1c programming from scratch to device. Fundamentals of programming in the 1C: Enterprise environment

This article is the first in our series. This material will be useful not only for novice programmers and administrators who, due to the nature of their work, are faced with installing the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform, but also for ordinary users who have independently purchased any boxed configuration and are faced with system deployment issues.

The article discusses a deployment example in detail, along the way explaining basic concepts such as platform, configuration and its operating modes.


The article was written for the 1C:Enterprise platform version, but if you are working with a later version of the platform, then all the material is absolutely relevant.

Installation and launch of 1C:Enterprise 8

There are two modes of working with the information base: file and client-server. For now, we will only talk about the file mode of operation, since this is what beginners, as a rule, encounter.

The file operating mode is intended only for a small number of users (usually up to 5-10 people). In this case, the entire information base, configuration, list and user settings are located in one file (1cv8.1CD) on the local network.

So, let's move on to concepts. A platform is, at its core, an application (configuration) development environment. It also ensures the operation of applications (execution of program code). But the environment is of a very high level. The platform defines a set of basic objects with their own properties and methods - these are constants, documents, directories, registers, and many others.

The entire set of objects is sufficient to solve business-related accounting automation problems (and many related tasks).

To work with many specific objects, a special development language was created in which high-level programs are written - the built-in 1C:Enterprise 8 language. In addition, there are all kinds of editors: dialogs, tables, HTML documents.

Thus, from the set of objects available in the platform, you can create specific applications (the term configurations is often used). It is very important that the configuration is a decision open for editing.

That is, in the configuration itself, the programmer can add something from the set of objects at his disposal, or change something in existing configuration objects.

However, it should be borne in mind that this mechanism is quite dangerous, especially in the hands of beginners who do not know all the capabilities of a particular configuration. There have been cases where, instead of a global rewrite of the program code, it was enough to check 1-2 checkboxes in the system settings in user mode.

It should be noted that using one platform you can not only create several configurations, but also ensure the operation of many information bases (databases).

It looks like you already understand the difference between the platform and the configuration. How does the configuration differ from the base?

A configuration is something like a template. Based on this template, you can create any number of databases. All these databases will have the same structure, but each of them may take into account different data (for example, for different enterprises).

For clarity and ease of understanding, the platform can be compared to a DVD writer. It allows you to both record something and play it back. In this case, the configuration can be compared with an image for burning a disc. From one image you can burn many disks, which in this example can be compared to information databases.

When you come to a client with a new box (this is often done by interns at franchisee companies) containing disks and documentation, you should keep in mind that the disks, as a rule, contain an outdated platform and configuration. Therefore, you need to be properly prepared for the visit.

To do this, place the latest “1C:Enterprise Technology Platform for Windows” distribution on your flash drive (attention, some people confuse it with the “1C:Enterprise Thin Client” distribution, which is not suitable for everyone). On the flash drive you will also need a full distribution or a configuration update distribution, and something else, which will be discussed a little later.

Distributions are installation files (sets of files) that contain software and allow you to correctly install it on your computer.

What to install first (platform or configuration) is not of fundamental importance, but you will definitely not create a working database without a platform. Let's start by installing the platform. In addition, in order to immediately determine the template directory with a guarantee, it is still better to install the platform first (we’ll talk about the template directory a little later in another article). Let's consider the simplest scenarios when the installation is completely done manually.

There are different platform distributions for different operating systems. The most complete line of different platform distributions is presented for the 32-bit (x86) version of Windows.

Using these distributions, you can install a thick client (in which you can perform configuration and programming), it is possible to install a 1C Application server, and there is a separate distribution for the thin client (previously noted).

The thin client is intended for user mode only (all calculations will be performed on the server and display will occur on the client). It should be noted that for the 64-bit version of Windows you can install 32-bit applications; they will work in emulation mode.

Let's look at the process of installing the platform. We will assume that your client has the operating system Windows XP, Windows 7 or Windows 8. Then you can safely install the platform distribution kit you have prepared.

At first, you will indeed quite often come across single (i.e., on one computer) or local installations. In this case, the components to be installed must include those shown in the figure.

By marking the first line, we select the main components of 1C:Enterprise, including components for administration, configuration, thick and thin clients.

If you click on the “Change” button (bottom right), you can change the directory for installing the platform. However, this should not be done without compelling reasons, since different releases of the platform do not replace each other, but accumulate in the directory C:\Program Files (x86)\1cv8. By default, the latest release of the platform is launched; if necessary, any of them can be launched.

At the last step, the system prompts you to install the security driver. Moreover, the installation checkbox is enabled by default.

A protection driver is required only if this computer has a protection key (local or server). When using a network license or software protection, there is no point in installing a protection driver.

To run the platform, in each platform release there are three executable files in the bin subdirectory:

  • 1cv8.exe – launch in thick client mode;
  • 1cv8с.exe – launch the thin client (working in Configurator mode is not possible);
  • 1cv8s.exe – depending on the selected database parameters, calls one of the two previous ones.

Also in the catalog C:\Program Files (x86)\1cv8\common\ There is an interactive launcher 1sestart.exe. The difference from previous executable files is that the latest release of the platform installed on the system is launched.

On the menu Start – 1C:Enterprise 8 The shortcut to this launcher comes first. It is the latter method of launching the platform that is recommended.

We hope that everything worked out well for you, and in the next article we will be able to move on to considering the issues of installing configuration templates (on the basis of which information bases will be created), as well as installing updates for configurations.

You have a question How to become a 1C programmer, but you haven’t found a clear answer to it?

Let's figure it out together.

First of all, I think it is necessary to describe the pros and cons of the profession so that you know what awaits you.


  • a large number of vacancies on the labor market,
  • relatively high level of income (subject to developed competencies),
  • creative work, very diverse tasks,
  • The possibility of remote work (if you work for yourself) is becoming increasingly popular among programmers.
  • the shortage of qualified specialists makes it easier to achieve success in the profession,
  • monopolization of the business automation market by 1C allows us to predict a constant demand for the services of 1C:Enterprise specialists.

Now let's talk about cons(they are also available):

  • sedentary work,
  • the need to master related areas of knowledge in order to be successful (accounting and tax accounting, payroll, etc.),
  • Constant changes in development tools (1C:Enterprise platform) and standard configurations (due to changes in legislation) sometimes make improvements that were successfully used previously inoperative/irrelevant.

There is one more nuance - work with people. I didn’t put it on any list, since all people are different, and some will regard it as a plus, while others will see it as a plus. Decide for yourself.

Based on personal experience, these are the main positive and negative aspects of the profession; perhaps other specialists will have additions.

