Have you updated your Shutterstock profile?! To balk - conjugation and stress in the word, dictionary word What does it mean to balk.

articulate: nsv 4a

verb, imperfective, intransitive, reflexive, II conjugation

! A comment

In words “stalking, struggling, struggling, struggling, struggling, struggling” after the letter “sh” the sound “y” is pronounced, but in writing it is indicated by the letter “i” (see Rule).

In a word "I'm struggling" after the letter “ch” two sounds [yʼу] are pronounced, but in writing they are denoted by one letter “u” (see Rule).

In a word "struggling" after the letter “ш” two sounds [йʼу] are pronounced, but in writing they are denoted by one letter “u” (see Rule).


« A MOUTH CHEATING" - a dictionary word, i.e. a word whose standard spelling is fixed in spelling dictionaries. A letter is marked in blue with an underscore that cannot be established using a spelling rule (spelling), so the spelling of the word “ balk"should be remembered.

Active voice

Present participle

CASE units h. pl. h.
m and With
AND. art growing arta becoming more frequent arta more frequent growing art
R. arta more frequent art is becoming more frequent arta more frequent art of growing
D. art more often art is becoming more frequent art more often art to the ever-increasing
IN. neod. art growing arta thicket yusha arta more frequent growing art
shower arta more frequent arta thicket yusha arta more frequent art of growing
T. art to the ever-increasing art is becoming more frequent,
art is becoming more frequent
art to the ever-increasing art growing
P. arta more often art is becoming more frequent arta more often art of growing

Past participle

CASE units h. pl. h.
m and With
AND. arty articulating articulating articulating here
R. articulating articulating articulating arty
D. articulating articulating articulating articulating
IN. neod. arty articulating articulating articulating here
shower articulating articulating articulating arty
T. articulating articulating,
articulating articulating misya
P. articulating articulating articulating arty


present vr. past vr.
art time articulating

Hello, my dear blog readers! Of course, I know that it is very ugly and even unprofessional to just disappear for six months without explanation. Thanks to everyone who wrote, found out, asked, asked not to disappear and left comments on the site. Unfortunately, not everyone was able to respond to even these messages. What have I been doing all these long months?

I’ll say right away that over the past six months I haven’t wasted my time and have accomplished a lot. Firstly, in April I became the mother of baby Grisha, who is exactly 7 months old today! I think this is already enough to slow down a little. But I just have a golden child, and he certainly didn’t interfere with blogging in any way). The second reason why new articles on the site suddenly ended is my diploma. Higher education, and even technical education, is still no joke. At some point I realized that I was not enough for everyone. Everyone makes their own choice, and I had to temporarily put aside blogging and drawing to finish what was started 4 years ago. Now, fortunately, the thesis is written and awaiting verification. I’ve clenched my fingers and am waiting for my most important “approved”, but in the meantime you can do what you love!

As you already understand, for six months I not only didn’t write articles, but I didn’t even go to any microstock or open the editor. Therefore, when I entered I was pleasantly surprised, after all, the developers are trying to make it more convenient and interesting for us to work with you. I immediately noticed that a new window had appeared – Public Information Status. It’s easy to guess that this is information about me, which, judging by the 9% glowing below, is completely missing. Then it's time to fill it out!

The first thing I did was upload my photo. I have it as standard for almost all social networks, and you can also see it on the website. However, Shutterstock requires that it be square - this can be easily achieved by cropping and resizing in Paint.

The next step is to fill in all the fields under the BIO heading, i.e. biography :)

Everything seems to be clear here without unnecessary comments:

Display Name– the name that will be displayed on your profile and portfolio

About You– a few words about yourself or an appeal to potential buyers

Location– the country where you are located. Since I registered an account in Latvia, I decided not to confuse Shutterstock and installed it, despite the fact that I have been living in Germany for the second year.

Contributor Type– Your type of activity on Shutterstocke: photographer, illustrator, or someone who makes videos

Styles; Subjects– these graphs will help buyers quickly understand the styles and themes in which you work. To be honest, I was a little stuck here, I had to sit and choose...

