Adaptive layout. Two column text

In order to write text in two columns, we need to make three mouse clicks. And in order to split the already entered text into two columns, we will need to make the same three mouse clicks. But if, as they say, you stick to words, then there are four clicks.

All this is said with humor, wanting to emphasize how simple the process of entering text by dividing it into two columns is, in comparison, for example, with selective numbering of a multi-page document.

The available special option will allow you not only to immediately enter text in columns, and even three, and not just two, but also to divide into columns any part of the finished text entered in the most ordinary way.

Let's start with the finished text.

So, the document consists of one page. We entered the text, and suddenly it turned out that the text on the page should be located in two columns. Before we begin, let’s pay attention to the ruler above the page and the position of the margin adjustment sliders:

So, looking at the ruler, with a confident movement of the hand we direct the mouse cursor to the top menu and click to expand the “Page Layout” tab, where by a second click on the option icon called “Columns”, we open a window with options:

With the third click, select the “Two” option:

Now let's look at what happened to the text and the ruler sliders:

In general, we can say that the program has been at least completed. We needed to arrange the text in two columns - that's what we did. And they did it with three mouse clicks.

We must admit the fact that the text does not look very good. From the point of view of typographical standards, the text, in its different parts, has unacceptable distance between words, and the heading will not always have to occupy the place that it occupies in the text of our example. There are, of course, exceptions, but as a rule, the heading should be above the text. All these considerations led us to the need to format the text after applying the “Columns” option to the finished text.

For this very reason, we paid attention to the ruler, some of the sliders of which automatically shifted to its central part. If there is an urgent need, then by slightly changing the margins and spacing between columns, we can help ourselves in the process of formatting the text. This help to ourselves will be expressed in changing the parameters of the width of the columns and the distance between them, which we can do in a special settings window. We'll talk about this window a little later.

To make the text look more aesthetically pleasing, we can first of all change its size a little. For a more subtle (soft) change in font size, you can replace it with a fractional value.

First of all, we indicate to the program that we intend to edit the entire text completely. For this purpose, let's highlight it. To select text, in the “Editing” section of the “Home” tab, expand the contents of the “Select” item and select the “Select all” option:

Text selection occurred:

Now, in top menu, move the mouse cursor to the line with the visible font size and make one click with the left mouse button, highlighting with this same click the digital designation of the font size:

After the blue highlight appears, we immediately begin to enter a fractional value, for example, “11.5”, or we can set “11.3” or “11.8”:

We complete the procedure by pressing the “Enter” key, and then look at the changes that have occurred with the text. Of course, you can first start with integer font size values, choosing from a list of sizes.

In the process of such work, we can help ourselves by transferring individual words on next line, and also change the values line spacing and spacing between paragraphs. You can read about how to change intervals on the pages of this resource in the “Word” section.

Now, let's pay attention to the title. For a headline to be truly a headline, it must rise above the body text. Let's elevate him. For this purpose, we select the title and only it:

Now, let’s turn again to the “Columns” option and, in the list of options that opens, select the “Single” option. After making this choice, the text will be rearranged a little, and we will get a real title:

In the case when the title, along with the main text, has “lost in size” a little, and we would not want this at all, then we again select only the title and return its font to the original (set the desired) size. We can change the font size of the heading before we turn to the “Columns” option and select the “Single” option.

If in the finished text we need a certain part of it to be divided into columns, then this part of the text must first be selected and then applied the right option breakdowns. That is, repeat actions already familiar to us.

We select the part of the text that we want to divide into columns:

Then, go to the “Columns” option (the “Page Layout” tab) and select “Two” from the drop-down list of options. And this is what we got as a result:

Let's click anywhere on the page to remove the selection:

We see that the first line of the left column is below the first line of the right column. It turned out that the columns are at different levels. Let's eliminate this discrepancy. To do this, place the cursor at the beginning of the first line of the right column:

And press “Enter”:

If there is a need to edit text divided into columns, and we want to resort to changing the font size, then it would be more correct to make such changes to the entire text as a whole, with the exception of the heading. But if we divided it into columns in order to attract attention to the content of the text, then we work with the text divided into columns individually. In short, we act as we need and want. This also applies to the sequence of all actions. Well, if we change our minds and want to get rid of the columns, then select this text, and then in the list of column options, “Columns” option, select the “Single” option.

In the case when we start entering text with clean slate(we’re just starting to create a document) and we want the text to be divided into columns during the input process, then we need to make preliminary settings.