If after this analysis you still have the desire to become a programmer, move on.

About basic training

To begin with, you will need basic training that will give you an impetus to study 1C and teach you the very basics, and will be able to convey information to you in an accessible form, in “human language.”

In-person programming courses in your city at one of the 1C franchisees - companies that provide maintenance services for 1C programs - are suitable for such training. Just make sure that this company has 1C:CSO status, i.e. Certified Training Center. This status implies that the company has sufficiently competent specialists to conduct training, and also that upon completion of the training you will receive an appropriate certificate (I will tell you about the benefits of certificates later). The advantage of such a start is a live teacher, to whom you can ask questions right away if something is not clear to you. Training is usually group, with 10-20 people in a group. Duration of training is 2-4 weeks.

If your city is not so large and there is no such company in it (or you want to save on training), then I recommend you training courses from Evgenia Gileva. This is a highly qualified specialist, I have never seen him cooler. On the site Courses-on-1s.rf You can either purchase its paid courses or download free ones. In this case, I’m talking about his free video course “Programming in 1c - in 21 days.” You can get it on this site. In simple and accessible language, Evgeniy will give you the necessary “base” in this course.

Further, in order to become a high-quality 1C specialist, I recommend you another video course by Evgeniy Gilev as a desktop guide Course 1C: Specialist(you can easily find it on the Internet). The course weighs about 22 GB and consists of a basic and advanced block. The first provides the basics, the second provides in-depth knowledge of the platform. After mastering this video course, you will become a really good 1C specialist.

About certificates

The 1C company has developed a certification standard for specialists involved in servicing 1C:Enterprise programs. This standard includes several types of certificates; in this article I will focus on the two main ones.

  • 1C: Professional - confirmation that its owner can effectively use in his work the capabilities of the platform (if the certificate is based on the platform) or standard 1C configurations (if the certificate is issued according to one of the standard configurations. To pass such a certificate, you must pass a test in one of the companies franchisee (14 questions, maximum 2 errors) Essentially, this certificate indicates that you have basic knowledge.
  • 1C: Specialist - can also be either according to the 1C platform, or according to one of the standard configurations. This certificate already indicates that you have an understanding of the principles of building a platform, as well as the skills to implement user tasks. In other words, the presence of this certificate indicates that “you are in the know.” To obtain such a certificate, you must successfully pass an exam (4 tasks, 5 hours to complete), which comprehensively evaluates your skills in working with the 1C platform.

Certificate 1C: Professional looks like this:

A 1C: Specialist looks like this:

It must be said that there is no “obligation” in terms of obtaining certificates - it is your conscious choice whether to receive them or not. As a rule, they do not bring any material benefits. However, they have several obvious advantages:

  • during interviews with a potential employer, you can use them as your obvious advantage, as an argument in favor of increasing your salary,
  • Franchisees, when hiring a new employee, often evaluate his competencies by the number (and quality) of certificates. And if there are none at all, such an employer may not be interested in your candidacy.

Speaking about the customer companies where you will service 1C, it is worth saying that their managers in the vast majority of cases have no idea about certificates and these pieces of paper are indifferent to them.

So decide for yourself whether you need certificates or not.

About the required competencies

I will give a list of skills that, in my opinion, must be in the arsenal of a good 1C programmer:

  • knowledge of 1C query language,
  • ability to work with conventional and controlled forms,
  • ability to create reports using the ACS data composition system,
  • knowledge of the features of internal configuration objects (documents, directories, registers, plans for types of characteristics, etc.),
  • ability to configure data exchange between different 1C configurations,
  • ability to effectively receive and upload data into XML, MS Excel, MS Word files,
  • skills in working with the Library of standard BSP subsystems, creating external reports, processing and printed forms.

I would like to highlight the following:: I think that a good 1C programmer must know the functionality of typical 1C configurations:

  • Salary and Personnel Management 3.1,

Ignorance of the capabilities of these configurations often leads to the fact that many specialists begin to “reinvent the wheel” and make developments to solve those tasks, the implementation of which is already provided for by the configuration functionality. I recommend that you master these configurations in parallel with deepening your knowledge in programming the 1C platform.

It would also be good to learn how to modify the program using extensions (without making changes to the configuration itself) - this will greatly facilitate its further maintenance and demonstrate to the customer your qualifications.

In conclusion, I will answer some of the most frequently asked questions on this topic.

How long does it take to study?

There is no definite answer; it all depends on your learning ability and what goals you set for yourself. If you still display the “average temperature in the hospital,” then we can say that after spending six months to a year on training, you will be ready to solve most of the problems that arise for real customers. Of course, provided that the training is intensive enough and you will learn from professionals in their field.

What are the prospects for the profession?

In my opinion, the prospects are quite good, given the fact that 1C is a monopolist company, and the vast majority of legal entities in Russia (and in the CIS countries) use software on the 1C:Enterprise platform. Another advantage is that, unlike Western analogues, 1C can be purchased for much less money, and only this program takes into account the peculiarities of maintaining management and regulated accounting in our country.

How much do 1C programmers earn?

There are no uniform standards here either - it all depends on the qualifications of the programmer and the city of residence. For example, in Moscow, a programmer’s income level in the range of 150-170 tr can be considered decent, while, for example, in the cities of Siberia and the Far East you are unlikely to be able to find such an employer and a salary of 70 tr. considered quite good here. Depending on the level of training of the programmer, the income ceiling in the same city for a programmer with minimal knowledge and a professional in his field may differ by 2-4 times. Based on the above, we can confidently say the following:

If you want a higher income, constantly improve your skills and/or move to Moscow.

In this article I will try to tell you. how to learn 8.3 and 8.2 from scratch in the shortest possible time. And not only to study, but also monetize your knowledge.

The beginning is the most difficult thing in any business. To take the first step. I recommend familiarizing yourself with the subject area - accounting, trade, salary accounting. You should start with an understanding of trade: knowledge of the basic business processes of any company is required: purchasing goods/raw materials, selling goods, etc. The next step is to understand the basics of accounting.

You must have an understanding of general accounting principles. Don’t try to understand everything right away, from scratch—it won’t work. If you are a technical programmer, you are not required to know accounting better than accountants and teach them this art.

To learn the 1C 8.3 program from scratch, in the form of a practical part, I recommend installing the most common standard configurations - “ ” and “ “. Create a test organization in the database, conduct it, do it, etc. Carry out in the 1C program all the actions encountered in the daily life of the enterprise.