Equipment– the technique you work with. I think this is more relevant for photographers, but I still added my favorite Illustrator. What other technique might the creators of vector graphics have?

Pay attention to the rules for writing your login; for each social network it must be entered in a certain way. My login for each of them is the same: Veronika Rumko, but here’s how you need to write it to add Twitter:

for Facebook:

for Google+:

Why are these social networks needed at all and what will happen if you don’t add them? Nothing will happen. You just won’t give the buyer the opportunity to quickly contact you directly if he suddenly wants to order something from you personally. So I advise you not to ignore these fields!

And finally: creating catalogs (if you don’t already have one). I have already talked in more detail about what catalogs are on Shutterstock and what they are for.

You must add at least 10 directories. Be careful! When you go to the page with catalogs, do not forget to save everything that you have already filled out. Of course, I didn’t save it, and did everything all over again :/

Anton Orlov (Moscow)

If you continue to follow the review of software packages for installation on the forum website, then here is another food for thought for you...


A very noteworthy development is XMBForum - eXtreme Message Board, available from the site http://www.xmbforum.com.


The general layout of XMBForum is the same as that of the forums described in previous issues of the magazine - division of forums into categories, user registration, moderators and administrators, a search service and a personal messaging system (here it is called &qoutU2U messenger"). There are very useful and somewhat unique services, for example, Buddy List - a window “who you know on the forum”. By specifying the logins of any forum participants in the Buddy List, you can track which of these participants are currently working with the forum and who have temporarily disconnected from it. There is also a “Bookmarks” system: in order to speed up access to individual forum topics, links to them can be placed on a special page, unique for each user.

Registered users can “subscribe” to all new messages in a particular topic, ensuring that they can follow the discussion by e-mail without having to visit the forum website, and the administrator has a means of mass mailing letters to users. As in Invision Power Board, in XMBForum you can display forum pages in “Print” form - without design, only with the text of messages.

In general terms, XMBForum is approximately equal in functionality to PHPBB, but differs somewhat in detail. For example, in XMBForum, visitors cannot post messages as “Guests,” that is, without registering, but specifying an arbitrary name: they must either register or post messages anonymously (the latter is prohibited by default, but can be allowed by the forum administrator).

But the range of services for registered users in XMBForum is somewhat richer than in PHPBB. There is no concept of “user groups” here, but the administrator can create forums, access to viewing and working with which will be password-protected or only available to certain participants.

The set of settings available to the administrator via the “Control panel” link, which appears in the corner of the screen after logging in with an administrator login and password, is also quite standard - interface colors and fonts (section “Themes”), prohibited words (section “Censors”), assignment of moderators (section “Moderators”), blocking access to the forum (section “IP Banning”), ranks for users (section “User ranks”) and something else. Please note that the administrator can specify his own appearance parameters for each forum, ranging from the color scheme to allowing the use of HTML tags in messages.

An interesting opportunity is available to the XMBForum administrator: he can configure “page templates” (the “Templates” section) through the forum interface, that is, directly edit the HTML code of the forum pages. Therefore, it is quite easy to radically change the appearance of forum pages and add other links, images and texts to them, of course, if you know HTML and are able to distinguish a variable name from a tag.

The forum interface texts can be displayed in three languages ​​- English, Spanish and Italian. The default forum language is chosen by the administrator, and each user can order the forum to communicate with him in the available language in which he wishes. The files themselves with the texts of the forum pages are stored in the lang folder of the main forum directory and are named Language_Name.lang.php.


To install XMBForum, many steps must be performed manually. First you need to create a database for the forum - manually, through the web interface of the hoster or using programs like MySQLFront. Then you need to upload the forum files to your hosting. However, the third step is not to launch the automatic installer, but to edit the config.php file from the forum package - this is where all the database access settings are stored, and there is no interface for working with this file! Open config.php in a text editor, make the necessary changes according to the comments in the file and upload the modified file to the forum files folder on your site.