In order to make these same settings, we must follow a familiar path, except last step. If before, we expanded the “Page Layout” tab and selected the “Columns” option, followed by selecting the layout option (in our example, two columns), now, having gone this way, we will select the “Other Columns...” action option:

As a result of this choice, the same window that was mentioned in passing at the beginning of the conversation will open in front of us:

If we look at the options it contains, we will feel that we intuitively understand how, using any of these options, we can influence the finished text or make settings for the future text:

As an example, let's look at how the list of the “Apply” line changes in the case when we have selected part of the finished text:

It is to this selected part of the text that we can now apply various settings.


Download to Microsoft Word document whose text needs to be reformatted into columns, and place the input cursor on desired page. If the entire contents of the document must be placed in columns, leave the cursor on the first page. You only need to select a section of text when dividing a limited fragment into columns, and if this option needs to be applied to entire pages, this is not necessary.

Go to the “Page Layout” tab and expand the “Columns” drop-down list in the “Page Setup” command group. It includes four column layout options - from one to three equal-width columns and two options for asymmetrical two-column text. Select one of them or use the “Other Columns” item to access the settings for constructing a custom split.

In the custom splitting settings window, set the required number of columns in the “Number of columns” field. By default, the width of the columns and spaces between them will be set automatically, but you can change this setting and set the sizes of each of them yourself. To do this, first uncheck the “equal width columns” box. After this, you will be able to edit the values ​​in the “width” and “spacing” boxes for each column - the corresponding table is placed above this checkbox. If you need to place a vertical line between columns, check the Separator box.

In the "Apply" drop-down list, select the scope specified settings split into columns. You can set them for the selection, for sections affected by the current selection, for current page, the entire document, or from the current page to the end of the document. Depending on whether text was selected before opening this dialog, some of the listed options may not appear in the list. When all required settings the splits will be set, click OK.


  • how to make two columns in Word

Today, a business card is an integral part of any businessman and any organization. And to create a unique presentation card for yourself, you don’t need to be a designer and have graphics programs. It is enough to use the Microsoft Word program, which provides the ability to create business cards.

You will need

  • - Microsoft Word program;
  • -initial skills to work with it;
  • - availability of a printer;
  • - special paper.
  • Now let's look at all the operations for creating a business card in Microsoft Word.


Open Microsoft program Word, go to Tools and click on Letters and Mailings, click on Envelopes and Labels. At the top you will see two menus: Envelopes and Labels. Select Labels. In Labels Product, select Avery Standard. In the Product Number list, select the Avery sheet type (for example, the most popular 5960). In the “Address” field that appears, enter your coordinates.

Now create a style for your business card. Select the text in the Address line. Click right click mouse over the text and select “Font”. Edit the text, add your logo, picture, information. Resize your logo to fit your design business card. To remove unsuitable

One of the most popular options for web page layout is a two-column layout, where links are located in the left column, and the main content is in the right column. This scheme is quite traditional and familiar to users, so it is also recognized among developers (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Two Column Layout with Left Navigation

Creating two columns is done using the float style property with the value left , which is applied to the left column. At the same time, you should set the left margin for the right column, the value of which is equal to the width of the left column plus the distance between them (example 1).

Example 1: Creating two columns

#leftcol ( /* Left column*/ float: left; /* Wrap right */ width: 200px; /* Column width */ ) #rightcol ( /* Right column*/ margin-left: 225px; /* Left indentation */ )

The good thing about this method of creating columns is that the width of the first layer can be set both in pixels and percentages. In this case, only the values ​​of the width and margin-left properties will change (example 2).

Example 2: Column width as a percentage

#leftcol ( /* Left column */ float: left; /* Wrap right */ width: 20%; /* Column width */ ) #rightcol ( /* Right column */ margin-left: 21%; /* Indent left */ )

The final version of creating the layout is shown in example 3.

Example 3. Full listing

Tales from the Crypt

Demon Altar

In the morning, in bright sunlight, everything looked not at all as gloomy as planned, but even the opposite. All that was left of the candles were streaks, the “blood” looked like paint, and the feathers were almost completely scattered by the wind. Only the chalk drawings were well preserved, but they were more funny than evil and mysterious. The children looked at the images with genuine interest, but without a shadow of the feelings that the adults experienced at night under the moon.

However, there was one person for whom the work produced great impression, - camp guard. During the day he approached the author of the “altar”.

Your job? - the watchman began, nodding towards the square.
- What is it?
- Well, of course... There is blood..., the feathers of a dead bird..., some scary signs are drawn..., but you still have small children, they might get scared...