Let's start programming in 1C

When you have more or less understood the subject area, why, in general, they use 1C enterprise, you should start. It’s worth starting programming from scratch by developing simple configurations:

Get 267 video lessons on 1C for free:

Create a receipt document and capitalize the goods. Create a sales document - sell. Build one in which you can see the flow of goods. Develop a printed form for the documents. I don’t recommend immediately delving into “complex” standard configurations; the first stage of programming in 1C 8.3 from scratch is understanding the purposes of metadata objects.

Explain to yourself what , . A particularly important point in learning 1C programming is the built-in . Without it, it is impossible to efficiently retrieve data from the system. Perhaps, just for fun, you can find friends who needed their own “unique” program. You can negotiate with them to develop such a program for free or for a small fee. In this case, you will gain not only programming skills using a live example, but also experience communicating with the customer, which is in fact a very important property.

Now more than ever you need self-motivation, the need to work hard and absorb new information like a sponge. Every day you will learn something new and interesting ( I envy you :)). At this stage of learning 1C programming from scratch, from materials I would recommend:

  • Start reading about programming, starting with the simplest ones (like “Simple Development Examples”). Most likely, you will not immediately understand everything, but the information will be deposited in your memory, and it can be used in the future.
  • Viewing online is very useful and visual information, especially since you can get most of it for free.
  • To start solving real practical tasks, register on the 1C freelance exchange and start solving tasks from the archive. Thus, you will not only gain real experience, but also understand what types of services are currently in demand on the market.

Monetizing knowledge in 1C

After some time, we become a kind of Middle 1C developer. We already understand the architecture of 1C 8.2, we know how to distinguish debit from credit, we confidently communicate with the client - in general, we are full-fledged specialists who have gone through this path from scratch. The question arises - monetization of knowledge. In fact, the 1C services market is extremely large. And you can earn very decent money from it. Let's look at the main ways to sell your services:

Work at 1C-Franchisee

A huge plus is that they hire 1C specialists from scratch. Working for a 1C franchisee is a path of constant development. You will definitely learn something new and interesting every day. The main advantage of a franchisee, in my opinion, is the unlimited salary level (if you work at an hourly rate). From experience I can say that you can earn very good money as a franchisee - it all depends on your performance. When the salary is tied to production, it is very motivating.

You should always look for creative options to increase your hours' output. For example, create a universal processing that can be sold to all clients. There is usually a huge amount of work in franchise companies. Experienced 1C programmers are able to cover up to 300 hours per month, which in terms of the average salary of a 1C programmer is quite good. My personal record is 400 hours.

Work as a freelancer/own your own business in 1C

Similar to working for a franchisee. We also provide outsourced 1C services. You are motivated to provide quality services: if the client leaves, you will have nothing to eat :). A significant difference is that we need to search for a client and maintain the accounting of the organization (individual entrepreneur or LLC). You can look for clients on the Internet, on special websites for freelancers, just through friends, etc.

Work on an internal project (“fixie”)

Get in-demand and highly paid profession with the help of our Online training


We guarantee that after completing our courses you will be able to:

Get a job as a 1C programmer

Work as a freelancer remotely

Stop depending on 1C programmers and be able to do everything yourself

Earn from 30 to 100 thousand rubles. using 1C. (Varies by region)

hurry up to sign up for the training!


Are you afraid that you

not enough time?

You will need to devote everything to training

from 3 to 6 hours weekly

at a convenient time for you

Training is designed to be combined with work

You have no experience programming?

The training is designed for those who are not familiar with programming.

Are you afraid that

can't you figure it out?

You will have the opportunity

communicate directly with the teacher


How will the training take place?

On Monday you

you get


During the week you study

him, ask us questions

in case something

unclear on Skype

or by mail

Doing your homework

Sending homemade

task by mail

If the task

decided incorrectly

You will need

correct the errors pointed out to you and resend it

During the day

your home

the task is being checked

and results

are sent

by email to you


    More details

1C enterprise accounting 3.0(1 month)

  • Passing 1C accounting professional

    More details

    Lesson No. 1 Enterprise Accounting 3.0

    Enterprise mode

    • Configuration features Enterprise Accounting 3.0
    • Chart of accounts, accounting registers in configuration
    • Getting started with the program. Filling out information
    • Address classifier
    • Bank classifier
    • Organizations
    • Responsible persons
    • Divisions
    • Setting up accounting parameters - what checkboxes and what they mean
    • Users
    • Entering documents
    • Nomenclature
    • Contractors, contracts
    • Receipt of goods
    • Sales of goods and services
    • Invoice
    • Standard Printing Forms
    • Turnover balance sheet
    • Fixed assets
    • Investments in non-current assets, supply of equipment
    • Receipt of additional Expenses
    • Directory Fixed assets
    • Acceptance for registration
    • Depreciation - what is it, why, how is it calculated?
    • Ways to reflect expenses
    • Depreciation calculation
    • Write-off of fixed assets, residual value
    • OS transfer
    • OS reports (Depreciation Sheet, Inventory Book)
    • Receipt of intangible assets
    • Acceptance of intangible assets for registration
    • Depreciation of intangible assets

    Configurator mode

    • Configuration selection window settings
    • Vendor configuration, support
    • Creating an empty database by loading the configuration
    • Configuration templates, update distributions on the 1C website, complete distributions
    • Database update
    • Update methods
    • Updating non-standard configurations, possible nuances
    • Subscriptions to events - improvements that do not interfere with the update

    Lesson No. 2 Enterprise Accounting 3.0

    Enterprise mode

    • Production accounting, theory, accounting accounts
    • Requirement invoice (using a practical example)
    • Shift production report
    • Write-off of production costs - services, materials, depreciation, etc., features, product groups, planned cost
    • Closing the month - closing procedure, distribution of expenses, distribution methods, indirect expenses, cost adjustment
    • Mutual settlements
    • Bank and cash register documents
    • Payment order, receipt and debit from the current account

    Configurator mode

    • Creating a document based on
    • Testing and fixing databases – chdbfl.exe + in the configurator
    • Metadata cache and errors with it
    • The registration log, how to look for information in it, how to configure it
    • Dynamic update

    Lesson No. 3 Enterprise Accounting 3.0

    Enterprise mode

    • VAT, theory - how VAT is calculated
    • Invoices issued, received
    • Journal of issued invoices
    • Sales book
    • Book of purchases
    • Calculation of VAT on advances
    • Registration Invoice for advance payment
    • Generating purchase ledger entries
    • Generating sales ledger entries
    • VAT Accounting Assistant
    • Warehouse, cost
    • Receipt of additional expenses
    • Inventory
    • Posting of goods
    • Write-off of goods
    • Reconciliation Act
    • Accountable person
    • Issuing money from the cash register
    • Advance report
    • Returning money to the cashier
    • Item accounting accounts

