed, which is very often installed at the very bottom of the connector. If you somehow get it wet, you will void your warranty.
  • Never use water for cleaning; give preference to industrial alcohol.
  • Cleaning the headphone jack will not always solve your audio problems. But in any case, if you have cleaned it, do not turn on your device for a while so that all components are completely dry from the alcohol-containing substance.

Important! If none of the methods helped solve the sound problem even slightly, then the problem most likely lies in the headphones themselves, which also very often become dirty and require maintenance. Cleaning your headphones didn't help either? Then you need to contact your nearest service center, where this problem will be solved by experienced qualified specialists.

Despite the fact that there are a great many varieties of headphones for work and leisure, based on different physical principles of operation, they all have the same troubles. For example, the connector does not work, the wires break, the housing itself breaks...

But most often the inputs for the headset plug on an audio device suffer, as they easily fail when the headphones are suddenly pulled out.

If there is a problem with your phone or player

Denial of normal operation audio device on the phone or player connected to the headset jack, usually manifests itself in this way:

  • loss of sound if you do not hold the plug in the headphone jack with your hand;
  • strange noise and/or crackling when playing an audio file;
  • absence or partial loss of sound in one of the headphone housings (left or right);

To eliminate malfunctions of the headphones themselves and make sure that the headset jack is not working, connect the headphones to another, working, audio source. If they work normally, we can say with complete confidence that the breakdown is not related to the headphones.

To make sure that the problem is with the headphones, connect them to another device

In this case, 4 types of faults are possible:

  • mechanical damage to the connector;
  • oxidation of contacts or short circuit in electrical equipment of audio devices;
  • damage to the board or other parts of the sound player. It will be possible to accurately determine the cause of the malfunction only after disassembling the case;
  • incorrect work software a gadget that can be treated by charging the battery (rarely), a regular reboot (sometimes) or re-flashing it ( positive result strives for 100%).

Some of the above malfunctions can be corrected yourself, but if it doesn’t work out, you’ll have to give it back mobile device repair or replace the audio device.

If connecting to a working sound source shows that the headset does not work, there are 3 options left:

  • return the headset to the store or free warranty repair;
  • repairs at your own expense or self-fix defect if the necessary skills are available;
  • buying new headphones.

If there is a problem with your laptop or computer

If the headphone jack does not work on your PC or laptop, be prepared to have to deal with the device's software to fix the problem. So, why is there no sound when you insert the plug into the corresponding hole on the laptop or system unit?

Perhaps the problem is that motherboard it simply “does not see” the connector to which you are trying to connect. In this situation, disassembling the PC system unit or laptop case and then connecting the necessary peripherals will help. It's easy to do it yourself. Well, if you’re a complete novice, you’ll have to call a specialist.

Video: why the front ports of the computer do not work

Silence in the headphones may also be due to the lack of system connection selected connector. To fix the problem, you will need to go into the settings and allow the system to see audio devices with a standard 3.5 mm plug.

Perhaps there is a “glitch”, which often happens with this kind of technology. Try changing your default playback device. There is a possibility that the problem is related to a virus or incorrect work software.

The problem may be due to missing or damaged audio drivers for your laptop or PC. It's no secret that any of Windows versions(even the last ones) can “lose” the driver for no reason at all. When downloading new software, use the official website of the equipment manufacturer.

Everything can be fixed if you understand that there are no unsolvable problems. The main thing is not to give up, but to look for a way to solve them.

The desire to get ahead of scientific and technological progress haunts citizens who are ready to disassemble and even drill new gadgets. This is what thousands of happy iPhone7 owners did: following advice on the Internet, they tried to make a separate headphone jack, which led to the breakdown of the smartphone. Who is responsible for this - the joker advisor or the experimenter owner, I found out " Russian newspaper".

Instructions on how to bring to life a new product on the smartphone market were posted online by an unknown blogger. In a video less than 1.3 minutes long, he popularly explained how you can make a new hole for headphones using a drill and a regular bench vise. The ease of getting out of the situation turned out to be so tempting that within a week this video collected almost 9 million views. The number of those who decided to improve their gadget in this way is unknown, but, apparently, the number went into hundreds, if not thousands.

Soon there were reviews from experimenters who decided to try the drill on a smartphone with equal success - the complete destruction of the expensive device. “Thanks, bro. I broke my smartphone - $700 in the trash,” is one of the most harmless comments addressed to the joker.

