192.168 0.1 put the input into the router. - Additional Information

For the average user, the process of setting up a router seems scary and impossible. Very rarely, but it happens that the parameters get lost, and then you have to try to restore them manually. In order to log into the system, must be entered into the address bar of the browser to configure the router.

Reasons for router settings failure

Many people mistakenly believe that if the settings are lost, then the problem is in the router. However, if the router is working properly, all the icons are lit, and there is no suspicious smell of burnt plastic, then you should not look for the cause of the breakdown. As a rule, failures occur due to violations in the settings of the network card and computer.

Most misunderstandings at work computer equipment occurs due to the fault of “advanced” users who think that they know a little about what they are doing. And then a matter of chance, idle curiosity or the desire to do “what’s best” can reset the settings to factory settings. Even simple accidental press Using the reset button on the device may result in data loss. It is better to find it and remember the location to avoid repeated incidents in the future.

Login to settings

So, if you have already done a factory reset or purchased new router, then you need to configure them again yourself. There is nothing complicated about this, and after reading this article, anyone, even the slowest beginner, will be able to figure it out.

The first action to take is to check the connection. The Internet network cable must be connected to the router, like all computers. Once this is checked, you need to go to the web browser on your computer. The browser can be any of the available ones, Opera, Chrome and others.

IN address bar browser, you must enter "" without quotes and press the "Enter" key. The web page should display windows for entering your login and password.

As a rule, the IP address for entering (router settings) is standard. Sometimes there are exceptions, it depends on the router model. From the manufacturer at back side device or in the instructions must be indicated alternative address to enter.

If everything went according to plan and the window for entering data was displayed, then you need to enter it. Typically, login, 12345 or admin are used for login ( is not the only address at which similar logins can operate - they include all those provided for router settings). The password can also be similar standard words accepted for such combinations. It can be either password or 12345; admin/admin is also often found among login/password combinations.

Setting a new password for the router

First after the password required action. This is done in the “Settings” or “Change Password” tab.

Installing New Password for private or public network, it is recommended to remember safety and use as much as possible complex code. It is best to use a set of letters and numbers of at least twelve characters.

In order not to forget your password, it is best to come up with a short phrase that is easy to remember. Often guests, when visiting a house during a friendly visit, ask for the Wi-Fi password. You need to remember this when coming up with an unusual set of words for entry.

Standard configuration methods at

It is rarely necessary to register settings in modern routers; this usually happens automatically and does not cause any problems for new users. Also, almost every router has an option quick setup, which is always convenient to use. In this tab you only need to select the name of the network and set a password, select the type of connection. For most, this will be dynamic IP, which is abbreviated as DHCP. There may be other options; they can be clarified by calling the Internet company operator.

When the information from the provider is received, to be safe, you can restart the device or computer, then all the information received will be updated. However, before exiting, do not forget to save the settings in the browser by clicking on the “Save” button. This will save you from unnecessary hassle with filling out the information again.

What does mean?

A set of numbers with dots seems to be for ordinary users something strange and incomprehensible. In fact, the IP address is written in this form - unique network address node on the network using the TCP/IP protocol.

Each network with Internet access has its own or dynamic IP address provided by the Internet provider. But there are several IP addresses that cannot be used for these purposes, but are intended for intranet, local use. In another way, such networks are called private. The list of addresses for internal use is predefined by the administrator or set by default.

Frequently encountered problems

Sometimes you can't configure your router. Various circumstances can prevent this, but the most common of them are: the login page in the browser is not displayed or after all the settings, Wi-Fi still does not work.

If you can’t log in, rebooting the router helps in 99% of cases. This seems completely unnecessary and useless, but a simple reboot can often help.

The same must be done if there is no Wi-Fi signal, you need to find a button to reboot the equipment, turn off the device for a couple of minutes, and then turn it on again. When rebooting, it is recommended to disconnect and reconnect all cables to avoid bad connections.

A lot of users ask about how to log into Wi-Fi settings router. It's really very popular topic, on which I have already written more than one article. Many people, to enter the settings of their router, simply type the address, or in the browser and end up not in the control panel of their router, but on the page. Where they see a lot of sites and are already trying to log into their router according to the instructions.

I decided to prepare a detailed article in which I will tell you how to connect everything, how to find out the address to enter the router settings, what these addresses are and, where to enter them, and how to generally go to the page with the router settings.