    Configurator mode

    • Distributed information bases
    • Creating slave nodes, Setting up RIB, features and nuances of exchanges, Exchange plan, its settings

    Lesson No. 4 Enterprise Accounting 3.0

    Enterprise mode

    • Balance sheet settings
    • Account Analysis
    • Subconto analysis
    • Entering transactions manually
    • Tax accounting
    • Regulated reporting

    Configurator mode

    • Registering changes for exchange
    • ProgrammingRIB
    • Group change of details
    • Adding your objects to the menu

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1C trade management 11(1 month)

  • Working in user mode
  • Passing 1C trade management professional
  • Programming in configuration

    More details

    Lesson No. 5 Trade Management 11

    Enterprise mode

    • Launch of a new information base
    • Section Bar, Function Bar, Action Bar
    • Working with the helper for filling out directory settings
    • Organizations and funds
    • Company structure
    • Setting up users and access rights
    • Warehouses
    • Nomenclature and types of nomenclature
    • Partners, contractors
    • Marketing, CRM, sales
    • Documents for entering initial balances

    Configurator mode

    • Technology for developing external printed forms for a managed application.
    • Using an External Printing Form Template
    • Development of an external printed form MX-1 for the document Receipt of goods and services.
    • Testing of external printing form.

    Lesson No. 6 Trade Management 11

    ​​Enterprise mode

    • Subsystem for purchasing goods and materials
    • Product sales subsystem
    • Options for controlling warehouse balances
    • Generating reports on sales, purchases, balances, reserves, gross profit
    • Mutual settlements with buyers and suppliers
    • Generating reports on mutual settlements with partners
    • Setting a minimum price threshold - below which sales are prohibited.

    Configurator mode

    • Technology for developing external processing of filling out a document.
    • Using a template for external processing of filling out a document
    • Development of external filling processing for the “Order to Supplier” document.
    • Develop a query using the Query Console for a managed application.

    Lesson No. 7 Trade Management 11

    Enterprise mode

    • Analysis of financial results
    • Areas of activity of the company
    • Setting up sales distribution by company activity areas
    • Retail sales
    • Transfer of goods between organizations, inter-campaign scheme.
    • Mutual settlements between organizations.
    • Reports on regulated accounting
    • Working with cash and bank documents
    • Working with accountable persons

    Configurator mode

    • Enabling configuration changes
    • Finalization of the document “KKM Receipt”, adding new details, finalizing the document form.
    • Using the “Performance Metering” mechanism.
    • Using debugging to analyze the closing of a cash register shift. Finalizing the request to close a cash register shift
    • Finalization of the “Retail Sales Report” document, adding new details, finalizing the document form.
    • Adding a new turnover accumulation register “Sales by consultants”.
    • Adding a new subscription to the “Retail sales report” event.
    • Development of external reports “Sales by consultants”.

    Lesson No. 8 Trade Management 11

    Enterprise mode

    • Reflection of additional costs when purchasing goods
    • Reflection of the warehouse operation “Picking
    • Analysis of the cost of assembled products.
    • Reflection of domestic consumption of goods.
    • Inventory of goods and materials.
    • Write-off, capitalization, re-grading of goods.
    • Setting up access restrictions by organization

    Configurator mode

    • Finding references to an object
    • Refining the nomenclature directory, adding new details, finalizing the form of the directory.
    • Finalization of the document “Receipt of goods and services”, adding new details in the tabular section, finalizing the document form, finalizing the form module.
    • Development of external processing for document modification.

    Sign up for training

1C Salary and personnel management 3.1

  • Working in user mode
  • Delivery of 1C salary professional
  • Programming in configuration

    More details

    1.1 1C:Enterprise software system. ZUP review

    1.2 Managed interface, subsystems, functional options

    1.3 Methodological support from 1C company

    1.4 Users and access rights

    1.5 Main features of ZUP (employees and individuals)

    1.6 Employee report

    1.7 Military registration

    1.8 Solving problems of entering personal data for the exam Specialist ZUP consultant 3.1

    1.9 Working with the storage of general settings and system settings

    1.10 Transferring data from client to server (addressing in temporary storage)

    1.11 Working with a dynamic list of a form. Conditional design

    1.12 Adding details to the form dynamically


    Enterprise mode - for users and programmers

    2.1 Formation of time norms. Production calendars. Work schedules.

    2.2 Individual schedules (formation of time norms). Partial working hours

    2.3 Methods for accounting for deviations based on actual time worked

    2.4 Description of the organizational structure of the enterprise

    2.5 Formation of the Staffing Schedule. Planned payroll

    2.6 Registration of labor relations (main place of work, GPC agreements, author’s agreements)

    2.7 Registration of changes in labor relations (work of the personnel service)

    2.8 Personnel deviations. Maintaining vacation balances.

    2.9 Corrections in personnel information of the previous period (in the closed period)

    2.10 Solving problems on accounting for the movement of personnel and HR for the specialist consultant exam

    Configurator mode - for programmers

    2.11 Creating an additional external printed form (output to a spreadsheet document, Word

    2.12 Additional external processing of PM filling (download from EXCEL)


    Enterprise mode - for users and programmers

    3.1 Setting up wages and calculations

    3.2 Calculation of additional payments and allowances of a compensatory nature

    3.3 Changes in employee accruals not related to personnel changes

    3.4 Compensation payments. Entering one-time charges (compensation for a personal car, payment for food) 3.5 Payment for work on weekends and holidays, overtime

    3.6 Accrual and payment of advance

    3.7 Payment of wages (interpayment, main)

    3.8 Reporting: Payslips, Payroll, Analysis of accrued taxes and contributions

    3.9 Solving problems on simply calculating the salary and setting up a remuneration system for the specialist consultant exam

    3.10 Solving problems on work schedules, simple calculation of salary, payment of salary and setting up a remuneration system for the specialist consultant exam

    Configurator mode - for programmers

    3.11 SKD. Features of generating information output in a report. Custom fields

    3.12 Creating an external additional report. A simple report on the access control system. Aggregate functions

    3.13 SKD. Finalization of the report Pay slip


    Enterprise mode - for users and programmers

    4.1 Registration and calculation of sick leave, vacation up to 1.5 years

    4.2 Calculation of the average, calculation procedure for a newly hired employee

    4.3 Business trip

    4.4 Vacation registration

    4.6 Combination of positions

    4.7 Accrual of bonuses, additional payments and incentive allowances

    4.8 Solving problems on accounting for deviations for the specialist consultant exam

    Configurator mode - for programmers

    4.9 Creating an extension and transferring objects to the extension.

    4.10 A little more about extensions

    4.11 Saving an extension and updating in Enterprise mode


    Enterprise mode - for users and programmers

    5.1 Calculation of salary for various remuneration systems (salary: hourly rate on a pay scale, piecework, commission basis) into 3 parts