And only after editing the configuration file can you open the installer in the browser - in XMBForum it is called newinstall.php. If you filled out config.php correctly, then after selecting the Install link on the installer page, the tables required for its scripts to work will appear in the forum database, and the installation will be completed. Immediately after installation, be sure to delete the newinstall.php file from the forum files folder! If you do not do this, the forum will work, but anyone who accesses this page with a browser will be able to destroy absolutely all forum data. Unfortunately, the forum itself will not remind you of this, so do not forget to destroy the installer that is no longer needed.

Immediately after installation, go to the registration section and register. Hurry up - because the first person to register is automatically appointed as the forum administrator, and only him! If someone somehow gets ahead of you, then in order to deprive him of his status as the ruler of the forum, you will have to perform a complete reinstallation of the forum, deleting the database and creating it again.

And then start setting up. When creating forums, be sure to open the full settings page by clicking the “More options” link, since this is where you can allow or disable adding files to messages, as well as allow or disable the posting of “anonymous messages” to the forum, without specifying a name and password. If you want more than just registered members to be able to communicate in the forum, be sure to enable “Anonymous Posting.”

Well, if you want to improve the forum, translate its interface into Russian. Make a copy of the file in the language you are most familiar with from the lang folder, open it in a text editor and translate. Don't forget to name the file Russian.lang.php before uploading it back to the lang folder.

If you want, you can even simply “run” this file through an automatic translator like “Socrates” or “Promt” and then edit it a little. Unlike language files of other forums, in XMBForum such a file will withstand this: variable names with interface text in XMBForum are not meaningful words.


Good forum. There is almost everything you need, and even more. Some services are generally unique. And if you spend a couple of hours and Russify the interface, in general this forum will almost be a leader. However, some operating concepts are somewhat different from those adopted in PHPBB and others like it. In addition, for those who are not familiar with HTML and PHP, some settings will be difficult to implement. In addition, when operating the forum, errors sometimes occur due to insufficiently thorough debugging of its scripts, but, let's hope, the authors of the development will soon fix this.


Based on XBMForum, some third-party developers have created their own forums. For example, this is Magic Lantern (http://www.aventure-media.co.uk). In addition to all the functions of XMBForum, it has very detailed statistics services for the forum’s operation, displaying all messages of the last day on one page, and some others. In addition, Magic Lantern comes with more detailed documentation. However, the Magic Lantern color scheme can be very inconvenient for users with low-brightness monitors.

Installing and configuring Lantern is done in exactly the same way as XMBForum, except that the installation file is called Install.html, and the file that needs to be deleted after installation is cinst.php. Do not forget to correctly fill out the config.php file in a text editor before running the installer - in Magic Lantern, by default, the value of the $cookiedomain variable (URL of the forum site) in this file is different from the empty line, and if you do not specify the correct data in this variable, registration and the work of registered users will be impossible!

This is another interesting forum, popular in certain circles... Perhaps, among all such developments, this is the one you will like.

Phorum, available from http://www.phorum.org, is an interesting and quite popular development. Communication services based on Phorum can be found on many Internet resources, including the RuNet. The popularity of Phorum is largely due to the originality of this development - it has features that are absent in almost all other similar packages.


  • in Phorum it is very easy to view messages not one after another, but in a “tree”, that is, display on one page a list of titles and names of the authors of messages in a topic, and then study only the messages of interest from this list (if the topic size is large, this method work can be very beneficial for those users who pay for Internet access based on the volume of downloaded information);
  • There is also a “traditional” type of forum - with the full texts of messages one after another on one page;
  • it is possible to divide forums into “categories” (referred to as “Folders” in Phorum) with a list of categories displayed on the first page of the forum;
  • there is a system for registering and authorizing visitors;
  • if desired, the administrator can limit the viewing or posting of messages in the forum for unregistered participants or, conversely, allow all visitors to post messages in the forum without any authorization, even for those who wish to pass it (this mode is called “Public”);
  • for each forum you can configure your own page colors and interface language;
  • the administrator can appoint registered users as moderators of certain forums;
  • Forum moderators have the opportunity to set a pre-moderation mode - in this case, all new messages posted in the forum will first be sent to the moderator, and only after his approval will they be displayed on the forum pages;
  • You can attach files to messages and forum topics (this feature can be configured separately for each forum);
  • You can create add-on modules for Phorum - for example, the Phorum package includes a module for automatically replacing words when posting messages on the forum.