If you just bought a router (or modem) and want to configure it, something has broken, the Internet has stopped working, the settings have been lost, you want to change some parameters (Name Wi-Fi networks, password, etc.), then you need to open the settings and do all this there. This is what we will look at in this article. I have already prepared detailed articles for different manufacturers routers: , and even have . And in this article I want to talk in more detail about the addresses through which you can access the page with the settings of the router or modem. and - what are these addresses and how to use them

A router (or modem) is a device that has its own small operating system (software) . It is clear that these devices have many settings. If you do not set delicate parameters, the Internet will not work, there will be no Wi-Fi password, etc. Therefore, each router has settings. These settings are opened through a browser at a specific address. We can say that this is a kind of page, or a site with the settings of your network device.

As a rule, on all routers, the settings can be accessed by IP address or . Also, many manufacturers use addresses like my.keenetic.net to access the web interface. But, even in these cases, you can use the addresses from the numbers that I wrote about above.

Very often, manufacturers of network devices provide special programs, with which you can configure and change router settings. For example, Linksys focuses on this method of configuration. It seems to me that it is better to do everything through the browser, so as not to get confused. It's more clear this way.

In any case, you can open the settings of your device by simply typing the address, or in any browser. When the router is connected. Now we will look at this in more detail.

How to find out the router's IP address?

Everything is very simple. On almost all devices, the address for accessing the control panel, and the standard username and password are listed at the bottom of the device itself. Here, for example at Tp-Link devices. The IP address that you need to type in the browser is - (there are several models with the address Username and password are admin and admin.

Here's an example on D-Link:

But on the ZyXEL router the address is indicated http://my.keenetic.net. But the settings open without problems at

This information is available on every device. Or, in the instructions.

Open the router settings page through the browser

1 First, we need to connect the computer (from which you want to configure) to your router. Can be connected via a network cable (which should be included), and via Wi-Fi. By LAN cable It's very easy to connect. One end in network card computer or laptop, and the second - in the LAN connector on the router.

If you want to connect via Wi-Fi, just connect to your network. If the router is new, then the network will have a standard name, and most likely there will be no password. If the router is new and the network is closed, then a standard PIN should be indicated at the bottom of the device. You can also look at the article.

When the connection is established, the connection status may be “Limited” or “No Internet access” - this is normal, the router has not yet been configured and there is no Internet access. You can go into settings.

2 Open any browser (Opera, Chrome, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge) , and in the line where you need to indicate the site address, type or copy the IP address of your router. This is, or (can be typed without http://). And go to this address by pressing the Enter key.

Or, for another example, go to the address (using Asus as an example):

3 You should be prompted for a login and password to access the settings. As a rule, these are admin and admin. Or, the password field should be left blank. This information is indicated on the router itself, where the IP address is. If you have already changed this username and password, you need to provide your own. If you forgot them, you will most likely have to reset the settings.

The login window itself may be slightly different. It all depends on the manufacturer of the router and browser. If you specify everything correctly, a page with settings will open. Which also look different on different devices.

Now you can configure everything, change some parameters, etc. If anything, see the instructions on our website. Or, ask in the comments.

If you are unable to access the settings of your router or modem (the settings page does not open, the password does not work, etc.), then see the article

In it I have collected the most popular ones, possible problems and solutions.

I hope this article will help you open your router's settings page without any problems. You can do everything yourself, nothing is complicated. Well, if something doesn’t work out, ask questions in the comments.

IP and are addresses in local network by default, which must be used to log into WiFi settings Asus router, Zyxel, Keenetic, D-Link, TP-Link, Netgear, Tenda. Sometimes, however, there are exceptions like Xiaomi routers -, Huawei - or TrendNet - But again, this is the exception, not the rule. In any case, you can always read the router’s IP address, its login and factory password on the sticker that is glued to its case. This is what she looks like:

As a rule, the standard factory default login and password for and is admin/admin. To login Personal Area router, use the address or To do this, enter the device’s IP in the address bar of your web browser (Chrome, Opera, IE, Edge, Yandex.browser) and press the Enter button.

Remember - you don’t need to write “http://” or “www” before the address, or add domain zone ru, su or com after. In most cases, entering the router settings via or looks like this:

I can’t log into and via admin

Before you start changing the device’s operating parameters, first carefully study its instructions and setup articles on the Internet. Some modem models have their own characteristics, which professional installers know about. The login and password for logging into the router’s personal account are written, as I said above, on a sticker glued to the device. There may also be information for connecting to the router via WiFi - Network SSID and its password or WPS PIN code.