    5.3 Features of time tracking according to RMS. Processing accounting

    5.4 Deductions (Writ of Execution)

    5.5 Entering other deductions (professional contributions)

    5.6 Accounting for loans

    5.7 Calculation upon dismissal

    5.8 Sequence of calculations, salary recalculations

    5.9 Solving problems on complex calculation of salary for the specialist consultant exam

    Configurator mode - for programmers

    5.10 Gantt chart


    Enterprise mode - for users and programmers

    6.1 Transfer of taxes to funds

    6.2 Specialized reports for the Federal Tax Service (6NDFL, tax accounting register)

    6.3 Personalized accounting (ADV 1,2,3; SZV-M, STAGE)

    6.4 Regulated reports for the pension fund. Previous period adjustments

    6.5 Reflection of salaries in accounting (complex settings for salary accounting).

    6.6 Universal report. Report on the timing of transfer of 6NDFL

    6.7 Solving problems on tax accounting, salary accounting in accounting for the specialist consultant exam

    Configurator mode - for programmers

    6.8 Storing and copying user settings

    6.9 Displaying a message to the user (notification to the user, message to the user and status) page in the Study folder

    6.10 Additional external processing, alerts

    6.11 HR report template. Report on ACS data collection into a custom table


    Solving 2 problems per ZUP specialist 3

1C trade management 10.3(1 month)

  • Working in user mode
  • Programming in configuration

    More details

    Lesson No. 13 Trade Management 10.3

    Enterprise mode

    • Creation and launch of a new information base
    • Filling out reference information, entering initial settings
    • Setting up accounting policies and general parameters
    • Setting up panels. Interface switching
    • Input of new nomenclature, accounting by characteristics
    • Entering initial balances for warehouses and cash
    • Generating reports on warehouses and cash
    • Goods procurement subsystem
    • Commission trading, working with the committent
    • Group processing of directories and documents

    Configurator mode

    • Enabling the ability to change configuration.
    • Adding a new information register "Assigning foremen to managers"
    • Adding a new document "Order to assign foremen to managers."
    • Finalization of the document "Retail Sales Report"

    Lesson No. 14 Trade Management 10.3

    Enterprise mode

    • Study of batch accounting: FIFO, LIFO, average.
    • Reports for analyzing the valuation of goods in the warehouse
    • Product sales subsystem
    • Retail sales
    • Commission trading, working with commission agents.
    • Universal document journal
    • Find and replace duplicate elements

    Configurator mode

    • Adding the document "Order to assign managers to senior managers", adding a printed form.
    • Adding a new printable form for the "Retail Sales Report" document.
    • Improvement of the form module, highlighting lines with color if the details are not filled in. (When Outputting a Line)
    • Changes to the "Sales" accumulation register. Finalization of the “Sales” register.
    • Changing the algorithm for batch accounting, the document "Movement of Goods".

    Lesson No. 15 Trade Management 10.3

    Enterprise mode

    • Cash storage locations
    • Cash flow analysis
    • Transfer of funds between current accounts, between cash desks
    • Working with accountable persons
    • Pricing subsystem
    • Series Nomenclature
    • Inventory of goods in the warehouse. Write-off, Receipt of goods.

    Configurator mode

    • External processing of filling the tabular part of the document for an unmanaged application.
    • Working with a text file.txt. Loading information from a file into a 1C document.
    • Improvement of the built-in processing "Item selection", work with a minimum threshold for the warehouse.

    Lesson No. 16 Trade Management 10.3

    Enterprise mode

    • Analysis of enterprise activities
    • Exchange with other 1C configurations
    • Setting up exchange with Accounting, transferring data from Trade to Accounting
    • CRM subsystem (customer relationship management)
    • Sales and purchasing planning. Plan-factual analysis.

    Configurator mode

    • Implementation of an input mechanism based on the document "Receipt of goods and services" of the document "Write-off of goods".
    • Finalization of the reporting structure
    • Software installation of the system header.
    • Development of an external report “Expensive” and “Inexpensive” products.
    • Strategy for implementing the 1C UT program 10.3.

    Lesson No. 17 How to interact with a client correctly

    Lesson No. 18 How to build long-term relationships with clients

    • Main problems and ways to solve them
    • Ways to build relationships
    • How to sell software
    • Types of clients, how to communicate with whom
    • Communication with managers

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Building relationships with clients

  • Main problems and ways to solve them
  • Ways to build relationships
  • How to sell software
  • Types of clients, how to communicate with whom
  • Communication with managers

Administration 1C

(VIP Training - I'm an Expert)

  • Lesson 1. Basic Concepts
  • Lesson 2. Installing and updating the platform for different operating systems
  • Lesson 3. Basics of working in 1C
  • Lesson 4. Client-server version of work
  • Lesson 5: Maintenance and Backup
  • Lesson 6. Web access to 1C

    More details

    Lesson 1. Basic Concepts

    • Basic concepts - Configuration and 1C platform
    • Methods for obtaining the 1C platform and configurations
    • Main 1C file types: 1cd, dt, cf, cfu
    • Working with 1C information bases: adding, changing, deleting.
    • List of 1C databases in the form of a tree.
    • Editing the list of infobases using the ibases.v8i file

    Lesson 2. Installing and updating the platform for different operating systems

    • Installation and update for the Windows operating system
    • Installation and update for the Linux operating system
    • Installation and update for the MacOS X operating system

    Lesson 3. Basics of working in 1C

    • Methods for organizing work with data in 1C
    • File and client-server operating modes
    • Limitations of the file mode of operation
    • Terminal access
    • Users and access rights in 1C+
    • Creating and setting up user rights in Accounting 2.0, Trade Management 11
    • 1C protection system
    • Hardware and software protection keys
    • Types of software licenses
    • Demonstration of 1C software license activation
    • 1C configuration update
    • Full distribution, update distribution

    Lesson 4. Client-server version of work

    • Supported DBMS for 1C:Enterprise
    • Let's consider the versions of MS SQL Server: Enterprise, Standard, Express. Characteristics and differences between versions.
    • Installing MS SQL Server on Windows Server
    • Installing 1C Enterprise server on Windows Server
    • Working with the 1C:Enterprise server console
    • Creating a 1C Enterprise + MS SQL Server database
    • 1C infobase deletion modes: clear database, delete database.
    • Download and install free Postgre SQL on Windows Server
    • Creating a 1C Enterprise+ Postgre SQL database
    • Installation of 1C:Enterprise + Postgre SQL server under Linux (Ubuntu)
    • Creating a 1C Enterprise database + Postgre SQL for Linux, launching the 1C client