Meanwhile, such cases are not isolated. In February of this year, a number of owners of sophisticated smartphones became victims of another cruel prank. Jokers promised that changing the date on your phone could give you a “new hippie design.” standard applications, a new hippie font and a couple of new wallpapers." Fans rushed to manually change the settings, but as a result they received an error message due to which the smartphone first froze and then turned off, often permanently.

In any of the described cases, the product loses its warranty, and all problems fall on the shoulders of the consumer himself, explained Dmitry Yanin, head of the board of the International Confederation of Consumer Societies (ConfOP). “Yes, some new models of modern high-tech devices are in some ways worse (according to some users) than their predecessors. But here there is freedom of choice: if you don’t like it, don’t buy it,” he noted. “And if you bought it, then all the improvements made outside the service guaranteed by the manufacturer, you can only do it at your own peril and risk, after weighing all the pros and cons of such a decision."

At the same time, as Dmitry Yanin recalled, the rights of the consumer are not violated in any way, since he himself violated the consumer properties of the product. “Agree, it is difficult to demand compensation from the car manufacturer if some amateur decides to independently make vertically opening doors on his car, which then fall off,” the expert noted, recalling that such cases have also been encountered in practice.

The lawyers interviewed by RG share a similar point of view. The “victims” themselves are the culprits of property damage, and in in this case“under the law, no one will be held responsible for their actions,” says lawyer Vladimir Postanyuk. Moreover, it is almost impossible to hold accountable a joker who posted such advice on his Internet page, blog or channel.” Current legislature The Russian Federation does not contain rules prohibiting the shooting of such videos and giving any advice. There is no theft of someone else’s property, just as there is no direct damage to someone else’s property, so there is neither corpus delicti nor signs of an administrative offense,” lists Ilya Reizer, head of the People’s Advocate project for the South-Eastern Administrative District of Moscow.

“As such, the video can be removed from the largest video aggregators on the Internet,” says lawyer Alexander Karabanov. “However, it can be re-edited with the content of a note that this is a joke, and uploaded again.” In addition, the video is not a guide to action. By the way, most of the victims of such jokes live in the United States and European Union countries, the lawyer notes, but even the more consumer-friendly legislation of these countries is unlikely to be able to correct anything in such a situation. So it is extremely difficult to combat this phenomenon, and it is hardly necessary, given the presence of much more serious problems in this area, experts say.

If you “upgrade” yourself, the gadget loses its warranty, and all problems fall on the shoulders of the consumer.

At the same time, they once again draw attention to the fact that it is better not to upgrade technically complex devices without the knowledge or participation of the developer. In 100 percent of cases this leads to the “death” of the device.

Sales of iPhone 7 and 7 Plus started in Russia on September 23. As representatives of the largest sellers note, over 30 thousand units were sold in the country during the first weekend. But there have been no reports yet that any Russians decided to drill an additional hole in their purchase.

Happy owners of a new Apple smartphone believed a blogger who showed a way to return the headphone jack to the iPhone 7. Those who tried the technique lost their recently purchased devices.

As the site learned, one of the iPhone features 7 is the absence of the usual 3.5 mm headphone output, which is not for everyone Apple lovers I liked it. Therefore, after the announcement, rumors began to circulate online that the connector could be returned if a hole was drilled in the right place on the device. Video blogger TechRax even recorded a video with detailed instructions.

The video has received nearly 9 million views since it appeared on YouTube on September 17. And there were those who decided to use the instructions to save $159 on their purchase wireless headphones AirPods. However, in pursuit of savings, users were left without their devices.

One user admitted that he destroyed his screen as a result of the experiment. Another said that his phone stopped turning on, although his friend, according to the friend himself, everything works fine. Some users do not understand why their smartphones stopped working and seriously ask the author of the video for advice. There are also those who haven’t had a chance to try it yet and ask about what size drills should be used and whether it’s possible to ask a friend to hold the phone so as not to buy a workbench.

Netizens who recognized the video as a hoax were shocked, the site reports. Some people don’t understand how they could trust the instructions published by the blogger. And others suggest leaving the Internet forever. It is worth noting that in his video the author did not indicate anywhere that his video was a prank. The video has already collected more than 86 disapproving reviews. Apparently, there are still people on the global web who will decide to try the presented technique.

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