When using padding and margins, remember that the browser sets the layer width based on the width, border, padding, and margin properties.

In continuation of my topic New in CSS3: multi-column, flexbox, grid layout, I offer you a translation of an article with a deeper dive into the multi-column property with simple and clear examples.

Newspapers and magazines have also proven in practice that text divided into several columns is much easier to perceive. On web pages, until recently, displaying content in this way was a problem, to the point where the layout designer divided the text into several divs. But everything can become much simpler with the CSS3 Multi Column Module.

Creating multi-column content

Using HTML5 tag article:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc libero magna, venenatis quis aliquet et, rutrum in ague. Donec vel tempor dolor. Donec volutpat fringilla porta. Suspendisse non nulla tortor. Quisque commodo ornare mi, sit amet aliquet justo bibendum non. Integer bibendum convallis sapien, sit amet tincidunt orci placerat in. Integer vitae consequat augue. //etc.

We divide the text into two columns:

Article ( -webkit-column-count:2; -moz-column-count:2; column-count:2; )

Using the property column-width You can set the columns to the required width:

Article ( -moz-column-width: 150px; -webkit-column-width: 150px; column-width: 150px; )

Column spacing

The interval is specified by the property column-gap in px or em, and cannot be negative:

Article ( -webkit-column-gap: 30px; -moz-column-gap: 30px; column-gap: 30px; )

Column separator

Property column-rule allows you to add a separator between columns, the principle of operation is similar to border.

Article ( -moz-column-rule: 1px dotted #ccc; -webkit-column-rule: 1px dotted #ccc; column-rule: 1px dotted #ccc; )

Merging Columns

Property column-span works similarly with colspan V table, combining the required columns.

Article h1 ( -webkit-column-span: all; column-span:all; )

Bottom line

Thanks to the CSS3 Multi Column Module, you can quickly and easily split text into readable columns. The list of supported browsers is already sufficient to try out multi-column functionality on working projects. For outdated browsers, you can use a special

It is not difficult to master simple typing in Word. But the huge number of buttons and functions sometimes makes it difficult to use. In particular, it is not always easy to even figure out how to print the required text in several columns.

How to make text in two columns in Word

If for some reason you need to divide the already typed text into two or more columns, or if you want to immediately get several columns when typing, instead of the standard one, this is not difficult to do. For this it is enough:

  1. If you haven't started typing yet, just go to the "Page Layout" or "Format" section (depending on the version of the program you have installed) and select "Columns". Next, you just have to select the type of columns from the proposed standard values ​​or customize their appearance at your discretion by clicking the “Other Columns” tab.
  2. How can I make text in two columns in Word if it has already been typed? This is no more difficult than in the first case. Just before starting the actions described in point one, you need to place the cursor at the beginning of your text and highlight the desired fragment. In order to select not a fragment, but the whole thing, you can use the key combination ctrl+A.

With standard portrait page orientation, text that is split into more than two columns will be difficult to read, so to use three or more columns, it is best to switch to landscape page orientation.

Other ways to break up text

In addition to using special columns, here's how to make columns in Word:

  1. Use the table by making it invisible. To do this, in the “Insert” tab, go to the “Tables” section. Create a table by specifying the desired parameters. Right-click in an empty cell of the created table and select the “Borders and Shading” section. Set the border type to “None”.
  2. Find a template you like on the Internet and replace the existing text in it that you don’t need.

If an invisible table is no longer needed, you can delete it and all its contents (including typed text) by simply right-clicking in the cell and selecting “Delete table”.

How to delete a blank page in Word

If, in the process of breaking the text into several columns, you end up with blank pages, they should, of course, be deleted. To do this you need:

  1. In the “Home” tab, find the “Display all signs” button. It will include all characters that are not shown by default, such as newlines or spaces.
  2. On a blank page, there will most likely be only one “¶” icon. To understand how to delete a blank page in Word, you just need to remove it.
  3. To do this, place the cursor immediately behind it and press the Backspace key. Most likely, you will need to press it twice to not only delete the character, but also go to the previous page.
  4. If after this the page still does not disappear, use the Delete key, having first selected all the characters on the extra page.
When the blank sheet is removed, turn off the display of non-printing characters again. It is completely optional to use the “Display all characters” button every time. Just skip to steps 3 and 4.

Now, knowing how to make text in two columns in Word, you will not have any difficulties putting all the necessary material on one page or printing, for example, a brochure, or making a business card. Use the method that is most convenient for you, change the font size and create documents of any type - at your discretion.