    Lesson 5: Maintenance and Backup

    • 1C backup in file mode
    • Script for automatically disconnecting 1C sessions in file mode
    • Script for automatic 1C backup in file mode
    • Maintenance of MS SQL database to increase the performance of the DBMS.
    • Setting up automatic scheduled tasks for MS SQL: updating statistics, reorganizing the index, restoring the index.
    • Setting up MS SQL Server backup
    • Setting up Postgre SQL backup on Windows
    • Setting up Postgre SQL backup on Linux

    lesson 6. Web access to 1C

    • Adding and configuring a Microsoft IIS web server
    • Publishing a file and client-server database 1C (Trade Management, 11) on the web. Microsoft IIS server
    • Launching 1C through a browser (web client)
    • Downloading, installing and configuring the Apache web server
    • Publishing a 1C file and client-server database on the Apache web server
    • Organization of WEB access to the 1C database from the Internet
    • Example of setting up an Asus router, port forwarding for web access to 1C

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Mobile application development

(VIP Training - I'm an Expert)

    More details

    • Preparing the computer.
    • Installing the Apache web server, publishing the configuration on the web. server.+
    • Installing the 1C mobile platform on a smartphone.
    • Connecting a mobile application on a smartphone
    • Development of the configuration structure.
    • Mobile application development. Creating a command interface.
    • Features of the mobile application interface.
    • Restricting access in the mobile application. Working with roles.
    • Features of the mobile application interface, development of forms for reference books and documents.
    • Working with telephony tools of the 1C mobile platform: make a call, send an SMS, write an email.
    • Call log: Incoming, missed, outgoing. Processing incoming SMS.
    • Create a reminder on your smartphone, local notification for date and time.
    • Working with geopositioning tools of the 1C mobile platform: find an address on the map, show the current location of the mobile device, get directions from point A to point B
    • Using mobile application debugging mode via HTTP protocol
    • Working with multimedia tools of the 1C mobile platform: scanning barcodes with a camera, video recording, photo, audio recording.
    • Exchanging data with a stationary 1C database, using an exchange plan.
    • Transferring multimedia data to a 1C database on a desktop computer.
    • Using web services for exchange, working with XDTO data.
    • Data exchange between a mobile device and a central base with different configuration structures.
    • Development of reports on a mobile device. Obtaining data for a report from a database on a desktop computer (using a web service).
    • Develop reports and charts based on data on a mobile device.
    • Working with Push notifications - notify mobile devices about important information.
    • Licensing rules for individual development and mass distribution through Google Play.
    • Installing and configuring the "Mobile Application Builder" configuration.
    • Installation of components: Java JDK, Android SDK, Apache ANT.
    • Preparation of graphic information: Icons, screensavers for the apk file
    • Building an apk file, installing it on a smartphone, testing.
    • Registration and placement of a mobile application on Google play
    • Let's consider the mobile application Managing a small company, setting up an exchange with a stationary 1C database.

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    More details

    • Introduction to data conversion.
    • Preparatory operations in data conversion
    • Uploading source and destination configuration metadata
    • Loading metadata into Data Conversion
    • Transfer of data from a “simple” directory - “Classifier of World Countries”.
    • Example of enumeration value synchronization
    • Transferring data from the “Nomenclature” directory
    • Transferring a multi-level directory to a two-level one
    • Transferring an independent directory (at the source) to a slave one (at the destination). (Using the example of the reference book "Units of Measurement")
    • An example of typical configurations. Synchronization Features

    Practical task

    • One reference book for several problem statements
    • One directory into several - Implementation of rules
    • Comparison and transfer of tabular parts
    • Features of the "Receiving from incoming data" setting
    • What is PKO priority and how to use it.
    • Synchronization rule.
    • Set the default value.
    • Synchronization. Search options. Examination.
    • Transferring data from source to destination via COM connection.
    • Transfer of balances. Development of algorithms/queries.

    Practical task

    • Re-upload and download of metadata. Transfer of document Operation.
    • How to use the debugger when migrating data
    • Transfer documents without moving. Example: manual operation, adjusting register entries.
    • Search fields. Data cleaning rules.
    • Posting documents: Forced posting, Using external processing.
    • Using the Upload by Rule feature
    • Using the "PCO Name" parameter
    • Using global parameters when exchanging

    Practical task

    • Exchange plans General operating principles
    • Using exchange plans when uploading
    • Features of using exchange plans in data conversion
    • Details about online exchange
    • Exchange between standard configurations. Example: Trade Management<-->Enterprise accounting.
    • The first stage of setting up the exchange between BP and UT
    • The second stage of setting up the exchange between BP and UT
    • Features of synchronization during online exchange
    • Finalization of standard exchange rules

    Practical task

    • Integration of the source with the Library of Standard Subsystems. Registration rules.
    • Integration of the receiver with the Library of standard subsystems.
    • Uploading metadata from 7
    • Loading 7.7 metadata into Data Conversion
    • Transfer of help information from 7.7
    • Transfer of documents and balances from 7.7 to 8.
  • More details

    2. Method to choose

    3. Upload method

    4. Request parameters

    5. Query Console

    6. Nicknames

    7. Sorting

    8. Get first

    9. No repetition

    10. Real tables

    11. Terms

    • ​​Between
    • Comparisons
    • In the hierarchy

    12. Virtual tables

    13. Virtual table parameters

    1. Tables of reference books and documents

    2. Groups

    3. Results in the request

    4. Copying the request text

    5. Sampling with totals in the debugger

    6. Report with results

    7. General results

    8.Virtual table

    • ​Accumulation register Balances
    • Accumulation Register Turnovers
    • Accumulation register Balances and turnover

    9. Joining tables

    1. Detailed example of joining tables

    2. Joining tables

    3. Nested queries

    4. Query language functions

    • ​String
    • Working with dates
    • Aggregate functions
    • Links and types
    • Conditions
    • ​Link
    • In, in the hierarchy
    • IsNULL
    • Choice
    • Like
    • AND, OR, Not

    1. Temporary tables

    • Theory
    • temporary table manager
    • Table manager from another query
    • Passing a table of values ​​from another query
    • Passing your table of values
    • ​Destroying a temporary table

    2. Request package

    • ​Theory
    • Examples
    • ExecuteBatch()
    • Operational accounting
    • ​Commissioning
    • Retirement of equipment
    • ​Accounting
    • ​Write-off of kits and components
    • Tables
    • Index
    • Allowed
    • For change

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    More details

    1.Create simple reports

    • As a list
    • Using groupings
    • Using a diagram

    ​2. Selected fields

    3. Resources, calculation of results by groupings

    • Field, path, title
    • Field limitation
    • Roles. Automatic role substitution
    • Roles. Period
    • Roles. Measurement, counting, balances

    5. Bookmark data composition in the request

    6. Parameters

    7. Theory in the form of text

    • View Expression
    • Ordering Expressions
    • Value type
    • Available values
    • Decor
    • Editing options

    2. Nested data layout schemes

    • Report - owner
    • Create a schema
    • Communication with the schema - owner

    3. Parameters

    • Available values
    • Value type
    • Value list availability
    • Expressions, restrictions, usage, etc.