It is interesting that on the forum pages there is no link to the administrator section - to go to it you need to go to the admin folder of the main forum directory (if the forum address is http://www.*****.ru/forum, then the administrator section is located at address http://www.*****.ru/forum/admin). The section itself is quite extensive (though, of course, smaller than PHPBB or Invision Board) and allows you to create and delete forums, define access rights to them, customize interface colors or assign moderators.

Please note that when a moderator deletes a message, all replies to this message made by clicking the “Post Reply” link are also deleted.

Phorum's interface is English by default, but translating it into another language is not particularly difficult. Files with interface texts are stored in the lang folder of the main forum directory and are named Language_Name.php. If you decide to do translation, then make a copy of the blank.php file located there (this is something like a template for translators) and translate its contents into the desired language, after which, giving this copy an appropriate name, place it in the lang folder. After this, when creating each new forum, you will be able to specify a new interface language for it.

Please note that the interface language for each forum is specified separately on the settings page for its settings (by default it is the one specified in the “Global settings” section of the admin section), so if you translate the interface after starting Phorum, you will have to install for each of the forums in the “Manage Forums/Folders” - “Forum Name” - “Edit Properties” section, a new value for the Language File parameter (in this section, to go to the list of forums in a category, you should click the “Browse” link, not the category name) .


The installation of Phorum follows the standard procedure: manually create a database for the forum - upload the forum files - go to the administrative section with a browser - enter the necessary parameters for accessing the database, the desired administrator login and password into the windows of the launched installer - configure the forum parameters. After installation, the administrator section will be accessible only with a password, so there is no need to delete any files from the forum directory.

The docs folder of the forum's main directory contains fairly detailed instructions on how to work with the forum and configure it - in English, of course. Please note that when you create a new category, it is not displayed on forum pages by default. This is done so that new categories can be created and filled with content during the work of the forum, without closing it from visitors.

After creating a new category and filling it with forums, do not forget to click on the “Make Visible” link in the forums and categories management interface, accessible through the “Manage Forums/Folders” link in the admin section.

And one more important point. Some Phorum management tools are not provided in the administrator interface, but are included in the package! So, in the includes folder of the forum’s main directory there are files that, by modifying them, you can set certain operating parameters for the forum. These files are as follows:

auth.php, auth_db.php, auth_plain.php - scripts that allow you to deny access to certain parts of the forum to visitors who do not know a specific login or password (the contents of these files must be manually inserted into the corresponding forum pages);

bad_emails.php - a file with a list of e-mail addresses that are prohibited from being specified during registration;

bad_hosts.php - a file with a list of IP addresses from which it is prohibited to work with the forum;

bad_names.php - a file with a list of logins that are prohibited from being used during registration;

censor.php - a file with a list of words that, when placed in messages, should be replaced with combinations of symbols “@!#$”

footer.php and header.php - HTML code for the top and bottom parts of the forum pages.

Editing these files in a text editor is not particularly difficult.

The remaining files in this folder contain the code for displaying forum pages. They can also be modified, but you will first have to carefully understand the logic of their program code, which can be difficult even for experienced programmers.

The forum is unrivaled for those who like the presentation of forum messages in the form of a “tree” divided into “branches”, pre-moderation of forums or sending all new messages in a topic by e-mail. For others, this is just one of the forums with not so many opportunities.

To be continued

2024 gtavrl.ru.