But logging into a router’s personal account does not always go “without a hitch.” A fairly common occurrence is when the page or does not open at all, and instead the browser proudly writes the error “Page unavailable” or “Unable to access the site.” What to do?! First of all, don't panic! If the router’s personal account does not open, this does not mean that the device is broken! First we need to figure everything out.

Device indication

The green, blue or red indicator lights on the front panel of the case can tell you a lot about the condition and performance of the router. Take a close look at the Power and LAN indicators first. In most cases they should glow green or blue. If the indicators do not light up at all, or the Power light is red, then the router has not entered operating mode. There may be problems with power supply, or problems with the firmware of the device.

If the indicator of the LAN port through which a computer or laptop is connected to the router does not light up, then the cause may be either network cable, which needs to be changed to another one to check, or the LAN port itself. Try connecting to each of the router's Ethernet ports in turn and watch the reaction of its indicators.

To enter the router settings, you usually need to connect only to the LAN port. Sometimes users try to log in to via the WAN connector - this is incorrect. This port used to connect to the provider and, as a rule, access to the device configuration through it is closed!

By the way, you can also access the router via WiFi, but you need to know its SSID and Wi-Fi password. You won't be able to connect without this! It is for this reason that I recommend using cable connection- it is more reliable.

The network adapter is not configured correctly

I constantly come across the fact that a person is unable to access the Wi-Fi router settings due to the fact that the TCP/IP protocol version 4 is not configured correctly on the computer or laptop. Therefore, I advise you to definitely check this point. This is how it is done in Windows 10. Click the Start button, go to system settings and open the “Network and Internet” section:

Open the section Ethernet and click on the link Configuring adapter settings. A list of network connections will open.

Note: In Windows XP, 7, 8.1, you can simply press the Win and R keys so that the “Run” window appears and enter the command there ncpa.cpl to display a list of network connections.

That is, clients receive IP and DNS from the router in automatic mode. If suddenly this scheme does not work for you, try manually entering the address. For example, if the router's IP address is, then the protocol settings should look something like this:

That is, we prescribe following parameters:

IP address - Mask - Gateway - DNS -

As an alternative DNS server, you can use the following IPs -, or

Error in router configuration

Incorrect settings on the router itself can also cause it to become unavailable. This happens quite often among those who bought it secondhand, for example on Avito. The gadget already has certain settings that prevent you from logging into your personal account using standard addresses. For example, the IP subnet has been changed, ports have been reconfigured, etc. To eliminate this, it is best to first reset the settings using Reset buttons(Reset), which is located at the bottom or rear of the case. After pressing it, it will happen full reset settings to those that were originally, that is, from the factory.

The same method will help you restore the login to if you yourself made some mistake in setting up the device.

Alternative ways to log into the admin panel of the router, login and password

Except regular entrance in the settings of a network device via IP, many modern routers can be accessed via Domain name. That is, in the address bar we enter not or, but a letter address. Example:

ASUS - router.asus.com
Keenetic - my.keenetic.net
Netgear - routerlogin.net
TP-Link - tplinkwifi.com
Xiaomi - mi.wifi.com
Netis - netis.cc

Also, in addition to the standard factory login admin and password admin, other options can be used:

login: admin | password: 1234 (Zyxel)
login: admin | password: empty string (Tenda, D-link)
login: Admin | password: Admin (Acorp)
login: router | password: password
login: administrator | password: administrator

If the device has already been configured before, then most likely the login and password have already been changed, since this is required by the router itself immediately after the first authorization in order to ensure the security of the home network.

This article will useful topics who wants to go into the settings of their router. Since most routers use the address to log into the system, this guide will be universal and probably very popular. Regardless of what router we have and what parameters we want to change, we first need to log into the settings. Access the control panel. And you can do this at the address, or.

On routers from such popular companies as TP-Link, ASUS, ZyXEL, D-Link, Netis, Tenda, Totolink - everything is approximately the same. In any case, you can always find out the factory address. For example, look at it on the device case, or in the connection properties on the computer. We will return to this later.

If you don’t understand what this article is about, what these addresses are for, and what we’ll do in general, then I’ll try to explain. If you are in the know, then you don’t have to read what is written under the spoiler.

Either way, a window just pops up asking for a username and password. It may look a little different. We indicate them correctly and go to the web interface. If not, an error will appear. If you change and forget this password, then reset the router settings to factory settings.

I can’t log into the router, what should I do?

It's not uncommon to have problems. There may be many reasons why you cannot access

I'll tell you about the solution to the most popular ones.