    ​4. Theory in text form

    1. Settings

    • Options
    • Selected fields
    • ​Percentage
    • Grouping fields and grouping field details
    • System Fields and Data Options
    • Groupings of selected fields
    • Other settings
    • Design layout
    • Location of totals
    • Location of grouping fields
    • Location of factions
    • Location of details
    • Resource Location
    • ​Location of common fields
    • Field header type
    • Title, display title
    • Output parameters, selection
    • Auto resource position
    • Fixation left, top
    • Number of records, percentage of records
    • Layout type
    • Grouping use case

    ​2. Create your own design layout

    • Field Layout
    • Nuances of creation
    • Grouping layouts
    • Grouping Header Layouts
    • Resource Layouts
    • An example of creating a report with your own layout

    ​4. Theory in text form

    1. Settings

    • Other settings
    • Chart type
    • Base value
    • Composition of signatures
    • Display data table
    • Edging
    • Font, background color, line style
    • Legend placement
    • Measurement chart stripes
    • Smoothing mode, smoothing tension

    2. Data composition system console

    3. Stages of ACS operation

    • Description of the stages and their meaning
    • Saving the scheme and its settings to a file
    • Software implementation of the report
    • Getting a schematic from a file (programmatically)
    • Obtaining ACS settings from a file (programmatically) and a form
    • Write settings, layouts and diagrams in XML (programmatically)

    4. Programmatic work with ACS settings

    5. Theory in the form of text

    1. Decoding (software)

    • How to set decryption when programmatically executing a report
    • Transcript by double click
    • Right click decryption
    • Setting your action list
    • Call another report using the right mouse button

    2. Using characteristics

    • The task is in the report itself, using a tabular model
    • Job in the report itself using a query
    • Setting directly on the object to which the properties relate

    ​3. Theory in text form

    1. Using multiple data sets

    • Unlinked Sets
    • An association
    • Compound
    • Simple connection
    • Connection parameters
    • Communication condition
    • Initial value of the connection
    • Own hierarchy

    2. Working with pictures

    3. Saving settings and options (programmatically)

    • Save form
    • Download form
    • Custom Settings

    4. Theory in the form of text

    1. External data sources

    • Dataset - object
    • Transfer via report module
    • Data from Excel file
    • Connecting multiple sources

    ​2. External reports

    3. External printing plates

    4. Dynamic lists

    5. Calculated fields

    ​6. Theory in text form

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    1.5. Debit and Credit

    1.6. Wiring

    1.7. Double entry

    1.8. Account correspondence

    1.9. Balance

    2.1. Revolutions

    2.2. Balance

    2.3. Active, passive and active-passive accounts

    2.4. Subaccounts

    2.5. Analytical accounting

    2.6. Quantitative accounting

    2.7. Off-balance sheet accounts

    3.1. Source documents

    4.1. Commodity and material assets

    4.2. Fixed assets

    4.3. Goods

    4.4. Materials

    5.1. Organizational expenses.

    5.2. Procedure for recognizing expenses

    5.3. Depreciation and methods of calculating depreciation of fixed assets

    5.4. Useful life of a fixed asset

    5.5. Registration of receipt of fixed assets in 1C

    5.6. Depreciation calculation in 1C

    5.7. Disposal of inventory items

    6.1. Organizational expenses – for core activities and others.

    6.2. Expenses from the point of view of accounting and tax accounting.

    6.3. Regulatory regulation of expenses.

    6.4. Expense accounts.

    6.5. Cost accounts depending on the activities of the organization

    7.1. Organizational income.

    7.2. Income accounts.

    7.3. Account 90 – reflection of income and formation of financial results

    7.4. The procedure for maintaining accounting and tax accounting (accounting accounts and tax accounting registers)

    7.5. Accounting and tax data in 1C

    7.6. Difference between accounting and tax accounting

    8.1. Setting up the 1C program (start of work)

    8.2. Accounting policy

    8.3. Setting up taxes

    8.4. Receipt and sale of goods, materials, services

    8.5. Accounting for transport costs

    8.6. Output

    9.1. Closing the month in 1C

    9.2. Possible “problems” when closing the month. If the program does not close accounts.

    10.1. Fixing the material

    11.1. What kind of tax is VAT?

    11.2. Who are VAT payers?

    More details

    1. Introduction

    2) Configuration expansion options

    3) Create a configuration extension

    4) Borrowing configuration objects

    6) Refinement of forms in the extension

    7) Changing the expandable form by the supplier

    8) Updating the expanding form

    9) Adding an object's own main shape

    10) Working with the layout in the extension

    1) Adding a command and its handler to the extension

    2) Adding a new report to the extension

    3) Finalizing the configuration report using the extension 4) Working with predefined directory elements in the extension

    5) Working with roles in configuration extension

    6) Restricting access rights for the user

    7) Expanding access rights for the user

    8) Adding a new role and a new subsystem

    9) Features of working with roles from the extension

    10) Borrowing and modifying the subsystem

    11) Improvement of the home page using an extension

    12) Improvement of the command interface

    13) Main section

    1) Transferring an extension in a distributed infobase

    2) Expanding form handler when changing

    3) Expanding methods BEFORE, AFTER, INSTEAD

    4) Using the AFTER extension method for the Inventory document

    5) Refinement of modules. Annotations Before, After, Instead, 6) Sequence of execution of interceptors Before, After, Instead

    7) Interceptor Front. Safe mode

    8) Interceptor After

    9) Interceptor Instead

    10) Features of intercepting Functions.