1 Try the method I wrote about above in the article. When we open the router's web page through Windows Explorer. 2 Reboot your router. Try logging in from a different browser. When I can’t open the web interface, I first try to log in from another device. If it exists. 3 Next, you need to make sure that the factory address of your router is exactly The address itself can be found on the router case. (must have a sticker with information). The factory "User Name" and "Password" are also indicated there.

If another address is indicated there, then go to it.

4 Be sure to check if there is a connection to the router. Even if the connection status is “Without Internet access,” the settings page should still open. 5 If you are trying to log in from a computer or laptop, check your IP settings. Must stand automatic receipt addresses. In the properties of a local network connection (Ethernet), or wireless connection. Depending on how you are connected.

If all else fails, reset your router to factory settings. But I can’t guarantee that it will help, you have to try. It happens that the router is simply broken, so the settings do not open.

On every “smart” network device - be it a managed switch or WiFi router - you need to configure access authorization. This is an axiom that cannot be deviated from. But even here there are some peculiarities and nuances. Let's look at this in more detail.

When we try to access the router’s web interface via, we get to this authorization request, i.e. it asks us for a login password:

For 90% of all home network devices, the default login and password are admin / admin. These include Asus, D-Link, TP-Link, Upvel, Sagemcom. But, as I already said, log into the router using the admin login and password admin Not possible on all devices. The exception is routers from Zyxel (password: 1234), Acorp (you need to type Admin with capital letter) and some models of Chinese devices from ZTE (Promsvyaz) and Huawei.

What is the default password?!

If you did not change the password after setting up the device from the default one to your own, then finding out the access details is very easy. We take the router in our hands and turn the bottom side towards us (if the device is made in a case with a vertical arrangement, then look at the back of the case). There should be a sticker like this:

It just shows the device’s IP address, login and password.

What should I do if I forgot my login password or admin/admin is not suitable and the message "GoAhead"?!

There are two options. The first is to remember or, if you didn’t set up your modem yourself, look for someone who did it and find out the password from him. Yes, this is not a joke. Therefore, the second option is to use the "Reset" button to reset the device configuration to factory values.

Press the button for 10-15 seconds until all the indicators blink at once and then go out. The router will reboot and return with a pristinely clean config, the same as you bought it. Now we need to completely reconfigure it.

How to set your admin password?!

To change or set your own password for accessing configuration parameters for each network device, you need to do your own sequence of actions. Now I will give examples for the most common models.


On Asus devices, after logging into the web interface, you need to select the section in the menu on the left Additional settings , and in it - a subsection Administration. We are interested in the tab System. This is what it looks like on older versions of Asus R-G32 and RT-N10 firmware:

Here we find the “Change system password” field and enter your own, instead of the default admin. Click on the “Apply” button.

On new versions Asus firmware Wireless Router on models RT-N10U, RT-N12 D1, which is made in black colors, everything is logically located in the same places:

Don't forget to click the "Apply" button to save the configuration settings.


The situation with devices from this manufacturer is generally interesting. On the same router model - for example, tl-wr740n or tl-wr741nd - depending on the firmware, the IP address can be either or
In order to change the password for admin, you need to go to the section in the device menu System Tools >>> Password:

Enter the username: admin, the old and then the new password. Click the "Save" button.

If your interface is in English, then the corresponding section is System Tools >>> Password:

In the "Old Password" field enter Old Password, and in "New Password" and "Confirm New Password" - new. Save the changes by clicking "Save".


Homemade Zyxel routers the Keenetic and Keenetic II families - Start, 4G, Lite II, Omni, Viva, Giga II, Ultra - are some of the most popular SOHO equipment on the market. On the first version you had to go to the section System >>> Password:

But for the second version of the firmware you must also select the section below System, tab Users and click on the admin user to change the login password to instead of the standard “1234”:

Here, by the way, you can set access rights. Click on Save and close the page.


WITH D-Link routers It's not that simple either. Most of them have the address, and only some versions of the DSL-2640U, DIR-320 and DIR-620 use Although the steps to change the password instead of admin are the same in both cases.
First, let's go to advanced settings:

Then select the section System >>> Administrator password:

Here we enter the new login password twice and click on “Save”. After this, do not forget to select the “Save and Reload” menu item in the upper right corner of the web interface.

Linksys, Cisco and DD-WRT

These SOHO-level devices use an almost identical Interface. Actually DD-WRT firmware originally used on Linksys. And only after that, in a modified version, it became available for many other routers.

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