    ContinueCall() method

    1) How to replace the tabular section fill button

    2) Expansion of the list form for counterparties

    3) Quick creation of documents from the counterparties list form

    4) Directory Extension object identifiers

    5) Saving form data in 8.3.10 compatibility mode

    6) Adding your own printable form for the document

    1) Practical example of developing a configuration extension

    2) Presentation of the Car Wash expansion

    3) Adding new directories and documents to the Car Wash extension

    4) Bypass compatibility mode restrictions in BP 3. Launch in enterprise mode.

    5) Adding a register of information Car wash prices.

    6) Formation of movements according to the information register

    7) Setting up viewing of document movements

    8) Obtaining the cost of car wash services

    9) Formation of entries according to the Accounting register

    10) Development of the report "Salaries of car washers" in the Car Wash extension.

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    Once a month we hold webinars where we discuss questions from the lessons.

    Answers to your questions by email and Skype.

The 1C language is very easy to learn compared to any other programming language.

On the territory of Russia, for many, it is of great importance that you can write code directly in Russian. “It is possible” does not mean it is necessary - you can write it in English, all operations and operators have an English synonym.

We will learn the 1C language in between now, in five minutes.

General programming principles

Outside of language learning, for those who have not encountered programming, there are general principles. The rest - read on.

Programming is writing program code in a program language.

Program code is a sequence of commands (words) that this programming language supports.

Teams are divided into:

  • Variables
  • Operators
  • Functions and procedures.

Let's look at them as a first approximation.



There is a number 12. This is the meaning. This figure itself is not stored anywhere. It blew and it was gone :) It must be stored somewhere. Variables are places where values ​​are stored. The variable can be named by any word.

For example:
Something = 12;
Something = Something + 10;
Report(something); //"22" will be displayed

A variable that is part of a 1C object (for example, a directory field) and is stored in a database is called an attribute.

In 1C, variables are not typed, which means that the same variable can first be assigned a value of one type (for example, a number), and then another type (for example, a string) and there will be no error.

However, the object details are typed. But there is no type checking. We may try to assign a value of the wrong type to a property. 1C will try to convert it (for example, from a number to a string), but if it doesn’t work, the value of the attribute will remain empty.

The length of the string in the variable is unlimited. The length of the attribute line is set exactly, but you can set it unlimited (by setting the line length to 0).

You cannot refer to a string by letter. But you can search or select parts (Find(), Left(), Right(), Middle()).

Complex Variables

If there is only one meaning, it’s simple. And when there are a lot of values?

  • Array

    This is one Excel column. Each cell contains a variable. It has the same name, just like a regular variable. And you can contact the cell by number.

    Something = New Array;
    Something.Add(22); //in cell 1 the value is 22
    Something.Add(33); //in cell 2 the value is 33
    Report(something); //output the value of the 1st cell

  • ListValues

    The same as an array, only you can add a comment to each cell.

    Something = New ValueList;
    Something.Add(22, "This is 22"); //in cell 1 the value is 22
    Something.Add(33, "This is 33"); //in cell 2 the value is 33
    Report(Something.Get(0).Value); //output the value of the 1st cell
    //but they could also display a comment, then they would write.Representation and not.Value

  • Table of Values

    This is already a full-fledged Excel page with rows and columns.
    We'll see how to work with it in another lesson.

  • Tree of Values

    The table is presented in the form of a tree. An example is the configuration window. Branches, each branch can have a sub-branch.

Please note that cell numbering in 1C starts not from 1, but from 0.

1C programming

If you need to remember where the program is written in 1C- we discussed this in.

Program lines

Lines end with a semicolon ";".

The comment begins with “//” - that is, this line or part of the line will not be executed and will be skipped.

The value of the strings must be specified in “Value” quotes. If you need to specify a quotation mark in the value, then it is doubled - “The value is “a”!”

The line value can be with a line break enabled, then the next line should have a “|” at the beginning, for example:

"This is the beginning
| and continuation of meaning"

If you need to specify special characters in a string value, there is a special object for this: “Characters.”, for example:

“This is the beginning” + Symbols.PS + “and continuation of the meaning” //PS – line break


These are language constructs that are inherent in the language itself and allow you to create the simplest sequence of program execution.

  • Condition

    Certain lines of code will be executed if a condition is met.

    Something = 12;
    If Something 200 Then
    Notify("Condition met");
    OtherwiseIf Something > 200 Then
    Report("Condition not met");
    Report("Something else");

  • Cycle

    Certain lines of code will be executed a specified number of times.

    //count one by one
    For Something = 1 to 20 Cycle

    //calculate differently
    Something = 1;
    Bye Something

    //if we have a list of values, then we can iterate over each of its values
    Something = New ValueList;
    For each ValueList from Something Cycle
    //note that “ListValue” is a variable, it can be called anything you like

    In order to interrupt the cycle, you can write the “Abort” command inside, in order to interrupt only one iteration of the cycle - the “Continue” command.

Working with objects

All objects that we work with in the language are full-fledged objects, that is, they can have their own data and their own methods.

Language objects are created using the New command, for example:

Something = New Array();
Something = New ValueList();
And so on.

1C objects cannot be created - they can be accessed using so-called managers, named accordingly according to configuration branches: Directories, Documents, etc. Manager methods can be expanded (see lesson on 1C modules, object manager module).

For example:


You cannot program your own objects, nor can you inherit or redefine standard ones.


A programmer cannot always guess whether there will be an error when executing a certain line of code.

For example, if you write in the external processing code:

Directories.Nomenclature.FindByCode("...") and open this processing in the database where there is no directory with the name Nomenclature, there will be an error.

To prevent this from happening, you can use the following construction:

Something = ErrorDescription();

If an error occurs while executing program lines between Attempt and Exception, execution will be interrupted and go to the lines between Exception and EndTry. If there is no error, these lines will not be executed.

The Error Description() function only works between Exception and EndTry and returns a description of the error that occurred.

Functions and Procedures

Functions and Procedures are a way to take several lines of code and name them with a word, like a variable. When we then write its name in another place, this function will be called (that is, these lines of code will be executed).

We have discussed object methods and event handlers several times. Functions and procedures are these methods and handlers.

Procedure SomeAction()
End of Procedure


A function differs from a procedure in that it can return the value that was calculated as a result of executing these lines when.

How to program

Now that you are familiar with the 1C language, .

Programming is carried out in the module. Accordingly, you must find the required module and write the program code there.

Example of developing external processing():

  • Creating external processing
  • – will be executed upon opening processing in the Enterprise mode and upon pressing the button
  • Or we open the processing object module and write the code there - it will be executed immediately when opened in Enterprise mode.

We will touch on programming specific objects of the 1C language in the coming lessons.

Open it in the configurator and you can view the program or change it.

The program code is written in the processing object module.

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